IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1041: Ying's changes the body

North Four Great Division Continent, in Li Border. 四大部洲以北,鲁疆之内。 Li Border is the place that Saint Hong Ru to become famous, here is the under the heavens Scholar Dao most prosperous place. 鲁疆鸿儒圣人扬名的地方,这里更是天下儒道最昌盛之地。 These days, Li Border all great Confucian scholar academies have been ordered, the disciple read «Analects» in the academy industriously, can not idle. Three days ago, Li Border resounds through the sound of inexhaustible studying. Has not stopped. 这些日子,鲁疆的所有鸿儒书院都得到命令,弟子在书院勤读《论语》,不得懈怠。以至于从三天前起,鲁疆就响彻无穷无尽的读书之声。一刻也没停过。 It seems each reading out, will have one wisp to screen out general to the belief of Kongzi. 好似每一声的读出,都会有着一缕对孔子的信仰被抽走一般。 An entire Li Border region sky white piece, but in the Li Border center. A ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Kongzi statue place, was covered by the endless white light. Even if to the night is also so. 整个鲁疆地域天空都白茫茫的一片,而在鲁疆中心。一处万丈孔子雕像处,更是被无尽白光笼罩。哪怕到了夜晚也是如此。 The Kongzi statue seems can absorb the white ray to be common, extracts the Li Border immeasurable belief unceasingly. 孔子雕像好似能够吸收白色光芒一般,不断抽取鲁疆无量信仰。 Under the statue, is a palace group of great-circle, here is Scholar Dao Holy Land, Kongzi Buddhist Temple. Great Confucian scholar Saint palace. 雕像下方,是一大圈的宫殿群,这里就是儒道圣地,孔子道场。鸿儒圣宫。 Around the great Confucian scholar Saint palace, sits enormous Scholar Dao worthy, reader «Analects» gathers in the endless Scholar Dao belief the Kongzi statue, to locates the place of Kongzi through the statue biography again remotely. 鸿儒圣宫四周,坐着大量儒道大贤,不停的读者《论语》将无尽儒道信仰汇聚到孔子雕像中,再通过雕像传向遥远处孔子之地。 The great Confucian scholar Saint palace is a huge palace group, naturally , the main shrine, main shrine was called the great Confucian scholar the Saint palace. 鸿儒圣宫是一个庞大的宫殿群,当然,也有一个主殿,主殿名就叫鸿儒圣宫。 enormous Scholar Dao worthy is reading «Analects», but the interior is actually extremely quiet one piece. 外界大量儒道大贤读着《论语》,而内部却是静悄悄的一片。 At this time, suddenly some people opened the front door. Is Kongzi great-grandson, Kong Sekong. 这时,忽然有人推开大门。是孔子的‘曾孙’,孔色空 Who?” In the main hall hears one to angrily rebuke suddenly. “谁?”大殿中忽然传来一声怒斥。 „The Uncle-Master ancestor, is I, Se Kong!” Se Kong called out immediately. 师叔祖,是我,色空!”色空马上叫道。 Enters the main hall, immediately closes the big palace gate. 进入大殿,马上关上大殿门。 In the main hall, sits cross-legged to sit a man, white scholar gown, has the dust extremely. If Zhong Shan will certainly recognize in this, this is Confucianism Sect last Ancestor Immortal. 大殿之中,盘膝坐着一名男子,一身白色儒袍,极为出尘。若钟山在此一定会认出,这就是儒门最后一名祖仙 Se Kong? Do you do?” The scholar gown man has doubts to say. 色空?你来干什么?”儒袍男子疑惑道。 Paternal great-grandfather welcoming is difficult, wants to work for the paternal great-grandfather as the great-grandson!” Se Kong said with a sigh. “曾祖迎难,作为曾孙也想为曾祖做点事!”色空叹息道。 „Did you know?” The scholar gown man knits the brows to say. “你知道了?”儒袍男子皱眉道。 