IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#566: She changed

Mentioning is also strange. 说来也是奇怪。 Since Li Tangyue returned to since that day of class and grade, six years two classes of overall atmosphere obviously changed. 自从黎棠月重新回归班级的那一天起,六年二班的整体氛围就明显变了许多。 Before , is all right thin monkey that big fool and big fool have kept saying, now also suddenly became somewhat peaceful. 就连以前没事儿就会一直‘大傻子、大傻子’喊个不停的瘦猴儿,现在也忽然变得有些安静了。 He no longer hides in the crowd to create a disturbance blindly, hearsay that also no longer dissemination in high spirits listens to from the next door class. 他不再躲到人群里瞎起哄,也不再兴冲冲的散播一些从隔壁班听来的小道消息。 The feeling looked like transfers the temper to be the same suddenly, the whole person became peacefully was more reserved. 感觉就像是突然转了性子一样,整个人都变得安静内敛了许多。 Clearly, thin monkey this was fell into the love vortex! 很明显,瘦猴儿这是掉进了爱情的漩涡里啊! Likes a person without means to hide, particularly in that beginning to be interested in the opposite sex age. 喜欢一个人是没办法隐藏的,尤其是在那个情窦初开的年纪。 Although Niannian does not understand why thin monkey suddenly becomes somewhat strange, but her intuition tells her...... 念念虽然不明白瘦猴儿为什么会突然变得有些奇怪,可是她的直觉却告诉她…… The transformation of thin monkey cannot cut off the relations with Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month. 瘦猴儿的转变与黎棠月脱不了关系。 Had not seen that the thin monkey present didn't like running all over the place everywhere? 没看到瘦猴儿现在都不喜欢四处乱跑了吗? When class recess, this boy will ship out an appearance that intentionally wallows the study, then peeps unceasingly Li Tangyue with the line of sight split vision. 每到课间时分,这小子就会故意装出一副沉迷学习的样子,然后用视线余光不断偷看黎棠月。 The behavior of this nearly crazy man (Han)...... 这种近乎痴汉的行为…… don't tell me performance is not very obvious? 难道表现的还不够明显吗? Regarding this, Li Tangyue seemed to have also detected. 对此,黎棠月似乎也有所察觉。 Like «Ugly girl Big Turning over» «Princess Diary» «First love Minor matter» this kind of ugly girl counterattack movie, the momentous change of appearance, in brought the powerful self-confidence to her. 就像《丑女大翻身》《公主日记》《初恋这件小事》这类丑女逆袭电影一样,外貌的巨大变化,也在不知不觉间给她带来了强大的自信。 Slowly, no one spoke to ridicule her again, no one was shouting wanted her to tumble out for six years two classes. 慢慢的,没有人再出言讥讽她了,也没有人大喊着要她滚出六年二班了。 Detected that everyone has transformed to own attitude, even many schoolmates are willing to exchange the interaction after her, Li Tangyue also gradually retrieved the self-confidence. 察觉到大家对自己的态度有所转变,甚至还有不少同学愿意和她交流互动后,黎棠月也逐渐找回了久违的自信。 She no longer rickets like before body, lying of also no longer all day shrinking on table. 她不再像以前那样佝偻着身子,也不再整天畏畏缩缩的趴在桌子上。 Because she suddenly discovered...... 因为她忽然发现…… Oneself one day can also unexpectedly like Niannian and Zhao Yue, becomes the focus that in the class the male student discussed secretly. 自己有一天居然也可以像念念和赵悦那样,成为班里男生偷偷议论的焦点。 Has not seen the male student of next door class, after hearing the story of her counterattack, runs arrived for six years two classes of classroom entrances to come to see in abundance lively? 没看到隔壁班的男生,在听说她逆袭的故事之后,都纷纷跑到了六年二班的教室门口来看热闹吗? Niannian is small, therefore even if she again attractively, popular the degree in the class is also limited. 念念毕竟还小,所以哪怕她长得再好看,在班上受欢迎的程度也是有限的。 Li Tangyue is different. 黎棠月却不一样。 