IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1038: Who Divine Sovereign is!

Past did the heaven defying number, hear also has King You of Zhou?” Zhong Shan asked. “昔日逆天数,听闻还有周幽王?”钟山问道。 Good, Great Zhou Heavenly Court, King You of Zhou is a extraordinary character, in the Yin Sector slaughter Saint, enters Yang Sector to set up Heavenly Court, with our heaven defying, all was very together smooth, what a pity, at the last minute, had/left some problems!” Jie Yin shaking the head said after a sigh. “不错,大周天庭,周幽王是一个了不起的人物,在阴间屠圣,入阳间天庭,与我们一同逆天,本来一切都很顺利,可惜,在最后一刻,出了一些问题!”接引摇摇头感叹道。 What issue?” The Zhong Shan doubts said. “什么问题?”钟山疑惑道。 Making concrete me is not clear, was Hong Jun and King You of Zhou had the difference, this was also causes the heaven defying number to fall short the main reason, Hong Jun reconstructed Heavenly Court in this Four Great Division Continent, was assumed personal command by Hao Tian. Before is , when some *** sees!” Jie Yin thinks to say. “具体我也不清楚,是鸿钧周幽王产生了分歧,这也是导致逆天数功亏一篑最主要的原因,鸿钧又在这四大部洲再建了一个天庭,由昊天坐镇。就是前些时***看到的!”接引想了想道。 This Heavenly Court is Hong Jun stays behind, has what profound meaning?” Zhong Shan asked. “这个天庭鸿钧留下的,有何深意?”钟山问道。 „It is not clear, Hong Jun works, always shows no trace, the premeditation is profound, is I and other Saint is not clear, even I suspected, in the past the heaven defying number failure, was Hong Jun intentionally for it!” Jie Yin thinks, reveals a suspicion to say. “不清楚,鸿钧做事,从来不留痕迹,预谋深远,就是我等圣人也不全部清楚,甚至我怀疑,当年逆天数失败,是鸿钧故意为之!”接引想了想,露出一丝怀疑道。 Hong Jun intentionally for it?” The Zhong Shan brow wrinkled. 鸿钧故意为之?”钟山眉头皱了起来。 If were defeated merely also even, but already participated in the heaven defying number, why failed intentionally a saying? What that this Hong Jun actually thinks? 若是仅仅失败也就算了,可已经参与了逆天数,为何还有‘故意失败’一说?这鸿钧到底想的什么? This is only I guessed!” Jie Yin shakes the head, obviously Jie Yin is not clear the most in-depth inside story. “这只是我猜测!”接引摇摇头,显然接引也不清楚最深层的内幕。 Un, no matter what, you also calculate that made an unprecedented pioneering work, counter changes Grand Heaven, did not say, does not have the future, least unprecedented, must remember for under the heavens!” Zhong Shan nods to say. “嗯,不管如何,你们也算做了一个亘古未有的创举,逆改天数,不说后无来者,最少前无古人,必为天下所记住!”钟山点点头道。 No, this you were wrong!” Jie Yin shakes the head to say suddenly. “不,这你就错了!”接引忽然摇摇头道。 „? How to say?” Zhong Shan intent outlet. “哦?怎么说?”钟山意外道。 „The heaven defying number, we are not the first batch!” Jie Yin shakes the head to say with a smile. 逆天数,我们可不是第一批!”接引摇摇头笑道。 „Aren't you first batch? Some could it be that also people?” “你们不是第一批?难道还有人?” Is also some people, I have told you, our seven Saints are Pangu parting the heavens, splitting the earth that Small Thousand Worlds come out, actually, before Pangu parting the heavens, splitting the earth, Great Thousand Worlds existed, already had several batch counter to change Grand Heaven Heavenly Court, but after Pangu parting the heavens, splitting the earth, some people counter changed Grand Heaven, what a pity finally defeated!” Jie Yin said. “是还有人,我跟你说过,我们七圣是盘古开天辟地那个小千世界出来的,其实,盘古开天辟地之前,大千世界就存在了,已经有过几批逆改天数天庭了,而盘古开天辟地之后,也有人逆改天数,可惜最终都败了!”接引说道。 „After Pangu Parting Heavens , some people of heaven defying numbers?” 盘古开天后,也有人逆天数?” Tai Yi and Emperor Jun, can you hear?” Jie Yin solemnly said. 太一帝俊,你可听说过?”接引郑重道 Zhong Shan thinks saying: A short time ago Harmonious Yang Holy Capital, listening to Kong Xuan to mention, he to also the Emperor Jun favor, protect the Emperor Jun descendant, was Shang Dynasty, business King Zhou was Di Xin the Emperor Jun final descendant?” 