IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1039: Bao'er is well

Hao Meili has not paid attention to the Maitreya Buddha. 昊美丽没有理会弥勒佛。 Is a lawless lord, because a bald stop can prevent her curiosity? moreover Hao Meili currently also has taking advantage, Zhong Shan and Jie Yin relations are so good, I looked that a main hall isn't good? 原本就是个无法无天的主,因为一个光头的阻拦就能阻止她的好奇吗?况且昊美丽现在也有了依仗,钟山接引关系那么好,我看个大殿还不行吗? Bang!” Hao Meili opens that golden front door. “轰!”昊美丽一把推开那黄金大门。 The golden front door opens, the enormous dazzling golden light illumination, illumination everyone Array Eye is almost blind. 黄金大门一开,大量刺眼的金光照射而出,照射的几乎所有人阵眼盲。 After people adaptation, finally saw clearly the interior, but the interior and people think radically different. Shouldn't inside no one? 待众人适应之后,终于看清了内部,可内部与众人想的根本不同。里面不是应该没人吗? at this moment above a central altar, is sitting cross-legged to sit a young man, male gold/metal clothes, seems like extremely handsome natural, but the frontal bone demonstrated a towering lofty and unyielding character slightly prominently. 此刻在中心一个祭坛之上,正盘膝而坐着一名年轻男子,男子一身金衣,看似极为俊朗潇洒,不过额骨微微突出显示了一副峥嵘傲骨。 Was bad!” Maitreya Buddha astonished say/way. “坏了!”弥勒佛惊愕道。 What the people also seemed guessed correctly, Legendary Giant Bird Garuda that gold/metal clothes man can it be that Maitreya Buddha said a moment ago? Jin Peng? 众人也好似猜到了什么,那金衣男子莫不是弥勒佛刚才所说的大鹏金翅鸟?金鹏? Jin Peng both eyes open, directly shoots of two golden light from both eyes. 金鹏双目一开,两道金光从双目中直射而出。 Ominous severe directly shoots people heart. The terrifying imposing manner, opens eyes merely gives the feeling of palpitation to be the same. 一股凶厉直射众人心底。恐怖的气势,仅仅是一睁眼就给人以心悸的感觉一般。 Who makes you come in? Does not know where this is?” The Jin Peng sinking sound said. “谁让你们进来的?不知道这是什么地方吗?”金鹏沉声说道。 The Jin Peng sound seems mixes with the blade arrow to be the same, punctures in the people heart. The Maitreya Buddha, at this moment is also the complexion slightly one white. 金鹏的声音好似夹杂着刀箭一般,刺于众人心底。就连弥勒佛,此刻也是脸色微微一白。 This Jin Peng was getting more and more fierce! Perhaps Great Thunder Sound Temple except for two Buddha Ancestor, counts him strongly! 这个金鹏越来越厉害了!大雷音寺或许除了两个佛祖,就数他最强! That, these are the Great Thunder Sound Temple honored guests, thinks you not in Great Thunder Sound Temple, ............!” “那个,这几位是大雷音寺贵客,以为您不在大雷音寺的,就............!” I am not, can burst in?” The Jin Peng tone sinks, wipes the ominous severe vision to throw. “我不在,就可以乱闯吗?”金鹏语气一沉,一抹凶厉的目光投去。 The Maitreya Buddha only felt that a whole body icy coldness, the good heavy ominous air/Qi, he possibly does have the air/Qi of such heavy evil spirit? 弥勒佛只感觉全身一阵冰凉,好重的凶气,他怎么可能有这么重的凶煞之气? „Are you Jin Peng?” Hao Meili called out suddenly. “你就是金鹏?”昊美丽忽然叫道。 Hao Meili had not felt, seeming that ominous severe aura is invalid to her. 昊美丽没有感觉,好似那凶厉气息对她无效一般。 But Mr. Shi and the others actually know that at present great strength of Jin Peng, Luo Xingchen is treads one step to arrive at Hao Meili beside. 