She had formally entered the youth development period, before because, quite fat reason, therefore after she is thin, instead seemed like Zhao Yue this type of thin bamboo pole were more than some opposite sexes the unique flavor. 她已经正式进入了青春发育期,且因为之前比较胖的缘故,所以她瘦下来以后,反而看上去比赵悦这种瘦竹竿多了一些异性所特有的韵味。 When kid who when others are unable to distinguish the sex, she had actually entered into the category of young girl ahead of time. 当别人都还是无法分辨性别的小屁孩儿时,她却早已提前迈入了少女的范畴。 The spotlight hit finally on her body. 聚光灯终于打在了她的身上。 These once do not dare to expect that actually becomes the reality now entirely. 那些曾经不敢奢望的,现在却统统变成了现实。 Therefore, Li Tangyue then starts to study Zhao Yue such, treats as t the classroom corridor, often passed by from the crowd, her chin that soaring. 于是,黎棠月便开始学着赵悦那样,把教室走廊当作t台,每每从人群中路过的时候,她的下巴都是那么的高昂。 Once she, was such fear is paid attention. 曾经的她,是那么的害怕被人关注。 Present she, is such hope is actually paid attention...... 现在的她,却是那么的渴望被人关注…… About Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month all sorts of changes, Niannian feels deepest that absolutely. 关于黎棠月身上的种种变化,念念绝对是感受最深的那一个。 Therefore, Niannian while for Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month was feeling happy, in the heart also had a very strange feeling unavoidably. 因此,念念在为黎棠月感到开心的同时,心中也难免生出了一种很是奇怪的感觉。 Especially having a vacation that day. 尤其是在放假的那一天。 When the teacher assigns the winter vacation homework, formally after announcing commencement of leave, Li Tangyue the then first standing up body, then happy waved to say goodbye with Niannian: Chen Nian, will see next semester.” 等到老师布置完寒假作业,正式宣布假期开始后,黎棠月便第一个站起身子,然后一脸开心的跟念念挥手道别道:“陈念,下学期见。” Then, she then leaves with several schoolmates who became friends with recently together. 说完,她便和自己最近才结交的几个同学一块儿离开了。 Niannian looks the back that silently Li crab apple tree the lunar motion goes, actually had some feelings of losing at heart suddenly. 念念默默看着黎棠月离去的背影,心里却是忽然生出了些许失落的感觉。 Because, this picture also makes her feel clearly, oneself and Li Tangyue the relations have become become estranged more and more...... 因为,这个画面也让她清楚的感受到,自己和黎棠月的关系已经变得越来越疏远了…… Possibly is this human nature? 可能这就是人性吧? Everyone has the personality of everyone, but two people can become the friend, having a common goal and congenials is most essential factor. 每个人都有每个人的性格,而两个人之所以能够成为朋友,志同道合和意气相投便是其中最为关键的因素。 Also because of so, therefore Li Tangyue cannot become the Niannian's good friend eventually. 也正是因为如此,所以黎棠月终究还是没能成为念念的好朋友。 Once was not. 曾经不是。 Now is not. 现在也不是。 Regarding this, although Niannian feels somewhat loses, but does not have therefore to bear a grudge in Litang the moon/month. 对此,念念虽然感到有些失落,不过却也没有因此而记恨于黎棠月。 Does not play with her does not play with her! 不跟她玩就不跟她玩呗! What has at the worst? 有什么大不了的? Snort! 哼! Is thinking, Niannian while carried the book bag stride to leave the classroom. 一边想着,念念一边背着书包大步走出了教室。 Finally she just left the classroom, the front surface ran upon the two brothers who catch up in high spirits. 结果她刚一走出教室,迎面就撞上了正兴冲冲赶来的兄弟俩。 Younger sister! Younger sister!” “妹妹!妹妹!” Grandfather said that we do not need to return to one's old home this year!” “爷爷说了,我们今年不用回老家!” We accompany you to celebrate the new year here together!” “我们就在这里陪你一块儿过年!” Is good?!” “好不好?!” Although the two brothers now lowered three grades compared with Niannian. 兄弟俩现在虽然比念念低了三个年级。 However in their mind, Niannian actually forever is their younger sisters. 