IE :: Volume #18

#886 Part 1: Why Chapter 886 wants seal master ( Part 1 )

Returns have not.” Yang Chen has sighed deeply, then looks at Li Cheng, saying that somewhat complained: Big brother, how to push a beautiful woman suddenly, do you also dislike my trouble to be not enough?” “还没有。”杨晨长叹了一声,转而看着李承,有些埋怨的说道:“大哥,怎么突然就推过来一个美女,你还嫌我的麻烦不够多吗?” This is different!” Reply that Li Cheng wants not to think: Believes that you also looked, behind had the big background. If you make public to the world earlier, perhaps the attack of this time will not happen.” “这个不一样!”李承想都不想的回答道:“相信你也看出来了,身后有大背景的。如果你早点公诸于众的话,说不定这一次的袭击也不会发生。” This actually does not know that Li Cheng according to the conclusion that anything resulted, in the Yang Chen brain has thought the half of the day did not have remembers Grandma Tian Qin to make the how big influence in Spirit World in the past, was really because at that time he by pursuit was similar to the stray cur, where also had more leisurely moods to care about others. 这个却不知道李承是根据什么得出来的结论,杨晨脑子里想了半天也没想起来天琴姥姥当年在灵界做下多么大的势力,实在是因为当时他被追杀的如同丧家之犬,哪里还有更多的闲心关心别人。 However Li Cheng said that thinks his truth, Yang Chen also have not refuted, does not believe. So far, big brother Li Cheng always have not had also said a rumor, at least returns have not to Yang Chen. 不过李承这么说,想必有他的道理,杨晨没有反驳,也不会不相信。到目前为止,李承大哥还从来没有说过一句谎言,至少对杨晨没有 Waits for A'Yue to come back to make her decide again!” Yang Chen sighed, originally oneself this whole life can see the master, did obeisance in master disciple already is the happiest matter. Finally the master not only has become the oneself wife, a big group of Yingying Yanyan's lovely wife concubine beautiful maid, this matter already completely had not been controlled by Yang Chen. “还是等阿月回来再让她定夺吧!”杨晨叹了口气,原本自己这辈子能够重新见到师父,拜在师父门下已经是最幸福的事情。结果师父不但成了自己的妻子,还有了一大堆莺莺燕燕的娇妻美妾美婢,这事情已经完全不受杨晨控制了。 Which your this has Dragon Palace from made one?” The Li Cheng vision was certainly sharp, comes in Dragon Palace first to see the change of Dragon Palace, have not has asked that at this time asked. “你这龙宫从哪又弄了一个?”李承的眼光当然犀利,进来龙宫的第一眼就看到了龙宫的变化,一直没有问,这个时候才问了出来。 Yang Chen narrated the matter of owner Wang, said the Ao Lie bitter experience, the Dragon Palace origin, naturally is the clarity of confession. 杨晨把王东主的事情讲述了一遍,连带的把敖烈的遭遇也都说了出来,龙宫的来历,自然是交代的清清楚楚。 Li Cheng hear with great interest, has to acknowledge including him, when Yang Chen these said and have not was very light, was not in other people eyes closes up that bored life of Alchemy completely likely. 李承听的津津有味,连他也不得不承认,杨晨这些时曰并没有过的很平淡,完全不像是旁人眼中闭关炼丹的那种无聊生活。 Mentioned Dragon Palace, Yang Chen has remembered oneself in Dragon Yuan and Dragon who Poxiang in Dragon Palace obtained, Send God Dan that afterward as well as refined. In the middle of those Send God Dan had to one that Li Cheng prepares, Yang Chen also while this opportunity, took, has given Li Cheng. 说起龙宫,杨晨想起了自己龙宫中得到的龙元和龙魄香,以及后来炼制的寄神丹那些寄神丹当中本来就有给李承准备的一颗,杨晨也趁着这个机会,拿了出来,递给了李承 My oneself refinement, big brother you have a look at the level to be what kind.” Yang Chen Send God Dan with the past time, complete have not said that this is any thing. Believes that with the Li Cheng vision, definitely knows that this is any thing. “我自己炼制的,大哥你看看水平怎么样。”