IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#549: Teacher, I must register!

Because the school also the first time is reason that holds the martial arts competition, therefore the principal held a symposium yesterday urgently. 因为学校也是第一次举办武术大赛的缘故,所以校长昨天紧急召开了一场讨论会。 The subject of discussion, naturally is today this slightly obviously alternative martial arts contest congress. 讨论的主题,自然便是今天这场略显另类的比武大会。 Since school not with it related undertaking experience, that was trying to find out manages. 既然学校都没有与之相关的承办经验,那就一路摸索着去办。 The attractiveness and appropriateness that also only then handles this matter, the capital attached elementary school does right by the title of own national demonstrative elementary school , to continue to set the new example for the national elementary and middle schools. 也只有把这事儿办的漂漂亮亮、妥妥当当,首都附小才对得起自己的全国示范性小学的称号,继续为全国中小学树立新的榜样。 Without the means that who made higher authority Department give the capital attached elementary school such important duty? 没办法,谁让上级部门把如此重要的任务交给了首都附小呢? The task on shoulder is truly heavy! 肩上的担子确实很重呐! The principal feels the duty to be heavy, the teachers thought that this duty somewhat is simply hot. 校长觉得任务重,老师们却觉得这任务简直有些烫手。 After all...... 毕竟…… This is not the track and field meet. 这可不是田径赛。 Although specially popular martial arts, the class child ten had ba jiu to enter for the martial arts training class in the two years, but really must let them the words that went on stage to compete with, the teacher somewhat lacked self-confidence. 虽然这两年特别流行武术,班里的孩子十有仈jiu都报名参加了武术培训班,可是真要让他们上场比试的话,老师心里头还是有些没底。 Even if the child successfully broke through a tight encirclement to capture first, after the guardian received the message, perhaps still pursues to the school immediately comes, then quarrelled is making being probable to make the teacher give a view. 即便孩子成功杀出重围夺得了第一,家长收到消息后,说不定也会立刻追到学校来,然后吵着闹着非得让老师给个说法。 Why to allow my family child to attend this dangerous competition? 凭什么让我家孩子去参加这种危险的比赛? What to do is the child injured? 孩子受了伤怎么办? martial arts competition? Isn't fighting? 武术大赛?不就是打架斗殴吗? Where has the school to encourage the child to fight? 哪有学校鼓励孩子打架的? The ordinary teacher are most also receives dead wages, how dare also easily to offend the guardian? 普通老师最多也就领点死工资,又岂敢轻易得罪家长呢? Therefore, after the principal announced the martial arts congress formally starts, various class and grade teachers then deferred to yesterday the content that met to discuss, explained with the children carefully. 因此,当校长宣布武术大会正式开始后,各班级老师便按照昨天开会讨论的内容,仔细跟孩子们讲解了起来。 In this period, teacher even also emphasized...... 期间,老师甚至还明里暗里的强调…… This martial arts congress does not force anybody to participate, all take voluntarily as the premise. 本届武术大会不强制任何人参加,一切以自愿为前提。 The people who even if in the class link a registration do not have, the teacher will not feel to lose face . Instead will also chuckle secretly. 哪怕班里连一个报名参赛的人都没有,老师也丝毫不会觉得丢脸,.反而还会暗自窃喜不已。 No one participates, means that some people will not be injured. 没有人参加,也就意味着不会有人受伤。 Not only convenient and is free from worry, good? 既省事儿又省心,多好? However, what the teachers have not thought is...... 然而,老师们万万没有想到的是…… Children's the enthusiasm to this martial arts contest congress was actually above their imagination by far. 孩子们对本届比武大会的热情却是远远超乎了他们的想象。 In a applicants most class, even also has the situation that all personnel want to register. 报名人数最多的一个班里,甚至还出现了全班都想报名的情况。 The male is female, regardless of the grade height and introverted or not...... 无论是男是女、无论年级高低、无论内向与否…… As long as has participated in the child of martial arts training class, raised own right hand in that moment high. 但凡参加过武术训练班的孩子,在那一刻都高高举起了自己的右手。 Always the clever clever little fellow, hears the teacher to ask raising hand that after please that wants to register, she also first held up oneself small hand unexpectedly. 