但是在他们的心目中,念念却永远都是他们的妹妹。 Therefore, the two brothers just made an appearance, two people scream on the corridor. 因此,兄弟俩刚一露面,两人就在走廊上大声嚷嚷了起来。 But here the domain of sixth grade! 这里可是六年级的地盘啊! How many does the student of lower grade have to dare to run casually? 低年级的学生又有几个敢随便跑上来? Looks at their harebrained appearances, has a look at schoolmate's unusual vision again, after Niannian gawked one next, this blooms a face bright smiling face. 看着他们这幅冒冒失失的样子,再看看身边同学的异样眼光,念念愣了一下后,这才重新绽放出了一脸灿烂的笑容。 Good!” “好!” ...... …… Last in Niannian elementary school profession winter vacation started. 念念小学生涯中的最后一个寒假就这么开始了。 Calculates carefully, her childhood also only had this most the second half of the year time. 仔细算算,她的童年也就只剩下了这最后半年的时间。 Possibly this is also skips a grade the brought fault. 可能这也是跳级所带来的坏处吧。 Mingming (clearly) is also less than ten -year-old, her mental actually under the influence of environment, forcefully became mature. 明明还不到十岁,她的心智却在周围环境的影响下,强行变得成熟了许多。 Looks like raised a section of cereal crop seedling to be the same forcefully, Niannian now also only then treats with the two brothers in together, will have the silly feeling like the same age child innocently and even. 就像是被强行拔高一截的禾苗一样,念念现在也只有和兄弟俩待在一块儿的时候,才会像同龄孩子那样天真烂漫、甚至还带有一点傻乎乎的感觉。 Although her childhood soon ended. 虽说她的童年就快要结束了。 However what is good is...... 不过还好的是…… This year's winter vacation actually with the old times not Absolute One type. 今年的寒假却与往年不太一样。 This is a commemorable winter vacation. 这是一个值得纪念的寒假。 In the company of two brothers, lonely of Capital city has not affected the Niannian's mood, instead also makes her especially excited, all day shouts must look for Wenwen and Mingming (clearly) plays. 在兄弟俩的陪伴下,上京城的冷清并没有影响到念念的心情,反而还让她变得格外兴奋,整天都嚷嚷着要去找文文明明玩。 From the red brick wall of Forbidden City, arrives at the big dwelling in Prince Gong Mansion again. 从故宫的红砖墙,再到恭王府的大宅院。 From the broad atmosphere of Old Summer Palace, arrives at the marketplace of Nanluogu Lane to be lively again. 从圆明园的恢弘大气,再到南锣鼓巷的市井热闹。 When she is drawing the two brothers, peripheral can name after the Capital city the number the scenic spot plays entirely, the lunar New Year's Eve then quietly arrives...... 等到她拉着兄弟俩,把上京城周边叫得上名号的景点统统又玩上一遍后,久违的除夕便又悄悄的到来了…… January 24. 1月24日。 Lunar New Year's Eve. 除夕。 In the early morning, Four Harmony Courtyard welcomed during for a year the liveliest time. 这天一早,四合大院就迎来了一年当中最热闹的时候。 When Niannian is drawing the two brothers together helps paste the spring festival couplet, Qin Yongyan also leads Mr. and Mrs. Qin Yongwang together to return to arrived Four Harmony Courtyard. 就在念念拉着兄弟俩一块儿帮忙贴春联的时候,秦永言也带着秦永望夫妇一块儿回到了四合大院 After exchanged greetings, was taken the host by Chen Xi, arranged the seat in the hall. 一阵寒暄后,便由陈曦作为东道主,在正堂里排起了座位。 Qin Family elder three people, Old Gu three people, besides also outside closing up Qin Ruoying, possibly also only then Qin Yuqing beyond day did not hurry back. 秦家长辈三人,谷老一家三人,除了还在闭关的秦若盈以外,可能也就只有远在天外的秦妤卿赶不回来了。 Chen Xi had not asked why Old Gu does not return to one's old home this year, so long as in any case Old Gu wants, he will naturally open the front door to extend welcome. 陈曦并没问谷老今年为什么不回老家,反正只要谷老愿意,他自然就会敞开大门表示欢迎。 In any case...... 反正…… Are the people more are livelier are not? 人越多才越热闹不是?
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