IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#508: Marriage

Outside other institute. 别院外。 The head of household comes in waves with eight big elders. 家主与八大长老联袂而至。 Thus it can be seen, heavy magnificent is living from the dubhe vestige the news this/should how stirring. 由此可见,重华从天枢遗迹活着回来的消息该是多么的震撼人心。 „Others?” “他人呢?” The Xuanyuan does not have absurdly seems like roughly about 60 years old, wears a dark green fine long gown, the waist is hanging a plain jade pendant, looks is in this group of people position highest that. 轩辕无妄看上去约莫有六十岁左右,穿着一件墨绿色的精致袍服,腰间挂着一枚古朴玉佩,一看就是这群人中身份地位最高的那一个。 Here is the other institute of Xuanyuan Yuan respectable family, the Xuanyuan does not have although absurdly expensive/noble is the head of household, but the next people actually do not know him. 这里是轩辕元良家的别院,轩辕无妄虽贵为家主,可是下人们却并不认识他。 After all, too in the slightly wall may not have the television. 毕竟,太微垣里可没有电视。 The guard did not know that the Xuanyuan does not have absurdly, but actually recognized several in eight big elder vaguely, after hearing the Xuanyuan does not have absurdly this seemingly quite baffling inquiry, guard immediately on silly in same place, does not know how should reply is good. 护卫并不认识轩辕无妄,但却依稀认出了八大长老中的几位,所以在听到轩辕无妄这番看似没头没尾的提问后,护卫顿时就傻乎乎的愣在了原地,根本不知道该怎么回答才好。 Sees that Xuanyuan Yuanliang must walk from the team immediately, then fast scolded in a low voice: Muddled, did the head of household ask your words? Why didn't reply? Where heavy magnificence that boy?” 见状,轩辕元良只得立刻从队伍后方走了出来,然后飞快的低声呵斥道:“糊涂,家主问你话呢?为什么不答话?重华那小子哪儿去了?” After hearing scolding of head of household, replying that a guard face is then suddenly enlighted: Reply Master, after the second son comes back, has treated in the room of two madames, which has not gone......” 听到家主的呵斥后,护卫这才一脸恍然大悟的答道:“回禀老爷,二公子回来以后就一直待在二夫人的房里,哪儿也没去……” Ok, rolled.” “行了,滚下去吧。” The Xuanyuan aristocratic family is very huge. 轩辕世家十分庞大。 If must describe, actually can definitely regard as a county Xuanyuan. 如果非要形容的话,其实完全可以把轩辕家看作一个县城。 The head of household is a county magistrate, eight big elders are the mayor in each villages. 家主是县长,八大长老则是各个乡镇的镇长。 Now county magistrate kisses/intimate , the underlings neglect slightly, wants to come is also understandable. 如今县长亲至,底下人稍有怠慢,想来也是可以理解的。 Do not look that Xuanyuan Yuanliang the power and prestige is incomparable all day, but in head of household's front, he actually also looks like the bootlicker who can only grovel. 别看轩辕元良整天威风无比,但在家主的面前,他却也像极了只会点头哈腰的马屁精。 But this, is too the slightly wall characteristics. 而这,便是太微垣的特色。 Namely Feudal hierarchy. 封建等级制度。 Under the stipulation of this system, head of household's authority cannot be defied absolutely. 在这种制度的规定下,家主的权威是绝对不容挑衅的。 Fortunately, the Xuanyuan does not have absurdly today's mood as if also good. 还好,轩辕无妄今天的心情似乎还不错。 Therefore after hearing guard's reply, the Xuanyuan does not have the meaning that has not displayed any to blame absurdly, optional beckoning with the hand, he entered other institute with long hurried strides. 所以在听到护卫的回答后,轩辕无妄并没有表现出任何要怪罪的意思,随意的摆了摆手后,他就这么大步流星的走进了别院。 The person of accompanying sees that then also follows in abundance in him behind, noisy crowd welled up toward other institute. 