IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#563: Mu as cool breeze, sleek/moist silent

After hearing the Niannian's words, Chen Xi and Qin Yongyan shook the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 听到念念的话后,陈曦秦永言都不禁摇头失笑了起来。 „, You did not say that often Father is in this world the fiercest person, how to turn into Mother now suddenly? Is fickle?” “嗬哟,你不是经常说爸爸才是这世上最厉害的人吗,怎么现在突然就变成妈妈了?这么喜新厌旧的吗?” Chen Xi feigned to pinch her face that was jealous. 陈曦佯装吃醋的捏了捏她的脸。 hearing this, Niannian is actually a face natural reply: Father is fiercest Father, Mother is fiercest Mother, the grandfather is the fiercest grandfather, does not conflict!” 闻言,念念却是一脸理所当然的回答道:“爸爸是最厉害的爸爸,妈妈是最厉害的妈妈,外公是最厉害的外公,不冲突!” This words one time, father and son-in-law could not bear laugh loudly immediately. 此话一次,翁婿俩顿时就忍不住捧腹大笑了起来。 This child is really family's pistachio nut. 这孩子果真是家里的开心果嘞。 Such a was interrupted by Niannian, family's atmosphere also became with ease was also more satisfied. 念念这么一打岔,家里的气氛也随之变得轻松惬意了许多。 After Chen Xi and Qin Yongyan also chatted several, outside the room actually heard knock gently suddenly. 陈曦秦永言又闲聊了几句后,屋外却突然传来了一阵轻轻的敲门声。 Thump thump thump ‘咚咚咚’ Big Cat is lying on the house beam is napping. 大猫正趴在房梁上打着盹。 After the knock resounds, it undertakes responsibility that guards the family immediately, leaps up in speedily the arrived front courtyard fence, then finds out half head to take a look outside the fence. 敲门声响起后,它就立刻承担起看家护院的责任,一溜烟蹿到了前院围墙上,然后探出半个脑袋瞅了瞅围墙外。 Mr. Chen hello!” 陈先生您好!” Is I, supervising manages Little Wang!” “是我啊,督查办小王!” Outside the institute, is extending the neck toward room to shout propaganda from Little Wang that Martial Arts Federation supervising manages. 院外,来自武联督查办的小王正伸着脖子朝屋里喊话。 Revives, two chapters of ripeness, Chen Xi has not put on the airs of anyone of high skill in front of Little Wang, therefore the courage of Little Wang is also becomes more and more greatly, now unexpectedly dares to clamor outside the courtyard loudly. 正所谓一回生、二回熟,陈曦小王面前从没摆过什么高人架子,所以小王的胆子也是变得越来越大,现在居然都敢在院子外面高声喧哗了。 In room. 屋里。 After Chen Xi and Qin Yongyan look at each other one, on the face actually shows the understanding smiling face, obviously has guessed the purpose in coming of arrived Little Wang trip. 陈曦秦永言对视一眼后,脸上却都露出会心的笑容,显然是已经猜到了小王此行的来意。 Please enter.” “请进吧。” The Chen Xi's sound resounds suddenly. 陈曦的声音乍然响起。 Little Wang hesitant, this opened the courtyard front door gently. 小王犹豫了一下,这才轻轻推开了院子大门。 This is the first time that he entered Four Harmony Courtyard. 这是他第一次走进四合大院 Regarding this by the Martial Arts Federation internal personnel jokingly called for restricted area Four Harmony Courtyard, Little Wang is also held some senses of awe obviously, after he passed through the gate, even does not dare to glance right and left, such lowering the head half step came to the arrived inner courtyard. 对于这个早已被武联内部人员戏称为‘禁地’的四合大院,小王明显还抱有些许敬畏之心,以至于他进门后甚至都不敢左顾右盼,就这么低着头快步来到了内院。 Come, in the room sits.” “来,屋里坐。” Does not use anxiously, in the family/home does not have the bystander.” “不用紧张,家里没外人。” Was just like the local official of surface Saint to be fortunately same in the ancient times, Little Wang entered the courtyard to feel oneself came to the arrived throne room probably, an intense pressure even soon pressed him not to gasp for breath. 好比古代有幸面圣的地方官员一样,小王一进院子就感觉自己好像来到了金銮殿,一股强烈的威压甚至都压得他快要喘不过气来了。 Sees with own eyes Little Wang this whole body uncomfortable appearance, after Chen Xi gawked one next, this somewhat tactful said to Qin Yongyan: Father, you just broke through, but must study is receiving is......” 