杨晨寄神丹拿过去的时候,完全没有说这是什么东西。相信凭着李承的眼光,一定知道这是什么东西 Good thing!” Li Cheng brought carefully to observe a meeting, immediately acclaimed, was staring at Send God Dan was sizing up, starts to talk/open said: Unexpectedly had found Dragon Poxiang, this hits the good gadget that the lantern could not be finding. Um, what is this? Jade? Um, Top Grade Yellow Springs Jade, Soul Keeping Jade, is right? Is this you medicinal pill that uses Dragon Poxiang and Soul Keeping Jade refines? Um, but also has used a merit technique?” “好东西!”李承拿过来仔细观察了一会,马上赞叹起来,盯着寄神丹上上下下的打量着,开口说道:“居然找到了龙魄香,这可是打着灯笼都找不到的好玩意。嗯,这是什么?玉石?嗯,极品黄泉玉,栖神玉,对不对?这是你用龙魄香和栖神玉炼制的丹药?嗯,还动用了功德篇的手法?” Besides Send God Dan this name that Yang Chen oneself gives, remaining Li Cheng said entire right, can say that simply just like sees general, exactly right that said. At this time Yang Chen except for the nod of non-stop, what can also say? 除了杨晨自己起的寄神丹这个名字之外,剩下的李承说的全对,简直可以说宛若亲见一般,说的分毫不差。这时候杨晨除了不停的点头,还能说什么? Gives me?” Li Cheng is somewhat accidental, Send God Dan pinches in the hand, asked one. “给我的?”李承有些意外,寄神丹捏在手中,反问了一句。 Dragon soul fragrance are not many, therefore refines also few, the big brother you can only take one.” Yang Chen nodded once more, oneself explained the quantity, so as to avoid makes Li Cheng have any not good idea. “龙魄香不多,所以炼制出来也没几颗,大哥你只能拿一颗。”杨晨再次点了点头,自己解释了一下数量,免得让李承有什么不好的想法。 This ritual may be heavy.” Bountiful at the Li Cheng net worth, is taking this Send God Dan, somewhat cries to smile: Dragon soul such precious thing, Immortal World Old Dragon do not have many fragrant, this time I took advantage.” “这份礼可重了。”饶是以李承的身家,拿着这颗寄神丹,也不由的有些哭笑:“龙魄香这么珍贵东西,仙界的老龙们也没多少,这一次我可是占了大便宜。” Said that anything is heavy, no need to also wastes.” Yang Chen have not puts out any precious thing thought slightly, but mutually between brothers presents, has not regarded completely is any big ritual: Big brother, if said that you give sisters-in-law's those thing, how can I also?” “说什么重不重的,不用也是浪费。”杨晨丝毫没有拿出什么珍贵东西的念头,只是兄弟间的互相馈赠而已,完全没当成是什么大礼:“大哥要是这么说的话,你给弟妹们的那些东西,我可怎么还?” Also is!” Li Cheng is more open-minded than Yang Chen in the fields, immediately accepted this fact: Had this, feared that were not many a life. Your preservation where?” Li Cheng asked that naturally was the Yang Chen preservation has reposed the Life Source Primordial Spirit Send God Dan place. “也是!”李承在某些方面比杨晨还要豁达,马上接受了这个事实:“有了这个,怕不是多了一条命。你的保存在什么地方了?”李承问的,当然是杨晨保存寄托了本命元神寄神丹的地方。 There.” Yang Chen points at Xiao Tian is staying Dragon Tower to reply: In Tarry, relative security, even if there is anything to trouble, here also has enough nourishing.” “那里。”杨晨指着哮天呆着的龙塔回答道:“在塔里,相对安全一些,就算有什么麻烦,这里也有足够的滋养。” „, My this also puts!” Li Cheng to Yang Chen is not the general trust, in an instant has made the decision. “也罢,我这颗也放进去吧!”李承杨晨不是一般的信任,转眼间做出了决定。 Regarding Expert(s) of Li Cheng this progression, reposes Life Source Primordial Spirit simply is the easy matter, before long completes on already, has given Yang Chen Send God Dan. Yang Chen without demur, to a Xiao Tian thought that Xiao Tian immediately mischievous pokes head from Dragon Tower, the tail still in Dragon Tower, big end of actually already extended side Yang Chen, held in the mouth Li Cheng Send God Dan, fast retracted in Dragon Tower. 