IE :: Volume #18

#885 Part 1: Chapter 885 once again gift on first meeting ( Part 1 )

already discarded Heaven Immortal Expert(s) of head, does not think, Yang Chen that he just saw hands over Soul Keeping Jade, according to the backlash these scene that the request is without hesitation, completely is illusory, is his oneself thing that wants to look, but is not real. 已经丢掉了头颅的天仙高手,根本不会想到,他刚刚看到的杨晨交出栖神玉,按照要求毫不迟疑的后退这些场景,全部都是虚幻,都是他自己想要看的东西,而不是真实的。 When Heaven Immortal Expert(s) said words that coerced, Yang Chen realized a familiar aura. That is the Old Hai aura, has felt many times in Yin-Yang Demon Sect that side Yang Chen already. 天仙高手说出要挟的话语之时,杨晨就察觉到了一股熟悉的气息。那是海老的气息,在阴阳魔宗那边杨晨已经感受过许多次。 Small Heaven Immortal younger generation, in the Old Hai eye, but also is not any opponent. Old Hai of solemn remote antiquity Profound Immortal standard, only aims at this fellow independent person time, simply is easy, wanting him to see that any situation sees any situation, wanting him to think that is any situation is any situation. 一个小小的天仙后辈,在海老的眼中,还算不上什么对手。堂堂太上玄仙水准的海老,只针对这家伙单独一个人的时候,简直就是手到擒来,想要他看到什么情形就看到什么情形,想要他觉得是什么情况就是什么情况。 Comes with Old Hai, naturally is Yin-Yang Demon Sect Madam Fanghua. Yang Chen had told Old Hai must protect Madam Fanghua, where Madam Fanghua arrives, where Old Hai will arrive, Yang Chen even no need to looks knows Madam Fanghua certainly in the nearby. 海老一起来的,当然是阴阳魔宗芳华夫人杨晨吩咐过海老要一直保护芳华夫人,芳华夫人到哪里,海老就会到哪里,杨晨甚至不用看都知道芳华夫人一定就在附近。 Since Old Hai take a shot / make a move, Yang Chen is not meddlesome, calmly is waiting on the line. Really, is not tea time, this fellow has run upon Madam Fanghua flying sword the head on oneself. 既然海老出手,杨晨也就不多事,静静等着就行。果然,不到盏茶时间,这家伙就自己把脑袋撞上了芳华夫人飞剑 The Yang Chen diving posture goes forward, snatches space Magic Weapon in this fellow hand, immediately with the Spiritual Awareness thread(s) package, causing the opposite party is unable with the final Spiritual Awareness control from exploding. When the Heaven Immortal Expert(s) thorough death thoroughly, Spiritual Awareness Imprint dissipates completely, Yang Chen Spiritual Awareness then searches into, the dove occupies the magpie nest, appropriates to oneself space Magic Weapon. 杨晨飞身上前,将这家伙手中的空间法宝抢下来,马上神识丝包裹,使得对方无法用最后的神识控制自爆。等到天仙高手彻底的死透,神识印记完全消散,杨晨神识这才探入,鸠占鹊巢,将空间法宝据为己有。 Overcomes Spiritual Awareness Imprint instant, Yang Chen also thorough relaxing. In the middle of space Magic Weapon, Headmaster Palace Master and several elders, are only the stupors, actually the sorrow of have not surname life. The Pure Yang Palace disciple who moreover those have not runs away also all in inside, besides of the beginning being seriously injured, basically that was stunned by remote antiquity Expert(s), remains unconscious. 打下神识印记的刹那,杨晨也彻底的松了一口气。空间法宝当中,掌教宫主几位长老们都在,只是昏迷,却没有姓命之忧。另外那些没有逃走的纯阳宫弟子也全在里面,除了一开始受的重伤之外,基本上都是被太上高手那一下震晕,昏迷不醒。 At this time, Yang Chen must rejoice that the opposite party is uses remote antiquity Profound Immortal Expert(s) from the beginning, the other people of Spiritual Awareness shake besides Yang Chen whole family stuns completely, made the opposite party be short of lots of troubles. The have not revolt, naturally also the have not necessity comes up to slaughter, but also is thinking coerces Yang Chen by the these person, therefore under have not killer. if not so, currently where also has the rescued opportunity? 这个时候,杨晨也要庆幸对方一开始就是动用太上玄仙高手,神识震荡把除了杨晨一家人之外的其他人全部都震晕,也让对方少了很多麻烦。