Yes, this is not secret, Li Border is critical situation! Who doesn't know? Because the Se Kong strength is mean, wishes one could to help the paternal great-grandfather.” A Se Kong face resents to say. “是啊,这并不是什么秘密,鲁疆如临大敌!谁不知道?只是因为色空实力低微,恨不能帮到曾祖。”色空一脸愤恨道。 You had this filial piety to be good! The teachers meet head-on numerous Ancestor Immortal in Four Great Division Continent, how long should unable to want!” The scholar gown man said. “你有这份孝心就不错了!师尊在四大部洲迎战一众祖仙,应该要不了多久!”儒袍男子说道。 „The Uncle-Master ancestor, the disciple is because helpless, cannot help the paternal great-grandfather, you are Ancestor Immortal, you can help the paternal great-grandfather, are many your, paternal great-grandfather many boost.” Se Kong anxious say/way. 师叔祖,弟子是因为无能为力,才不能帮曾祖,您是祖仙啊,你可以帮助曾祖啊,多你一个,曾祖多一份助力。”色空焦急道。 Teacher makes me assume here!” The scholar gown man is a face is also awkward. “师尊让我坐镇这里!”儒袍男子也是一脸为难。 Assuming personal command, what does here have to be good to assume personal command? Do the everyone Uncle-Master ancestors outside, who dare to come hurriedly? The numerous Uncle-Master ancestor studies to do one's best completely, but you, actually sit here, this ............!” Se Kong anxious say/way. “坐镇,这里有什么好坐镇的?诸位师叔祖都在外面,谁敢来造次?众师叔祖全部念书尽心尽力,而您,却坐在这里,这............!”色空焦急道。 Obviously complained he does not help Kongzi, after all everyone is studying the accumulation belief to supply Kongzi, but Ancestor Immortal, a big expert actually sits at present spatially here. 明显埋怨他不帮孔子,毕竟所有人都在念书积累信仰供给孔子,可眼前一个祖仙,一个大高手却空坐在这里。 Incorrect, my duty is to protect the belief Saint of teacher, only then protects to believe the sacred image, the teacher has the strength of continuous belief!” The scholar gown man shakes the head to say. “不行的,我的任务就是守护师尊的信仰圣相,只有守护好信仰圣像,师尊才有源源不断的信仰之力!”儒袍男子摇摇头道。 Belief sacred image absolutely does not have the issue, no one can destroy!” Se Kong affirmative saying. “信仰圣像绝对没问题的,谁也破坏不了!”色空肯定的说道。 „?” The scholar gown man seemed listens to the flavor. “哦?”儒袍男子好似听出了味道。 My already goes to Kong Family, asking the Kong Family person to help!” “我已经前往孔家,请孔家人帮忙了!” But Kong Family is not no matter teacher?” “可孔家不是不管师尊的吗?” Paternal great-grandfather after all is Kong Family Patriarch, Kong Xuan is anything, my already invited two Kong Family Ancestor Immortal, temporarily hides in the hidden place protection belief Saint, but to hide the truth from the Kong Family four old men, therefore is unsuitable to come!” Se Kong said immediately. “曾祖毕竟是孔家家主啊,孔宣算什么,我已经请了两个孔家祖仙,暂时躲在暗处保护信仰圣相,只是为了瞒住孔家四老叟,所以不便现身而已!”色空马上说道。 Good, good that Se Kong you make, the this time teacher comes back, my certain report teacher, calculates your first in merit!” scholar gown men's exciting say/way. “好,色空你做的好,此次师尊回来,我一定禀报师尊,算你首功!”儒袍男子兴奋道。 Un, that also asked the Uncle-Master ancestor to help the paternal great-grandfather, no matter what, even if helped the paternal great-grandfather divert Ancestor Immortal, to paternal great-grandfather greatest help!” Se Kong continues to say. “嗯,那还请师叔祖去帮助曾祖啊,不管如何,哪怕帮曾祖牵制住一个祖仙,也是对曾祖莫大的帮助!”色空继续说道。 