IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#553: The referee blows the cheating call!

Why Chen Xi does not teach the Niannian sword secret art immortal law directly, but makes her from practicing martial arts to start like the average person? 为什么陈曦不直接教念念剑诀仙法,而是让她像普通人那样从练武开始呢? That is because...... 那是因为…… Chen Xi does not want to make Niannian extremely in the alternative. 陈曦并不想让念念变得太过于另类。 Perhaps many people are unable to understand this viewpoint, so long as sees things in others'shoes, was actually very also easy to understand. 或许很多人无法理解这种观点,但只要换位思考一下,其实也就很容易理解了。 The person is one type lives in groups the lifeform. 人是一种群居生物。 Chen Xi is not exceptional, Niannian is no exception. 陈曦不例外,念念也不例外。 If a person does not have the friend, then she should have lonely how? 如果一个人没有朋友,那么她该有多么的孤独? That time lingers in the loneliness in hearts, sometimes can actually kill a person. 那种时刻萦绕在心间的孤独感,有时候其实是可以杀死一个人的。 Just like other little friend, some Niannian also many friends. 和别的小朋友一样,念念也有很多朋友。 Twin brothers who Little Yu that in the same courtyard grows up, on the same street grows up, again to afterward Li more than three, Li Tangyue of same class and grade. 同一个院子里长大的小雨,同一条街上长大的双胞胎兄弟,再到后来同一个班级的李三多、黎棠月。 Chen Xi was old. 陈曦老了。 Niannian is very small. 念念却还很小。 Her friend will be only getting more and more. 她的朋友只会越来越多。 Also, how many friends there are able to catch up with her step fast? 可是,又有几个朋友能够跟上她飞快的步伐呢? Good friend who Mingming (clearly) grows up together...... 明明是一起长大的好朋友…… In an instant, Niannian is going against the halo of talent, jumped in the school step by step. 一转眼,念念就顶着天才的光环,在学校里跳了一级又一级。 Niannian already sixth grade. 念念已经六年级了。 Once actually also stays with her intimate two brothers in the third grade now. 曾经与她亲密无间的兄弟俩现在却还停留在三年级。 This change most starts is not obvious, as Niannian gradually adapted to the life of sixth grade, starts to try to integrate this new environment, that was doomed she to with yesterday's say that the sound sees again. 这种变化最开始并不明显,但随着念念逐渐适应了六年级的生活,开始试着融入这个新环境,那就注定着她必须要与昨天的自己说声再见。 Once intimateness, present increasingly estranged. 曾经的亲密无间,如今的渐行渐远。 It is not because someone changed. 不是因为谁谁谁又变了。 But because...... 而是因为…… Everyone grew up. 大家又长大了。 Compared to the Immortal Cultivator long life, the ignorant ignorant childhood is extremely really short and precious. 相对于修仙者漫长的一生来说,懵懂无知的童年实在太过短暂和宝贵。 Chen Xi does not want to make cultivation the earlier the better the inherent idea eliminate the Niannian's childhood, because this will only cause the child childhood defect. 陈曦并不想让‘修行越早越好’的固有理念剥夺了念念的童年,因为这样只会导致孩子童年缺失。 Thinks carefully, Qin Yuqing isn't the typical case of childhood defect? 仔细想想,秦妤卿不就是童年缺失的典型案例吗? ...... …… Younger sister! keep it up! Overthrows him!” “妹妹!加油!打倒他!” In the crowd, the two brothers ignore the surrounding schoolmate difference the vision, what shouting oneself hoarse is Niannian keep it up is crying out. 人群中,兄弟俩一点也不顾周围同学异样的眼光,声嘶力竭的为念念加油呐喊着。 They have shouted was loud enough. 他们俩已经喊的够大声了。 But Niannian actually because of extremely dedicated reason, shout that she has not heard the two brothers. 可是念念却因为太过专注的缘故,以至于她根本就没有听到兄弟俩的呼喊声。 This is the first time that she fought. 这还是她第一次与人交手。 Must say that she is not anxious, that obviously is impossible. 要说她心里不紧张,那显然是不可能的。 Therefore, after taking off/escaping gauntlet/glove that starts, Niannian then defers to the Chen Xi usual guidance immediately, exhibited directly received the stance that the elbow was troublesome. 因此,脱下手上的拳套后,念念便立刻按照陈曦平时的教导,直接摆出了收肘缠手的架势。 What cloud? 