IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#551: Goddess and neighbor youngest sister

Although the arhat fist could have been toxic martial arts, but can his person of achieving mastery through a comprehensive study actually also be few truly. 虽然罗汉拳已经算得上是具有杀伤力的武学了,但真正能够将其融会贯通的人却也是寥寥无几。 Actually this with study the piano is a matter. 其实这就跟学钢琴是一回事。 The piano was born in 1700, with a history of more than 300 years. 钢琴诞生于1700年,至今已有300多年的历史。 But till today, the entire world how many people can play the piano , are how many people skilled in the piano? 可是直到今天为止,全世界又有多少人会弹钢琴,又有多少人精通钢琴呢? Therefore, in this several years, even if martial arts upsurge momentum again how turbulent, in the situation of average person in lacking the direction as well as related inexperienced of famous teacher, most also only then lays out the flower trellis, can by the person who the talent is a self-made person be too few truly. 因此,在这短短几年时间里,哪怕武术热潮的势头再怎么汹涌,普通人在缺少名师的指引以及相关经验不足的情况下,最多也就只有摆摆花架子,真正能够靠天赋自学成才的人还是太少了。 But aren't the adults able to put forth the arhat fist true might, idle talk these less than ten -year-old children? 而就连成年人都无法使出罗汉拳真正的威力,遑论这些不到十岁的小孩子们呢? Thereupon...... 于是乎…… The capital attached elementary school's first martial arts congress turned into a farce, looks in the children who on the stage temper mutually pushes and shoves, the teachers present revealed to shake the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 首都附小第一届武术大会就这么变成了一场闹剧,看着在台上互相摔打推搡的孩子们,在座的老师们都不禁露出了摇头失笑了起来。 The children truly tried hard very much, at least has decent that the gesture suspends. 孩子们确实很努力了,至少起手式还是摆的像模像样。 May begin truly, that moe an appearance point that moe stupid also to make people unable to feel the threat stupid. 可真正动起手来的时候,那蠢萌蠢萌的样子却一点也让人感觉不到威胁。 Has saying that appearance of their earnest shadowboxing...... 不得不说,他们认真打拳的样子…… Too was really lovable! 实在太可爱了! Finally, the grade championship of fourth grade was depended the body advantage to take by young short and stocky. 最终,四年级的年级冠军奖杯被一个小胖墩仗着身体优势拿下了。 As soon as the competition of fourth grade just ended, the child who should be one's turn the fifth grade went on stage. 四年级的比赛刚一结束,就该轮到五年级的孩子上场了。 Here can discover, the child of child and fifth grade of fourth grade has very big difference. 这里可以发现,四年级的孩子和五年级的孩子还是有着很大的区别。 Especially when the move, the child of fifth grade has been able to make one set of magnificent straight punch + to sweep the combination of hall leg. 尤其是在出招的时候,五年级的孩子已经能够打出一套华丽的直拳+扫堂腿的组合了。 Although their sunflower three will not have met eight young female magnificent even/including trick/recruit, but with older of presence player, the splendid degree of competition also starts to soar. 虽然他们还不会葵花三式接八稚女的华丽连招,但随着出场选手的年龄越来越大,比赛的精彩程度也开始直线上升。 Until after first is going against a Martial Artist title the child who mounts the stage to arrive, the atmosphere immediately is pushed the arrived peak. 直到第一个顶着一段武者称号上台的孩子登场后,气氛顿时就被推到了最高点。 What is a Martial Artist classification standard? 一段武者的评级标准是什么? That can make one set of complete arhat fist in the actual combat. 那就是能够在实战中打出一套完整的罗汉拳。 It is not the tortoise fist, does not wrestle carelessly, but is a genuine fist foot, utilizes in the arhat fist the actual combat thoroughly. 不是什么王八拳,也不是胡乱扭打,而是真正的一拳一脚,把罗汉拳彻底运用到实战中。 …… 正所谓 The arhat Big Dipper, the step walks Dingding. 罗汉七星,步走丁丁。 left Banyou to like the wind, about the class/flow travels at night quickly works as the chest. 左搬右冲快如风,左右流星奔当胸。 On does not put up, low does not block. 上不架,低不拦。 The central thump, changes the Eight Trigrams (gossip). 中心捶,变八卦。 