随行之人见状,便也都纷纷跟在他身后,一窝蜂的朝着别院涌了进去。 At this time, heavy magnificent has also listened to the sound outside arrived room. 这时,重华也已经听到了屋外的动静。 After he hints mother not uses to set out, before then arrives at the gate, then shoved open the door. 他示意母亲不用起身后,便自顾自来到门前,然后一把推开了房门。 At that moment. 那一刻。 Everyone's vision centralized on him. 所有人的目光都集中在了他身上。 This is the youngest son of Xuanyuan Yuan respectable family 这便是轩辕元良家的小儿子 Xuanyuan heavy magnificent. 轩辕重华。 Adds the kid who the capping ceremony has not held continually. 一个连加冠礼都尚未举行的小屁孩。 If not heavy magnificent successful is living the return from the dubhe vestige, possibly most people present have forgotten, Xuanyuan Yuanliang also has such a outstandingly youngest son. 如果不是重华成功从天枢遗迹活着归来的话,可能在座的大部分人都已经忘了,轩辕元良还有这么一个‘优秀’的小儿子。 magnificence hasn't Er, knelt down to salute quickly?!” “华儿,还不快跪下行礼?!” According to too the custom of slightly wall, is 20 then to hold the capping ceremony, is the so-called adult ceremony. 按照太微垣的习俗,年满二十即可举行加冠礼,也就是所谓的成人礼。 Before holding capping ceremony, juniors like heavy magnificent, even steps into the qualifications of patriarchal clan ancestral temple not to have. 而在没有举行加冠礼之前,像重华这样的小辈们,甚至连踏进宗族祠堂的资格都没有。 Before clan meeting time, heavy magnificent frequently and contemporaries in clan rushed to outside the conference site to peep together, therefore he knew the head of household, knew several other elders. 以前族会的时候,重华就经常和族中的同龄人一起跑到会场外偷看,所以他既认识家主,也认识其余几位长老。 Therefore, after heavy magnificent hears Xuanyuan Yuanliang's reminder, then settles down on the stair immediately, then follows a prescribed pattern in the people toward courtyard bows to hold the fist in the other hand to salute saying: Heavy magnificent here, to the head of household and father, as well as elder sent respects!” 因此,重华听到轩辕元良的提醒后,便立刻驻足于台阶上,然后一板一眼的朝院子里的众人躬身抱拳行礼道:“重华在此,向家主、父亲,以及诸位长老问安了!” No problem that heavy magnificence these words saying. 重华这番话说的没有任何毛病。 But his behavior obviously has very major problem. 可他的行为却明显有着很大的问题。 Head of household face to face, heavy magnificent as trivial younger generation, how can there be the ritual of not kneeling? 家主当面,重华作为区区晚辈,焉有不跪之礼? This committed the crime of lese majeste! 这可是犯了大不敬之罪啊! Xuanyuan Yuanliang watches all these, but his , when the father actually also can only worry in the one side, does not dare to speak the reminder. 轩辕元良把这一切都看在眼里,可是他这当爹却也只能在一旁干着急,根本不敢出言提醒。 Difficult to be inadequate, does he also want to remind the head of household to punish heavy magnificent the crime of lese majeste?! 难不成,他还要提醒家主处治重华的大不敬之罪吗?! In Xuanyuan Yuan conscience anxious serious. 轩辕元良心中急的不得了。 That is because, he does not know that heavy magnificent has changed...... 那是因为,他并不知道重华已经变了…… Heavy magnificent treated side Chen Xi was too long, lived in the modern society that long some time. 重华在陈曦身边待了太久,也在现代社会生活了那么长一段时间。 Therefore imperceptibly, heavy magnificent had had very big change regarding the cognition of this world. 所以在不知不觉中,重华对于这个世界的认知已经发生了很大的变化。 They are also the person, all people being equal......’ ‘他们俩也是人,人人平等嘛……’ Eats meal, what has at the worst?’ ‘吃顿饭而已,有什么大不了的?’ Comes, sits down eats together, how tastes my craftsmanship......’ ‘来来来,坐下一起吃,尝尝我的手艺如何……’ Qin Yuqing did not permit them to step into the inner courtyard half step, Chen Xi opening the mouth makes them sit the dining table directly. 秦妤卿不准他们俩踏进内院半步,陈曦却开口让他们俩直接坐上了饭桌。 This is only a minor matter, but this minor matter actually gave heavy magnificent to make the extremely profound impression. 这只是一件小事,但这件小事却给重华留下了极为深刻的印象。 From daily personal habits, again to leisure the swayed discussed whiles away the time, Chen Xi's every action and every movement, almost the time are affecting him and leisurely it. 从日常的饮食起居,再到闲暇时摆谈消遣,陈曦的一举一动,几乎时刻都在影响着他和逸之。 Before reason that has not discovered exceptionally, that is because they have not returned to too the slightly wall. 以前之所以没有发现异常,那是因为他们俩还没有回到太微垣。 Also because of so, therefore after heavy magnificent this time comes back, discovered oneself somewhat seem incompatible with the thing all around. 也正是因为如此,所以重华这次回来后,就发现自己与周遭事物似乎有些格格不入。 He not does not have good manners the number. 他并不是不懂礼数。 Pure does not want to kneel down. 只是单纯的不想下跪罢了。 Is kneeling doing? Stands, hasn't listened to the son to have the gold? Stood to me.’ ‘跪着干什么?站起来,没听过男儿膝下有黄金吗?给我站直了。’ At this moment. 这一刻。 In heavy magnificence heart thoughts constantly welling up. 重华心中思绪万千。 He even started somewhat to fondly remember Earth. 以至于他甚至开始有些怀念地球了。 The Xuanyuan does not have does not know absurdly heavy magnificent is thinking anything at heart. 轩辕无妄并不知道重华心里在想些什么。 Let alone, actually he is not thinking anything in heavy magnificent. 更何况,他根本就不在重华究竟在想些什么。 Dispense with ceremony, Yuanliang guides, changes a place to speak.” “免礼,元良带路,换个地方说话。” The Xuanyuan does not have here to have the goal absurdly today, therefore he is also disinclined to waste the too much time in these branch details. 轩辕无妄今天来这里是有目的的,所以他也懒得在这些旁枝末节上浪费太多的时间。 Orders, the head of household then makes Xuanyuan Yuanliang lead the people to sit in other arrived institute hall in turn. 一声令下,家主便让轩辕元良带着众人依次坐到了别院正堂里。 Afterward, heavy magnificent then works as is presenting everyone's surface, repeated a moment ago to all that Zhang said him. 随后,重华便当着在座所有人的面,把他刚才对张氏所说的一切又重复了一遍。 Similar to the response of Zhang. 与张氏的反应大致相同。 The people heard heavy magnificence saying that he has lived after the Mr. Chen home these days, expression that on face was must have splendidly splendidly. 众人听到重华说他这段时间一直住在陈先生家里后,脸上的表情那是要有多精彩就有多精彩。 After heavy magnificence Jiang own experience roughly told one, then stood one side to await calmly the head of household to ask. 重华将自己的经历大致讲述一遍后,便站到一旁静候家主发问。 But head of household after hesitating, is actually frowning asks gently: In other words......” 而家主在沉吟了一番后,却是皱着眉头轻轻问道:“也就是说……” „Has Mr. Chen received the front gate wall you?” 陈先生已经将你收入了门墙?” Also the people will understand no wonder. 也难怪众人会这么理解。 After all...... 毕竟…… Too the slightly wall is not Earth. 太微垣可不是地球。 Besides Chen Xi, who will place in the captive the family/home, and also supplies delicious tastily? 除了陈曦以外,谁又会将俘虏放在自己家里,并且还好吃好喝供起来呢? „......” “呃……” Returns to head of household's words, Mr. Chen has not received me for the disciple......” “回家主的话,陈先生并没有收我为徒……” He made me be admitted to his home, idled the safe/without matter time will then direct 2-3......” “他只是让我住进了他家里,闲来无事的时候便会指点个2-3句罢了……” Heavy magnificent is explaining diligently. 