眼见小王这副浑身难受的样子,陈曦愣了一下后,这才有些委婉的对秦永言说道:“爸,您刚刚突破,还得学着收一收才是……” hearing this, Qin Yongyan immediately a face being suddenly enlighted shape. 闻言,秦永言顿时一脸恍然大悟状。 Indeed his frightens Little Wang? 敢情他这是吓到小王了? But did not have the means that Qin Yongyan just to break through, aura also some were not steady, within the body True Essence will therefore be unavoidably uncontrolled. 可是也没办法,秦永言刚刚突破,气息还有些不稳,体内真元难免会因此而不受控制。 It is fortunate that the Chen Xi take action help, Little Wang fled from this pressure. 得亏陈曦出手帮助,小王才从这股威压中逃离了出来。 This is the power and influence of Golden Core big shot! 这就是金丹大佬的威势啊! Little Wang has a lingering fear looked at Qin Yongyan one secretly, slightly after slow the god has come, this strong self-stabilization in two people to the hall said: Two seniors, are such......” 小王心有余悸的偷瞄了秦永言一眼,稍稍缓过神来后,这才强自镇定的对堂上二人说道:“两位前辈,是这样的……” „The colleagues who the committal proceedings managed a moment ago discovered in your family courtyard to experience a huge fluctuation of energy, guessed that should some people break through Celestial realm in this, therefore the leader sent me to confirm, so that headquarters that side prompt updating file......” “刚才侦讯办的同事们发现你们家院子里出现了一股巨大的能量波动,猜测应该是有人在此突破了天人境界,所以领导派我过来确认一下,以便总部那边及时更新档案……” Updating file? 更新档案? After hearing the Little Wang words, Chen Xi and on the Qin Yongyan face showed a meaningful smiling face. 听到小王的话后,陈曦秦永言脸上都露出了一丝意味深长的笑容。 Who is the leadership of Little Wang? 小王的领导是谁? Isn't Mr. and Mrs. Wang Chunju? 可不就是王春菊夫妇吗? Why they do not call to inquire personally, instead can send Little Wang to pay a visit the confirmation specially? 为什么他们俩不亲自打电话询问,反而要派小王专程登门拜访确认呢? Also is not because Qin Yongyan always dislikes these earthliness organizations, wholeheartedly is only thinking with concentration cultivation. 还不是因为秦永言一向反感这些俗世机构,一心只想着潜心修行 Before then, Qin Yongyan even also spoke to expostulate Mr. and Mrs. Wang Chunju repeatedly, hopes that they can place on practice more thoughts. 在此之前,秦永言甚至还多次出言劝诫过王春菊夫妇,希望他们能把更多的心思放在修炼上。 Qin Yongyan after all is a big brother, the words that he spoke naturally are very substantive. 秦永言毕竟是大哥,他说的话自然还是很有分量的。 But regarding Mr. and Mrs. Wang Chunju this government workers for the good of the people and country, the personal interest is unable to compare with the national interest wholeheartedly obviously. 可是对于王春菊夫妇这种一心为国为民的公务人员来说,个人利益显然无法与国家利益相比较。 Therefore, they will send Little Wang to come to visit specially, is thinking throws actually the personal relationships, stood offers the olive branch in the national angle to the person of this new promote Celestial...... 因此,他们才会派小王专程前来拜访,便是想着抛却私情,站在国家角度向这位新晋天人之人伸出橄榄枝…… ...... …… To be honest, Wang Chunju has not thought Qin Yongyan will comply to join Martial Arts Federation. 说实话,王春菊根本就没想过秦永言会答应加入武联 But she will send Little Wang to come, passes through the flow to give a try, expressed Martial Arts Federation by this regarding the respect of domestic each powerhouse. 而她之所以会派小王过来,也只是走过流程试试看,以此表示武联对于国内每一位强者的尊重。 However, what Wang Chunju has not thought is...... 然而,王春菊万万没有想到的是…… The Qin Yongyan hear the Little Wang words, on the face actually showed a pondering smiling face suddenly. 秦永言听完小王的话,脸上却突然露出了一丝玩味的笑容。 Besides the updating file, you leads also has other instruction?” “除了更新档案,你们领导还有别的吩咐吗?” hearing this, Little Wang gawked. 闻言,小王不禁愣了一下。 Although he is young, but the working ability is actually very strong. 他虽然年轻,不过工作能力却还是很强的。 