Good, right that you said that I go immediately, here gave you!” scholar gown men's exciting say/way. “好,你说的对,我马上去,这里就交给你了!”儒袍男子兴奋道。 Relax!” Se Kong nods. “放心!”色空点点头。 scholar gown man body in a flash, vanished in the main hall. 儒袍男子身形一晃,消失在了大殿之中。 Se Kong waited for a meeting, determined after the scholar gown man really walked, complexion one austere, in the eye flashes through gloomy and cold! Subsequently reveals one to smile evilly. 色空又等了一会,确定儒袍男子真走了以后,才脸色一肃,眼中闪过一股阴冷!继而露出一丝邪笑。 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Northern Ju Lu Continent, Saint corpse mountain. 北俱芦洲,圣尸山。 Thirty hold Azure Duckweed Sword, before arriving at Biyou Palace, one person static looks at the Heavenly Court direction. 卅手执青萍剑,走到了碧游宫前,一个人静静的看着天庭方向。 Heavenly Dao Great Array that Hong Jun leaves behind, stirred entire Four Great Division Continent cannot withstand turbulently, but, nearby the Saint corpse mountain is actually static has not rocked. 鸿钧留下的天道大阵,搅的整个四大部洲都是动荡不堪,但,圣尸山附近却是静静的没有丝毫晃动。 30 th, already was affirmed by Saint of numerous rebirth, this is a Heavenspan corpse. What is strange is unable to see the facial features. 卅,已经被一众重生的圣人肯定,这是一具通天的尸体。只是奇怪的是无法看到面容。 Now this aspect, Zhun Ti, Tai Shang and Jie Yin have to join a gambling game, properly speaking, so long as rebirth former generation Saint, will go to collapse surely. 现在这个局面,准提太上接引都不得不入局,按理说,只要重生的上代圣人,必定会前去破局。 But thirty do not have, thirty as before light looks, cannot see clearly the facial features, but looks like from its calm attitude, he seems is planning anything. 可卅没有,卅依旧淡淡的看着,看不清面容,但从其镇定的态度看来,他好似在谋算着什么。 Looked for three days and three nights before Biyou Palace, thirty turn the head, turned back Biyou Palace slowly. 碧游宫前看了三天三夜,卅转头,缓缓走回了碧游宫 The Biyou Palace front door is closed loudly, but thirty seem no longer pays attention to the dispute of Heavenly Court place to be the same. 碧游宫大门轰然关闭,而卅好似不再理会天庭处的纷争一般。 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Heavenly Court in all around. 天庭所在四周。 Encircled more and more Expert, gradually, people also knew the present situation. 围了越来越多的强者,渐渐的,人们也知道了眼前的局势。 With the Saint fight? 圣人斗? Saint keeps aloof, by the under the heavens Human Venerable respect, but the semblance respect is an aspect, deep in one's heart, many people are selfish. Why can he make Saint? But am I only waiting for death small cultivator? Therefore, regarding this war, in people heart wants to have a look at Saint to be toppled is what appearance. 圣人高高在上,受天下人尊敬,可是外表尊敬是一方面,内心深处,很多人还是自私的。凭什么他能做圣人?而我只是等死的小修者?因此,对于此战,人们心中更想看看圣人被拉下马是什么样子。 Jie Yin flushed. The black holes outside 40 nine Heavenly Dao were bigger. 接引冲进去了。四十天道外的黑洞更大了。 four directions Expert even more is also careful. 四方强者也越发小心。 Kong Xuan looks at the battlefield, Zhong Shan looks at the battlefield. A distant place corner, Sun Shen also pinches the fist to look at the battlefield. 孔宣看着战场,钟山看着战场。远处一个角落,孙申也捏着拳头看着战场。 The Zhong Shan arrival, Sun Shen also discovered, is only at this moment, what Sun Shen is worried is Zhun Ti. 