没有反抗,自然也没有必要上来就大开杀戒,还想着靠这些人要挟杨晨,所以没有下杀手。要不是如此,现在哪里还有被解救的机会? What what a pity is, that was gnawed the fellow of skeleton rack by Old Chong, cannot escape eventually, even if already took in space Magic Weapon by the companion, as before have not surname life. As the matter stands, Yang Chen wants to catch a living witness to know plan also thorough failing of Zhao Family details. 可惜的是,那个被虫老啃成骷髅架子的家伙,终究还是没能逃过一劫,即便已经被同伴收进了空间法宝之中,依旧还是没有了姓命。这样一来,杨晨想要抓到一个活口来知道赵家底细的打算也彻底的落空。 Was right, comes doesn't have several Earth Immortal? Where?” Yang Chen remembers suddenly, after the opposite party begins, besides remote antiquity Expert(s) and Heaven Immortal Expert(s), several Earth Immortal Expert(s), actually have not saw a shadow at this time, is very strange. “对了,来的不是还有几个地仙吗?哪里去了?”杨晨忽的想起来,对方动手之后,除了太上高手天仙高手,还有几个地仙高手,这个时候却没有看到一个影子,很是奇怪。 That several fellow, was eaten by me very early in the morning!” Old Chong said in the one side: Comes up to begin, naturally first selects that several weak fellow.” “那几个家伙,一早就被我吃掉了!”虫老在一旁接话道:“上来就动手,当然先挑那几个弱的家伙。” Was a pity!” Yang Chen is somewhat regrettable, from the beginning the opposite party sends out is too fierce, three remote antiquity Expert(s) send out, Yang Chen turns around to run away, had not told that with enough time Old Chong leaves behind the several living witness. Even if there is an opportunity, under that opportunity, Yang Chen will not request Old Chong, in a remote antiquity adds on the converging attack of two Heaven Immortal and under several Earth Immortal take risks, no matter what, the oneself person lives is being the important matter. “可惜了!”杨晨有些遗憾,一开始对方出动的太凶猛,三个太上高手一出动,杨晨转身就逃,也没来得及吩咐虫老留下几个活口。就算有机会,那个时机下,杨晨也不会要求虫老在一个太上加上两个天仙和数个地仙的夹攻之下冒险,不管怎么说,自己人活着才是大事。 Regarding was pounded a fellow of land dragon by Yang Chen, Yang Chen could not find out him to have any lucky possibility. When begins to attack, the Yang Chen full brain for the thought that Headmaster Palace Master they revenge, has not thought these many, afterward feels the regret. Early knows that should keep a that fellow life. 至于说被杨晨砸了一地龙的家伙,杨晨都想不出他有什么侥幸的可能。动手攻击之际,杨晨满脑子是为掌教宫主他们报仇的念头,可没想这么多,事后才觉得后悔。早知道应该留那个家伙一条命的。 Turning back of land dragon quickly, really does not leave Yang Chen to anticipate that Heaven Immortal Expert(s) already has treated as the tonic in the abdomen of land dragon, Great Principle Golden Immortal on the scene was impossible to make a fellow of dying die and be reborn. 地龙也很快的折返,果然不出杨晨意料,那个天仙高手已经在地龙的腹中当做了补品,大罗金仙在场也不可能让一个死掉的家伙死而复生了。 Hence, the Pure Yang Palace crisis is thorough relieving. Old Chong, Old Hai adds on land dragon three remote antiquity Profound Immortal Expert(s), in addition big brother Bai brother Li Cheng, basically here already is impregnable, no need to is worried about anything again. 至此,纯阳宫的危机算是彻底的解除。虫老,海老加上地龙三个太上玄仙高手,加上拜兄李承大哥在,基本上这里已经算是固若金汤,再不用担心什么。 Although this time Pure Yang Palace disciples have not suffers the big loss, but, the Pure Yang Palace entrance actually met with a disaster. In three remote antiquity Profound Immortal Expert(s) take a shot / make a move a fight of attack as well as Old Chong and in remote antiquity, in the entrance circumference thousand li(500 km), already cannot look for a complete construction, turned into stretch of ruins completely. Luckily here circumference thousand li(500 km) lives on the have not Spirit World indigenous people, will otherwise cause life Tu Tan. 