IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#557: We do not welcome her!

Li Tangyue! Is she does!” “黎棠月!就是她干的!” As thin monkey shouted, all schoolmates' vision immediately on accumulation arrived Li Tangyue on. 随着瘦猴儿一声大喊,全班同学的目光顿时就聚集到了黎棠月身上。 hearing this, Li Tangyue the response was actually as usual, results in like ostrich immediately lies on the table. 闻言,黎棠月的反应却是和往常一样,立马就像个鸵鸟似得趴在了桌子上。 Looks at like this, doesn't she as if want to give a reasonable explanation? 看这样子,她似乎并不想给出一个合理的解释? What did she do? Why will be criticized by the circular?!” “她干了什么?为什么会被通告批评?!” Several male schoolmates' temperament are quite hot tempered, sent out the interrogation on the standing up body at the scene. 有几个男同学的脾气比较暴躁,当场就站起身子发出了质问。 Sees that thin monkey exhibits one not to close the appearance of my matter immediately, then points at Li Tangyue the back to say loudly: How do I know? You asked her!” 见状,瘦猴儿立刻摆出一副不关我事儿的样子,然后指着黎棠月的背影大声说道:“我怎么知道?你们去问她啊!” After hearing thin monkey the words, schoolmates' line of sight fell on Li Tangyue immediately. 听到瘦猴儿的话后,同学们的视线顿时又落回了黎棠月身上。 Actually thin monkey aims at Li Tangyue intentionally, but was Li Tangyue the behavior truly aroused the popular anger. 倒不是瘦猴儿故意针对黎棠月,而是黎棠月的行为确实激起了众怒。 As six years a two classes of member, everyone spells to go all-out to want during the games to win the honor for the class and grade, what Li Tangyue is making? 作为六年二班的一份子,大家在运动会期间都拼尽全力想要为班级争得荣誉,可是黎棠月又在做什么呢? Not only without entering for any competition, even the collective project has not participated! 非但没有报名参加任何比赛,甚至就连集体项目都没有参加! Naturally, the games does not force to participate, if Li Tangyue iron core does not participate, everyone cannot draw her to register. 当然,运动会并不是强制参加的,所以如果黎棠月铁了心不参加的话,大家也不能强拉着她去报名。 Does not register does not register, at the worst she did not exist. 不报名就不报名呗,大不了就当她不存在好了。 Li Tangyue by everyone selective negligence. 黎棠月被大家选择性的忽视了。 But who can think...... 可是谁又能想到…… During this games, Li Tangyue not only has not won m any honor for the class and grade, instead also in the back secretly discredits to the class and grade? 本届运动会期间,黎棠月非但没有为班级争得m任何荣誉,反而还在背地里偷偷的给班级抹黑呢? When everyone collective honor feeling most surges upward, Li Tangyue actually violates this damage class and grade image the mistake, how does this make the schoolmates be able to accept? 在大家集体荣誉感最为高涨的时候,黎棠月却犯下这种有损班级形象的错误,这让同学们如何能够接受? Therefore, does not know that is who takes the lead, a language copy clerk cuts the expansive sky suddenly, pounded directly in Li Tangyue conducting the back. 因此,也不知是谁带了个头,一本语文书就这么突然划破长空,径直砸在了黎棠月的背上。 Bang!’ ‘嘭!’ Li Tangyue is lucky, the four corners/horns of textbook have not pounded on her, therefore this is not very sore. 黎棠月运气不错,课本的四个角并没有砸在她身上,所以这一下并不是很疼。 But following close on...... 但紧跟着…… Beyond the innumerable language number the textbook is common like the rainstorm, one after another pounded unceasingly to Li Tangyue. 数不清的语数外课本却是如同暴雨一般,一本接着一本的不断砸向了黎棠月。 At that moment, Li Tangyue looks like the prisoner who parades somebody through the streets to be the same, was being attacked by the schoolmates crazily. 那一刻,黎棠月就像是游街示众的囚犯一样,被同学们疯狂的攻击着。 The textbook pounded, that pounded the stationery, anything convenient pounded anything in any case. 课本砸完了,那就砸文具,反正什么顺手就砸什么。 Dead fat pig!” “死肥猪!” Get lost!” “滚出去!” Our class does not welcome you!” “我们班不欢迎你!” Goes!” “快滚!” Confucius had said: My disciple, the boy does not expel to the sound of drumbeats to be possible.’ 孔子曾经说过:‘非吾徒也,小子鸣鼓而攻之可也。’ Now Li Tangyue encounters is such a situation. 