钟山刚才的到来,孙申也发现了,只是此刻,孙申更担心的是准提 But another, in mountain valley, both hands make ten Ru Lai, does not know when also arrived at the surrounding, stands restrains the aura to look at the distant place battlefield in the surrounding. 而另一处,一个山谷之中,双手做十的如来,不知何时也到了外围,站在外围收敛气息看着远处战场。 Zhong Shan looks at present the battlefield, may really unable to understand, after all black hole inside thing, is not the line of sight can hope to attain. 钟山看着眼前战场,可实在看不懂,毕竟黑洞里面的东西,不是视线所能企及的。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Under a loud sound, from the battlefield center, projects together the form suddenly. 一声巨响之下,从战场中心,忽然射出一道身影。 Is to win! 是嬴! Sees the Ying's flash, a Zhong Shan brow wrinkle, to win what is this? 看到嬴的一瞬间,钟山眉头一皱,嬴这是什么意思? to win has not left, but stands in the surrounding in the air, is staring at present the giant black hole. 嬴并没有离开,而是站在外围空中,盯着眼前巨大黑洞。 Suddenly, to win face upwards head length roared! 忽然,嬴仰头长吼了起来! Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Big of sound, seeming to cover Heaven and Earth all sounds to be the same, almost in the everyone ear, heart resounded through this great roar. Roaring, hot tempered and powerful! This is the information that in this sound gives. 声音之大,好似盖过了天地一切声音一般,几乎所有人耳中、心中都响彻这一声巨吼。咆哮、暴躁、强大!这是这声音中传递的信息。 Moreover the great roar sound surpasses is long, in this moment, the Ying's body also had the huge change. 而且巨吼声音超长,在这一刻,嬴的身躯也发生了巨大的变化。 Behind Ying's, emits some bones slowly! No, is a wing. The huge wing extends from the back. 嬴的背后,缓缓冒出一些骨头!不,是一对翅膀。庞大的翅膀从后背延伸而出。 More and more greatly, achieves Ying's more than ten times to be long in an instant. 越来越大,转眼间达到嬴的十几倍长。 The wing does not have the feather, seeming innumerable dragon Lintie the wing is common, the dark wing, seemingly was full of a towering potential. The bone was such as the dragon bone|keel generally is more giant, was full of an aesthetic sense of strength. 翅膀没有羽毛,好似无数龙鳞贴着翅膀一般,黝黑的翅膀,看上去充满了一股峥嵘之势。骨头更是如龙骨一般巨大,充满了一股力量的美感。 to win open mouth to day. 张口对天。 Although is away from very far distance, clarity that but everyone looks, in the Ying's mouth suddenly are many two giant blood-color fangs. But Ying's eyes, is red one piece, seeming not to have the eyeball to be the same. 虽然隔着很远的距离,但所有人都看的清楚,嬴的口中忽然多出两根巨大的血色獠牙。而嬴的双眼,更是通红一片,好似没有了眼珠子一般。 A domineering overbearing zombie shape shows before everyone. 一个强势霸道的僵尸形态展现在所有人前。 When open mouth to day roar, the sky is presents blood-color clouds, blood clouds revolves unceasingly, revolves around the center, seems like extremely depressed. Subsequently unexpectedly by to win induction port. 张口对天吼之际,天空更是出现一片血色云彩,血云不断旋转,绕着中心旋转,看上去极为的沉闷。继而居然被嬴吸入口中。 The Ying's skin grow darks slightly, but the both arms were also sturdier, the slightly black fist grasps, the palm place presents a faint trace the space crack, seemed the space by to win Wosui generally. 嬴的皮肤微微变黑,而双臂也粗壮了很多,微黑的拳头握起,手掌处出现一丝丝的空间裂纹,好似空间都被嬴握碎了一般。 The great roar stops, to win looks again to the black hole battlefield, a pair of huge dragon bone|keel wing leaf, body injects the battlefield center again. 