IE :: Volume #18

#885 Part 2: Chapter 885 once again gift on first meeting ( Part 3 )

How five big Sect launch to retaliate Yang Chen unclear, at this time first placed Pure Yang Palace well to say again. The big entrance has become the ruins, the disciples do not know how changes to arrange, no need to said that is guest who visits to seek the cooperation. 五大宗门如何展开报复杨晨不清楚,这个时候还是先把纯阳宫安置好再说。.偌大的山门成了废墟,连弟子们都不知道改如何安排,更不用说是上门来寻求合作的客人了。 Fortunately, just obtained space Magic Weapon from Zhao Family Heaven Immortal Expert(s), after is Headmaster Palace Master their stupor, imprisoned that Yang Chen handed over has given Headmaster Palace Master, temporarily first placed the Pure Yang Palace disciple. As for Madam Fanghua that coming to cooperate, gives Yang Chen to receive personally. 还好,刚刚从赵家天仙高手身上得到了一件空间法宝,就是掌教宫主他们昏迷之后被囚禁的那个,杨晨转手就给了掌教宫主,暂时先安置纯阳宫弟子。至于前来合作的芳华夫人,就交给杨晨来亲自接待。 Does not leave Yang Chen expects, representative that Yin-Yang Demon Sect sends, besides Madam Fanghua, is Madam Fanghua those female disciple, the Yang Chen maidservants, in addition must add on Old Hai. 丝毫不出杨晨的所料,阴阳魔宗派来的代表,除了芳华夫人之外,就是芳华夫人那些女弟子,杨晨的侍女们,另外还要加上一个海老 Madam Fanghua now is in itself the Yin-Yang Demon Sect big elder, has qualifications representative Yin-Yang Demon Sect to make some decisions of cooperation. Especially Madam Fanghua or mortal world and Pure Yang Palace have cooperated old person, sending her to come and Pure Yang Palace as well as the Yang Chen discussion cooperation, is appropriate. 芳华夫人现在本身就是阴阳魔宗的大长老,有资格代表阴阳魔宗做出一些合作的决定。尤其芳华夫人还是凡间纯阳宫合作过的“老人”,派她来和纯阳宫以及杨晨商谈合作,再合适不过。 Old Hai definitely keeps close with Madam Fanghua, in this point Yin-Yang Demon Sect does not know that has many people to envy to be mouth-watering. Such remote antiquity Expert(s) on such being obedient, Madam Fanghua does not know that what bullshit luck walked. 海老肯定是跟着芳华夫人寸步不离的,这一点阴阳魔宗内不知道有多少人羡慕到要流口水。这么一个太上高手就如此的听话,芳华夫人也不知道是走了什么样的狗屎运 Regarding the Yang Chen those maidservants, in the surface they are the Madam Fanghua disciple, the master lead the disciple to come out to gain experience one to increase an experience, does this also need the reason? 至于说杨晨那些侍女们,表面上她们是芳华夫人的弟子,师父带弟子出来历练一番增加一点见识,这还需要理由吗? Headmaster Palace Master already and Madam Fanghua discussed appropriately, this cooperation had in mortal world several times, in addition the pricetag basically and five big Sect bargained back and forth already had a main key, suitable knowing extremely well. 掌教宫主已经芳华夫人商谈妥当,这种合作在凡间就有过好几次,加上价码基本上和五大宗门讨价还价的时候已经有了一个基调,相当的熟稔。 The following matter, was Madam Fanghua and Yang Chen alone discusses. This matter should avoids big brother Li Cheng, what makes Li Cheng accidental is, Yang Chen have not avoids his meaning unexpectedly slightly, what is odder, Yang Chen led in him and Madam Fanghua as well as Madam Fanghua those female disciple as well as remote antiquity Expert(s) Old Hai Dragon Palace. 接下来的事情,就是芳华夫人杨晨单独商谈了。本来这种事情应该是避开李承大哥的,但让李承意外的是,杨晨竟然丝毫没有回避他的意思,更为离谱的是,杨晨将他和芳华夫人以及芳华夫人那些女弟子以及太上高手海老都带到了龙宫之中。 In a flash, Li Cheng understood many matters, unable to bear paid attention to several Old Hai, quickly, he from the body of Old Hai, indistinct feeling a familiar aura. That is in the middle of Old Hai Spiritual Awareness is having the Yang Chen Spiritual Awareness flavor, thinks when Yang Chen and Zhao Family that two remote antiquity Profound Immortal exchange secrets the words that spoke, basically also understood the Old Hai origin on immediately. 