IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#509: Capping ceremony

May not! 不可! Intrusion of rashly heavy magnificent, interrupted the talk between people instantaneously. 重华的贸然闯入,瞬间就打断了众人之间的谈话。 Looks at his face tense exciting appearance, the head of household has not spoken to scold him not to have good manners actually directly the number, instead asking with a smile: Why can't?” 看着他一脸紧张激动的模样,家主倒是没有直接出言呵斥他不懂礼数,反而笑吟吟的问道:“为何不可?” That flash. 那一瞬间。 Everyone's vision concentrates on the arrived heavy magnificent. 所有人的目光都集中到了重华身上。 Right, why can't? 对啊,为何不可? As Immortal Cultivator cultivation base is higher, the probability of bearing children will gradually present cliff to fall, therefore Immortal Cultivator will catch up generally before own cultivation base makes the major breakthrough, gets married to give birth as soon as possible, in order to avoid will end up the tragedy fate that no one makes funeral arrangements in the future. 随着修仙者修为越高,生儿育女的几率会逐渐呈现出断崖式下跌,所以修仙者一般都会赶在自己的修为有重大突破前,尽快成家生子,以免日后落得个无人送终的悲剧下场。 Even if heavy magnificence this type has not held the capping ceremony youngster likely, when this age, mostly has the marriage. 哪怕是像重华这种尚未举行加冠礼的少年们,在这个年纪的时候,也大多已经有了婚配。 The meaning of life lies in the multiplication lives. 生命的意义在于繁衍生息。 If in ancient's words, that is- 如果用古人的话来说,那就是- Is unfilial and no afterlife is most common. 不孝有三、无后为大。 Because big brother Xuanyuan strange has gotten married and had two, therefore Xuanyuan Yuanliang has not urged the excessive magnificence marriage and having child incident but actually. 因为大哥轩辕正奇早已成家并育有两子,所以轩辕元良倒也没有催促过重华结婚生子一事。 He was pondering over , after heavy magnificent adds the capping ceremony, again to heavy magnificence Xun one parents of son or daughter-in-law. 他原本琢磨着等到重华加冠礼之后,再给重华寻一处好亲家。 Who once thinks...... 谁曾想到…… After heavy magnificent went to a dubhe vestige, actually turned into the sweetie pie in people eyes directly. 重华去了一趟天枢遗迹后,却是就直接变成了众人眼中的香饽饽。 Except that several elders indicated at the scene wants to become outside the parents of son or daughter-in-law with him, as if the head of household also has the meaning in this aspect. 除了几位长老当场表明想与他结为亲家外,似乎就连家主也有这方面的意思。 Since the ancient times, what social system regardless, marrying is the most commonly used establishing diplomatic relations ways. 自古以来,无论什么样的社会体系,联姻都是最常用的建交方式。 Since heavy magnificence Gua the reputation of Venerate Supreme disciple, then marries with him, how could it not be to mean behind oneself had/left a huge backer suddenly? 既然重华挂着至尊弟子的名头,那么与他联姻,岂不就意味着自己背后突然多出了一座天大的靠山? Carefully four big honorable people who even if later do not provoke the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, want to come four big honorable people also to look in the Chen big Venerate Supreme thin surface, forgives several points to them slightly. 哪怕以后不小心招惹到玉清洞天的四大真人,想来四大真人也会看在陈大至尊的薄面上,对他们稍稍宽容几分。 Therefore, even if the behavior of heavy magnificent somewhat is really disrespectful, the people present have not blamed his meaning, instead about with a smile sizes up to lift heavy objects magnificence to come. 因此,哪怕重华的行为着实有些失礼,在座众人也都没有怪罪他的意思,反而笑吟吟的上下打量起重华来。 „......” “呃……” After hearing head of household's issue, heavy magnificent in same place. 听到家主的问题后,重华不禁愣在了原地。 He does not know why oneself will oppose this proposition. 他也不知道自己为什么会反对这个提议。 After all, Immortal Cultivator and mortal may be different. 毕竟,修仙者和凡人可不一样。 Namely the use drifts about destitute and describes the Immortal Cultivator life mammoth, is not overrated. 即使用颠沛流离、波澜壮阔来形容修仙者的一生,也是丝毫不为过。 