虽然这一次纯阳宫的弟子们没有遭受多大的损失,但是,纯阳宫的山门却是遭了殃。在三个太上玄仙高手出手攻击以及虫老和一个太上的战斗中,山门方圆千里之内,已经找不出来一个完整的建筑,完全的变成了一片废墟。幸亏这里方圆千里就没有灵界原住民居住,否则怎么也会引得生灵涂炭。 Headmaster Palace Master and several elder 11 was rescued to awake, is other disciples. After waking up the Pure Yang Palace people, looks at the stretch of ruins of Pure Yang Palace entrance, becomes silent, everyone have not speech. Own entrance was destroyed, even if the person lived, that is also to the serious attack of Pure Yang Palace prestige. 掌教宫主几位长老被11救醒,然后是其他的弟子。醒来之后的纯阳宫众人,看着纯阳宫山门的一片废墟,都是默然无语,谁也没有说话。自家的山门都被毁了,哪怕人都活了下来,那也是对纯阳宫声誉的一个沉重打击。 Entrance has destroyed happen to!” The Yang Chen words almost let do the Pure Yang Palace disciples to jump to obloquy that the if not Yang Chen status and prestige, early some people started to give scolding. What has destroyed happen to? Sect entrance don't tell me can also , whatever person so mean? “山门毁了正好!”杨晨的话差点让一干纯阳宫弟子们跳起来大骂,要不是杨晨的身份和威望,早有人开始痛骂了。什么叫毁了正好?宗门山门难道还能任由人如此的轻贱? Here is Earth Immortal Spiritual Pulse, we look for Heaven Immortal Spiritual Pulse, reconstructs the entrance above!” The Yang Chen words made the serious thoughts of all people turn into the anticipation and hope immediately. Own Young Palace Master, may always have not hit the lies, since he said that must look for the Heaven Immortal Spiritual Pulse reconstruction, then can certainly find. “这里不过是一个地仙灵脉而已,我们找个天仙灵脉,在上面重建山门!”紧接着杨晨的话语就让所有人的沉重心思立刻变成了期待和希望。自家的这位少宫主,可从来没有打过诳语,他既然说要找个天仙灵脉重建,那就一定能够找到。 Comforted the thoughts of Pure Yang Palace people, Headmaster Palace Master started to receive Madam Fanghua in this crude environment. No matter how, Madam Fanghua is a guest, everybody has all sort of cooperation in mortal world, to Spirit World also not needing mutual interference. Moreover this cooperation was already planning, at least slightly had the accident that a point says now. 安抚好了纯阳宫众人的心思,掌教宫主开始在这种简陋的环境中接待芳华夫人。不管如何,芳华夫人原来是客,在凡间的时候大家就有过诸般合作,到了灵界也没必要互相抵触。而且这种合作早就是在计划中的,至少稍稍出了一点今曰的意外而已。 Yang Chen have not immediately acts, rather puts the oneself wife and concubines, then makes their immediately hurry back to Sect respectively, says the matter of Pure Yang Palace to respective Sect to report now. Five big Sect people just struck one's chest to make the commitment, finally their people leave the later tea not to be cool to have this matter, five big Sect said that what can also give a Pure Yang Palace confession? 杨晨没有马上出面,而是自己的妻妾们都放出来,然后让她们马上各自赶回宗门,向各自宗门禀报今曰纯阳宫之事。五大宗门的人刚刚才拍着胸脯许下承诺,结果他们的人离开之后茶水还没凉下来就发生这种事情,五大宗门说什么也要给纯阳宫一个交代吧? This is not Yang Chen intentionally is stirring up trouble, rather Zhao Family person solid in fan five big Sect big slap on the face, moreover is big slap on the face one after another, after pulling out slap on the face, has put in five big Sect face the sewage stepping on fiercely. 这可不是杨晨故意在挑事,而是赵家人实实在在的在扇五大宗门的大耳光,而且还是一个接一个的大耳光,抽完耳光之后还把五大宗门脸面放到了污水之中恶狠狠的踩。 If this matter five big Sect do not have a view, later five big Sect want anything to cooperate with the bystander again, that was wants no need to to think. Let alone cooperates, later five big Sect people go out, has not known that must face other cultivators what kind of vision, original five big Sect also displays one's eloquence the artillery, mediocre!( To be continued.) 这事情五大宗门要是没个说法的话,以后五大宗门再想要和外人有什么合作,那是想都不用想了。别说合作,以后五大宗门的人出门,还不知道要面对其他修士们怎样的目光,原来五大宗门也不过就是耍嘴炮而已,不过如此!(未完待续。)
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