尸先生等人却知道眼前金鹏的强大,落星尘更是踏出一步走到昊美丽身旁 Jin Peng turns head, swept, when sees little golden dragon of Hao Meili shoulder, the eyelid jumps. 金鹏扭头,一个一个扫了一遍,当看到昊美丽肩头的小金龙时,眼皮一跳。 Source dragon?” In the Jin Peng eye emits bright light. “源龙?”金鹏眼中放出一丝精光 Nearby Maitreya Buddha complexion changes, was bad! 一旁弥勒佛脸色一变,糟了! Dipamkara, blocks Jin Peng, Legendary Giant Bird Garuda, Heaven and Earth variation, does not eat every thing, only eats the dragon, is only the Jin Peng strength is getting stronger and stronger, ordinary dragon already could not satisfy him, he rarely ate the dragon, this little golden dragon obviously was bloodline noble that this must be eaten by Jin Peng, we are unable to confess to Buddha Amitabha. You block Jin Peng, I relate Buddha Amitabha immediately!” The Maitreya Buddha passes message immediately to Dipamkara. 燃灯,挡住金鹏,大鹏金翅鸟,天地异种,不吃凡物,只吃龙,只是金鹏实力越来越强,普通的龙已经满足不了他了,他才很少吃龙,这条小金龙明显是血统高贵的那种,这要被金鹏吃了,我们无法向阿弥陀佛交代。你拦住金鹏,我马上联系阿弥陀佛!”弥勒佛马上传音给燃灯 Dipamkara one hear, is in the heart is startled. 燃灯一听,也是心中一惊。 But opposite Jin Peng does not reason with general, searched a hand palm to grasp toward Little Jin. 而对面的金鹏也根本不讲理一般,探手一掌向着小金抓了。 Bang!” “轰!” Dipamkara with his Magical Treasure, that oil lamp blocks a Jin Peng palm. 燃灯用他的法宝,那盏青灯堪堪将金鹏一掌挡住。 The intense shake, making everyone withdraw loudly. 强烈的震荡,让所有人都轰然退后。 Walks quickly, he must eat the dragon!” Dipamkara called out. “快走,他要吃龙!”燃灯叫道。 Hears the Dipamkara words, Western Poison Sovereign, Mr. Shi and Nangong Sheng is protecting Hao Meili and little golden dragon withdraws fast, but Luo Xingchen actually kept off in front. 听到燃灯的话,西毒皇尸先生南宫胜护着昊美丽小金龙快速退后,而落星尘却是挡在了面前。 Depends on you, wants to block me? Ru Lai arrive in person also almost!” Jin Peng coldly said with a smile. “就凭你们,也想拦我?如来亲至还差不多!”金鹏冷冷一笑道。 The Maitreya Buddha looked for Jie Yin, Dipamkara and Luo Xingchen kept off in front of Jin Peng. 弥勒佛去找接引了,燃灯落星尘挡在金鹏面前。 Jin Peng? These are the Great Thunder Sound Temple honored guests, is the Buddha Amitabha honored guest, do't can be dissolute?” Dipamkara called out immediately. 金鹏?这些都是大雷音寺贵客,是阿弥陀佛的贵客,你不得放肆?”燃灯马上叫道。 But Jin Peng at this moment simply has not listened to the Dipamkara words, because his mind was attracted by this little golden dragon completely, is the source dragon, really the source dragon? So long as ate the source dragon, oneself strength makes a breakthrough surely again. 金鹏此刻根本没有听燃灯的话,因为他的心神完全被这一条小金龙吸引了,源龙,真的是源龙?只要吃了源龙,自己实力必定再做一次突破。 Hahaha, is really travel far and wide looking for something, only to find it easily, so long as ate this source dragon, I did not fear that woman!” Jin Peng exciting say/way. 哈哈哈,真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,只要吃了这条源龙,我就不怕那娘们了!”金鹏兴奋道。 Searches a hand palm to grasp again, can only say that a moment ago is conveniently a palm, these actually used the most strength time , was too quickly quick! The Dipamkara oil lamp flies, simply has not bumped into Jin Peng, Jin Peng already across the oil lamp attack range. 探手一掌再度抓来,刚才只能说是随手一掌,这一次却是使用了大半力量,快,太快了!