IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#558: Niannian's wish

Preemption is not temporary emerging, the dislike of but accumulating over a long period of time. 排挤并不是一时的兴起,而是日积月累的厌恶。 Li Tangyue has not made the any mistake, but her image actually gave six years two classes to have the extremely bad impact, the class schoolmate goes out now goes to bathroom, may be asked one by the schoolmates of next door class: 黎棠月本身并没有做错什么,可是她的形象却给六年二班带来了极坏的影响,以至于班里的同学现在出门上个厕所,都有可能会被隔壁班的同学问上一句: Does your class have a very fat very fat female student? 你们班是不是有个很胖很胖的女生? Perhaps when this is only boring the idle talk, but listens in the ear of person with high aspirations, this is actually as good as a taunt, as if Li Tangyue existence pushed down seriously the entire six years two classes of figures. 或许这只是一句无聊时的闲话,但听在有心人的耳朵里,这却不亚于一句嘲讽,仿佛黎棠月的存在当真就拉低了整个六年二班的身段。 Therefore, many schoolmates have actually been disgruntled with Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month. 为此,许多同学其实早已对黎棠月心存不满。 Big fool! 大傻子! Dead full-figured woman! 死肥婆! Disfigureds! 丑八怪! However scolded turns over to scold, Li Tangyue was also is usually used to overcautiously. 不过骂归骂,黎棠月平时也是谨小慎微惯了。 She will not have the conflict with anybody, therefore the schoolmates to her most are also repugnant, has not therefore risen to the situation that shouting hits to shout "kill". 她根本不会和任何人起冲突,所以同学们对她最多也就是反感,并没有因此上升到喊打喊杀的地步。 If Niannian's childhood colored, then Li Tangyue the childhood is obviously pessimistic. 如果说念念的童年是彩色的,那么黎棠月的童年显然就是灰色的。 Since that moment that since she is sick, she was marginalized by everyone subconsciously. 从她患病的那一刻起,她被所有人下意识的边缘化了。 Naturally, if can the marginalization, regarding Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month, this never not be a good matter? 当然,如果能够一直边缘化下去,对于黎棠月来说,这何尝又不是一件好事儿呢? She is not familiar with become the line of sight focus, therefore like the ostrich, will often get buried into the head the crook of the elbow, thinks that this can own hide. 她不习惯成为视线焦点,所以才会像鸵鸟一样,动不动就把脑袋埋进臂弯里,以为这样就可以把自己藏起来了。 But...... 可是…… Regardless how Li Tangyue evades again, is avoidless she is in this class a fact. 无论黎棠月再怎么逃避,也无法避免她是这个班里一员的事实。 Therefore, from that moment of Lebanese crab apple tree Moon/Month School public criticism, was doomed she by this collective will to be abandoned. 因此,从黎棠月全校通报批评的那一刻起,就注定她要被这个集体意志所抛弃了。 Do not despise a collective the will, particularly this collectives comprised of ten 1-2 children. 千万不要小看一个集体的意志,尤其是这个由十一二孩子们所组成的集体。 Li Tangyue discredits to the class and grade, therefore she must tumble out this class. 黎棠月给班级抹了黑,所以她必须要滚出这个班。 This is the decision that the collective will makes, the teacher in charge is unable to prevent. 这是集体意志所作出的决定,就连班主任也无法阻止。 Therefore, after the first schoolmate opens the mouth to clamor must let Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month tumbles out for six years two classes, calculates the peaceful classroom lived it up immediately. 因此,当第一个同学开口叫嚣着要让黎棠月滚出六年二班后,原本还算安静的教室顿时又热闹了起来。 Teacher, drives out Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month quickly! We do not welcome her!” “老师,快把黎棠月赶出去吧!我们不欢迎她!” She was too bad! Not only does not win glory for the class and grade, but also gives the class and grade to discredit secretly!” “她太坏了!不光不为班级争光,还偷偷给班级抹黑!” Our class does not welcome such person!” “我们班不欢迎这样的人!” Yes!” “就是!” Goes!” “快滚吧!” arrived final, the schoolmates are spontaneous shouted loudly with one voice. 到了最后,同学们更是自发的齐声高喊了起来。 Li Tangyue! Get lost!” “黎棠月!滚出去!” Li Tangyue! Get lost!” “黎棠月!滚出去!” Li Tangyue! Get lost!” “黎棠月!滚出去!” This is the collective will strength. 这就是集体意志的力量。 The teachers in charge more than 30, in he more than ten years of teaching professions, the teacher are also caught up with matter that finishes class by the student this year also few? 