就连一向乖巧伶俐的小家伙,听到老师问出那句‘想要报名的请举手’之后,她竟然也第一时间举起了自己的小手。 The teacher was ignorant. 老师懵了。 How with imagination in complete different? 怎么和想象中的完全不一样呢? Are the present children so violent? 现在的孩子都这么暴力? don't tell me did not fear that comes under attack? 难道就一点也不怕挨打吗? ...... …… Chen Nian, puts down your hand.” 陈念,把你的手放下。” Martial arts contest congress conducts between and grade, you look at your small physique, whom mounting the stage to win?” “比武大会是在同年级之间进行,你瞧你那小身板,上台能打赢谁?” You cannot participate, decided.” “你不许参加,就这么定了。” Ok, class most five people participated, now is assigned the participants by me......” “好了,一个班最多五个人参加,现在由我来指定参赛人员……” After seeing with own eyes some aspect out-of-control, the teacher did practice of "what I say goes" decisively, eliminated the Niannian's qualifying at the scene. 眼见局面有些失控后,老师果断搞起了一言堂,当场剥夺了念念的参赛资格。 After Niannian hears, immediately on a face not happy is pursing the lips to refute: Teacher! I can martial arts! I can Qin say! Father teaches me! Is fiercer than the arhat fist!” 念念听到以后,顿时就一脸不高兴的撅着嘴反驳道:“老师!我会武术!我会秦氏云手!爸爸教我的!比罗汉拳还厉害!” Such remarks, all personnel yacketed immediately. 此话一出,全班顿时哄堂大笑了起来。 Archaism has cloud says: The article does not have the first, military not to have second. 古语有云曰:文无第一、武无第二。 If compared with the academic record, Niannian recognize second, all personnel no one dare to recognize first. 如果要比学习成绩的话,念念认第二,全班就没有人敢认第一。 But if contends in martial arts, all schoolmates also really refused to accept this class leader! 可若是比武的话,全班同学还真就不服她这个班长了! Niannian is only nine years old! 念念才九岁啊! All schoolmates are crazily long her is 2-3 years old, finally studies to read others, fights can also be victorious others? 全班同学痴长她2-3岁,结果读书读不过人家,打架还打不过人家? Does this matter put someone to bear? 这事儿搁谁谁受得了? No one is serious Niannian, this also lets her indignantly. 没有人把念念当回事,这也让她气愤不已。 But wants to continue to speak in Niannian, for oneself strive for the time, a unharmonious sound actually suddenly after the classroom Fangxiang. 可就在念念想要继续发言,为自己争取一下的时候,一个不和谐的声音却突然从教室后方响了起来。 Teacher, or makes Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month participate?” “老师,要不让黎棠月参加吧?” You look at her physique, on a station toward the stage, the light sat to be able others to sit?” “您看她那身板,往台上一站,光坐都能把别人坐死了吧?” Hahahaha haha......” “哈哈哈哈哈哈……” Words of this nearly shame, caused all schoolmates to laugh immediately together. 这种近乎羞辱的话一出,顿时就引得全班同学一起大笑了起来。 The teacher gawked, unexpectedly does not have first to speak to scold, instead also subconscious thinking possibility. 老师愣了一下,居然没有第一时间出言呵斥,反而还下意识的想了想其中可能性。 To Oh. 哦。 Whose physique do the children fight are not bigger than? 小孩子打架不就是比谁的体格更大吗? Li Tangyue that physique truly also very can be scary...... 黎棠月那身板确实还挺能唬人的…… If trades to be other mischievous children to have Li Tangyue this type build, the teacher wants certainly not to think, sent them to go to battle directly. 如果换作其他调皮捣蛋的孩子有黎棠月这种体型的话,老师一定想都不会多想,直接就派他们出战了。 But Israel-Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month introverted to nearly despondent character, making her mount the stage to contend in martial arts, isn't equal to on her the execution grounds? 可是以黎棠月这种内向到近乎抑郁的性格来说,让她上台比武,不就等于上她上刑场吗? Therefore proposed that child of this suggestion, harbors evil intentions radically, clarifying to look that Li Tangyue loses face! 所以提出这个建议的孩子,根本就是居心不良,摆明想看着黎棠月出丑! Thinks of here, the teacher has gotten back one's composure finally, therefore then exhibits a vitality/angry intentionally the appearance, and scolded sternly: This saying who said? Stands to me!” 想到这里,老师总算回过了神来,于是便故意摆出一副生气的模样,并厉声呵斥道:“这话谁说的?给我站出来!” The teacher also spoke thoughtlessly a saying, wants to deter all child. 老师原本也只是随口一说,想要震慑一下全班孩子。 Who once thinks...... 谁曾想到…… His voice just now falls, the girl who a stature selects high stood directly, then saying of face proud and tender: Teacher, was I says.” 