IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#552: Bodgie

Today the audience of this martial arts contest congress has. 今天这场比武大会的观众有很多。 Small Said. 说. Outside cameraman who except that the school teachers and students, as well as invite temporarily, Chen Xi actually also secretly comes to the arrived scene to observe. 除了全校师生,以及临时请来的摄像师外,陈曦其实也偷偷的来到了现场观战。 After all, where retransmits to have the scene to observe exciting? 毕竟,转播哪有现场观战来得刺激? This is the first time that Niannian fought, therefore Chen Xi naturally must arrive at the scene to cheer on for the daughter. 这还是念念第一次与人交手,所以陈曦当然要亲临现场为女儿呐喊助威。 Therefore, while the schoolmates in abundance are Niannian keep it up cheers, the Chen Xi's form emerged out of thin air by the drill ground classroom building roof. 因此,就在同学们纷纷为念念加油欢呼的同时,陈曦的身影凭空出现在了操场旁边的教学楼楼顶。 Meow ~ “喵~ Detected that Chen Xi's arrives, Big Cat jumps down from the crown immediately, then took possession like the spider hero, does not conform to the physical general knowledge by one type extremely the running movement, was vertical to rush to the roof along the wall. 察觉到陈曦的到来,大猫顿时就从树冠上跳了下来,然后就像蜘蛛侠附体了一样,以一种极不符合物理常识的奔跑动作,就这么沿着墙壁垂直奔上了楼顶。 After arriving at the roof, Big Cat leaps on the arrived Chen Xi shoulder, is following close on then like before, licked the claw, then naps on the Chen Xi shoulder on lying of being bored to death. 来到楼顶后,大猫就一跃到了陈曦肩上,紧跟着便像之前那样,舔了舔爪子,然后就百无聊赖的趴在陈曦肩上打起了盹儿来。 It seems like that among pushing and shoving regarding children creates a disturbance, it really could not be interested slightly...... 看来,对于小孩子之间的推搡打闹,它是真的提不起丝毫兴趣来…… Yeah, did Niannian grow?” “哎,念念是不是又长高了?” Conveniently to rub Big Cat along sliding the soft hair, Chen Xi then discovered that Niannian as if grew a section. 随手撸了撸大猫顺滑柔软的毛发,陈曦这才发现念念似乎又长高了一截。 Even if places in the sixth-grade child, her height was not short. 即使放在六年级孩子中,她的身高也算不上矮了。 This child...... 这孩子…… Later should not be long is higher than her father? 以后该不会长得比她爹还高吧? Chen Xi was busy studying daughter's height issue, that side Niannian welcomed the first fight in oneself life. 陈曦这边忙着研究女儿的身高问题,念念那边却迎来了自己人生中的第一场战斗。 Then, her opponent also is really not any random trash, instead prestigious man of the hour. 说起来,她的对手还真的不是什么阿猫阿狗,反而还是颇具声望的风云人物。 If the Niannian's prestige mostly came from her usually the outstanding performance, then Hao Jie exactly is opposite with it, because his prestige mostly came from all sorts of misdeeds that in the ordinary day violates. 如果说念念的声望大多来自她平时优异的表现,那么郝杰就恰恰与之相反,因为他的声望大多来自于平日里犯下的种种劣迹。 This is little devil that made one have a headache about, or can be called as 这是一个令人头疼的熊孩子,或者也可以称作 Bodgie. 不良少年。 Hao Jie this boy studies late, now also just now reach 12 years old, but he actually does not know where learned that set on society. 郝杰这小子读书晚,现在也才刚满十二岁,可是他却不知从哪儿学会了社会上的那一套。 Others also when wallows the King glory, this boy has played the smoking excessive drinking to be in love, won seriously on the life starting line. 别人都还在沉迷王者荣耀的时候,这小子就已经玩起了抽烟酗酒谈恋爱,当真是赢在了人生起跑线上。 However, revolting recurrence rebel. 不过,叛逆归叛逆。 In the final analysis...... 说到底…… Hao Jie also is just a 12-year-old youngster, therefore he and Zhao's pleased love offair, is actually more like one type to approve, the particular relationship of common cooperation mutually. 郝杰也只不过是一个12岁的少年,所以他和赵悦的恋爱关系,其实更像是一种相互认可、共同协作的特殊关系。 Two people hope that can show own particularity, and causes envying and worship of schoolmates by this, thus satisfied their being ready to make trouble efforts. 两人都希望能够借此展现出自己的特殊性,并以此引起同学们的羡慕和崇拜,从而满足了他们那颗蠢蠢欲动的好胜心。 In hearing Chen Nian the flash of this name, Hao Jie remembered Zhao Yue once to he has spoken the words. 在听到‘陈念’这个名字的一瞬间,郝杰想起了赵悦曾经对他说过的话。 