The concept of family/home regarding Immortal Cultivator, is actually more like the organization that can depend upon. 家的概念对于修仙者来说,其实更像是一个可以依靠的组织。 Since the man can three wife four concubines. 既然男人可以三妻四妾。 Then in other words, the woman naturally can also the handsome man 3000. 那么换而言之,女人自然也可以面首三千。 So-called sentiment gold/metal is firm and pledges to fight to the death faithfully, this set does not pass in too slightly wall basic then it will be alright. 所谓的情比金坚、誓死不渝,这一套在太微垣根本就行不通。 Heavy magnificent hesitates is not knowing how should answer head of household's issue. 重华踌躇着不知该怎么回答家主的问题。 Seeing that the head of household is actually chuckled with a smile: Is it possible that do you have the loved one?” 见状,家主却是呵呵笑道:“莫非,你已有了意中人?” Does not know that is which miss?” “不知是哪家的姑娘?” If you do not mind, the old man can also guarantee an intermediary for you actually......” “如果你不介意的话,老夫倒是还可以替你保个媒……” After hearing a head of household such saying, brain into the sea of heavy magnificent appeared a form of aloof. 听到家主这么一说后,重华的脑海里不由浮现出一个高冷的身影。 However...... 不过…… As that form in his mind even more clear, heavy magnificent actually cannot bear shiver, then opens the mouth fast replied: Is indebted the head of household to care, the grandsons did not have the loved one......” 随着那道身影在他脑海中愈发的清晰,重华却是忍不住打了个冷颤,然后飞快的开口答道:“承蒙家主关心,族孙倒也不是有了意中人……” Is only and is only......” “只是、只是……” At this point, heavy magnificent stopped slightly, then seems like suddenly thinks that arrived anything resembles to result, added hastily: Is only the age of grandsons not yet capping! Therefore before had not considered the children private affair!” 说到这里,重华不禁稍稍停顿了一下,然后才像是突然想到了什么似得,不禁连忙补充道:“只是族孙尚未加冠之龄!故而之前并未考虑过儿女私事!” Now learns suddenly elder to raise this matter, in the grandsons heart unavoidably somewhat is fearful difficult secure, but also looks at elder to blame not!” “如今乍闻诸位长辈提起此事,族孙心中不免有些惶惶难安,还望诸位长辈莫要怪罪!” Speaking of marital important matter, heavy magnificent naturally also only then held the younger generation ritual. 都说到婚姻大事了,重华自然也只有执晚辈礼了。 In any case is the whole families, he before the head of household said that the grandsons have nothing improper. 反正都是一家人,他在家主面前自称族孙倒也没有任何不妥。 Using this underage reason, heavy magnificent turned down the good intention of elder. 借此自己未成年的理由,重华婉拒了诸位长辈的好意。 But he has not thought is...... 可他没有想到的是…… After the head of household listens to his words, actually chuckled with a smile: Capping ceremony is also a ceremony.” 家主听完他的话以后,却还是呵呵笑道:“冠礼也不过是一种仪式罢了。” Happen to tomorrow is in January 15......” “正好明日便是正月十五……” When the time comes you come ancestral temple, the old man caps for you personally, how?” “到时候你来祖庙一趟,老夫亲自为你加冠,如何?” Because the Xuanyuan population are too many, therefore who after is not 20, can cap immediately, but must divide the raid, generally elects in the auspicious time, is given these younger generations lines to add the capping ceremony by the elder deacons. 因为轩辕家人口太多,所以并不是谁年满二十后就可以立刻加冠,而是要分批次,一般选在吉时,由长老执事们来给这些晚辈们行加冠礼。 But family position high, the ceremony of its capping ceremony will be more grand. 而家族地位越高者,其冠礼的仪式就会越隆重。 Heavy magnificence this type is acted by the head of household likely, in the ancestral temple personally for the situation that he caps, is the treatment that the Xuanyuan direct descendant bloodlines can enjoy. 像重华这种由家主出面,在祖庙亲自为他加冠的情况,已经是轩辕家嫡系血脉才能享受的待遇了。 Xuanyuan Yuanliang sat the positions of eight big elders by cultivation base, therefore the light discussed the words of blood relationship, heavy magnificent was far from the qualifications of stepping into the ancestral temple. 轩辕元良是凭借修为才坐上了八大长老的位置,所以光论血缘的话,重华远远没有踏进祖庙的资格。 