燃灯的青灯飞去,根本没有碰到金鹏,金鹏已经穿过青灯攻击范围了。 Space and time goes against!” Luo Xingchen yelled. “时空逆!”落星尘一声大叫。 Jin Peng body slightly, but when this, Jin Peng already leaves Hao Meili less than one zhang (3.33 m) distance. 金鹏身形微微一顿,而这一顿之际,金鹏已经昊美丽不到一丈距离。 In Hao Meili heart one startled, one side bringing little golden dragon to fall back on fast. 昊美丽心中一惊,带着小金龙快速退到一边。 Your this......!” Hao Meili just about to curses Jin Peng. “你这个......!”昊美丽刚要诅咒金鹏 Jin Peng body arrived in front of Hao Meili again, moreover compared with a moment ago also near. 金鹏身形再度到了昊美丽面前,而且比刚才还近。 Space and time goes against!” Luo Xingchen strenuous is calling. “时空逆!”落星尘吃力的叫着。 Luo Xingchen also calculated the experience, in Reincarnation Cycle Territory, oneself was the Number One Under the Heaven expert, but discovered to Four Great Division Continent, here person was too terrifying. How to come out casually is such overbearing? 落星尘也算见识了,以前在转轮疆域,自己就是天下第一高手,可是到了四大部洲才发现,这里的人都太恐怖了。怎么随便出来个都是这么霸道的? You?” “你?” Went bad by Luo Xingchen continuously twice meddlesome, Jin Peng also got angry, turns the head to throw a vicious facial expression. 落星尘连续坏了两次好事,金鹏也怒了,转头投来一幕凶狠的神情。 Goes against ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “逆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Where Luo Xingchen dares to neglect, Time Divine Ability washes out again. 落星尘哪敢怠慢,时间神通再度冲刷而出。 But Jin Peng also too aggressive, felt not wonderful, immediately the body gathers Heavenly Dao. 金鹏也太凶悍了,感到一丝不妙,顿时身合天道 Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嗡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Heavenspan penetrating place golden Heavenly Dao in place of suddenly rising to the sky Spirit Mountain. 一条通天彻地的金色天道灵山之处忽然冲天而上 The person of interior, cannot move immediately! aggressive of Jin Peng, make the blood boil. 内部之人,顿时动弹不得!金鹏凶悍,令人发指。 A Dipamkara face panic-stricken looks at Jin Peng, but another side, when does not know, Mr. Shi already kept off in Hao Meili and little golden dragon front. 燃灯一脸惊骇的看着金鹏,而另一边,不知何时,尸先生已经挡在了昊美丽小金龙的面前。 Mr. Shi complexion gloomy and cold, obviously also has what subsequent hand. 尸先生脸色阴冷,显然还有什么后手。 Another side Luo Xingchen due to the Time Divine Ability reason, but can also move slightly. 另一边的落星尘由于时间神通的原因,还能够微微移动。 Today, I must eat it, is Ru Lai arrive in person, cannot block me!” Jin Peng saying ruthlessly. “今天,我要吃了它,就是如来亲至,也挡不住我!”金鹏狠狠的说道。 You dare ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “你敢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Beside golden Heavenly Dao, hears Zhong Shan's one to angrily roar immediately. 金色天道之外,顿时传来钟山的一声怒吼。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, golden Heavenly Dao sways loudly, the people escape from beside golden Heavenly Dao immediately. A Jin Peng palm lays out, pats above another golden palm. 一声巨响,金色天道轰然摇晃,众人顿时逃出金色天道之外。金鹏一掌拍出,拍在另外一个金色手掌之上。 Is the palm of Jie Yin. 接引的手掌。 The Jie Yin palm and Jin Peng palm bump, Jin Peng body backing up hundred zhang (333 m). Subsequently surprised looks at Jie Yin. 