IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#550: The capital attached elementary school's first martial arts congress

Teacher, I am also Martial Artist!” “老师,我也是一段武者!” Why she can participate, can't I participate?!” “凭什么她可以参加,我就不可以参加?!” The Niannian clear interrogation sound resounds in the classroom suddenly, the teacher changed the complexion at the scene slightly. 念念清脆的质问声在教室里骤然响起,老师当场微微变了脸色。 This child...... 这孩子…… So to be how obedient? 怎么就这么不听话了呢? The teacher does not permit Niannian to attend the martial arts contest congress, that also stems from a good intention. 老师之所以不准念念参加比武大会,那也是出自一片好心。 Never expected that this small girl actually takes the medicine to be mistakenly same today probably, being probable stands to make him unable to get out. 没想到这个小丫头今天却像是吃错了药一样,非得站出来让他下不了台。 I said again, this martial arts contest congress conducts between and grade, you now already sixth grade, the opponents who therefore you must face are greatly your at least liangsan-year-old schoolmate, you determined that you do want to participate?” “我再说一遍,本届比武大会是在同年级之间进行,你现在已经六年级了,所以你要面对的对手都是大你至少两三岁的同学,你确定你要参加?” The expression on teacher face somewhat is really ugly. 老师脸上的表情着实有些难看。 However concerned about the Niannian usual performance, the teacher has not haggled over her contradicting behavior finally, then emphasized the martial arts contest congress again brutal. 不过碍于念念平时的表现,老师最终还是没有计较她刚才的顶撞行为,转而再次强调起比武大会的‘残酷性’。 He tries to convince Niannian to give up this bewildered thought. 他试图说服念念放弃这个莫名其妙的念头。 After all...... 毕竟…… The children compared with the adult, the 2 or 3 years old age gap, will not directly cause to contend in martial arts both sides never possibly to be in a magnitude. 小孩子可不比成年人,两三岁的年龄差距,将会直接导致比武双方永远不可能处在一个量级上。 The prize fight competition must be divided the lightweight and heavyweight, the reason that this martial arts congress actually because of inexperienced, absolutely does not have so many details to be tasteful. 职业拳击比赛都还要分轻量级、重量级,本届武术大会却因为经验不足的原因,根本就没有那么多细节讲究。 So long as Niannian entered for the competition, means after her , may meet Zhao Yue this height to be higher, body weight to be heavier than her her, even the hands and feet arm grows one big section compared with her heavyweight player. 念念只要报名参加了大赛,也就意味着她之后可能会遇到赵悦这种身高比她高、体重比她重,甚至就连手脚胳膊都比她长出一大截的‘重量级’选手。 This is not looks oppressively? 这不就是去找虐的吗? The teacher really does not want to make Niannian participate, but Niannian this actually seemed like the tortoise to eat the steelyard weight, iron core must attend the competition. 老师真的不想让念念参加,可是念念这回却像是王八吃了秤砣,铁了心要参加比赛。 Teacher, I determined!” “老师,我确定!” Hears the Niannian so categorical reply, after the teacher in charge is frowning pondered some little time, this finally relents to comply with her request. 听到念念如此斩钉截铁的回答,班主任皱着眉头思考了好一会儿后,这才终于松口答应了她的请求。 Good, that even your.” “好吧,那就算你一个。” The teacher thinks that Niannian really has a Martial Artist strength. 老师以为念念真的有一段武者的实力。 But in fact...... 可实际上…… Niannian has not gone to the martial arts training class, which also on looks for the Martial Artist qualification certification? 念念武术培训班都没有上过,又上哪儿去找武者资格认证呢? This small girl lied! 这小丫头撒谎了! Her learned deceived people! 她都学会骗人了! But Niannian will do that on the one hand is because she indeed wants to participate. 念念之所以会这么做,一方面是因为她的确很想参加。 On the other hand, then completely because of Zhao Yue. 另一方面,则完全是因为赵悦。 