巨吼一停,嬴再度看向黑洞战场,一对庞大的龙骨翅一扇,身形再度射入战场中心。 But since to win to appear that moment, four directions has not talked again, because during that short one roars, was too a moment ago huge to the oppression of everyone. People who talked by being quiet of this imposing manner pressed. 而嬴出现的那一刻起,四方就再也没有交谈,因为刚才那短短一吼之间,给所有人的压迫太巨大了。以至于很多交谈的人们都被这股气势压的生生的住了嘴。 In the Thousand Demon King eye of Zhong Shan beside flashes through deep shock. 钟山身旁牛魔王眼中闪过一股深深的震撼。 But Zhong Shan actually does not think different, because this Zhong Shan before is very long has heard, Small Thousand Worlds, to win wakes up from the deep sleep is also this shape. 钟山却不以为异,因为这一幕钟山在很久前就听说过,小千世界,嬴从沉睡中醒来也是这个形态。 In Zhong Shan looks at the distant place battlefield, the Zhong Shan pupil suddenly shrinks. 正在钟山看着远处战场之际,钟山瞳孔忽然一缩。 forehead Red Luan does Pink Lotus become the blue color again, Omen of Great Misfortune? 眉心红鸾粉莲再度变为蓝色,大凶之兆? Without hesitation, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail keeps off before the people loudly. 毫不犹豫,八极天尾轰然挡在众人面前。 Sees only the flowing light from be willing to shoot together. Just with a Immortal-Executing Sword tail domineering collision. 只见一道流光从愿射来。刚好与诛仙剑尾巴一次强势碰撞。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The construction scrap of Zhong Shan under foot opens loudly, but Thousand Demon King was driven back to open under this terrifying imposing manner, escaping that also responded rapidly left to go. 钟山脚下的建筑轰然炸碎而开,而牛魔王更是在这股恐怖的气势下被逼退而开,同时也迅速反应的遁离而去。 Bumps into with Immortal-Executing Sword, unexpectedly is a golden palm. 诛仙剑相撞的,居然是一个金色手掌。 Immortal-Executing Sword flies back without any results, but the opposite party was also hit to draw back to open. 诛仙剑无功而返,而对方也被撞退而开。 Is Jin Peng! Jin Peng unexpectedly unwilling to give up followed here. 金鹏!金鹏居然不死心的跟到了这里来。 When Jin Peng catches up, discovered Zhong Shan one line, that source dragon, discovered that Jie Yin is not at side Zhong Shan unexpectedly, Jin Peng immediately great happiness. 金鹏赶来之时,就发现了钟山一行,还有那条源龙,又发现接引居然不在钟山身边,金鹏顿时大喜。 A palm grasps, was short of Jie Yin, Jin Peng confessed that no one could block itself. 一掌抓来,少了接引,金鹏自认谁也拦不住自己。 Even if extended a sword shaped tail a moment ago, Jin Peng does not care, sword how? So long as is not Ancestor Immortal Equipment, the strong sword must be scratched and torn by oneself. 哪怕刚才伸出来一只剑形尾巴,金鹏也不甚在意,剑又如何?只要不是祖仙器,再强的剑也要被自己抓破。 But after a moment ago a collision, Jin Peng discovered is not wonderful. 可刚才一次碰撞后,金鹏发现了不妙。 Immortal-Executing Sword! In Jin Peng heart rave! Bumps into one time, no one has asked for the advantage. 诛仙剑!金鹏心中狂吼!一次相撞,谁也没讨到好处。 Jin Peng has a look at that huge Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, has a look at its purple tail again, an astonishment of face. Immortal-Executing Sword? Is this Immortal-Executing Sword? How to turn into the tail? 金鹏看看那庞大的八极天尾,再看看它那紫色尾巴,一脸的惊异。诛仙剑?这是诛仙剑?怎么变成尾巴了? ***: At the end of the month, asked ***! ***:月底了,求***!
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