接引手掌与金鹏手掌一碰,金鹏身形倒退百丈。继而惊讶的看着接引 This aura? Are you Jie Yin? Hasn't your old fogy, you died?” The Jin Peng eye stares to say. “这个气息?你是接引?你个老家伙,你还没死?”金鹏眼睛一瞪道。 Jie Yin indifferently said: You hope that I do die?” 接引淡淡道:“你就那么希望我死?” Snort, no matter I your dead undying/not dead, I must eat that source dragon, no one can block me!” Jin Peng shouted. “哼,我不管你死不死,我要吃那条源龙,谁也拦不住我!”金鹏喝道。 Spirit Mountain is not the place that you act unruly! Has me, no one can injure them!” Jie Yin also renounces very much said. 灵山也不是你撒野的地方!有我在,谁也不能伤他们!”接引也很决绝道。 But a conflict, causes the attention of four directions enormous Buddha, Bodhisattva and Arhat, after all how many years, Spirit Mountain was too peaceful, who dares to begin in Spirit Mountain? 而刚才的一番冲突,也引起四方大量佛陀、菩萨罗汉的关注,毕竟多少年来,灵山太安静了,谁敢在灵山动手? May see the Jin Peng flash, almost everyone understood, that ominous person came back. Did he come back unexpectedly? But he faces, unexpectedly is Buddha Amitabha? 可看到金鹏的一霎那,几乎所有人都明白了,那个凶人回来了。他居然回来了?而他面对的,居然是阿弥陀佛? „Are you iron core must oppose with me?” Jin Peng coldly said. “你是铁了心要和我作对?”金鹏冷声道 These are my honored guest, you must eat my honored guest, how could did I make you achieve wishes? Walks, Great Thunder Sound Temple does not welcome you now!” Jie Yin said very much directly. “这些都是我的贵客,你要吃了我贵客,我岂能让你如愿?走吧,大雷音寺现在不欢迎你!”接引很直接道。 Is this must expel Jin Peng? An numerous Buddha and Bodhisattva sighed, is Buddha Amitabha is fierce. 这是要驱逐金鹏?一众佛陀、菩萨们纷纷感叹,还是阿弥陀佛厉害。 Roar!” The Jin Peng nose sends out some vicious dull thumping sounds. Obviously in the heart is not willing extremely. “吼!”金鹏鼻子发出一些凶狠的闷响。显然心中极不甘愿。 You know that you possibly are not my opponent, looks in the Ru Lai face, I give you an escape route, now walks!” Jie Yin said solemnly. “你知道的,你不可能是我对手,看在如来面子上,我给你条退路,现在走!”接引沉声道 Jin Peng is unwilling not to hope as before, but also understands fact that Jie Yin said. 金鹏依旧不甘不愿,但也明白接引所说的事实。 , Jin Peng looks ruthlessly again to little golden dragon. In the eye passes one to be unwilling not to hope, but little golden dragon steps on that little girl of shoulder, looks at itself wickedly. Seeming to scold to oneself, but was blocked by nearby man. 狠狠的,金鹏再度看向小金龙。眼中透着一股不甘不愿,而小金龙踩肩膀的那个小女孩,更是恶狠狠的看着自己。好似要对自己开骂,但被一旁的男子拦了下来。 Jin Peng looks to that man, may see that male facial features the flash, the Jin Peng complexion again changes. 金鹏看向那男子,可看到那男子面容的一瞬间,金鹏脸色再度一变。 Is you?” Jin Peng shouted. “是你?”金鹏喝道。 Zhong Shan blocked Hao Meili a moment ago, because Zhong Shan saw at present the Jin Peng source, Legendary Giant Bird Garuda? Moreover in the Great Thunder Sound Temple rank its high, strength strong. Hearsay Great Thunder Sound Temple past only then a Ru Lai person can surrender in him. For does not make Hao Meili tie such big enmity, blocks Hao Meili. 钟山刚才拦住了昊美丽,因为钟山看出了眼前金鹏的出处,大鹏金翅鸟?而且在大雷音寺辈分其高,实力超强。传闻大雷音寺昔日只有如来一人能降服于他。为了不让昊美丽结这么大的仇,才拦住昊美丽的。 Oneself hear in him merely, but his what meaning? Does he know me? 自己仅仅是听说于他,而他什么意思?