It is not feeling well her with Zhao Yue, Niannian uncomfortable Zhao Yue was also very long. 和赵悦不爽她一样,念念不爽赵悦也很久了。 In the Niannian's eye, Li Tangyue is both good and pitiful miss. 念念的眼里,黎棠月是个既善良又可怜的姑娘。 Others could gain weight, whom is obstructing? 人家只是长得胖了点,是碍着谁了麽? Why can be bullied daily? 凭什么天天就要受人欺负? Although all personnel are pushing aside Li Tangyue, may undergo Niannian these days observation, she discovered truly takes the lead in creating a disturbance such several people. 虽然全班都在排挤黎棠月,可经过念念这段时间的观察,她发现真正带头起哄的就那么几个人。 And has Zhao Yue. 其中就有赵悦。 Moreover makes people feel what is indignant, the method that Zhao Yue bullies the person may be fiercer than thin monkey. 而且更让人感到气愤的是,赵悦欺负人的手段可比瘦猴儿厉害多了。 Thin monkey most also takes the lead in creating a disturbance, is in itself not really very repugnant Li Tangyue. 瘦猴儿最多也就带头起起哄,本身并不是真的很讨厌黎棠月。 But Zhao Yue actually does not know that what's the matter, as if Li Tangyue existence will push down her face value to be the same, all day therefore she tries in the idea in view of Li Tangyue. 可是赵悦却不知怎么回事,仿佛黎棠月的存在就会拉低她的颜值一样,所以她整天都在想法设法的针对黎棠月。 Even if passed by from Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month, Zhao Yue will throw down 1-2 unknowingly causticically and meanly, with this stabbing pain Li Tangyue that frail innermost feelings. 哪怕无意间从黎棠月身旁路过,赵悦都会在不经意间丢下1-2尖酸刻薄的话,以此刺痛黎棠月那脆弱的内心。 - 正所谓- The language of offending somebody like the dagger, person serene that said that the listened person cut and bruised. 伤人的语言就像尖刀,说的人风轻云淡,听的人遍体鳞伤。 In the school, the female student of this tooth point mouth advantage is most difficult to deal with. 在学校里,这种牙尖嘴利的女生才是最难对付的。 Creating a disturbance that if mentions names, but she actually does not do that the edge that Niannian arrived act crazy several times, actually endured finally forcefully. 如果指名道姓的起哄也就罢了,可是她却偏偏不这么做,以至于念念好几次都到了发飙的边缘,最终却还是强行忍了下来。 Without the means that she truly cannot catch Zhao Yue handle, therefore does not have the means to defend against injustice for Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month. 没办法,她确实抓不到赵悦的把柄,所以也没办法为黎棠月打抱不平。 Looks at Li Tangyue day after day the depressed state of mind...... 看着黎棠月日渐消沉的精神状态…… Niannian felt, oneself needed has air/Qi for her time well! 念念觉得,自己有必要为她好好出一次气了! ...... …… Zhao Yue one and Chen Nian one, our class who is also Martial Artist?” “赵悦一个、陈念一个,咱们班还有谁是一段武者的?” king Xiaohu you also?” “王小虎你也是吧?” Ok, that your three same places go......” “行,那就你们三个一起去……” Zhao Yue with Niannian is a girl, therefore the teacher looks right and left, finally chooses a physique strongest boy in the child of raising hand. 赵悦和念念都是女孩儿,所以老师左看右看,最终才在举手的孩子里挑选出一个体格最强壮的男孩儿。 As after various class of teachers in charge submitted the participating candidates on oneself class in turn, the school here quick listed a decent schedule. 而随着各班班主任依次提交了自己班上的参赛人选后,学校这边很快就列出了一个像模像样的赛程表。 To be honest, children's enthusiasm somewhat came as a surprise to principal. 说实话,孩子们的热情有些出乎了校长的预料。 Also thinks this congress participants cannot collect continually, finally actually imagines with him complete different. 原本还以为本届大会连参赛人员都凑不齐,结果却和他想象的完全不一样。 If not for some teachers discovered that the situation is not right, made the principal limit various class of numbers promptly, feared that will be this applicants will also turn several times upward. 若不是有老师发现情况不对,及时让校长限制了各班参赛人数的话,怕是这个报名人数还会往上翻个好几倍。 