对于李承这种级数的高手来说,寄托本命元神简直是轻而易举的事情,不一会就已经完成,把寄神丹又交给了杨晨杨晨二话不说,给哮天一个意念,哮天立刻调皮的从龙塔当中探出头来,尾巴还在龙塔之内,大头却已经伸到了杨晨身边,一口叼住李承寄神丹,飞快的缩回了龙塔之内。 Your actually good luck, can find this Dragon species in mortal world unexpectedly.” Sees the Xiao Tian huge form, Li Cheng have not any accident, looks at Xiao Tian including meeting in Dragon Tower oneself Send God Dan, as if thinks funny, has smiled. “你倒是好运,居然能在凡间找到这种龙种。”看着哮天巨大的身影,李承没有任何的意外,看着哮天自己寄神丹含会龙塔内,似乎觉得好笑,微微笑了起来。 After resting has met, Li Cheng starts to talk/open suddenly asks: Then, should your nine guqins be collect entire?” 休息了一会之后,李承忽的开口问道:“这下,你的九张古琴应该是收集全了吧?” Soon before , cuts in the remote antiquity Expert(s) hands of two Zhao Family kills by Yang Chen and Li Cheng, two guqins, in addition Yang Chen, nine guqins that seven that succeeds in obtaining, hence Yang Chen knows all fell in the hand of Yang Chen. 不久之前被杨晨李承斩杀的两个赵家的太上高手手中,就有两张古琴,加上杨晨之前到手的七张,至此杨晨知道的九张古琴全部都落在了杨晨的手中。 Does not know how Li Cheng knows other guqins also all fall in the Yang Chen hand, but Yang Chen will not conceal Li Cheng in this issue obviously, very frank nod acknowledgment. 不知道李承是怎么知道其他古琴也全落在杨晨手中的,但杨晨显然不会在这个问题上隐瞒李承,很直爽的点了点头承认。 In other words, possibly seal nine remote antiquity Expert(s)?” Li Cheng also asked. these knows from the Yang Chen mouth. “也就是说,可能封印了九个太上高手?”李承紧接着又问道。这些还是从杨晨口中知道的。 Yang Chen nodded once more, if the guess of oneself is good, should be this. However, to confirm, Yang Chen took the guqin that two obtained newly, then separately after on two guqins the pro and con has played a song, in the brain were also many two places. 杨晨再次点了点头,如果自己的猜测不错的话,应该就是这样的。不过,为了验证,杨晨还是将那两张新得到的古琴拿了出来,然后分别在两张古琴上正反弹奏了一遍曲子之后,脑子里又多了两个地方。 On these two qins records, lets Junqi and Wushuang(Unparalleled) unties the seal.” Yang Chen felt relieved to Li Cheng very much, said the plan of oneself. “这两张琴上记载的,让珺琪无双去解开封印。”杨晨李承很放心,连带的把自己的打算也说了出来。 Your quintuplets concubine? What to do do you plan?” Li Cheng looks at Yang Chen with a smile, as if already has guessed correctly his plan, asking of being calm and composed even in press of work: Moreover, how the Tian Qin fairy maiden do you plan to confess?” “那你的五胞胎侍妾呢?你打算怎么办?”李承笑着看着杨晨,似乎已经猜到了他的打算,好整以暇的问道:“另外,天琴仙子你打算怎么交代?” This is also place that Yang Chen has a headache about, four wife, in addition Tao Junqi and Shi Wushuang, a person of remote antiquity Expert(s) approaching body, side including Madam Fanghua, remaining has Murong sisters and Zhou Xianying returns have not. 这也是杨晨头疼的地方,四个妻子,加上陶珺琪师无双,一人一个太上高手傍身,连芳华夫人身边都有一个,剩下的只有慕容姐妹周娴颖没有 If only remaining return good to say/you are too kind, Yang Chen can definitely give her the land dragon, this is also insufficient looks like the bias, was remaining six, moreover in which took to the person of oneself guqin, was very hard to handle.( To be continued.) 如果只剩下一个的话还好说,杨晨完全可以把地龙交给她,这样也不至于看起来偏心,可是偏偏剩下了六个,而且其中的一个还是拿给自己古琴的人,很是难办。(未完待续。)
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