Two not parting emotions, the fairy does not dare to come. 两手不离怀,神鬼不敢来。 As Martial Artist gradually arrives, these only depended on the instinct to be defeated on the by extremely quick speed in the child of fight immediately. 随着一段武者逐渐登场,那些只凭原始本能在战斗的孩子顿时就以极快的速度落败了。 The competition of fifth grade has the gold content, the teachers have many expectations to the child of sixth grade unavoidably, only hopes that can see a splendid peerless fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents. 五年级的比试已经颇具含金量,老师们不免就对六年级的孩子抱以更多的期望,只希望能看到一场精彩绝伦的龙争虎斗。 Therefore, the principal even adjusted two cameraman all-around minute book martial arts contest congresses, only hopes that the sixth-grade children's performance cannot disappoint her. 为此,校长甚至调来了两名摄像师全方位记录本届比武大会,只希望六年级孩子们的表现不会让她失望。 Such that finally just like also everyone thinks. 结果也正如大家所想的那样。 Because the mental relatively mature reason, the child of sixth grade shadowboxes is also naturally smoother than the child of lower grade, style also even more rhythmical. 因为心智比较成熟的缘故,六年级的孩子打起拳来自然也比低年级的孩子顺畅许多,招式也愈发的有板有眼。 Finally...... 终于…… Was one's turn for six years two classes of players to arrive. 轮到六年二班的选手登场了。 Zhao Yue goes to battle in front of Niannian, her appearance also made the audience atmosphere greet a big high tide again. 赵悦是在念念前面出战的,她的出现也让全场气氛再次迎来了一个大高潮。 Female students! 女生! She is the first mounting the stage female student. 她是第一个登台的女生。 And Zhao Yue stature selects high, the chest front also had the sign of sticking out slightly, therefore in the flash that she mounts the stage, opposite that male student is blushing does not immediately dare to look at her one eyes again. 且赵悦身材高挑,胸前也微微有了隆起的迹象,因此在她上台的一瞬间,对面那个男生就立马红着脸不敢再看她一眼了。 What here needs to mention is...... 这里需要提到的是…… Because various class of teacher in charge that wishful thinkings, therefore this martial arts contest congress basically does not have the female student to participate. 因为各班班主任那点小心思,所以本届比武大会基本没有女生参加。 The insufficiency of participants, caused the competition unable to be divided into the men and women's group to the war, therefore Niannian and Zhao's pleased opponents were a male student. 参赛人员的不足,也导致了大赛无法分成男女组对战,所以念念和赵悦的对手都是男生。 With Niannian's shy immature different, on Zhao Yue has the beautiful feeling that several points of young girl was in sole possession. 念念的青涩稚嫩不同,赵悦身上已经有了几分少女所独有的明媚感。 The present child was very precocious, in addition family circumstances wealthy reason, therefore Zhao Yue was online truant long before secretly is putting on make-up. 现在的孩子本来就很早熟,再加上家境富裕的缘故,所以赵悦很早以前就在网上偷偷学着化妆了。 Although her putting on make-up technology is not much, is compared with an elementary student, was extremely was dazzling. 虽然她的化妆技术还不怎么样,可是比起一众小学生来说,却还是太过于耀眼了一些。 Therefore, Zhao Yuegang arrived, under stage many little devil immediately like hitting chicken blood, shouted loudly excitedly. 因此,赵悦刚一登场,台下许多熊孩子顿时就像打了鸡血一样,兴奋的大喊大叫了起来。 Six years class of Liu Hao, please and please advise......” “六年一班刘昊,请、请指教……” Six years two classes of Zhao Yue, please advise.” “六年二班赵悦,请指教。” Two children under referee's guidance, salute after mutually did introduced oneself, Zhao Yue then takes the lead take action. 两个孩子在裁判的引导下,互相行礼做了自我介绍后,赵悦便率先出手了。 Although the boys are also Martial Artist, but he actually as if receives is not hitting the straight male concept of woman, even if Zhao Yue stretches the legs after one set of standard Shun step thump, he still does not have the idea that must hit back slightly. 男孩儿虽然也是一段武者,可是他却似乎秉承着不打女人的直男观念,哪怕赵悦以一套标准的顺步捶紧接蹬腿后,他也依然没有丝毫要还手的想法。 Sees that Zhao Yue does not feel surprised, instead took advantage of opportunity to fiercely attack. 