他认识我? „Do you know me?” Zhong Shan has doubts slightly. “你识得我?”钟山微微疑惑。 Is you, I will not admit mistakes, that portrait is just the same as you, that woman long-awaited sweetheart of? Originally is you! haha, so long as I caught you, what to do looks at that woman?” Jin Peng slightly exciting say/way. “就是你,我是不会认错的,那画像和你一模一样,那个娘们朝思暮想的情人?原来就是你!哈哈,只要我抓了你,看那娘们怎么办?”金鹏略微兴奋道。 Women? Longs for? 娘们?朝思暮想? „Is the woman who you said who?” In Zhong Shan eye a cold say/way. “你说的娘们是谁?”钟山眼中一寒道。 Originally the concubine intends, the court attendant is brutal, it seems like central Cult Master also has the failure time, hahahahaha!” Jin Peng laughs to say. “原来妾有意,郎无情啊,看来中央教主也有失败的时候,哈哈哈哈哈!”金鹏大笑道。 Central Cult Master? 中央教主? Bao'er? Zhong Shan is certain the woman who Jin Peng said who was, certainly was Bao'er exactly the same central Cult Master. 宝儿?钟山可以肯定金鹏所说的娘们是谁了,一定是和宝儿一模一样的中央教主 Originally you are also not her opponent!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “原来你还不是她的对手!”钟山沉声道 In the Zhong Shan heart surprised, that central was Cult Master so simultaneously strong? Jin Peng is Ancestor Immortal, moreover in Ancestor Immortal extremely strong existence, may from his tone, fill to dreading of central Cult Master. 同时钟山心中一阵惊讶,原来那中央教主那么强?金鹏可是实打实的祖仙,而且还是祖仙中极强的存在,可从他的语气之中,充满了对中央教主的忌惮。 Central Cult Master? 中央教主? So long as ate this source dragon, she possibly could not block me, or capture you were also the same!” Jin Peng said solemnly. “只要吃了这条源龙,她就可能拦不下我了,或者抓住你也一样!”金鹏沉声道 Zhong Shan is paying attention to the expression of Jin Peng, the meaning of Jin Peng is, so long as cultivation base goes a step further again, central Cult Master possible unable to block him, was possible, rather than certain. 钟山注意着金鹏的措辞,金鹏的意思是,只要修为再进一步,中央教主就‘可能’拦不下他了,是可能,而不是一定。 It seems like this central Cult Master is really intrepid! 看来这个中央教主真的非常非常强悍! Then, the safety of Zhong Shan to Bao'er also felt relieved! Has such a powerful clone protection, who can injure Bao'er? But at present Jin Peng is the best portrayal. 如此一来,钟山宝儿的安危也放心了很多!有着一个这么强大的自己分身保护,谁能伤害宝儿?而眼前金鹏就是最好的写照。 Pitifully, you will never have this opportunity!” Zhong Shan shakes the head to say. “可惜,你是永远不会有这个机会的!”钟山摇摇头道。 Walks! Wants me to deliver you?” Jie Yin looks at Jin Peng to say. “走吧!要我送你?”接引看着金鹏道。 Jie Yin the immeasurable golden light projects behind, shining piece that entire Spirit Mountain changes, a terrifying oppression compels toward Jin Peng. An numerous Buddha and Bodhisattva had a thought the Buddha sound in abundance, seems is Jie Yin cheers general. 接引身后无量金光射出,整个灵山变的金灿灿一片,一股恐怖的压迫向着金鹏逼去。一众佛陀、菩萨纷纷念起了佛音,好似为接引助威一般。 Jin Peng has a look at Jie Yin, looked at Zhong Shan one line bitterly, leaves behind cold snort/hum, first flings, shoots toward the distant place. The Jin Peng speed is extremely abnormal, the flash could not see the person's shadow merely. 金鹏看看接引,又恨恨的看了眼钟山一行,留下一声冷哼,头一甩,向着远处射去。金鹏的速度是极为变态的,仅仅一瞬间就看不到了人影。 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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