IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#510: Universe illusion

The sudden accident alarmed everyone. 突如其来的变故惊动了所有人。 A moment ago the good double-hour of Mingming (clearly) colorful Yanggao photo, but in such time in an instant, the distant sky is actually gloomy soon dropped out the water. 刚才明明都还是艳阳高照的好时辰,可就在这么一转眼的功夫里,远方天空却是就已经阴沉的快要滴出了水来。 Sees with own eyes the rainstorm , the people outside ancestral temple talked in whispers. 眼见暴雨将至,祖庙外的众人不禁窃窃私语了起来。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Climate is so unusual, can it be that did the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals have what big matter?” “气候如此异常,莫不是玉清洞天出了什么大事儿?” Just like the macrocosm, too nearby the slightly wall does not have the star, therefore the meteorology between Heaven and Earth fluctuates, the livelihood circulation to control by spell formation. 和大世界一样,太微垣附近并没有恒星,所以天地间的气象变幻、日月流转皆是由阵法所控制。 Too slightly wall spell formation core in the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 太微垣的阵法核心就在玉清洞天。 At present suddenly changes constantly, the people's on the scene first response, naturally is guessed that the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals had what accident. 眼下突然风云变幻,在场众人的第一反应,自然是去猜测玉清洞天是不是发生了什么变故。 The thick dark clouds blocked from the entire sky, the weather dim in ink like drop water penetration. 浓浓的黑云遮住了整个天空,天色昏暗的就像滴进水里的墨水。 Looks from afar, that dark clouds surges come, another goes turbulently, just like fierce fearsome monster face. 远远望去,那黑云一朵朵的翻腾而来,又一朵朵的汹涌而去,犹如一张张狰狞可怖的怪兽脸庞。 If the common hatred dog throws the low roar demonstration before food, after the horizon thunderclap gathered the potential secretly some little time, this burst out an earth-shaking loud sound sound fiercely! 如同恶犬扑食前的低吼示威,天边雷声暗暗蓄势了好一会儿后,这才猛地迸发出一阵惊天动地的巨响声! Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ In an instant. 刹那间。 The angry thunder clank, the strong winds howl. 怒雷铮铮,狂风呼啸。 So before fearful Heaven and Earth scene, the meaning that the people actually slightly do not hide, instead looked up to that remote horizon. 如此可怕的天地景象前,众人却丝毫没有要躲藏的意思,反而纷纷抬头望向了那遥远的天边。 In ancestral temple. 祖庙里。 The Xuanyuan does not have is hearing the flash that the thunderclap resounds absurdly, then took back him soon to the warning and blessing that heavy magnificence said that then the serious half step went out of the ancestral temple. 轩辕无妄在听到雷声响起的一瞬间,便收回了他即将对重华说出的告诫与祝福,转而一脸严肃的快步走出了祖庙。 Eight big elders see that then also followed to go out of the ancestral temple in abundance behind. 八大长老见状,便也都纷纷跟在他身后走出了祖庙。 Heavy magnificent should be today this capping ceremony lead. 重华本该是今天这场冠礼的主角。 But in flash that the thunderclap resounds, he degenerated into the dragon embroidered costume of nobody will ask thoroughly. 但在雷声响起的一瞬间,他就彻底沦为了无人问津的龙套。 Sees with own eyes no one to respond itself, heavy magnificent is also then disinclined to have scruples these tedious formalities again, took off to hold the vegetarian crown of head directly in the bosom, then collected side arrived Xuanyuan Yuanliang quietly. 眼见没有人搭理自己,重华便也懒得再顾忌这些繁琐的礼节,直接将头上的素冠摘下抱在了怀里,然后悄悄凑到了轩辕元良身旁。 „Did father, what big matter have?” “爹,是不是出了什么大事儿?” The head of household is welcoming the evil wind with eight big elders, is built on above the stair proudly. 家主与八大长老迎着妖风,傲然立于台阶之上。 After hearing the inquiry of heavy magnificent, Xuanyuan Yuanliang was actually frowning to stare his one eyes, is following close on fast then scolded one in a low voice: Keeps silent.” 听到重华的提问后,轩辕元良却是皱着眉头瞪了他一眼,紧跟着便飞快的低声呵斥了一句:“噤声。” "Oh, good. ” “哦,好。” Heavy magnificence Congwei has seen such weaponry. 重华从未见过这样的阵仗。 