重华努力的解释着。 hearing this, the Xuanyuan does not have is returning that a face is suddenly enlighted said absurdly: „To come is because your cultivation base is too low, Mr. Chen feared that both of you lost his face, therefore then does not have the For You Guys masters and disciples status......” 闻言,轩辕无妄却是一脸恍然大悟的回道:“想来是因为你们俩修为太低,陈先生怕你们俩丢了他的脸面,所以便没有给你们师徒名分……” Words......” “如此说来的话……” You have really not been able to pose as the status of apprentice actually.” “你倒是还真不能以徒弟的身份自居。” Such remarks, eight big elders immediately like thinking through anything resembled to result , the nod echoes saying: Head of household stands to reason.” 此话一出,八大长老顿时就像想通了什么似得,不禁纷纷点头附和道:“家主言之有理。” Saw with own eyes that this misunderstanding gets bigger and bigger, after heavy magnificent hesitant one next, finally has spoken of the words of mouth to swallow back that forcefully. 眼见这个误会越闹越大,重华犹豫了一下后,最终却还是把那已经说到嘴边的话又强行咽了回去。 Is the Mr. Chen apprentice not to have nothing in any case well. 反正做陈先生的徒弟也没什么不好的。 Since everyone must understand, he also can only let matters drift. 既然大家非得要这么理解,他也只能听之任之了。 At the worst goes back to explain again well to Mr. Chen, he has not hit Mr. Chen to mooch in any case everywhere...... 大不了回去再向陈先生好好解释一番,反正他又没有打着陈先生四处招摇撞骗…… Heavy magnificence confessed has a clear conscience, therefore then did not make the entanglement in this issue. 重华自认问心无愧,于是便不在这个问题上多作纠缠了。 Since the Xuanyuan did not have asked that this/should understanding that should ask absurdly also understood, heavy magnificent was supposing they should also walk, therefore then very tactful in advance asked for mercy to leave the hall. 既然轩辕无妄该问的都问了,该了解的也都了解了,重华估摸着他们也该走了,于是便十分识趣的先行告罪离开了正堂。 Naturally, he has not walked away, but period of five days silently outside room, with the aim of must deliver a elders regulation later. 当然,他并没有走远,而是默默的候在屋外,以便待会儿还要送诸位长辈们一程。 Standing that heavy magnificent is bored to death is waiting in out of the door. 重华百无聊赖的站在门外等候着。 But at this moment, his name is actually suddenly made a sound in the hall. 可就在这时,他的名字却是又冷不丁的在正堂里响了起来。 Yuanliang, you may really have a good son.” “元良啊,你可真是生了个好儿子呐。” „Does this child call makes heavy magnificent?” “这孩子唤作重华是吧?” How many are record of one's horoscope? Now can have the marriage?” “生辰八字是多少?如今可有婚配?” „The old man niece, the years fragrance 28, is still unbetrothed just in time......” “正巧老夫有一侄女,年芳二八、待字闺中……” Does not know, Yuanliang you can be willing to become the parents of son or daughter-in-law with the old man?” “不知,元良你可愿与老夫结为亲家?” That flash. 那一瞬间。 Heavy magnificence Zhijiao were drenched the arrived under foot by basin cold water from the beginning. 重华只觉自己被一盆冷水从头淋到了脚下。 Even did not have, when Xuanyuan Yuanliang opens the mouth to answer, his whole person looked like receives an electric shock same, crashed in the hall fiercely, is in front of head of household, shouted toward the people chilly sound greatly: May not!!!” 甚至都还没等到轩辕元良开口回话,他整个人就像是触电了一样,猛地冲进正堂,然后就这么当着家主的面,朝众人凄声大喊道:“不可!!!”
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