Therefore, can say unrestrained/no trace of politeness...... 因此,可以毫不客气的说…… Xuanyuan head of household this gives fully the Chen Xi face! 轩辕家主这是给足了陈曦面子啊! Saw with own eyes that the heads of household said that elder then also nods to echo in abundance. 眼见家主都这么说了,诸位长老便也都纷纷点头附和。 Sees that heavy magnificence as if also some unwilling struggling said: Grandsons leave the dubhe time, once had guaranteed to Mr. Chen, this time went home only to delay on the 7 th, therefore this marital important matter......” 见状,重华却似乎还有些不甘心的挣扎道:“族孙离开天枢的时候,曾向陈先生保证过,此次回家只耽搁七日,所以这婚姻大事……” Heavy magnificent is struggling diligently. 重华努力挣扎着。 But his words have not said, the head of household spoke to interrupt his words directly. 可他的话还没有说完,家主却是就直接出言打断了他的话。 Seven days? Enough.” “七日?足够了。” When your big wedding finishes, the old man then sends people to escort you to return to the dubhe, how?” “待你大婚礼毕,老夫便派人一路护送你回天枢,如何?” This matter decided.” “这件事就这么定了吧。” Yuanliang, this matter junction is under the charge to you, early tomorrow morning, the old man then to add the capping ceremony in the ancestral temple for your good son line!” “元良,此事交由你负责,明日一早,老夫便在祖庙为你这个好儿子行加冠礼!” The discussing leeway does not have. 一点商量的余地都没有。 After speaking these words, the head of household then led the person to leave other institute directly. 说完这番话后,家主便带着人径直离开了别院。 Only leaves behind heavy magnificent that a face compels ignorant, as well as his face excited old father...... 只留下一脸懵逼的重华,以及他那一脸激动不已的老父亲…… ...... …… Capping ceremony and marriage. 冠礼、婚配。 Simultaneously also follows the straight line improvement of family position. 同时还伴随着家族地位的直线提升。 Since that moment that since magnificence Heyi goes home severely respectively, all that they experience then that identical. 自从重华和逸之各自回到家的那一刻起,他们俩所经历的一切便是那么的雷同。 Toba tartars has dropped down. 拓跋家已经倒下了。 Then, takes Xuanyuan and eastern Fang Family, how can also a protection of Ningzhou three big aristocratic families not have? 那么,同样作为宁州三大世家的轩辕家和东方家,又岂会一点防备都没有呢? Actually no matter they and Mr. Chen are anything relate. 甭管他们俩和陈先生究竟是什么关系。 In brief...... 总之…… Flattering them will not be certainly wrong. 讨好他们俩一定不会错。 Thereupon, two people after were experiencing a warm greeting of gossip respectively, then in the situation of being a focus of public attention, a face compelled to be pushed ignorant was entering the ancestral temple. 于是乎,两人在各自经历了一番家长里短的亲切问候后,便在万众瞩目的情况下,一脸懵逼被人推着走进了祖庙。 Holds the capping ceremony since two heads of household for them personally that moment, heavy magnificence Heyi stepped own life peak officially. 从两家家主亲自为他们俩举行冠礼的那一刻起,重华和逸之就正式踏上了自己的人生巅峰。 Feeling like having a dream, all come are such sudden. 感觉就像做梦一样,一切来得是那么的突然。 Ignorant within, two youngster then in their ancestral temple, at the same time, put on that top to be the adult respectively simultaneously the unique red melanocyte crown. 浑浑噩噩间,两个少年便各自在自家的祖庙里,于同一时刻,同时戴上了那顶属于成年人所特有的红黑素冠。 Ritual becomes, does obeisance the ancestor!” “礼成,拜先祖!” As to praise chanted in a Buddhist ceremony high, outside the Xuanyuan and Eastern two ancestral temples resounded lively cheers immediately. 随着赞者高唱礼成,轩辕、东方两家的祖庙外顿时响起了一阵热闹的欢呼声。 What people can not help is crown shouts loudly. 人们情不自禁的为冠者高呼。 As if among Heaven and Earth is only left over a happy expression to brim with. 仿佛天地间只剩下一片喜气洋溢。 However. 然而。 No one has thought...... 谁也没有想到…… In the flash that their two capping ceremony initially becomes, the horizon actually heard an earth-shaking loud sound sound fiercely. 就在他们俩冠礼初成的一瞬间,天边却猛地传来了一阵惊天动地的巨响声。 Bang!’ ‘轰!’ In an instant. 刹那间。 Thunder, evil wind writings! 电闪雷鸣,妖风大作!
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