Therefore, after hearing Xuanyuan Yuanliang's scolding, he had to shrink the head bewildered, then honest standing behind crowd, does not dare to send out any static again. 因此,听到轩辕元良的呵斥后,他只得一脸茫然的缩了缩脑袋,然后老老实实的站在人群后方,不敢再发出任何杂音。 Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ Rolls the rolling thunder sound, enormous and powerful continuous. 滚滚雷音,浩荡绵绵。 One after another, has not had the moment idle time. 一阵接着一阵,不曾有片刻停歇。 Continued roughly two minutes, this deafening thunderclap gradually subsided. 足足持续了约莫有两分钟之久,这场震耳欲聋的雷声才逐渐平息了下来。 What situation?’ ‘啥情况?’ Just like heavy magnificent, on the young face outside ancestral temple mostly is vacant, does not know that had anything a moment ago. 和重华一样,祖庙外的年轻人脸上大多都是茫然,根本不知道刚才发生了什么。 Heavy magnificence Toutou looked at his father one eyes. 重华偷偷瞄了他爹一眼。 Actually discovers the expression on his father face somewhat to be really strange. 却发现他爹脸上的表情着实有些奇怪。 And not only some anxious, and some excited, even is also passing an excitement faintly. 其中既有些许紧张,又有些许激动,甚至还隐隐透着一丝兴奋。 Difficult to be inadequate...... 难不成…… What good matter did this have to happen? 这是有什么好事儿要发生了? ...... …… Traded to make the past, heavy magnificent simply did not have the qualifications to stand on the stair outside ancestral temple. 换作以往,重华根本没资格站在祖庙外的台阶上。 Today has this opportunity rarely, he naturally must realize well this type will work as ice feeling extremely. 今天难得有此机会,他自然要好好体会一下这种会当凌绝顶的感觉。 But at this moment, stands in the forefront Xuanyuan head of household with eight big elders, is actually suddenly single knee on the ground, and shouted loudly with one voice: Respectfully follows the honorable person to inform the life!” 可就在这时,站在最前面的轩辕家主与八大长老,却是突然单膝跪在地上,并齐声高呼道:“谨遵真人诰命!” Seeing that heavy magnificent somewhat was immediately ignorant. 见状,重华顿时有些懵了。 Because he does not know that had anything. 因为他根本不知道发生了什么。 Saw that the head of household with eight big elders kneels down in abundance, after heavy magnificence Leng one next, must follow the example, the following people knelt immediately. 眼看着家主与八大长老纷纷跪倒在地,重华愣了一下后,也只得有样学样,立马跟着众人跪了下去。 The flash of but in him kneeling down, the head of household was actually stood with eight big elders. 可就在他跪下的一瞬间,家主与八大长老却是又纷纷重新站了起来。 Then good. 这下好了。 Heavy magnificence true does not know actually own present should kneel should stand. 重华真不知道自己现在究竟是该跪着还是该站着了。 „.” “罢了。” This is the fate, cannot change.” “此为命数,不可改矣。” Yuanliang, you first explained with this child.” “元良,你先和这孩子解释一下吧。” Mr. Chen if in the future investigates, wants to come not to blame on him......” 陈先生将来若要追究的话,想来也怪罪不到他身上……” The horizon dark cloud has not diverged, the thunderclap actually no longer resounds. 天边乌云并未散去,雷声却不再响起。 After the head of household brings a face complex expression was looking at heavy magnificence one, then gently shakes the head, then leads the several other elders to return to the arrived ancestral temple directly. 家主带着一脸复杂的表情看了重华一眼后,便轻轻摇了摇头,然后带着余下几位长老径直回到了祖庙。 Explanation? What explained?’ ‘解释?解释什么?’ hearing this, heavy magnificent is bewildered. 闻言,重华不禁一脸茫然。 He is wanting to ask, never expected that Xuanyuan Yuanliang's voice actually made a sound in his brain into the sea directly. 他正欲发问,没想到轩辕元良的声音却直接在他脑海里响了起来。 Passes message. 是传音。 His father is sending greetings to him. 他爹在向他传音。 With a Xuanyuan Yuanliang's explanation, heavy magnificence Zongsuan understands all that had a moment ago. 随着轩辕元良的一番解释,重华总算明白了刚才所发生的一切。 Originally...... 原来…… A moment ago that thunder sound was not the natural phenomenon, but was caused by the startling thunderclap drum of jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 刚才那阵雷音并不是什么自然现象,而是由玉清洞天的惊雷鼓所引起的。 