何谓云手? In the ancient times in the picture scroll often by spiral-shaped expressed that the cloud revolved with the wind, in the classical movement of dance also had elegantly cloud combination, the combination of this set of cultivation method picture cloud writing technique and dance movements, therefore named saying: Cloud. 古代画卷中常以螺旋状表示云之随风旋转,舞蹈的经典动作里也有非常飘逸的‘云手’组合,这套功法似画云笔法与舞蹈动作的组合,故取名曰:云手。 What here needs to mention is...... 这里需要提到的是…… Martial Dao has division of waijiaquan and Neijia. 武道有外家拳与内家拳之分。 The waijiaquans are heavy in the external force, Neijia are heavy in the inner strength. 外家拳重在外力,内家拳重在内力。 Under both are not high division. 两者并无高下之分。 Because after the Martial Dao attainments reach to the stage of perfection, then inside and outside the need unifies, just now can exceed to Grandmaster. 因为武道造诣臻至化境后,便需要内外结合,方才能够一举突破到宗师之列。 But this, was the older generations often says: Outside practices the physique skin, to practice the one breath. 而这,也就是老一辈们常说的:外练筋骨皮、内练一口气。 The style of arhat fist is mostly fierce vigorously, is the standard waijiaquan repertoire, therefore Hao Jie offensive will look will give people a swift and fierce feeling. 罗汉拳的招式大多凶猛刚劲,正是标准的外家拳套路,所以郝杰的攻势看上去才会给人一种凌厉的感觉。 Expert does take action, apparent have. 正所谓行家一出手、便知有没有。 Niannian just exhibited the gesture, nearby referee was brought back the interest immediately. 念念这边刚摆出起手式,一旁的裁判顿时就被勾起了兴趣。 Looks at this stance, this child as if also really a little thing? 看这架势,这孩子似乎还真的有点东西? Reason that because a moment ago the gauntlet/glove was in the way, Niannian came up by Hao Jie KO, therefore she was some are not naturally convinced. 刚才因为拳套太碍事儿的缘故,以至于念念一上来就被郝杰ko了,所以她心里自然是有些不服气。 That wheel does not calculate a moment ago! 刚才那轮不算! Again come! 重新来! ...... …… Fights against a youngest sister, made Hao Jie feel in some not to have up. 跟一个小妹妹打架,本就让郝杰觉得有些面上无光。 But after the opposite party drops down, exhibits the appearance that is not convinced unexpectedly, this also irritates Hao Jie immediately somewhat. 可是对方倒下后,竟然还摆出一副不服气的样子,这也让郝杰顿时有些恼火不已。 little devil of this age most attaches great importance to face-saving. 这个年纪的熊孩子是最要面子的。 Refuses to accept? 不服? That projects on till you clothing/taking! 那就把你打到服为止! Therefore, in the flash that the referee whistling sound resounds, Hao Jie like taking gunpowder, rushes over toward Niannian all of a sudden. 因此,就在裁判哨声响起的一瞬间,郝杰就像吃了火药一样,一下子就朝念念冲了过去。 Perhaps wants to set up the prestige, therefore Hao Jie this has not used the arhat fist again, but put out own becoming famous unique skill directly- 或许是想要借此立威,所以郝杰这回并没有再使用罗汉拳,而是直接拿出了自己的成名绝技- Flies high to fly to trample! 凌空飞踹! Hao Jie?!” “郝杰?!” Saw with own eyes that Hao Jie jumps high, flies high to trample toward Niannian, the teachers somewhat could not sit still immediately. 眼见郝杰高高跃起,凌空朝着念念一脚踹去,老师们顿时就有些坐不住了。 This under foot, have't Niannian can be trampled by him directly departs the arena? 这一脚下去,念念还不得直接被他踹飞出擂台? The principal still looks above! 校长还在上面看着呢! Does this child have no sense of propriety? 这孩子怎么这么不知分寸? Accelerates to run taking off from Hao Jie, spoke to drink to stop to the teachers again, all just happened in the electric light flint. 从郝杰加速奔跑起跳,再到老师们出言喝止,一切都只不过发生在电光火石之间。 But when the people think that Niannian will be trampled by Hao Jie flies, unexpected actually outbreak. 可就在众人都以为念念会被郝杰一脚踹飞的时候,令人意想不到的一幕却突然发生了。 In fact, if responded that quick, Niannian can definitely avoid Hao Jie this to record flashy but lacking substance flying to trample. 实际上,如果反应很快的话,念念完全可以避开郝杰这记华而不实的飞踹。 But...... 可是…… She actually does not dodge does not evade, instead immediately bows, then like the riverside willow branch that the both arms swing, is seemingly chaotic, the implication is actually profound. 