IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#419: The day reveres!

If in the reality can also publish the sentiment package, then Chen Xi will certainly revere to send out the innumerable black person question mark face to jade vast domain day now...... 如果现实中也可以发表情包的话,那么陈曦现在一定会对玉寰天尊发出无数黑人问号脸…… What situation??? 什么情况??? Why the development and he imagines complete different? 为什么事情的发展和他想象的完全不一样呢? Chen Xi thinks so long as oneself show the day to revere the rank the strength, the day aspect will give him the reception disposition of high specification. 陈曦原以为自己只要展现出天尊级别的实力,天都方面就会给予他高规格的接待配置。 Who once thinks...... 谁曾想到…… After he shows oneself strength, how many words have not even said that did jade vast domain day revere upsets the table to get angry directly? 他展现自己的实力后,却连话都还没说几句,玉寰天尊就直接掀桌子翻脸了呢? In a blaze of passion, jade vast domain day revered directly approached Chen Xi jade vast domain colored glaze numerous pounding. 盛怒之下,玉寰天尊直接就将玉寰琉璃盏重重的砸向了陈曦 But at this time, this name heavenshaking most precious object...... 而这时,这件名震天都的至宝…… Was just now comprehensive to the world showed own true might. 方才全面向世人展现了自己的真正威力。 The colored glaze feeds the fire, request heavenly light. 琉璃豢火,盏托天灯。 Burns completely the whole wide world, ten thousand spirit ancient Yi! 焚尽八荒,万灵古燚! Sees only a jade vast domain colored glaze departing flash, this magical treasure looked like the lit Kongming lantern is ordinary, bringing the raging flame to flutter to Chen Xi. 只见玉寰琉璃盏飞出的一瞬间,这件法宝就像是被点燃的孔明灯一般,带着熊熊烈火飘向了陈曦 As the colored glaze distance Chen Xi's position is getting more and more near, 随着琉璃盏距离陈曦的位置越来越近, Big of the fire intensity, it may be said that sets the prairie afire to burn the day. 其火势之大,可谓燎原焚天。 Because dragon Shoufeng has the reason that Formation blesses, therefore the fire intensity has not run out of spell formation, but crazy wreaking havoc ignition in Formation, many cultivation base low star Monarch were frightened courage entirely cracks at the scene, must shrink in the square corner is trembling. 因为龙首峰有法阵庇佑的缘故,所以火势并未冲出阵法,而是在法阵内部疯狂的肆虐灼烧,以至于许多修为较低的星君当场就被吓得肝胆俱裂,只得缩在广场角落瑟瑟发抖着。 But makes people feel what is strange is...... 但让人感到奇怪的是…… The raging fire filled the sky, swept across the square. 烈火弥漫了天空,同时也席卷了广场。 The flaming flame attaches on the people, but they actually could not feel has the slight temperature, as if this dreadful roaring flame is only the illusion is common. 熊熊火焰附着于众人身上,但他们却感觉不到其中有丝毫温度,仿佛这滔天烈焰都只是幻觉一般。 Sees that the people felt at ease immediately much, therefore then turned the head to look in abundance to that unlucky intruder. 见状,众人顿时安心了不少,于是便纷纷转头看向了那个倒霉的入侵者。 Actually does this fellow where brave? 这家伙究竟从哪儿冒出来的? Unexpectedly can make jade vast domain day revere ignores the status, angry take action teaches him...... 居然可以让玉寰天尊不顾身份,愤然出手教训他…… Fought unlike the former exploratory nature, jade vast domain day revered this attacks full power. 与之前的试探性交手不同,玉寰天尊这回可是全力出击。 Therefore Chen Xi saw that colored glaze pounds to own flash, the brow closely wrinkled immediately. 所以陈曦看到琉璃盏砸向自己的一瞬间,眉头顿时就紧紧的皱了起来。 To be honest. 说实话。 Chen Xi has not truly thought that jade vast domain Tianzunhui exhibits this aggressive attitude...... 陈曦确实没想到玉寰天尊会摆出这番咄咄逼人的态度…… Although he in Earth, truly caused many troubles to the day before, but all these are the self-preservation, therefore Chen Xi has felt...... 虽然他之前在地球的时候,确实给天都制造了不少麻烦,但这一切都只是出于自保罢了,所以陈曦一直觉得…… So long as oneself can discuss with the day well, then all have the leeway of mediation. 自己只要能和天都好好谈一谈,那么一切就还有斡旋的余地。 However, Chen Xi's idea, although is good. 然而,陈曦的想法虽好。 The opposite party actually do not listen not to attend, threatening, the opportunity of even arguing has not given him. 对方却不听不顾,来势汹汹,甚至连辩解的机会都没有给他。 How? 怎么的? Your day but actually also victim? 