IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#567: Blue lotus

This year is the leap year, in February also therefore were for more than on day the old times. 今年是闰年,二月份也因此比往年多上一天。 But this, may also be doomed this year is old times entirely different one year. 而这,可能也注定了今年将会是和往年截然不同的一年。 Lively scene of Four Harmony Courtyard has continued arrived from the lunar New Year's Eve in January 1 st, three little fellows also feel the arrived different news year in this lively atmosphere. 四合大院的热闹从除夕一直持续到了正月初一,三个小家伙也在这种热闹的氛围中感受到了不一样的新年。 Without a doubt, today's lively will also become in their life the indelible glorious memory. 毫无疑问,今天的热闹也将成为他们一生中难以磨灭的美好回忆。 This year's climate should be good. 今年的气候应该还不错。 Although has not arrived in February/two months, raised the head actually does not see the past haze, but that beautiful sunlight as if in silent was also announcing warmed spring oncoming quietly. 虽然还没到二月,抬头却已不见往日的阴霾,而那明媚的阳光仿佛也在无声宣告着暖春的悄然来临。 In the new year new look. 正所谓新年新气象。 Looks the little fellow who in the courtyard that three gradually grow up, presented on the faces of several elders to show a heartfelt happy expression. 看着院子里那三个逐渐长大的小家伙,在座几位长辈的脸上都不禁露出了一丝由衷的笑意。 To come also only then in a Spring Festival such special holiday, everyone can find that in the liveliness of this din of gongs and drums satisfied? 想来也只有在春节这样一个特殊的节日里,大家才能在这种锣鼓喧天的热闹中找到那份久违的惬意吧? In hall, Qin Family several elder and Old Gu conversations really happy. 正堂里,秦家的几位长辈和谷老言谈甚欢。 In the courtyard, three little fellows are playing confusedly. 院子里,三个小家伙则上蹿下跳的玩耍着。 1 st firecracker keeps ringing, the whole nation as if immerse in this jubilant festival atmosphere. 初一的鞭炮声响个不停,全国人民仿佛都沉浸在这种喜气洋洋的佳节氛围中。 Only only then a Chen Xi person, static standing is in a daze outside the west room at this moment. 唯独只有陈曦一人,此刻正静静的站在西厢房外发着呆。 Father, what are you thinking?” 爸爸,你在想什么吖?” Niannian pays attention to the arrived Chen Xi's unusual action. 念念注意到了陈曦的异样举动。 Therefore, her following two brothers plays one after the courtyard insanely, then pants comes nearby arrived Chen Xi, is sizing up Chen Xi with her big eye unceasingly. 于是,她跟着兄弟俩在院子里疯玩一圈后,便气喘吁吁的来到了陈曦跟前,然后用她那双大眼睛不断打量着陈曦 Un? No, in wait for you Mother, when she reviews lessons, we can go out accompany you to play......” “嗯?没什么,在等你妈妈呢,等她温习完功课,我们就可以出门陪你玩了……” „Can I go to urge Mother?” “那我能不能进去催催妈妈呀?” Clearly, the small girl was somewhat impatient. 很明显,小丫头有些迫不及待了。 Sees that Chen Xi actually pinched her small cheek with a smile, then shakes the head gently. 见状,陈曦却只是笑着捏了捏她的小脸蛋,然后轻轻摇了摇头。 „It is not good, the schoolwork is very important, like your winter vacation work, if not complete, Mother will be will also criticize by the teacher.” “不行,功课很重要的,就像你的寒假作业一样,如果不做完的话,妈妈也是会挨老师批评的。” Today isn't the new year's celebration? The teacher said new year's celebration time does not serve as the work!” “今天不是过年吗?老师说过年的时候是不用做作业的!” Chen Xi's explained that obviously has not convinced her. 陈曦的解释显然没有说服她。 Therefore, Niannian immediately on a face not happy dug the small mouth. 因此,念念顿时就一脸不高兴的撅起了小嘴。 What schoolwork is so important? 什么功课那么重要嘛? The teacher said that the new year's celebration does not serve as the schoolwork! 