她却偏偏不闪不避,反而立刻屈膝扎马,然后将双臂摆动的就像河边柳枝一样,看似杂乱无章,实则意蕴深长。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 In Hao Jie's right leg will soon trample the Niannian's flash, Niannian grasped his right leg with the hand suddenly, then taking advantage of the strength on Hao Jie leg transmitting, took advantage of opportunity to turn circle same place, follows close on then directly throwing Hao Jie in midair! 就在郝杰的右腿即将踹中念念的一瞬间,念念却突然用手抱住了他的右腿,然后借着郝杰腿上传来的力道,顺势在原地转了个圈,紧跟着便直接将半空中的郝杰给扔了出去! Oh! Get up! You pressed my foot!” “哎哟!起来!你压到我的脚了!” Possibly is because has made an effort the fierce reason, Hao Jie body falls after the cushion, but also rolled several on the cushion, after collision nearby audience, this stopped finally. 可能是因为用力过猛的缘故,郝杰的身体掉在垫子上后,还在垫子上滚了好几圈,直到撞到一旁的观众后,这才终于停了下来。 ‚!!!’ ‘咻!!!’ Hao Jiechu!” “郝杰出界!” Chen Nian wins!” 陈念获胜!” After the sharp whistling sound resounds, the referee announced the result of this round of competing with. 尖锐的哨声响起后,裁判宣布了本轮比试的结果。 No one has thought, Hao Jie will be defeated unexpectedly in this manner. 谁也没有想到,郝杰居然会以这样的方式落败。 The teachers do not understand the curved curve say/way, only thinks Hao Jie to play the graceful, therefore did not depart the arena carefully. 老师们不懂其中的弯弯道道,只以为郝杰是为了耍帅,所以才不小心飞出了擂台。 However...... 不过…… Nearby referee actually understood essential, will therefore determine Chen Nian to win directly. 一旁的裁判却看懂了其中关键,因此才会直接判定陈念获胜。 Which this is what makes a mistake? 这哪儿是什么失误? Tramples facing Hao Jie's flying, Chen Nian not only has not dodged, instead at crucial moments held the mistake of opponent, took advantage of opportunity to put forth one to hit the strength with the strength, successfully changed into oneself to use Hao Jie's strength, this enters the stage Hao Jiereng all of a sudden outside. 面对郝杰的飞踹,陈念非但没有闪避,反而在关键时刻抓住了对手的失误,顺势使出了一记借力打力,成功将郝杰的力道化为己用,这才一下子把郝杰扔出了场外。 This is the competition, is not the duel. 这是比试,不是决斗。 Synthesizes performance of both sides to grade. 是综合双方的表现来打分的。 Niannian is calm in time of danger a point, does not dodge does not evade a point, correctly deals with a point. 念念临危不乱加一分,不闪不避加一分,正确应对加一分。 Reviews Hao Jie? 反观郝杰呢? Installs to compel inadequately, finally also throws down is out-of-bounds...... 装逼不成,结果还摔倒出界…… Such performance, basically can the direct lost/carrying minute roll thickly. 这样的表现,基本上可以直接负分滚粗了。 Above, is the judgment standard of referee. 以上,便是裁判的评判标准。 Depending on this, Chen Nian won to deserve. 光凭这一手,陈念就赢得当之无愧。 The martial arts contest, naturally cannot light/only compared with the brute force, but must compared with the brain be. 比武嘛,自然不能光比蛮力,还得比脑子才是。 Flies high to fly to trample? 凌空飞踹? Style commander Guishuai, is...... 招式帅归帅,可是…… Can kick the person? 能踢中人吗? The referee has own judgment standard, therefore announced after result of this round of competition, the player who then hints a round of competition under immediately takes place. 裁判有着自己的评判标准,所以宣布了这轮比试的结果后,便立刻示意下轮比试的选手就位。 Although the teacher does not understand fiercely, but he after hearing the determination result of referee, actually took the lead is Niannian cheered. 老师虽然不懂其中厉害,但他在听到裁判的判定结果后,却还是带头为念念欢呼了起来。 Really has not thought. 真是没想到呀。 Can this small girl also win Hao Jie unexpectedly?! 这个小丫头居然还能赢了郝杰?! Everyone is congratulating Niannian. 大家都在祝贺着念念 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… A ten points unharmonious sound actually made a sound suddenly. 一个十分不和谐的声音却突然响了起来。 Is unfair! Has the behind-the-scenes plotting!” “不公平!有黑幕!” Referee blows the cheating call!” “裁判吹黑哨!” I refuse to accept!” “我不服!”
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