黎棠月现在所遭遇的就是这么一种情况。 She was not welcome by the schoolmates, in addition give the class and grade to discredit, will therefore be rally togethered to attack by the schoolmates like the present. 她本来就不受同学们欢迎,再加上自己又给班级抹了黑,所以才会像现在这样被同学们群起而攻之。 Niannian sits in Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month next door. 念念就坐在黎棠月隔壁。 Possibly is whose hand did not shake carefully, therefore pounded to the textbook of Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month, immediately flies arrived on her. 可能是谁的手不小心抖了一下,所以原本砸向黎棠月的课本里,顿时就有一本飞到了她头上。 Niannian now is also a violent temper. 要知道,念念现在也是个暴脾气。 Therefore without and other textbooks pounded she, she put out a hand to hit the textbook directly, then leaping a standing up body, and shouted toward all violent: Stop! What are you making?!” 所以没等课本砸中她,她就直接伸手将课本打了下来,然后‘腾’的一下站起身子,并朝全班暴喝道:“住手!你们在做什么?!” Niannian acted crazy. 念念又发飙了。 However this time...... 不过这一次…… Her bravely stepping forward has not actually played any role. 她的挺身而出却没有起到任何作用。 The schoolmates are pounding the thing to Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month as before carelessly, and clamored unceasingly must make Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month tumble out for six years two classes. 同学们依旧在向黎棠月胡乱砸着东西,并不断叫嚣着要让黎棠月滚出六年二班。 Sees that Niannian does not know the strength of where coming, the sudden palm of the hand clapped on the school desk. 见状,念念也不知哪儿来的力气,突然一巴掌拍在了课桌上。 Bang!!!’ ‘砰!!!’ The giant sound frightens arrived to present everyone. 巨大的响声吓到了在场所有人。 The people fix the eyes on looked, this discovered the Niannian's school desk unexpectedly patting by her palm of the hand badly! 众人定睛一看,这才发现念念的课桌居然被她一巴掌给拍坏了! This is not rotten wooden table in rural primary school! 要知道,这可不是乡村小学里的烂木桌子啊! Can a Chen Nian palm of the hand this made of iron school desk destroying unexpectedly? 陈念一巴掌居然能把这铁制的课桌给打坏了? Being noisy classroom finally peaceful. 闹哄哄的教室终于安静了下来。 At once, the people somewhat keep silent. 一时之间,众人都不禁有些噤若寒蝉。 The scene was controlled finally by her. 场面总算被她控制住了。 After Niannian takes a fast look around all one in a hurry, this comes side arrived Li Tangyue quickly. 念念匆匆扫视全班一眼后,这才快步来到了黎棠月身旁。 But when she prepares to ask Li Tangyue is injured...... 可就在她准备问问黎棠月有没有受伤的时候…… Out the classroom actually suddenly resounded the voice of teacher in charge. 教室门外却突然响起了班主任的声音。 „Are you doing?” “你们在干什么?” This whose book? How to throw the corridor?” “这谁的书?怎么都扔到走廊上来了?” Doesn't want to attend class?” “是不是不想上课了?” After seeing textbook that throws down everywhere, the complexion of teacher immediately gloomy. 看到满地乱扔的课本后,老师的脸色顿时就阴沉了下来。 Therefore, just entered the classroom, he then certificate numerous pounding in hand on platform. 因此,刚一走进教室,他便将手中的奖状重重的砸在了讲台上。 Said!” “说!” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” A moment ago what were you quarrelling?” “你们刚才在吵什么?” After hearing the voice of teacher, the schoolmates who the public sentiment was also roused to action a moment ago failed to explode immediately. 听到老师的声音后,刚才还群情激奋的同学们顿时哑火了。 At this time, Zhao Yue voice actually made a sound in the completely silent classroom suddenly. 这时,赵悦的声音却突然在鸦雀无声教室里响了起来。 Teacher, Li Tangyue by school public criticism.” “老师,黎棠月被学校通报批评了。” Has saying that this little miss really very has the plans. 不得不说,这个小姑娘确实挺有心机的。 A simple statement, not only successfully shifted the attention of teacher, but also pulled back the line of sight focus Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month instantaneously. 