钟山想了想道:“前不久咸阳圣都,听孔宣提到过,他为了还帝俊人情,护住帝俊后裔,也就是殷商,商纣王帝辛帝俊最后的后裔?” You said right, King Zhou is the Emperor Jun descendant, past the lord of Heavenly Court, that was true Heavenly Court, unlike Hao Tian this basic, a sound command, the under the heavens group monster admired, its domineering, was not only weaker than it King You of Zhou!” Jie Yin recalls. “你说的没错,纣王就是帝俊后裔,昔日天庭之主,那可是真正的天庭,与昊天这个根本不同,一声号令,天下群妖拜服,其强势,比之周幽王只强不弱!”接引回忆道。 „Does under the heavens group monster admire?” 天下群妖拜服?” Un, do you know Absolute Beginning Saint King and Nine-Tailed princess?” Jie Yin said with a smile suddenly. “嗯,你知道太初圣王九尾郡主吧?”接引忽然笑道。 Un!” “嗯!” They are actually one person, the Nine-Tailed princess are the fox bodies, but Absolute Beginning Saint King is actually the person, monster race Paramount Secret Skill, Dividing Spirit Great Technique, branches out the person and fox body, you know that Monster Beast is unable to open Luck Dynasty, is, after Dividing Spirit Great Technique, there is a person to be OK!” Jie Yin solemnly said. “她们其实是一个人,九尾郡主是狐身,而太初圣王却是人身,妖族至高秘技,分神大法,分出人身和狐身,你知道妖兽是无法开辟运朝的,可是,分神大法之后,有了人身就可以了!”接引郑重道 You said, Tai Yi and Emperor Jun are also?” “你是说,太一帝俊也是?” Good, Tai Yi is powerful Three Legged Golden Crow, what a pity he cannot open Luck Dynasty, but he can Dividing Spirit Great Technique, branch out Emperor Jun, although two people of characters some different, but eventually is with one person, by the extremely domineering wrist/skill, opened vast Heavenly Court. Emperor Jun is Heavenly Emperor, but Tai Yi is the eastern sovereign!” Jie Yin said. “不错,太一是一个强大的三足金乌,可惜他不能开辟运朝,但他会分神大法,分出了帝俊,二人性格虽然有些许不同,但终究是同一个人,以极为强势的手腕,开辟了一个浩大天庭帝俊天帝,而太一为东皇!”接引说道。 Eastern Sovereign Tai Yi?” Zhong Shan knits the brows to say. 东皇太一?”钟山皱眉道。 Naturally, does not have west anything the sovereign, the southern sovereign and northern sovereign. The eastern sovereign only has one, is the Supreme sovereign. In the Feng Shui study, East also called marvelous method. The eastern sovereign there is still one name is calling Divine Sovereign!” Jie Yin thinks that Zhong Shan does not understand answers intentionally. “当然,不存在什么西皇、南皇、北皇。东皇只有一个,也是至尊皇。在风水学中,‘东方’又叫‘神方’。东皇还有一个称呼叫着神皇!”接引以为钟山不懂故意解释道。 How can Zhong Shan? Has Clay Bodhisattva this naval forces, even oneself are not deep to the Feng Shui study contact, but these simple truth understand. 钟山岂会不懂?有泥菩萨这个分水师,就算自己对风水学接触不深,但这些浅显的道理还是懂的。 ( Explained slightly, in the Feng Shui study, did not refer in particular to the position the words, marvelous method was East, before this was chessed writing a book, goes through the Feng Shui study material to look, was not the fabrication! But the eastern sovereign as the name suggests is Divine Sovereign!) (稍微解释一下,在风水学中,不是特指方位的话,‘神方’就是‘东方’,这是观棋写书前查阅风水学资料找出来的,绝非杜撰!而东皇顾名思义就是神皇!) Divine Sovereign?” Zhong Shan heart during battle round of dignity. 神皇?”钟山中越发凝重。 „After past Tai Yi and Emperor Jun heaven defying number, all fell from the sky?” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “昔日的太一帝俊逆天数后,全部殒落了?”钟山郑重道 Should fall from the sky, moreover Emperor Jun affirms destroy both body and soul!” Jie Yin thinks to say. “应该殒落了,而且其中帝俊肯定形神俱灭!”接引想了想道。 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. Has not continued to ask. “嗯!”钟山点点头。没有继续问下去。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Thunder Sound Temple. 大雷音寺 Zhong Shan and Jie Yin discussed that the potential of under the heavens, but Hao Meili and the others actually visit various Great Thunder Sound Temple places to construct with Hong Xiao, Dipamkara and Maitreya. 