一瞬间,李承就明白了许多的事情,忍不住多注意了几下海老,很快,他就从海老的身上,隐约的感受到一种熟悉的气息。那是海老神识当中带着的杨晨神识的味道,想到杨晨赵家那两个太上玄仙交换秘密时所说的话,基本上也就马上明白了海老的来历。 30 maidservants enter Dragon Palace are similar to went home simply general, start respective dispersing of immediately familiar house. In the vision of Li Cheng surprise, before long, the one set of fine snack has displayed the tabletop. Then, the audiences lie in wait from all sides fragrant, Yang Chen, Li Cheng also had Madam Fanghua to start the commodity name, as for Yin-Yang Demon Sect must with the cooperation of Yang Chen discussion, Madam Fanghua raise have not to propose one continually. 30个侍女进入龙宫简直是如同回到了家一般,马上熟门熟路的开始各自散开。在李承诧异的目光中,不一会,一整套精美的茶点就摆上了桌面。然后,众香环伺中,杨晨,李承还有芳华夫人就开始了品名,至于阴阳魔宗要和杨晨商谈的合作,芳华夫人连提都没有提一句。 Fanghua, this is big brother Li, my swearing brotherhood big brother, has seen in a big hurry!” Madam Fanghua is similar to young wife general serving of side Yang Chen, Yang Chen does not look on as an outsider, presents Li Cheng to her directly. Meanwhile, does not forget the those beautiful maidservants: You have also seen big brother Li!” 芳华,这是李大哥,我的结拜大哥,快快见过!”芳华夫人如同一个小媳妇一般的伺候在杨晨身边,杨晨也不见外,直接向她引见李承。同时,也不忘记那些美丽的侍女们:“你们也见过李大哥!” Fanghua has seen big brother Li!” Madam Fanghua setting out big ritual has seen Li Cheng, this is Yang Chen only one to the person who she reported besides Yang Chen wife and concubines . Moreover the status or the Yang Chen Bai brother, Madam Fanghua does not dare to have slight neglecting. 芳华见过李大哥!”芳华夫人起身大礼见过李承,这是杨晨唯一一个向她介绍的除了杨晨妻妾之外的人,而且身份还是杨晨的拜兄,芳华夫人不敢有丝毫的怠慢。 Servant girl has seen Sir!” Madam Fanghua so grand, the those maidservants do not dare to have slight cold, all comes to pay respect. “婢子见过大爷!”芳华夫人如此的隆重,那些侍女们更是不敢有丝毫的慢待,全部现身参拜。 Big brother, this is my steward and maidservant, do you look what kind of?” Yang Chen has turned around, introduced Madam Fanghua and a maidservant to Li Cheng. “大哥,这是我的管家和侍女,你看怎么样?”杨晨转过身来,把芳华夫人和一众侍女也介绍给了李承 Numerous such as colored beautiful Family neat is similar to serves ruler general saluting upon meeting, even if by the Li Cheng experience, rather stunned, immediately immediately adapts. But quickly, he understood the meaning of Yang Chen, unable to bear shook the head to Yang Chen, sigh. 众多如花的美眷齐刷刷的如同侍奉帝皇一般的见礼,即便是以李承的见识,也未免错愕了一下,随即马上就适应过来。但很快,他就明白了杨晨的意思,忍不住冲着杨晨摇了摇头,叹息不已。 Really takes your one can't do anything about it!” Li Cheng sighed, in hand presented piece of jade slip, gave directly left his recent that maidservant: This is jointly attacking Formation, Twenty Eight Constellations Heaven Rending Formation, at least 28 people use, multi- several might also as well. Your cultivation cultivation method is consistent, this Formation can also help your together cultivation, many cultivation!” “真是拿你没办法!”李承叹息了一句,手上出现了一片玉简,直接交给了离他最近的那个侍女:“这是一个合击的阵法,二十八宿裂天阵,至少28个人使用,多几个也无妨。你们修行功法一致,这阵法也能帮你们一起修行,多多修行吧!” Thanks Sir!” Can with joint forces cultivation Formation, simultaneously be jointly attacking Formation, this to many women, absolutely is good thing. many women understands that this is big brother Li Cheng to their gift on first meeting, with one voice pretty thanks. “谢谢大爷!”