老师都说过年不用做功课的! Clever, Mother is the Sir, the Sir and child is certainly different.” “乖,妈妈是大人,大人和小孩当然不一样。” This, you first discussed where the resembles goes to play later......” “这样吧,你们先商量一下待会儿像去什么地方玩……” Waits for Mother here finished, Father leads you to go directly, is good?” “等妈妈这边忙完了,爸爸就直接带你们去,好不好?” After Chen Xi patient comforting, the small girl discarded finally must go to the west room to look for the Mother thought that then in high spirits discussed the later itinerary with the two brothers. 经过陈曦一番耐心的安抚后,小丫头总算丢掉了要去西厢房找妈妈的念头,转而兴高采烈的与兄弟俩商量起待会儿的行程安排来。 Mounted the small seductress/evil spirit of person to run off finally. 黏人的小妖精总算跑开了。 Afterward, the smiling face on Chen Xi face actually changed suddenly dignifiedly. 随后,陈曦脸上的笑容却是忽然化作了凝重。 His is not very happy. 他的心情很不好。 Does not aim at something, somebody. 并不是针对某件事、某个人。 But is pure is sad. 而是单纯的心情不好。 Properly speaking, as Immortal Cultivator of Insightful Emptiness realm, Chen Xi is absolutely impossible to have this bewildered mood to fluctuate. 按理说,作为洞虚境界的修仙者,陈曦绝对不可能出现这种莫名其妙的情绪波动。 This morning but gets up, he actually seemed like comes the big maternal aunt to be the same suddenly, in the heart faintly somewhat was anxiously agitated. 可是今天一早起来,他却像是突然来了大姨妈一样,心中隐隐有些烦躁不安。 This situation is not very obviously normal. 这种情况显然很不正常。 Therefore, Chen Xi then emits divine consciousness immediately, and carefully observed the surrounding all sounds. 于是,陈曦便立刻放出神识,并仔细观察了周围的一切动静。 Including closing up Yingying, all that normal. 包括正在闭关的盈盈在内,一切都是那么的正常。 But this, was makes Chen Xi more agitated. 而这,却是让陈曦变得更加烦躁了。 Stemming from the Insightful Emptiness period Immortal Cultivator intuition, he always thought that today will have the big matter to happen. 出于洞虚修仙者的直觉,他总觉得今天会有大事儿发生。 However he looks, could not find this anxious source. 但是他找来找去,也始终找不到这种不安的出处。 This planet, and even entire Solar System...... 这颗星球、乃至整个太阳系…… What issue don't tell me also had is he cannot solve? 难道还有什么问题是他解决不了的吗? Out of security concerns, before Chen Xi even also special sensation, places the Coordinate of Solar System surrounding, but still has not actually discovered any difference. 出于安全考虑,陈曦甚至还专门感知了一下自己之前放在太阳系外围的坐标,可是却依然没有发现任何异样。 Only if higher than him is too many to cultivation base, otherwise no one can without alarming his intrudes the Solar System secretly. 除非对修为高出他太多,否则没有任何人能够在不惊动他的前提下偷偷闯入太阳系。 Therefore, Chen Xi basically can conclude 因此,陈曦基本可以断定 This can cause the anxious mysterious factor, should ambush in one of Earth. 这个能够引起自己不安的神秘因素,应该就潜伏在地球的某一处。 Regarding Immortal Cultivator, the sixth sense is not very mysterious thing. 对于修仙者来说,第六感并不是什么很玄乎的东西。 But the ability of this nearly prediction, regarding just comprehended the first Heaven and Earth principle Chen Xi, some indistinctly were extremely difficult to seek. 只不过这种近乎预言的能力,对于刚刚领悟第一道天地法则的陈曦来说,还是有些太过飘渺难寻了。 Because...... 因为…… The prediction involved the samsara principle. 预言本身就涉及了轮回法则。 Although Chen Xi the samsara principle is anything does not know now, but this actually does not hinder him to believe own sixth sense. 虽然陈曦现在连轮回法则是什么都不知道,不过这却并不妨碍他相信自己的第六感。 Therefore, in flash that this feeling of unease presents, he then covered entirely restrictive seal around the yard. 因此,在这种不安感觉出现的一瞬间,他便在大院周围布满了禁制 If traded to make the past, after seeing a Niannian impatient appearance, Chen Xi will certainly simulate the Qin Ruoying's appearance with Illusion Technique, then led her to go out to play one insanely. 