IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#564: Air/Qi the field full!

This year's Spring Festival compared with the old times morning over half a month. 今年的春节要比往年早上大半个月。 January 24 was the lunar New Year's Eve, therefore here one New Year's Day festival, in the Capital city had just had some year of tastes vaguely. 1月24号就是除夕了,所以这边刚一过完元旦节,上京城里就依稀有了些年味儿。 The lamp post of roadside hung up the red lantern, the entrances of major markets also suspended the simulation peach blossom and other series of holiday decorations. 路边的灯柱纷纷挂起了红灯笼,各大商场的门口也都摆起了仿真桃花等一系列节日装饰。 Looks at this stance, people seem like want the New Year's Day festival lively has continued Spring Festival. 看这架势,人们似乎是想把元旦节的热闹一直延续到春节。 But was a pity very much, New Year's Day vacation only then three days, even also included two days of weekend. 但很可惜,元旦假期只有三天,其中甚至还包括了两天周末。 Regarding also plays the insufficient children forever...... 对于永远也玩不够的孩子们来说…… The so short vacation, follows not to have a vacation obviously almost. 如此短暂的假期,显然就跟不放假差不多。 This in an instant, Niannian should not report to school at the back of the book bag on time. 这不一转眼,念念就又该背着书包按时到学校里报道咯。 People often said that responsibility will make one grow. 人们常说责任会使人成长。 With the growth of age and mental is gradually mature, Niannian has no longer looked like initially such wants to play all the time willfully. 随着年龄的增长和心智的逐渐成熟,念念早已不再像当初那么的贪玩任性。 Since she is shouldering responsibility of class leader, the nature on this/should sets the model for this reason. 她既然背负着班长的责任,自然就该为此做出表率。 Therefore, in being on duty other schoolmates also immerses, when the vacation is happy, Niannian has actually come to the classroom, replaced the student on duty to start the work. 因此,当班里其他同学都还沉浸在假期欢乐的时候,念念却早已来到教室,代替值日生做起了工作。 The dusk board, sweeps the floor and trash, place the furniture...... 擦黑板、扫地、倒垃圾、摆放桌椅…… In busy process, the schoolmates also come to the arrived classroom one after another, whom but has not actually seen to be initiative to help her. 忙活的过程中,同学们也都相继来到了教室,可是却也没见谁主动上来帮她一把。 Regarding this, Niannian toward has not gone but actually at heart, being busy that instead also puffs and blows. 对此,念念倒也没有往心里去,反而还吭哧吭哧的忙个不停。 Class leader, since the commissary in charge of studies is the discipline committee member, simultaneously hygienic committee member. 班长嘛,既是学习委员又是纪律委员,同时还是卫生委员。 The class leader does not complete the leading role the words, how will the schoolmates believe in her? 班长都不做好带头作用的话,同学们又岂会信服于她? Thus it can be seen, the Niannian's prestige also is really not white Jianlai...... 由此可见,念念的威信还真不是白捡来的…… After Niannian is busy at work one, the schoolmates also come to the arrived classroom one after another. 念念忙活一阵后,同学们也都相继来到了教室。 She stands on the platform observes the situation for a week, only felt at present this is emptying seat that dazzling. 她站在讲台上环视一周,只觉得眼前这个空着的座位是那么的刺眼。 Lebanese hall moon/month very long has not come to go to school. 黎堂月已经很久没来上学了。 Gives since the pill from Niannian Li Tangyue the second day, the parents of this greatly fat miss took a very long very long false for her. 念念把药丸交给黎堂月的第二天起,这个大胖姑娘的父母就替她请了一个很长很长的假。 Disappearance of Lebanese hall moon/month has not caused any stir. 黎堂月的消失并没有引起任何轰动。 No longer some people ridiculed her, no longer some people pushed aside her. 不再有人嘲笑她了,也不再有人排挤她了。 Besides Niannian, no one will also care about the big fool who this was subject to pushes aside. 