Although looks like in Hao Jie, the youngest sister of Niannian obvious some probably lower grade. 虽然在郝杰看来,念念明显有些像是低年级的小妹妹。 But as the Zhao pleased boyfriend, Hao Jie felt oneself have the duty to vent anger for the girlfriend. 可是作为赵悦的男朋友,郝杰觉得自己有义务为女朋友出气。 Therefore after mounting the stage, he did intentionally stared Niannian one with raw hate, and raised up the middle finger toward Niannian wickedly. 所以在上台之后,他就故作凶狠的瞪了念念一眼,并朝念念恶狠狠的竖起了中指。 Clearly, this movement does specially to Zhao Yue looked that indicates own determination by this. 很明显,这个动作是专门做给赵悦看的,以此表述自己的决心。 Moreover, Hao Jie also wants to frighten Niannian. 另外,郝杰也想借此吓唬吓唬念念 Best is Niannian concedes defeat, he will not end up the infamy of like this bullying the female student, can recover the gathering place for the girlfriend. 最好是念念自己低头认输,这样他既不会落得个欺负女生的骂名,同时也能为女朋友找回场子。 „???” “???” Compared to Hao Jie's vicious, Niannian's responded that appeared somewhat moe dull. 相对于郝杰的凶狠,念念的反应就显得有些呆萌了。 Although she does not understand why Hao Jie will have such big hostility to oneself, but she actually also knows that sets upright the middle finger is what meaning. 她虽然不明白郝杰为何会对自己抱有这么大的敌意,可是她却也知道竖中指是什么意思。 Therefore, Niannian immediately on some not happy honk mouth. 因此,念念顿时就有些不高兴的嘟了嘟嘴。 Competition starts!” “比赛开始!” Petty action that the referee has not noticed Hao Jie. 裁判并没有注意到郝杰的小动作。 Saw with own eyes after two young players take place, he sounded the whistling sound directly. 眼见两名小选手就位后,他就直接吹响了哨声。 The competition started. 比赛开始了。 In front of school teachers and students, some Hao Jie restraining, therefore he has not overrun toward Niannian immediately, but stands in same place beckons toward Niannian. 当着全校师生的面,郝杰还是有些收敛的,所以他并没有立刻朝着念念冲过去,而是站在原地朝念念招了招手。 Seeing that Niannian is but actually impolite with him. 见状,念念倒也没有跟他客气。 Only listens to her one ‚’ after oneself strong emboldened, then starting to walk footsteps silly rushes over toward Hao Jie. 只听她一声‘嗬呀’为自己壮了壮胆后,便迈开脚步傻乎乎的朝着郝杰冲了过去。 What here needs to mention is...... 这里需要提到的是…… The school out of security concerns, compulsion made each child put on the boxing glove. 学校出于安全考虑,强制让每个孩子都戴上了拳击手套。 Before Niannian, what has practiced is the palm law, therefore she after Hao Jie, then silly by fist generation of palms, wielded directly fights with the fists to Hao Jiemian gate. 念念之前一直练的是掌法,所以她靠近郝杰后,便傻乎乎的以拳代掌,直接挥拳打向了郝杰面门。 Yeah Ya! this silly child......” “哎呀!这傻孩子……” Had not seen that others do suspend the standard to keep off the stance ahead of time?” “没看到人家都提前摆好格挡架势吗?” Unexpectedly also gives others to feed to incur like this?” “居然还这样去给别人喂招?” Most has the audience who the eyesight sees as the audience, Chen Xi sits in the roof, to rub Big Cat, while gave the appraisal to the Niannian's style. 作为全场最有眼力见的观众,陈曦坐在楼顶上,一边撸着大猫,一边对念念的招式给予了评价。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 Chen Xi finishes barely the words, Hao Jie in field lifted the left arm to fend off the Niannian's fist directly, simultaneously wielded the right fist, fought with the fists to the Niannian's lower abdomen. 陈曦话音未落,场中的郝杰就直接抬起左臂挡开了念念的拳头,同时挥出右拳,一拳打向了念念的小腹。 This move, is arhat fist fourth 这一招,正是罗汉拳第四式 pull Yunjian day! 拔云见日! Because puts on the reason of exposure suit, Hao Jie this fist gets down, Niannian has not received any injury, but referees in the chairman's podium took to record in abundance. 因为穿着防护服的缘故,郝杰这一拳头下去,念念并没有受到任何伤害,可是主席台上的裁判们却纷纷拿笔记录了起来。 Just like all sports, the referee will grade according to child's performance, score high victory. 和所有的体育项目一样,裁判会依据孩子的表现来打分,得分较高者胜。 Reason that because Niannian can also stand, therefore the referee has not sounded the whistle immediately, but hints both sides to continue to compete with. 因为念念还能站立的原因,所以裁判并没有立刻吹响哨子,而是示意双方继续比试。 