你天都倒还成了受害者? My love always, is uncertain of one's fate now. 我的平生挚爱,如今生死未卜。 My favored daughter still young, now all alone. 我的爱女尚幼,如今无依无靠。 I return to Earth after untold hardships, without thinking of the happy easy life also on several days, ends up a breaking up a family fate...... 我历经千辛万苦回到地球,没想到幸福的小日子还没过上几天,就又落得个妻离子散的下场…… How does this enable Chen Xi to accept confidently? 这让陈曦如何能坦然接受? All also not because at present this group of damn antiquity Immortal Cultivator! 一切还不是因为眼前这帮该死的上古修仙者 Thinks of here, the bonus was Chen Xi experienced 200 years of mental tempering in the dark space, in this moment heart also raised dreadful hatred. 想到这里,饶是陈曦在黑暗空间里经历了两百年的心智磨砺,此刻心中也不由升起了一股滔天恨意。 Therefore, was seeing flash that jade vast domain colored glaze flies...... 于是,在看到玉寰琉璃盏飞来的一瞬间…… Chen Xi in the Divine Sword method the hand wields immediately, the sword points to jade vast domain day to revere sharp, simultaneously cried loud and long sternly: 陈曦顿时将手中神剑法相一挥,剑尖直指玉寰天尊,同时厉声长啸道: I do not want with the day to be the enemy......” “我本不想与天都为敌……” But you are actually bent on having aggressively......” “可你却偏要咄咄逼人……” Day, day reveres......” “天都、天尊……” Thinks the reputation called resounding......” “以为名头叫的响亮……” I really feared you are inadequate?!” “我就真的怕了你不成?!” The speech meanwhile, the Divine Sword law in Chen Xi hand also waved. 说话同时,陈曦手中的神剑法相也随之舞动了起来。 Long Sword has stroked the sky, the breeze that tucks is common just like the ribbon. 长剑拂过天空,撩起的微风宛如丝带一般。 A wisp of another wisp, faint trace winding in Chen Xi body bank. 一缕又一缕,丝丝缠绕于陈曦身畔。 The breeze moved his sending tree top, caressed his lower hem. 微风吹动了他的发梢,也抚动了他的衣摆。 Does not have any earth-shaking magnificent scene, the Chen Xi's imposing manner then follows this breeze, increased suddenly. 没有什么惊天动地的大场面,陈曦的气势便伴随这股微风,陡然攀升了起来。 When kills to a jade vast domain colored glaze bang to flash...... 待到玉寰琉璃盏轰杀将至的一刹那…… Chen Xi wields acts Long Sword. 陈曦挥出了手中的长剑 If divided into two halves the sky, then one side is the roaring flame of flaming combustion, another side is actually the breeze that invisible winds around. 如果将天空分为两半的话,那么一侧是熊熊燃烧的烈焰,另一侧却是无形缭绕的微风。 Profound female sword secret art 玄牝剑诀 Changes sword being in fashion space gentleman by beautiful Wende! 变剑式・风行天上・君子以懿文德! ...... …… When the flame meets the breeze...... 当火焰遇到微风…… The sunlight is just right, the breeze is not dry. 阳光正好,微风不燥。 If big heavens to just heavy sword, then being in fashion space is the soft long soft sword. 如果说大哉乾元是至强至刚的重剑,那么风行天上便是绵柔悠长的软剑。 jade vast domain colored glaze like a fireball, pounded ruthlessly to Chen Xi. 玉寰琉璃盏就像一颗火球,狠狠砸向了陈曦 However...... 然而…… Will soon pound the Chen Xi's time in the fireball, an invisible sword qi big net actually blocked it stubbornly. 就在火球即将砸到陈曦的时候,一道无形的剑气大网却将其死死拦了下来。 Like the flash of soccer shè basic frame, the fireball in the middle of the sword qi big net tumbled good, finally helpless changes to black smoke, dissipates in in the air thoroughly. 就像足球shè入门框的一刹那,火球在剑气大网当中翻滚了好一阵后,最终才无奈的化作一丝黑烟,彻底消散于空中。 Afterward, the sword qi big net also extinguishes in invisible. 随后,剑气大网也随之消弭于无形。 This move, has not been divided the victory and defeat. 这一招,未分胜负。 It may be said that evenly matched. 可谓势均力敌。 But also because of so...... 但也正是因为如此…… Nearby ingenious method day reveres, the profound real day to revere, as well as innumerable Divine General and star that Monarch in the square observes...... 一旁的妙法天尊、玄真天尊,以及在广场上观战的无数神将、星君…… Everyone is frightened arrived by the strength that Chen Xi shows at this moment. 所有人都被陈曦此刻展现的实力吓到了 In this world can some people revere to fight to a draw with jade vast domain day unexpectedly?! 这世上居然有人能和玉寰天尊打成平手?! Cracks a joke?? 开什么玩笑?? jade vast domain day reveres also somewhat seems to be surprised in the Chen Xi's strength. 玉寰天尊似乎也有些惊讶于陈曦的实力。 