除了念念以外,想必也没有任何人会在意这个本就备受排挤的大傻子。 Still remembers that all personnel did shout loudly Li Tangyue rolled out the scene with one voice? 还记得全班齐声高呼‘黎堂月滚出去’的场景吗? Niannian does not know that Li Tangyue felt at that time, but regarding this observer, that actually is also an unforgettable scene. 念念并不知道黎堂月当时的感受,但对于她这个旁观者来说,那却也是一个永生难忘的场景。 Also, Niannian understood a arrived brand-new feeling from that date truly. 也正是从那一天起,念念才真正体会到了一种全新的感受。 The name of this feeling was called- 这种感受的名字就叫- Sorrowful. 悲哀。 She feels sorrowful for the situation of Lebanese hall moon/month, is unable to help others feel sorrowful for oneself. 她为黎堂月的处境感到悲哀,也为自己无法帮助别人而感到悲哀。 Do not think that the child will not ponder the life, actually their inner world is enriching. 别以为小孩子就不会思考人生了,其实他们的精神世界丰富着呢。 The joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, fear the worry sadly. 喜怒哀乐、悲恐忧思。 They will ponder and fantasize, will quarrel and meet the love, will lie and be jealous, will also pursue star like the Sir. 他们会思考、会幻想,会吵架、会恋爱,会说谎、会吃醋,甚至还会像大人那样会追星。 But only by doing so, they obviously are one complete- 而也只有这样,他们显然才是一个完整的- People. 人。 ...... …… As all schoolmates come to the classroom one after another, Li Tangyue the empty seat even more was also conspicuous. 随着全班同学相继来到教室,黎堂月空荡荡的座位也愈发显眼了起来。 But this, to Niannian also calculates the good mood cast a shadow. 而这,也给念念原本还算不错的心情蒙上了一层阴影。 Her mood suddenly becomes somewhat low, therefore after completing on hand on work, then returned to the seat to initiate to stay directly. 她的情绪忽然变得有些低落,所以做完手头上的工作后,便直接回到座位发起了呆来。 At present the distance attended class roughly also several minutes, most schoolmates returned to the seat to prepare to attend class. 眼下距离上课约莫还有几分钟的时间,大多数同学都回到座位准备上课了。 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… Thin monkey actually leapt up suddenly the classroom from the back door, opening mouth was one shouts blindly. 瘦猴儿却突然从后门蹿进了教室,张嘴就是一阵瞎嚷嚷。 Extra extra!” “号外号外!” Also had the flash news!” “又有大新闻了!” „Do you want to listen?!” “你们想不想听?!” Is saying, thin monkey while raises hand the paper. 一边说着,瘦猴儿一边扬了扬手中的纸张。 Also sells what climax, hurries!” “还卖什么关子,赶紧的!” Right, you said a bit faster!” “对啊,你快点说!” As Xiaolingtong in class, thin monkey usually likes collecting the news everywhere, then brings back to the first-hand news the class, wins the attention of schoolmates by this. 作为班里的小灵通,瘦猴儿平时就喜欢到处收集新闻,然后再把第一手消息带回班里,以此博得同学们的关注。 Therefore, after echoing sound that hears the schoolmates, thin monkey was self-satisfied to laugh immediately. 因此,听到同学们的附和声后,瘦猴儿顿时得意了大笑了起来。 Ding-dong......” “当当当当……” Looks quickly!” “快看!” This is next door class bell Chenxie to the love letters of our class leader!” “这是隔壁班钟晨写给咱们班长的情书!” Written may be disgusting!” “写的可肉麻了!” Wants me to read the For You Guys hear?!” “要不要我念给你们听?!” The sixth-grade first half semester close to end, several months later, everyone present has been able successfully to take off the hat of elementary student, became the middle-school student. 六年级上半学期已经临近末尾,再过几个月,在座的所有人就可以成功摘掉小学生的帽子,一跃成为中学生了。 Therefore, some very precocious child, now was even more unscrupulous. 因此,有些本来就很早熟的孩子,现在更是愈发肆无忌惮了。 According to the past experience, the elementary student handed over the love letter to be very vague behavior mutually, but thin monkey actually does not know where made the arrived first-hand material, therefore his words immediately caused a big stir in the class. 