Therefore, Little Wang understood the Qin Yongyan implication instantaneously, therefore replied hastily: Leader added that she actually has a matter to need you to help, if you are willing to run one, she certainly personally before you will pour into pot rain the Longjing tea, will await respectfully your honorable self to visit by this!” 因此,小王瞬间就明白了秦永言的言外之意,于是连忙回答道:“领导还说了,她其实有件事儿需要您帮忙,如果您愿意跑一趟的话,她一定会亲手为您泡上一壶雨前龙井,以此恭候您的大驾光临!” After hearing a Little Wang such saying, Qin Yongyan laughed immediately. 听到小王这么一说后,秦永言顿时哈哈大笑了起来。 Oh, my sister-in-law......” “哎哟,我这弟妹啊……” Person who works as the leader......” “都当领导的人了……” How is such stingy?” “怎么还是这么抠门?” Is smiling, Qin Yongyan while stood up the body. 一边笑着,秦永言一边站起了身子。 Sees that the Little Wang setting out period of five days arrives at the one side hastily, on the face is completely the happy expression of not being able to cover up. 见状,小王连忙起身候到一旁,脸上尽是掩不住的喜色。 Chen Xi, you also know, your Second Aunt is the person of that I hadn't had business I wouldn't have come.” 陈曦啊,想必你也知道,你二婶是那种无事不登三宝殿的人。” Your cultivation base is high, she is not good often to direct you.” “你修为高,她也不好经常使唤你。” Happen to my broke through, might as well the place that goes to there her to have a look at anything to help, consolidates while convenient my present realm.” “正好我这突破了,不如就去她那儿看看有什么能够帮忙的地方,顺便巩固一下我现在境界。” In family/home gave you, Yingying went out remembers that informed my one.” “家里就交给你了,盈盈出关的时候记得通知我一声。” When the time comes I will look to call again forever with the spring chrysanthemum, our whole families also this/should gather well......” “到时候我再把永望和春菊都叫上,咱们一家人也该好好聚聚喽……” After an urging, Qin Yongyan then follows Little Wang to go out of the front gate, Chen Xi pulls Niannian to stand after the gate says goodbye to him. 一番叮嘱后,秦永言便跟着小王来走出院门,陈曦则牵着念念站在门后向他道别。 Although on the Qin Yongyan mouth was saying want to go to Martial Arts Federation to drink tea, but he was actually clear with Chen Xi at heart, this goes to delay some time. 虽然秦永言嘴上说着自己只是想去武联喝口茶,不过他跟陈曦心里其实都清楚,这一去应该会耽搁一段时间。 Although Wang Chunju has not stated clearly, but her action had actually shown...... 王春菊虽然没有明说,但她的举动其实就已经说明…… She should have the arrived anything difficult problem recently. 她最近应该遇到了什么难题。 Without the means that who makes sister-in-law run away the arrived too slightly wall to go secretly? 没办法,谁让小姨子偷偷跑到了太微垣去呢? Was short of a Qin Yuqing such powerful goon, the work of Wang Chunju somewhat was naturally hard to work, therefore she needed the help of family member. 少了秦妤卿这样一个强有力的打手,王春菊的工作自然有些难以进行下去,所以她需要家里人的帮助。 In the final analysis, in this courtyard lives eventually is the whole family. 说到底,这院子里住的终究是一家人。 Even if Mr. and Mrs. Wang Chunju does not come back year to year, their rooms still always stay there. 即使王春菊夫妇常年不回来,他们的房间也始终留在那里。 Good, father.” “好的,爸。” After listening to the Qin Yongyan injunction, Chen Xi then nod of silently. 听完秦永言的嘱咐后,陈曦便默默的点了点头。 Jokes aside, he in the Qin Yongyan words, feels a warmth of arrived family/home unexpectedly. 说真的,他在秦永言的话里,竟然感受到了一丝家的温暖。 Unlike small family/home that he and Yingying compose, big family warm is not usually able to detect. 与他和盈盈组成的小家不同,大家庭的温暖平时根本无法察觉。 But this share of Mu as cool breeze and sleek/moist silent tender feeling, its weight/quantity actually is not worse than him and Yingying's small family/home. 但这股穆如清风、润物无声的温情,其分量却是一点也不比他和盈盈的小家差。 To come...... 想来…… Can Niannian grow in such environment is also a happiness? 念念能够成长在这样的环境里也是一种幸福吧?
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