能合力修行阵法,同时还是一个合击的阵法,这对众女来说,绝对是好东西众女都明白这算是李承大哥给她们的见面礼,齐声娇滴滴的答谢。 Moreover, such thing, you can try with joint forces refining.” Hands over Li Cheng to put out a shining matter, has handed over in the hand of Madam Fanghua: If you can in Spirit World refining, Cultivation Base be able to progress by leaps and bounds absolutely!” “另外,这样东西,你们可以试着合力炼化一下。”转手李承又拿出一个金灿灿的物事,交到了芳华夫人的手中:“如果你们能在灵界炼化的话,修为绝对能突飞猛进!” Clarity that Yang Chen looks , the shining matter, is a [gold/metal] looks like, but is strange, on this [gold/metal] likely have not head, is a headless [gold/metal] looks like. Above also have not anything lets the person desire aura, looks like very ordinary appearance. However since Li Cheng said that certainly is one good thing that is worth changing countenance. 杨晨看的清楚,金灿灿的物事,是一个金像,只是奇怪的是,这金像上没有脑袋,是一个无头的金像。上面也没有什么让人动心的气息,看起来很普通的样子。不过李承既然这么说,那一定是一件值得动容的好东西 Thanks the big brother!” Madam Fanghua that is in the Demon Sect outstanding character, the eyesight price simply is great good, even if she cannot look at this thing precious, knows that can by own Beloved takes a lot of care from Li Cheng like this must to the gift on first meeting absolutely not be that simple matter, immediately is sincere thanks utmost. “谢谢大哥!”芳华夫人那是在魔门都出类拔萃的人物,眼力价简直是一等一的好,哪怕她看不出来这东西珍贵,也知道能让自家爱郎这样费心思从李承手上要到的见面礼绝对不是那么简单的事情,马上就是一句真诚之至的感谢。 „, In the booth your this man, does not select the advantage to you, definitely easily will not let off my.” Li Cheng a forced smile was saying: Has not hurried delicious tasty delivers, making me also make up to send out loving dearly of thing!” “罢了,摊上你们这个男人,不给你们点好处,肯定不会轻易放过我的。”李承略带着点苦笑说道:“还不赶紧把好吃好喝的送上来,让我也弥补一下送出好东西的心疼!” many women laughs loudly, afterward immediately bustles about, before long, table of main dishes suspended Yang Chen and on the Li Cheng in front of big table. Madam Fanghua serves them to eat a meal personally. 众女轰然大笑,随后马上忙碌起来,不一会,一桌大菜就摆到了杨晨李承面前的大桌上。芳华夫人亲自伺候两人用膳。 Very obviously, Li Cheng is the person who sees the oversized world, at least when looks at the plate facing front those, point have not harebrained must go to the plan of chopsticks. By the dish of delicacy table, starts tasting slowly under serving of two maidservants. 很显然,李承是个见过大世面的人,至少在面对前面的那些看盘的时候,一点都没有冒失的要去动筷子的打算。直到美味的正菜上桌,才在两个侍女的伺候下开始慢慢的品尝。 Delicacy feast lets being full of praise that Li Cheng also eats, this and Gongsun Ling that delicacy absolutely is two matters. It looks like Li Cheng as if very long have not has enjoyed such atmosphere, is very the somewhat sigh with emotion appearance. 一顿美味大餐让李承也吃的赞不绝口,这和公孙玲的那种美味绝对是两码事。看起来李承似乎很久没有享受过这样的氛围,很是有些感慨的样子。 Yang Chen were not many says anything, but after remove meal, they found a comfortable place to lie down, after enjoying the relaxed satisfied meal, snack. Madam Fanghua and does maidservants very eagle-eyed have not to depend to come, left Yang Chen and Li Cheng the space. 杨晨也不多说什么,只是在撤掉饭菜之后,两人找了个舒服地方躺了下来,享受着轻松惬意的餐后茶点。芳华夫人和一干侍女们都很有眼力的没有靠过来,将空间留给了杨晨李承 „The matter of Tian Qin fairy maiden, hadn't you said with them?” Li Cheng both eyes are gazing at the Dragon Palace vault, asked one very much at will.( To be continued.) 天琴仙子的事情,你还没和她们说?”李承双眼注视着龙宫的穹顶,很是随意的问了一句。(未完待续。)
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