按照以往的经验,小学生互相递情书应该是很隐晦的行为,可瘦猴儿却不知从哪儿弄到了第一手资料,所以他的话顿时就在班里引起了不小的轰动。 Read!” “念!” Read quickly!” “快念啊!” Hurries! The teacher must come!” “赶紧的!老师要来了!” Our class leaders jumped two-level, the bell early morning is this wants old ox to eat the tender grass?” “咱们班长跳了两级哦,钟晨这是要老牛吃嫩草呢?” Haha hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……” Has saying that hears old ox to eat tender grass these words being out of sorts feeling from the mouths of these kids somewhat to be truly intense. 不得不说,从这些小屁孩的嘴里听到‘老牛吃嫩草’这句话时的违和感确实有些强烈。 But...... 可是…… On everyone present, everyone did not think that these words have what issue, instead expressed the support. 就在座的所有人而言,大家却并不觉得这句话有什么问题,反而纷纷表示赞同。 Because in this in the school, the student of sixth grade is biggest. 因为在这所学校里,六年级的学生本来就是最大的。 Naturally, these do not include Niannian...... 当然,这其中并不包括念念…… Thin monkey usually likes winning favor by ostentation, therefore after attaining such a rare file, he is excited some are unquenchable. 瘦猴儿平时就喜欢哗众取宠,所以拿到这么一份稀有档案后,他更是激动的有些难以抑制。 Therefore, is obtaining the flash that the schoolmates responded, this boy opened the envelope to read directly. 因此,在得到同学们响应的一瞬间,这小子就打开信封直接念了起来。 I read!” “那我念了啊!” Listened!” “都听好了!” Chen Nian: Hello, I am six years two classes of clocks early morning, know you very much happily, actually I have wanted to......” 陈念:你好,我是六年二班的钟晨,很高兴认识你,其实我一直想对……” Thin monkey sings in good voice and with feeling is reading aloud the content on envelope. 瘦猴儿声情并茂的念诵着信封上的内容。 However...... 然而…… He read a opening merely, the voice on the stationery case that pounded suddenly breaking. 他仅仅只是念了一个开头,话音就一个突然砸来的文具盒给打断了。 Bang!’ ‘嘭!’ The stationery case has not pounded on thin monkey, but pounded on the wall of his side not far away. 文具盒并没有砸在瘦猴儿身上,而是砸在了他身旁不远处的墙壁上。 But even so...... 可就算如此…… This sudden loud sound shook everyone. 这阵突如其来的巨响还是震住了所有人。 Afterward, Niannian then under the gaze of people, unemotional comes in front of arrived thin monkey. 随后,念念便在众人的注视下,面无表情的来到了瘦猴儿面前。 Gives me.” “给我。” Succinct powerful two characters. 简洁有力的两个字。 At that moment, looks at this to on at present slightly short several centimeters class leader Sir, thin monkey actually from the heart instigated. 那一刻,看着眼前这个比自己要稍微矮上几公分的班长大人,瘦猴儿却是发自内心的怂了。 He was frightened arrived by the Niannian's look! 他被念念的眼神吓到了 Beginning school was so long, thin monkey sees Niannian to reveal such look for the first time! 开学这么久了,瘦猴儿还是第一次看到念念露出这样的眼神! One type indifferent to made the look that one shivered sufficiently. 一种冷漠到足以令人颤抖的眼神。 Like air/Qi field full queen! 像极了气场全开的女王! Thin monkey was obviously frightened arrived. 瘦猴儿明显被吓到了 Sees only, his fast after the envelope stopper arrived Niannian hand, then leaping up speedily returned to own seat, then refrained from speaking the head not to dare to speak a few words again. 只见,他飞快的将信封塞到了念念手中后,便一溜烟的蹿回了自己的座位上,然后闷着脑袋不敢再说一句话。 At once, the entire classroom is completely silent. 一时之间,整个教室鸦雀无声。 Rips ‘撕啦’ With a light sound, Niannian ripped a smashing the envelope in hand directly, then threw into the trash can. 伴随着一阵轻响,念念直接将手中的信封撕了个粉碎,然后扔进了垃圾桶。 Afterward, she has turned around slowly, and unemotional glance everyone present. 随后,她才缓缓转过身子,并面无表情的扫视起在座的所有人。 Very fun......?” “很好玩……是吗?”
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