班主任今年好歹也有三十多了,在他长达十多年的教书生涯中,老师被学生赶下课的事情发生的还少吗? The teachers may be expelled, let alone is a unpopular schoolmate? 就连老师都有可能被赶走,更何况是一个不受待见的同学呢? The teacher was not clear why Li Tangyue will cause such big popular indignation. 老师并不清楚黎棠月为什么会引起这么大的民愤。 However as six years two classes of teachers in charge, teacher some are unable to accept all schoolmates so to push aside a person. 不过作为六年二班的班主任,老师还是有些无法接受全班同学如此排挤一个人。 Therefore, when the schoolmates shouted loudly with one voice kept, the teacher suddenly acts crazy. 因此,就在同学们齐声高呼个不停的时候,老师突然就发飙了。 Shuts up to me!” “都给我闭嘴!” „Is your must do?” “你们这是要干什么?” Rebellion?!” “造反吗?!” The teacher clearly has the reputation very much. 老师显然还是很有威信的。 He knows that cannot make this matter continue to ferment again, therefore then make a prompt decision, the domineering suppressed shouting loudly of schoolmates, and prohibits strictly anybody to raise this matter again. 他知道不能再让这件事继续发酵下去,于是便当机立断,强势镇压了同学们的高呼,并严令禁止任何人再提起这件事。 „......” “……” „After this matter, cannot raise again!” “这件事以后不许再提了!” Now starts to issue the certificate, mounts the stage to receive an award to the schoolmate of immediately!” “现在开始颁发奖状,点到名的同学立刻上台领奖!” After reproved blew the gathering place, the teacher then takes advantage of opportunity put forth own controls divine skill- shifted the topic. 一通训斥镇住了场子后,老师便顺势使出了自己的控场神技-转移话题。 Seeing only, the teacher is basic, no matter all schoolmates' response, takes up the certificate direct point to give a name. 只见,老师根本不管全班同学的反应,就这么拿起奖状直接点起了名来。 king Bo, this games 50 meters dash second place, mounts the stage to receive an award.” “王波,本届运动会50米短跑亚军,上台领奖。” After the teacher selects to the name, this named king Bo boy slightly hesitated, this mounted the stage to receive own certificate. 被老师点到名后,这个名叫王波的男孩儿稍稍犹豫了一下,这才上台领取了属于自己的奖状。 Is gawking doing? Applauds!” “都愣着干什么?鼓掌啊!” Saw with own eyes that the atmosphere is not too active, the teacher then takes the lead to applaud. 眼见气氛并不是太活跃,老师便率先鼓起了掌来。 Has to say...... 不得不说…… The ginger is old spicy. 姜还是老的辣。 As this set shift topic defeats in addition one by one even/including trick/recruit, bordered on the scene of out-of-control to be controlled by the teacher immediately. 随着这套‘转移话题’外加‘逐个击破’的连招一出,原本濒临失控的场面顿时就被老师控制了下来。 Award presentation ceremony methodical is conducting. 颁奖仪式有条不紊的进行着。 Everyone as if already all that forgets to have a moment ago. 大家似乎都已经忘了刚才所发生的一切。 Receiving an award of receiving an award, applause of applause, no one clamored again must make Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month tumble out for six years two classes. 领奖的领奖,鼓掌的鼓掌,也没有人再叫嚣着要让黎棠月滚出六年二班了。 Ok, received own certificate?” “好了,都领到自己的奖状了吧?” Now starts to fill in the award-winning wish card, this money leaves from class Failly, therefore do not go too far.” “现在开始填写获奖心愿卡,这个钱从班费里出,所以还是不要太过分了。” I think......” “我想想……” „Are you playing the King glory?” “你们是不是都在玩王者荣耀?” That this......” “那这样吧……” „The schoolmate of prize can select a price in 888 : 00 ticket following skins.” “获奖的同学可以任选一款价格在888点券以下的皮肤。” As for the schoolmate who does not play the game, can choose value close goods, what kind of?” “至于不玩游戏的同学嘛,也可以选择一件价值相近的物品,怎么样?” 888 tickets, is 88.8 dollars. 888点券,也就是88.8块钱。 It is not expensive/noble, but actually in just right stamp all schoolmates' g points. 不算贵,不过却正好戳中了全班同学的g点。 What does the present elementary student most like? 现在的小学生最喜欢什么? Isn't the King glory?! 可不就是王者荣耀吗?! Therefore, this proposed one, the atmosphere was pushed the arrived highest tide immediately. 因此,这个提议一出,气氛顿时就被推到了最高潮。 Then the schoolmates really forgot Li Tangyue that broken matter, then excited discussion content of reward. 这下同学们是真的忘了黎棠月那档子破事儿,转而一脸兴奋的讨论起奖励的内容来。 Actually should want what skin? 究竟该要什么皮肤呢? Is Guan Yu's charge war-god, the monkey king of monkey? 关羽的冲锋战神,还是猴子的美猴王? The schoolmates appear somewhat are excited and excited, unceasingly with setting pen to paper modifies in own wish card, for fear that wasted this opportunity. 