Ok, have various class of teachers in charge received the schedule?” “好了,各班班主任都已经收到赛程表了吧?” Now I announced that the capital attached elementary school's first martial arts congress......” “现在我宣布,首都附小第一届武术大会……” Formally starts!” “正式开始!” Invited referee takes place!” “有请裁判员就位!” As the principal orders, Coach martial arts who more than ten invite temporarily then undertook this martial arts congress referee. 随着校长一声令下,十几位临时请来的武术教练便承担起了本届武术大会裁判一职。 Because of the relations of age, the child and below the third grade does not need to compare notes to contend in martial arts. 因为年纪的关系,三年级以下的孩子是不用切磋比武的。 They only need to make one set of complete arhat fist, the referee will act according to completions of their deduction to grade, the score highest is a champion. 他们只需要打出一套完整的罗汉拳,裁判就会根据他们此次演绎的完成度来评分,得分最高者便是冠军。 This competition naturally is nothing quality of being worth looking. 这种比赛自然是没什么看头的。 Therefore, when the after schoolmate of fourth grade goes on stage, the atmosphere instantaneously is pushed the arrived peak. 因此,等到四年级的同学上场后,气氛瞬间就被推到了最高点。 The school does not know where looked for many gymnastics pads, the neat shop on the drill ground, turned into a big open-air arena the drill ground immediately. 学校不知从哪儿找来了许多体操垫,整整齐齐的铺在操场上,顿时就把操场变成了一个偌大的露天擂台。 The young players wear the complete set exposure suits to be eager to try in the ringside, under their respective class and grade teacher in charge teacher's leadership, cried out to inflate for them crazily. 小选手们穿着全套防护服在场边跃跃欲试,他们所属的班级则班主任老师的带领下,疯狂为他们呐喊打气。 Colosseum before from 2000, again to the present boxing arena...... 从两千年前的罗马斗兽场,再到现在的拳击擂台…… The wrestle always most can light the competition of audience fervor. 格斗一向是最能点燃观众激情的比赛。 Perhaps by the influence of arrived audience atmosphere, after these 8 or 9-year-old children mount the stage, then shows nearly frantic ruthless vigor. 或许是受到了全场气氛的影响,这些八九岁的孩子们一上台后,便展现出了一种近乎狂热的狠劲儿。 So long as the referee sounds the whistling sound, to fighting both sides on plunges the opposite party immediately, then puts forth the inherited tortoise fist respectively. 只要裁判一吹响哨声,对战双方就会立刻扑向对方,然后各自使出祖传的王八拳。 After 32 moves, two people gather together in full hold in each other together, rolls on the cushion. 等到三两招过后,两人就会齐齐抱作一团,在垫子上滚来滚去。 This is the child fights. 这就是小孩子打架。 As for what arhat fist and style repertoire and so on thing...... 至于什么罗汉拳、招式套路之类的东西…… Sorry, these do not exist. 对不起,这些统统都是不存在的。 Everyone wears the exposure suit in any case, the fist hits is not sore, then decided the victory and defeat the way also only to be left over one type obviously, that was...... 反正大家都穿着防护服,拳头打在身上也不疼,那么分出胜负的方式显然也就只剩下了一种,那就是…… Either you according to arriving at the ground cannot crawl me, either I according to arriving at the ground cannot crawl you. 要么你把我按到地上爬不起来,要么我把你按到地上爬不起来。 Mingming (clearly) said that is the martial arts contest congress, finally actually turned into the wrestling competition in an instant. 明明说是比武大会,结果一转眼却又变成了摔跤大赛。 Sees the child to become flushed the small face, makes an effort to throw down opposite lovable appearance, teachers is hanging the heart can put finally. 看着孩子涨红了小脸,使劲想要摔倒对面的可爱样子,老师们一颗悬着的心总算可以放下来了。 Originally was they considers thoroughly. 原来是他们多虑了。 These children are little arm calf, where can also make what nice martial arts style? 这些孩子都小胳膊小腿儿的,又哪儿能打出什么像样的武术招式呢? If who can cause one set of tortoise fist agily, it is estimated that can directly championship take home...... 如果有谁能把一套王八拳使利索了,估计就能直接将冠军奖杯抱回家喽……
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