如果换作以往,看到念念一副迫不及待的样子后,陈曦一定会用幻术模拟出秦若盈的样子,然后带她出去疯玩一阵。 But is different today. 可是今天不同。 Looks over the True Essence fluctuation sign in west room, Qin Ruoying should attempt to break through Golden Core at present, therefore he must guarantee that Yingying was not disturbed by the outside world. 纵观西厢房内的真元波动迹象,秦若盈目前应该正在尝试突破金丹,所以他一定要确保盈盈不被外界打扰。 Perhaps, is this he feels the anxious real reason faintly? 或许,这才是他隐隐感到不安的真正原因吧? Thinks of here, Chen Xi then moves in a chair simply, sat outside the west building door directly. 想到这里,陈曦便干脆搬来一张椅子,直接坐在了西厢房门外。 He must defend till Yingying to go out safely. 他要守到盈盈平安出关为止。 Regarding Immortal Cultivator, breaking through Golden Core is actually not the difficult matter, will not have what danger. 对于修仙者来说,突破金丹其实并不是什么难事儿,更不会有什么生命危险。 Only needs like the hammering, empty pill within the body thrashes repeatedly becomes unified whole concise, Golden Core naturally also congealed successfully. 只需要像打铁一样,把体内的虚丹反复捶打凝练成浑然一体,金丹自然也就凝结成功了。 However. 然而。 As True Essence in west room fluctuates is getting more and more intense, the Chen Xi's brow is the wrinkle is deeper. 随着西厢房里的真元波动越来越强烈,陈曦的眉头却是越皱越深。 He always thought that some are not right, but where actually cannot discover is not right. 他总觉得有些不对劲,可是却又找不出哪里不对劲。 But when Chen Xi is somewhat restless...... 可就在陈曦有些坐立不安的时候…… In the west room actually erupted an intense incomparable True Essence fluctuation suddenly. 西厢房里却是突然爆发出了一阵强烈无比的真元波动。 Breakthrough?!’ ‘突破了?!’ Not only at once, Chen Xi looks the happy expression, Qin Yongyan also subconscious turning the head looked to the west room. 一时之间,不光陈曦面露喜色,就连秦永言也下意识的转头看向了西厢房。 This scene somewhat seems to have met before. 这个场景有些似曾相识呐。 But limits concerned about Chen Xi's restrictive seal, when Qin Ruoying breakthrough like Qin Yongyan, directly had not caused a Heaven and Earth phenomenon in the space. 只不过碍于陈曦的禁制所限,所以秦若盈突破时并没有像秦永言那样,直接在天上引起了一阵天地异象。 Without the wind. 没有风。 Without the snow. 没有雪。 Does not have the thunder. 更没有电闪雷鸣。 All are that tranquil. 一切还是那么的平静。 In entire yard, only then Chen Xi and Qin Yongyan detected the Qin Ruoying's breakthrough. 整个大院里,也只有陈曦秦永言察觉了秦若盈的突破。 Feels the True Essence fluctuation that is gradually subsiding, on the Chen Xi's face showed a smiling face finally. 感受着那股逐渐平息下来的真元波动,陈曦的脸上总算露出了一丝笑容。 Only needs to wait again for a half hour, when Yingying recuperates the good aura, after adapting to present realm, she should be able to go out to make an appearance officially. 只需要再等半小时,等到盈盈调理好气息,适应了现在的境界后,她应该就可以正式出关露面了。 Thinks of here, Chen Xi then sets out to beckon toward Niannian, the preparation asks where she wants to go to play later. 想到这里,陈曦便起身朝念念招了招手,准备问问她待会儿想去哪里玩。 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… The unexpected True Essence qi energy actually lifted the west building roof together suddenly, breaks open Chen Xi instantaneously numerous restrictive seal under arrange/cloth! 一道意想不到的真元气劲却突然掀开了西厢房顶,瞬间破开陈曦所布下的重重禁制 Soars to the heavens on, enters the clouds. 冲天而上,直入云霄。 Afterward, in the Niannian dumbfounded expression, a heavy blue lotus flower then rose to get up from that west building roof slowly...... 随后,在念念目瞪口呆的表情里,一朵藏青色的莲花便从那西厢房顶冉冉升了起来……。
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