同学们都显得有些激动和兴奋,不断拿着笔在自己的心愿卡上涂涂改改,生怕浪费了这个机会。 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… A ten points unharmonious sound actually made a sound in the classroom suddenly. 一个十分不和谐的声音却突然在教室里响了起来。 Teacher, I do not want the skin, does not want the toy!” “老师,我不要皮肤,也不要玩具!” After hearing this sound, the teacher looks up, discovered the person who speech unexpectedly is Chen Nian. 听到这个声音后,老师抬头一看,才发现说话的人居然是陈念 What's wrong? What do you want?” “怎么了?那你想要什么?” As the champion of this martial arts congress, Niannian obtains the honor naturally everyone be stronger than on a section. 作为本届武术大会的冠军,念念所获得荣誉自然要比所有人都强上一截。 The teacher also had to consider to intensify the reward effort of champion before, but is limited concerned about the class fee/spent, therefore he can only give up this idea. 老师之前也有考虑加大冠军的奖励力度,但碍于班费有限,所以他只能放弃了这个想法。 Just like all prize-winners, Niannian also arrived one time the opportunity of realizing the wish. 和所有获奖者一样,念念也得到了一次实现心愿的机会。 This wish can be the game skin, can be the literary style toy. 这个心愿既可以是游戏皮肤,也可以是文体玩具。 But...... 可是…… She proposed an unusual wish, was shocked including teacher everyone. 她却偏偏提出了一个与众不同的心愿,以至于包括老师在内的所有人都愣住了。 Teacher, my wish is......” “老师,我的心愿是……” Hopes that everyone do not bully Li Tangyue again!” “希望大家不要再欺负黎棠月了!” At this point, a Niannian unexpectedly face excited stood from the seat. 说到这里,念念竟一脸激动的从座位上站了起来。 Perhaps I should not with feeling sorry for this words and expressions describe......” “或许我不该用可怜这个词语来形容……” But......” “可是……” She is very pitiful!” “她真的很可怜啊!” Why?” “为什么?” Why do you want to bully her?!” “为什么你们都要欺负她?!” Actually did she make the mistake what?” “她究竟做错了什么?” You said that she discredits to the class and grade......” “你们都说她给班级抹了黑……” „But if is not you have ridiculed her, how she will violate the school regulation intentionally, hides in the classroom secretly does an inspection group of teachers to catch?!” “可是如果不是你们一直嘲笑她,她又怎么会故意违反校规,偷偷躲在教室里被巡查组老师抓到呢?!” Originally, issued the certificate while the teacher a moment ago the gap, Niannian understood the matter from Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month mouth the process. 原来,趁着老师刚才颁发奖状的间隙,念念从黎棠月口中了解了事情了经过。 She listens to the arrived Li Tangyue aspiration, therefore to bitter experience feel as if it had happened to oneself of Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month. 她听到了黎棠月的心声,也因此对黎棠月的遭遇感同身受 Always, Li Tangyue are enduring all silently. 一直以来,黎棠月都默默忍受着一切。 She thinks, so long as refrain from speaking the head not to speak, all misery will dissipate slowly with the wind. 她认为只要自己闷着脑袋不吭声,所有的苦难就会慢慢随风消散。 Like a moment ago that matter. 就像刚才那件事一样。 The teacher only used only game skin, can huge encircle to reduce and solve one in invisible. 老师只用了区区一个游戏皮肤,就能将一场声势浩荡的围剿化解于无形。 Had a look at them a moment ago that indignant appearance...... 看看他们刚才那副义愤填膺的样子…… Has a look at them again now this in high spirits appearance...... 再看看他们现在这幅兴高采烈的样子…… Niannian really could not endure. 念念实在忍不下去了。 At this moment, she really wants to ask everyone one present: 这一刻,她真的很想问在座的所有人一句: Was Li Tangyue to be actually wrong...... 究竟是黎棠月错了…… Was this world wrong? 还是这个世界错了? Why?! 凭什么?! ...... …… ...... …… I looked that the commentary discovered an issue...... 我看评论才发现了一个问题…… You not the experience that the teacher does chase off the stage? 你们都没有把老师赶下台的经历么? Not only makes the teacher roll, making the schoolmate roll also very common matter. 不光让老师滚,让同学滚也很常见的事儿啊。 I personally experienced three times, twice in own class, one time in next door class...... 我自己就亲身经历了三次,两次是在自己班,一次是在隔壁班…… Therefore I thought that has this situation the probability should very big is right? 所以我觉得出现这种情况的概率应该很大才对吧? . The cell phone version renews the quickest website: m. 手机版更新最快网址:m.
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