见状,赵悦却一点也不觉得惊讶,反而顺势猛攻了起来。 Under sees only her to bow suddenly the waist, sweeps the hall leg to kick directly the boy after the place, follows close on is then jumping high, simultaneously bent/tune Zhouxu the strength, beat to approach the boy chest by the elbow sharp ruthlessly. 只见她突然躬身下腰,一记扫堂腿将男孩儿直接踢到在地后,紧跟着便高高跃起,同时曲肘蓄力,以肘尖狠狠捶向了男孩儿胸膛。 Stop!” “住手!” When the referee detected that is not right, spoke sternly drank to stop, the boy has covered the chest to lie down in the moan of ground pain. 当裁判察觉到不对劲,厉声出言喝止的时候,男孩儿已经捂着胸口躺在地上痛苦的呻吟了起来。 Although puts on the equipment maintenance, but Zhao Yue this turned over/stood up the thump to shake obviously hurt him. 虽然穿着护具,可是赵悦这一记翻身捶显然还是震疼了他。 Zhao Yue, victory!” “赵悦,胜!” Confirmed the after injury of boy and is not affected much, the referee then judged the result of this competition carelessly. 确认男孩儿的伤势并无大碍后,裁判这才草草宣判了此次比试的结果。 Afterward, Zhao Yue in vision that then in an numerous admire, leisurely however went down the arena. 随后,赵悦便在一众仰慕的目光里,施施然的走下了擂台。 Clearly, the Zhao Yue swift and fierce performance not only has not frightened the audience, instead also renovated everyone regarding the goddess cognition. 很明显,赵悦凌厉的表现非但没有吓到台下观众,反而还刷新了大家对于女神的认知。 Goddess...... 女神嘛…… Only may observe, but cannot profane to play. 只可远观而不可亵玩焉。 After Zhao Yue, then turns arrived Niannian to arrive. 赵悦之后,便轮到了念念登场。 If compares with the aloof arrogant goddess Zhao Yue, then Niannian obviously is the human and animals harmless neighbor youngest sister. 如果将赵悦比作高冷倨傲的女神,那么念念显然就是人畜无害的邻家小妹妹。 Six years class of Hao Jie, please advise.” “六年一班郝杰,请指教。” Six years two classes of Chen Nian, please advise.” “六年二班陈念,请指教。” As Niannian's identifies one's role when first coming on stage, under the stage resounded full cheers suddenly. 随着念念的自报家门,台下忽然响起了一阵铺天盖地的欢呼声。 Class leader, keep it up!” “班长,加油!” You are best!” “你是最棒的!” Chen Nian, Chen Nian and Chen Nian!!!” 陈念陈念陈念!!!” Niannian then looked, discovered before her keep it up unexpectedly has treated class and grade. 念念回头一看,才发现为她加油的居然都是自己以前待过的班级。 For example beforehand one year a class, present three years two classes, beforehand three years two classes, present five years two classes...... 比如以前的一年一班,现在的三年二班,以前的三年二班,现在的五年二班…… Although she now is six years two classes of class leaders, was these once schoolmates, has not actually forgotten this obviously like class leader Sir of comet sparkle. 虽然她现在已经是六年二班的班长了,可是这些曾经的同学们,却显然还没有忘记这个如同彗星般闪耀的班长大人。 Niannian jumped two-level, never expected that she actually also therefore becomes the school personal connection best child. 念念跳了两级,没想到她却也因此成为了全校人缘最好的孩子。 Snort!” “哼!” Looks that so many artificial Niannian keep it up cheer, Zhao Yue immediately on cold snorted one of the air/Qi. 看着这么多人为念念加油助威,赵悦顿时就气的冷哼了一声。 However quick, on her face showed a strange smiling face. 不过很快的,她脸上就露出了一丝奇怪的笑容。 Doesn't Chen Nian like showing off very much? 陈念不是很喜欢出风头吗? How that has a look at her is to make a boner on the stage later! 那就看看她待会儿是怎么在台上出丑的! Mentioning was also skillful...... 说来也是巧了…… Zhao Yue boyfriend is at present this boy named Hao Jie. 赵悦的男朋友正是眼前这个名叫郝杰的男孩儿。 They stem from a yard, the family background is not the average man can compare, in addition the double Fang Family long relations are good, two people also on naturally walks the arrived same place. 他们俩出自一个大院,家庭背景都不是常人可以比拟的,再加上双方家长关系不错,两人也就自然而然的走到了一起。 Before Zhao Yue, has mentioned Niannian with Hao Jie, therefore she very clear...... 赵悦之前就跟郝杰提到过念念,所以她很清楚…… Hao Jie will certainly vent anger for oneself!. 郝杰一定会替自己出气的!.
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