钟山接引相谈天下之势,而昊美丽等人却是随着弘逍燃灯弥勒参观着大雷音寺各处建造。 Dipamkara and Maitreya have not retreated, but is want to understands from these people about the Zhong Shan's secret, after all Zhong Shan takes to the feeling of people is not real. How to arrive at where is an honored guest? 燃灯弥勒没有退走,而是想要从这些人中了解一下关于钟山的隐秘,毕竟钟山带给众人的感觉太不真实了。怎么到哪里都是贵客? This is eight Heavenly Dragon palaces! What a pity at this moment eight Heavenly Dragon not in Spirit Mountain.” Hong Xiao answered. “这是八部天龙殿!可惜此刻八部天龙都不在灵山。”弘逍解释道。 The people nod looks. 众人点点头的看着。 That side, what palace that is? You did not say on that mountain except for Buddha Ancestor, can't anybody construct the palace there?” Hao Meili is pointing on Spirit Mountain remote palace curiously said. “那边,那个是什么殿?你不是说那山上除了佛祖,任何人不可在那里建殿吗?”昊美丽指着灵山上一个偏僻的宫殿好奇道 Was saying Hao Meili on flying, the people follow, Maitreya want to stopped by calling out, what a pity already was late. Finally can only a forced smile. 说着昊美丽飞天而起,众人紧随其后,弥勒想要叫住,可惜已经迟了。最后只能一阵苦笑。 This palace, you cannot go in!” Maitreya said. “这个殿,你们不能进去!”弥勒佛说道。 Why?” “为什么?” This is the Legendary Giant Bird Garuda dwelling, its already for a long time did not have much!” Maitreya shakes the head to say. “这是大鹏金翅鸟的住处,它已经很久没回来了!”弥勒摇摇头道。 Legendary Giant Bird Garuda? Isn't he Buddha?” Hao Meili curiously said. 大鹏金翅鸟?他不是佛吗?”昊美丽好奇道 Buddha Ancestor once sealed it as ‚the First Grade Buddha, what a pity he himself changes not to want. It is not Buddha, but position and Buddha not different, here is only his temporary residence, is I have also only seen one side him, is Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering side!” The Maitreya Buddha shakes the head to say. 佛祖曾封它为‘一品佛’,可惜他自己革去不要了。它不是佛,可地位与佛无异,这里只是他的临时居所,就是我也仅见过他一面,还是惊天动地的一面!”弥勒佛摇摇头道。 „?” The people look to the Maitreya Buddha. “哦?”众人看向弥勒佛。 Dipamkara and Hong Xiao also look to the Maitreya Buddha, obviously the people have not seen Legendary Giant Bird Garuda. 就连燃灯弘逍也看向弥勒佛,显然众人都没有见过大鹏金翅鸟 Legendary Giant Bird Garuda, name Jin Peng. The weapon is Righteous Heavenly Halberd, that time, does not know why Jin Peng makes a big row Spirit Mountain, merely one round, broke five hundred Arhat Great Array, numerous Bodhisattva and Buddha no one can block his footsteps, has killed Main Hall, if not for Buddha Ru Lai acts, Great Thunder Sound Temple threw off by him thoroughly!” Maitreya said after a sigh. 大鹏金翅鸟,名‘金鹏’。武器为方天画戟,那一次,不知为何金鹏大闹灵山,仅仅一个回合,就破了五百罗汉大阵,一众菩萨、佛陀谁也挡不住他的脚步,一直杀上大雄宝殿,若不是如来佛祖出手,大雷音寺就彻底被他掀翻了!”弥勒佛感叹道。 Dipamkara with Hong Xiao dignified, but Hao Meili and the others are not serious to be the same. After all a short time ago the fight of Saint had even looked, who also cares about this what broken bird? 燃灯弘逍神情凝重了起来,而昊美丽等人并不当回事一样。毕竟前不久连圣人的战斗都看过了,谁还在乎这什么破鸟? Why doesn't he come back?” Hao Meili curiously said. “他为什么不回来?”昊美丽好奇道 „It is not clear, hears has a relativeness with Buddha Ru Lai, but is not willing to receive presenting of Great Thunder Sound Temple, is willing to ramble Heaven and Earth, travels around under the heavens, already was very long for a long time not to have much!” The Maitreya Buddha shakes the head to say. “不清楚,听闻和如来佛祖有着一丝亲戚关系,但不愿受大雷音寺的馈赠,愿逍遥天地,周游天下,已经很久很久没回来了!”弥勒佛摇摇头道。 That not on line? We only look at one!” Hao Meili urged. “那不就行了?我们只看一眼!”昊美丽催促道。 But!” The Maitreya Buddha somewhat is still awkward. “可是!”弥勒佛依旧有些为难。 ***: Chessed for serveral days the cold, now was better, but condition or is not good. This chapter of 2000 characters, sorry! In the evening also has one! ***:观棋这些天感冒了,现在好了一些,但状态还是不佳。这章只有两千字,抱歉!晚上还有一更!
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