Hao Jie as if has certain martial arts contest to compare notes to experience. 郝杰似乎有着一定的比武切磋经验。 Therefore, while time that Niannian has not recovered, he takes back the fist immediately, then trampled outside the Niannian calf. 因此,趁念念还没有回过神来的功夫,他立刻收回了拳头,然后一脚踹在了念念小腿外侧。 Then good. 这下好了。 Even if puts on the equipment maintenance, because Niannian also the center of gravity not steady reason, threw down at the scene on the cushion. 哪怕穿着护具,念念也因为重心不稳的缘故,当场摔倒在了垫子上。 ‚!!!’ ‘咻!!!’ After the sharp whistling sound resounds, Hao Jie stops the movement immediately, and withdrew backward three steps. 尖锐的哨声响起后,郝杰立刻停下动作,并向后退出了三步。 Successfully strikes down the opponent, according to the scoring rule of referee, this foot can obtain three points? 成功击倒对手,按照裁判的计分规则,这一脚怎么也能得到三分吧? Chen Nian, but can also stand? Can admit defeat?” 陈念,还能站起来吗?要不要认输?” The referee half step went forward to hold Niannian, simultaneously slightly obviously cared asked one. 裁判快步上前将念念扶了起来,同时略显关心的问了一句。 The children, cannot be victorious admit defeat, this is very normal matter. 小孩子嘛,打不过就认输,这是很正常的事儿。 However...... 然而…… Niannian after hearing referee's question, actually digs a small mouth face not happy reply immediately: Does not want! I can stand, I have not lost!” 念念在听到裁判的问话后,却是立刻撅起小嘴一脸不高兴的回答道:“不要!我能站起来,我没有输!” Then, this small girl then ate gunpowder to result in probably, crawled from the ground all of a sudden, then exhibited the stance. 说完,这小丫头便像是吃了火药似得,一下子就从地上爬了起来,然后重新摆开了架势。 Good, carefully, should not be injured.” “好吧,那你小心一点,不要受伤了。” The referee hints two people to stand, prepares to restart the competition. 裁判示意两人站好,准备重新开始比试。 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… Niannian actually made an unexpected movement suddenly. 念念却突然做了个令人意想不到的动作。 Sees only, her fast places the mouth the gauntlet/glove, then 2-3 the fist on hand taking off. 只见,她飞快的将拳套放在嘴边,然后2-3就把手上的拳头给脱了下来。 What do you make? Puts on the gauntlet/glove quickly!” “你做什么呢?快把拳套戴上!” The referee discovered the Niannian's movement, therefore speaks to scold one immediately. 裁判发现了念念的动作,于是立刻出言呵斥了一声。 hearing this, Niannian, not only has not obeyed referee's request, instead also throws to enter the stage the gauntlet/glove intentionally outside, simultaneously refuted: Does not want! My arhat fist, Father will not teach me is the palm law, put on the gauntlet/glove I to hit does not take control of the law!” 闻言,念念非但没有听从裁判的要求,反而还故意将拳套扔出了场外,同时反驳道:“不要!我不会罗汉拳,爸爸教我的是掌法,戴上拳套我就打不出掌法了!” Holds the law?” “掌法?” The referee is also Martial Artist, after hearing a little fellow such saying, he approached the chairman's podium on a face hesitant observation immediately. 裁判也是武者,听到小家伙这么一说后,他顿时就一脸犹豫了望向了主席台。 This is the custom that the school sets, wears the gauntlet/glove to also avoid the child is injured. 这是学校定下的规矩,戴拳套也是为了避免孩子受伤。 But...... 可是…… martial arts and boxing are eventually different. 武术和拳击终究不一样。 martial arts has the Fist Arts not only, meanwhile has the fingering and palm law, therefore put on the gauntlet/glove is not equivalent put on the shackles? 武术不光有拳法,同时还有指法、掌法,所以戴上拳套不就相当于戴上了镣铐? In chairman's podium. 主席台上。 After the referees explained one, the principal then understands essential, therefore then nods toward the stage, promised the little fellow not to wear the request of gauntlet/glove refreshedly. 经过裁判们讲解一番后,校长这才明白了其中关键,于是便朝台下点了点头,爽快的答应了小家伙不戴拳套的请求。 The principal also wants to have a look actually, actually the palm law of this small girl has what special place. 校长倒是也想看看,这小丫头的掌法究竟有什么特别之处。 Ok, the competition made a fresh start, listened to my whistling......” “好了,比试重新开始,听我口哨……” One, two and three......” “一、二、三……” „!!!” “咻!!!”
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