他的话音才刚落,一个身材高挑的女孩儿就直接站了出来,然后一脸傲娇的说道:“老师,是我说的。” Zhao Yue?” “赵悦?” Quite asks for the happy girl regarding this contour, the teacher has very profound impression. 对于这个外形颇为讨喜的女孩儿,老师还是有着很深刻的印象。 Zhao Yue went to school late, now 12 years old. 赵悦上学较晚,现在已经十二岁了。 In addition the girl grew is early, therefore she has been little responsibility reveals the sharp sharp corner/horn, in other female students with the class has very significant difference. 再加上女孩子本就发育较早,所以她早已是小荷才露尖尖角,与班里其他女生有着很明显的区别。 Others girl time, Zhao Yue actually lead exuviate turned into the young girl...... 别人都还是女孩儿的时候,赵悦却率先蜕变成了少女…… But starts to put on make-up the rebel young girl who as the elementary school time, Zhao Yue naturally does not like Li Tangyue this contour ugly big full-figured woman very much. 而作为小学时代就开始化妆的叛逆少女,赵悦自然很不喜欢黎棠月这种外形丑陋的大肥婆。 Therefore, before Zhao Yue, makes fun of Li Tangyue a lot. 因此,赵悦以前就没少捉弄黎棠月。 Until Niannian joins for six years two classes, and stands defends against injustice after Lebanese crab apple tree moon/month, Zhao Yue then chooses to cease all activities some time. 直到念念加入六年二班,并站出来为黎棠月打抱不平后,赵悦这才选择偃旗息鼓了一段时间。 Sometimes the hatred between girls, comes is that easy. 女孩子之间的仇恨,有时候来得就是那么容易。 Although Niannian never provokes anybody. 虽然念念从不去招惹任何人。 But, her performance, her result, her appearance and her behavior...... 可是,她的表现、她的成绩、她的长相、她的行为…… Actually very easy hiring hatred. 却十分容易招人憎恨。 Zhao Yue very repugnant Li Tangyue, this little while actually emitted Chen Nian suddenly. 赵悦本来就很讨厌黎棠月,这会儿却又突然冒出了个陈念 Then good. 这下好了。 In Zhao Yuexin dislike naturally also turned into the duplicate. 赵悦心中的厌恶自然也变成了双份。 duoble duoble kill! kill! ...... …… Teacher, I want to register! Because I take the arrived Martial Artist authentication, the present is Martial Artist!” “老师,我想报名!因为我已经拿到了武者认证,现在是一段武者!” Just like Tae Kwon Do, Martial Arts Federation in promoting the process of martial arts unrest, has not forgotten to put out one set of very scientific Martial Artist evaluation standard. 和跆拳道一样,武联在推动武术风潮的过程中,还不忘拿出了一套十分科学的武者评选标准。 And, 1-2 three are primary Martial Artist, 4-5 six grade intermediate Martial Artist, seven ba jiu sections are high-level Martial Artist. 其中,一二三段为初级武者,四五六段位中级武者,七仈jiu段则为高级武者 Although just crossed the threshold, but actually can also fool many people. 一段虽然只是刚入门,可是却也能够唬住许多人了。 After all, Zhao Yue eventually is only a 12-year-old little miss. 毕竟,赵悦终究只是一个12岁的小姑娘。 A Martial Artist strength, enough has made her beat savagely the entire grade. 一段武者的实力,已经足够让她暴打全年级了。 Yo? Do you have the Martial Artist grade?” “哟?你还有武者段位呢?” Ok, that even your.” “行吧,那就算你一个。” After hearing Zhao Yuezi reported the strength, teacher immediately one happy, as if forgot to pursue the responsibility matter instantaneously. 听到赵悦自报实力后,老师顿时一乐,似乎瞬间就忘了追责刚才的事儿。 Without the means that who makes this Zhao Yue background not simple? 没办法,谁让这个赵悦的背景不简单呢? Capital City wealthy girls...... 京城富家女呐…… Cannot stir up. 惹不起惹不起。 Saw with own eyes that the teacher no longer pursued the responsibility, Niannian looks up front Li Tangyue. 眼见老师不再追责,念念不禁抬头看了看前排的黎棠月。 As usual, this greatly fat miss rickets the body is lying on the table at this moment, does not seem to heard a moment ago that ridicule sound. 和往常一样,这个大胖姑娘此刻正佝偻着身子趴在桌子上,似乎根本就没有听到刚才那阵嘲笑声。 Also does not know that is because Chen Xi teaches her Qin to say the reason, the Niannian's character became looks like Qin Yuqing unexpectedly more and more. 也不知是不是因为陈曦教了她秦氏云手的缘故,以至于念念的性格竟变得越来越像秦妤卿了。 Therefore, she looked at front Li Tangyue , after then looked at rear Zhao Yue, that smelly temperament came up at the scene. 因此,她看了看前方的黎棠月,又回头看了看后方的赵悦后,那种臭脾气当场就上来了。 Teacher!” “老师!” I am also Martial Artist!” “我也是一段武者!” Why she can participate, can't I participate?!” “凭什么她可以参加,我就不可以参加?!”
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