只是一句简单的陈述,不光成功转移了老师的注意力,还瞬间把黎棠月重新拉回了视线焦点。 Then, Zhao Yue even also demonstration stared Niannian one. 说完,赵悦甚至还示威似的瞪了念念一眼。 However, what Zhao Yue has not thought is...... 然而,赵悦没有想到的是…… After the teacher listens to her words, actually nods gently, on face not too big response. 老师听完她的话以后,却只是轻轻点了点头,脸上并没有太大的反应。 Un, I know.” “嗯,我知道。” Originally, a moment ago when the office with the certificate, the teacher had learned of this news from side population. 原来,刚才在办公室拿奖状的时候,老师就已经从旁人口中得知了这个消息。 The school the public criticism. 全校通报批评。 Li Tangyue stole anything during the games actually not, or hit anyone. 倒不是黎棠月在运动会期间偷了什么东西,或是打了什么人。 But because...... 而是因为…… Very much Li Tangyue is not in luck was stressed the arrived three times by the doing an inspection group continuously. 黎棠月很不走运的被巡查组连续抓到了三次。 It is well known, during the games , although can act on free will, actually cannot long time be separated from the class and grade to run around. 众所周知,运动会期间虽然可以自由行动,却也不能长时间脱离班级到处乱跑。 Possibly because of body too fat reason, therefore Li Tangyue has been afraid very much attended the games. 可能是因为身体太胖的缘故,所以黎棠月一直都很害怕参加运动会。 Therefore, the games just from the beginning, her one person returned to the classroom to hide. 因此,运动会刚一开始,她就一个人回到教室躲了起来。 This behavior is the school does not permit absolutely. 这种行为是学校绝对不允许的。 Doing an inspection group first time time of catching Li Tangyue, under the pretext of taking thing deceived by her. 巡查组第一次抓到黎棠月的时候,被她以拿东西为借口糊弄了过去。 Finally next day she was caught present by the doing an inspection group. 结果第二天她又被巡查组抓了个现行。 This could not deceive, after doing an inspection group of teacher to reprove, Li Tangyue does not dare to continue to treat in the classroom, then hid in the arrived rooftop. 这回糊弄不过去了,被巡查组老师一通训斥后,黎棠月也不敢继续待在教室,转而躲到了天台上。 She hid for three days. 她就这么躲了三天。 Cannot ask for leave, does not dare to appear. 不能请假,也不敢露头。 Because appears, the schoolmates will allow her to join the shot project badly with a smile. 因为一露头,同学们就会坏笑着让她去参加铅球项目。 You that fat, throwing the shot is very certainly fierce?’ ‘你长得那么胖,扔铅球一定很厉害吧?’ Li Tangyue the pressure is very big. 黎棠月的心理压力真的很大。 However...... 然而…… The teachers of doing an inspection group will actually not manage these. 巡查组的老师却不会管这些。 Therefore, when she doing an inspection group holds for the third time after rooftop, Li Tangyue these three characters by the teacher be relentless are then recorded in the doing an inspection summary. 因此,当她在天台上第三次被巡查组抓住后,黎棠月这三个字便被老师毫不留情的记录在了巡查纪要上。 The behavior is extremely bad, must the school public criticism! 行为极其恶劣,必须全校通报批评! Although Li Tangyue the behavior destroyed for six years two classes of collective images, makes the performance of teacher in charge be affected by arrived. 虽然黎棠月的行为破坏了六年二班的集体形象,也让班主任的绩效受到了影响。 The non- over-carriage the angle of teacher, the teacher in charge can understand Li Tangyue the behavior, therefore he does not want to make many investigations at this matter. 不过站在老师的角度上来说,班主任还是能够理解黎棠月的行为,所以他并不想在这件事情上做过多的追究。 The teacher can understand that Li Tangyue behavior motive, is...... 老师能够理解黎棠月的行为动机,可是…… This actually cannot understand on behalf of the schoolmates. 这却并不代表同学们也能够理解。 Therefore, after seeing a teacher indifferent appearance, before the noisy fiercest several schoolmates stood on a face immediately angrily. 因此,在看到老师一副无所谓的样子后,之前闹的最厉害的几个同学顿时就一脸愤怒的站了起来。 Teacher! Can expel our class Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month? We do not welcome her!” “老师!能不能把黎棠月赶出我们班?我们不欢迎她!”
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