So-called startling thunderclap drum, is the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals to too the special methods of slightly wall many influence dissemination news, is equivalent to the broadcasting station on Earth probably, moreover of encryption. 所谓惊雷鼓,也就是玉清洞天向太微垣诸多势力传播讯息的特殊手段,大概就相当于地球上的广播电台,而且还是加密的那种。 Only then cultivation base reaches arrived certain degree, can hear the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the news that from the thunderclap wants to convey. 只有修为到了一定的程度,才可以从雷声中听到玉清洞天想要传达的讯息。 But the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals will sound the startling thunderclap drum today suddenly, then is completely because...... 而玉清洞天今日之所以会突然敲响惊雷鼓,则完全是因为…… Hundred years grand occasion will soon arrive a time! 百年一次的盛事即将到来! What grand occasion? 何谓盛事? Three wall connection, are the grand occasions. 三垣交汇,即为盛事。 Heavy magnificent has heard the hearsay about three walls since childhood. 重华从小就听说过很多关于三垣的传闻。 So-called three walls, namely: Too slightly wall, crape myrtle wall and day city wall. 所谓三垣,即:太微垣、紫薇垣、天市垣。 The legend before for a long time is very very long, three Kakimoto is complete planet, afterward does not know had what accident, causing planet to be torn, then changed to today's three walls. 传说在很久很久以前,三垣本是一个完整的星球,后来不知发生了什么变故,导致星球被撕裂,然后才化作了今天的三垣。 Just like too the slightly wall, the crape myrtle wall and day city wall are also the plate shape lands, for ten thousand years have drifted in this piece of boundless universe. 和太微垣一样,紫薇垣和天市垣也是板块状的陆地,万年来一直漂泊在这片茫茫宇宙之中。 Without the star to make the direction, therefore the whereabouts of three walls absolutely do not have the path to follow. 因为没有恒星作指引,所以三垣的行踪是完全没有轨迹可循的。 Do not look at too the slightly wall now near the Solar System. 别看太微垣现在就在太阳系附近。 Perhaps 100,000 years ago, too slightly wall also in another end of Milky Way. 说不定十万年以前,太微垣都还在银河系的另一端呢。 ...... …… Three walls will connect every hundred years one time, its operational principle still also no one can understand. 三垣每隔百年就会交汇一次,其运行原理至今也无人能够参透。 Some senior person of high skill according to jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, three walls will connect fixed time, should be related with the arrangement that antiquity Supreme Being left behind. 据玉清洞天的某位前辈高人猜测,三垣之所以会定时交汇,应该与上古大能留下的布置有关。 In other words...... 也就是说…… Three walls are also hiding certain not the discovered startled huge secret until now. 三垣至今都还隐藏着某些没有被人发现的惊天大秘密。 In order to reveal this secret, since the jade clear dwelling place of Buddhist immortals was established, his all previous palm teaches on to seek for the truth in secret. 为了揭开这个秘密,自打玉清洞天成立以来,其历代掌教就一直在暗中寻找着真相。 But after having been through repeatedly various efforts, finally, they look for a arrived clue. 而在历经了各种努力后,终于,他们找到了一条线索。 This clue stems from- 这条线索正是出自- Universe illusion. 太虚幻境。 Heavy magnificent knows three walls, but he has actually also never heard the universe illusion. 重华知道三垣,可他却也从未听说过太虚幻境。 Therefore, after hearing this noun, he could not bear open the mouth to interrupt Xuanyuan Yuanliang's words immediately, asked back directly: Father, child some does not understand your meaning.” 因此,听到这个名词后,他顿时就忍不住开口打断了轩辕元良的话,直接反问道:“爹,孩儿还是有些不明白您的意思。” This universe illusion......” “这太虚幻境……” Actually to have what relations with me?” “究竟和我有什么关系?” hearing this, on Xuanyuan Yuanliang face actually showed a meaningful smiling face suddenly. 闻言,轩辕元良脸上却是忽然露出了一丝意味深长的笑容。 After he put out a hand to pat the shoulder of heavy magnificent, this intent has referred said in heavy magnificence Erbian in a low voice: magnificence Er, prepares well, your chance came......” 他伸手拍了拍重华的肩膀后,这才意有所指的在重华耳边低声说道:“华儿,好好准备一下吧,你的机缘来了……”
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