Saw with own eyes after oneself strike is fruitless, he unexpectedly suddenly loudly long smiled. 眼见自己一击无果后,他竟突然放声长笑了起来。 Interesting, the old man has several hundred years not to fight......” “有意思,老夫已有数百年没有与人交手了……” Mr. Chen?” 陈先生是吧?” Your given name, old man and today first remembered......” “你的名讳,老夫今日且先记下了……” When to another day......” “待到他日……” Old man decides does not forget to display a memorial tablet in Huangjidian for you!!!” “老夫定不忘在皇极殿内为你摆上一座牌位!!!” The voice falls. 话音一落。 jade vast domain day reveres figure to flash, the whole person then rushes over toward Chen Xi fiercely. 玉寰天尊身形一闪,整个人便朝陈曦猛地冲了过去。 Evidently...... 看样子…… The day in this ordinary day keeping aloof reveres, today must be out seriously personally, with Chen Xi full war 300 rounds! 这位平日里高高在上的天尊,今天当真是要亲自下场,与陈曦酣畅淋漓的大战三百个回合了! Sees that Chen Xi actually not slightly timid. 见状,陈曦却也没有丝毫怯弱。 How does the day revere? 天尊又怎样? Today first delivers you to return to heaven! 今日就先送你归天! And eats 且再吃我一剑! A jade vast domain colored glaze roaring flame is torrential, Divine General method Sword Prestige continuous...... 玉寰琉璃盏烈焰滔滔,神将法相剑势绵绵…… Two days revere the rank Immortal Cultivator, hit in the midair ruthlessly in one! 两位天尊级别的修仙者,就这么在半空中狠狠撞在了一起! In an instant. 霎那间。 Escape True Essence just like the ice blades frost sword general, does not divide shè of enemy and ourselves to approach in all directions. 逸散的真元就犹如冰刀霜剑一般,不分敌我的shè向四面八方。 Many Divine General dodge, immediately was injured by the qi energy, the body had the innumerable tiny scratches instantaneously. 许多神将闪避不及,顿时被气劲所伤,以至于身上瞬间就出现了无数条细小的刮痕。 These scratches are seemingly weak unobstructive, in fact also brings to be the True Essence brand mark that Chen Xi and jade vast domain day reveres. 这些刮痕看似微弱无碍,实际上却又带着属于陈曦和玉寰天尊的真元烙印。 Therefore, the qi energy enters the flash of body...... 因此,气劲入体的一瞬间…… These injured Divine General send out the pain to shout, flashes hastily one side, tries to transport the merit to compel within the body these damaging qi energy. 这些受伤的神将就纷纷发出痛呼,连忙闪到一旁,试图运功将这些极具破坏性的气劲逼出体内。 Saw with own eyes the tactical situation to affect many people, the ingenious method day revered after the profound real day revered to look at each other one, then immediately flies back to Huangjidian, closed dragon Shoufeng Mountain Guardian large formation on own initiative, so that Chen Xi and jade vast domain day could revere to be able more carefree fight. 眼见战况波及了很多人,妙法天尊和玄真天尊对视一眼后,便立刻飞回皇极殿,主动关闭了龙首峰的护山大阵,以便陈曦和玉寰天尊能够更加畅快的交手。 This war, so long as jade vast domain day reveres has not voluntarily requested to help, then no one can meddle to interfere. 这一战,只要玉寰天尊没有主动要求帮忙,那么谁也不能插手干涉。 Although day strong, but actually disdains by the enemies widowed, therefore gave a Chen Xi such relatively fair battlefield. 天都虽强,但却不屑以众敌寡,所以才给了陈曦这样一个相对公平的战场。 This is day of fight that reveres the rank. 这是天尊级别的战斗。 Also is two days reveres for the respective dignity fights. 也是两位天尊为了各自的尊严而战。 Although Chen Xi not from macrocosm, but he actually successfully proved himself with the strength...... 陈曦虽然不是来自大世界,但他却用实力成功证明了自己…… He, is not weak in Tianzun! 他,不弱于天尊! ...... …… ...... …… Has written, I actually a little compel the number. 写没写偏,我心里其实还是有点逼数的。 You have not possibly noticed the volume name every volumes. 你们可能没有注意到每一卷的卷名。 This is vol. 4, this volume of names are 这是第四卷,这一卷的名字是 Exactly schoolmate youngster, in full flower 【恰同学少年,风华正茂】 Before the high háo play wrote is too short, therefore this time can make me write long...... 呐,以前高háo戏就写的太短,所以这次能不能让我写长一点…… Perhaps I write insufficient good, will therefore feel very bored...... 可能我写的不够好,所以才会觉得很无聊…… Also invited to excuse me, sprouting/moe the new many point contained, next can write was better...... 还请诸位见谅,给萌新多一点包容,下一本才会写的更好嘛…… ( ¯ (づ¯ 3 ¯) 3¯)づ
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