IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#420: Divine Transformation

Such as jade vast domain day reveres, Dawn Divine Monarch and so on name, is actually only the nickname. 诸如玉寰天尊、晨曦神君之类的称呼,其实都只是绰号罢了。 Since five side Divine General strengths are almost equal to Nascent Soul Stage, ten side Zhutian who then compares the high rank reveres, obviously is equal to Divine Transformation Stage. 既然五方神将的实力差不多等同于元婴期,那么比之高个级别的十方诸天尊,显然就等同于化神期 Between Divine Transformation Stage and Nascent Soul Stage, seemingly only have a realm disparity. 化神期元婴期之间,看似只有一个境界的差距。 But is this difference, it may be said that yes 但就是这一步之差,可谓是 The difference and difference of cloud mud heaven and earth. 天壤之差、云泥之别。 Takes Heavenly Jade World's legitimate cultivate to Immortality inheritance for instance, after Immortal Cultivator quenchings accumulates True Essence to the certain extent, can this True Essence quenching to the pure complete condition, thus has Golden Core. 天璇界的正统修仙传承为例,修仙者淬炼积累真元到一定程度后,就可以将这股真元淬炼至精纯圆满状态,从而结出金丹 After forming Golden Core, Golden Core became a Immortal Cultivator cultivation base foundation, breeds the Nascent Soul hotbed. 结成金丹之后,金丹就成了修仙者一身修为的根基,同时也是孕育元婴的温床。 Sprinkles like a seed in earth, so long as protects always has blossoming and bearing fruit the time carefully. 就像一颗种子洒在土里,只要细心呵护总有开花结果的时候。 The flower that starts out by the Golden Core result 金丹结果开出的这朵花 Then is so-called Nascent Soul. 便是所谓的元婴 Nascent Soul is transformed by Golden Core. 元婴金丹蜕变而成。 In the entire transformation process, Immortal Cultivator three immortal souls and seven mortal forms will gradually shift Nascent Soul from the capacity for clear thinking. 在整个蜕变过程中,修仙者三魂七魄会逐渐从心窍转移到元婴 Nascent Soul does not extinguish, then Divine Soul is not loose. 元婴不灭,则神魂不散。 Also because of so, therefore the Nascent Soul Stage Immortal Cultivator mortal body withers away even if, can seize the shed with the aid of Nascent Soul, thus obtains the new life again. 也正是因为如此,所以哪怕元婴期修仙者肉身消亡,也可以借助元婴夺舍,从而再一次获得新的生命。 Qi Refining, Foundation Building, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Divine Transformation and Insightful Emptiness...... 炼气筑基金丹元婴化神洞虚…… If regards as to step into the beginning of immortal gate Qi Refining Stage, then later Foundation Building stage and Golden Core Stage, are actually consolidating this process unceasingly, practice also is mainly primarily refining spiritual energy of heaven and earth, to quenching True Essence. 如果将炼气期看作踏入仙门的起点,那么之后的筑基期金丹期,其实都只是在不断巩固这个过程,修炼也主要以炼化天地灵气、淬炼自身真元为主。 In fact. 实际上。 Even if Golden Core Stage is called Celestial, they have not actually entered to the level of next qualitative change truly. 即使金丹期被称作天人,他们却也没有真正进入到下一个质变的层次。 When only then Immortal Cultivator forms Nascent Soul, after Divine Soul and Nascent Soul fuse, they truly start to produce the second qualitative to change. 只有等到修仙者结成元婴,将神魂元婴融合后,他们才真正开始产生第二次质的变化。 Therefore, from Qi Refining to Golden Core this entire process, is called 因此,从炼气金丹这整个过程,又被称作 Refining up purification air/Qi. 【炼精化气】。 The road of cultivation did not have the shortcut, walks, it may be said that carefully. 修行之路本就没有捷径,一路走来,可谓一步一个脚印。 Before had not mentioned this aspect, that is because...... 之前没有提到这方面,那是因为…… Under Divine Transformation, but ants. 化神之下,不过蝼蚁尔。 Divine General seemingly keeps aloof, but looks like in the Chen Xi eye, Divine General and Celestial actually do not have much difference radically. 神将看似高高在上,但在陈曦眼中看来,神将天人其实根本就没多大区别。 After all, building up the purification air/Qi is only the first stage. 毕竟,炼精化气只是第一个阶段。 Only when Immortal Cultivator breaks through Nascent Soul, starts to try to try to find out after Divine Transformation Stage threshold, just now stepped into the second stage officially, namely 只有当修仙者突破到元婴,开始试图摸索化神期的门槛后,方才正式踏入了第二个阶段,即 Qi Refining Divine Transformation. 炼气化神】。 Everything is crosses the threshold, familiarity to be difficult easily. 凡事都是入门容易、精通难。 cultivate to Immortality is naturally no exception. 修仙自然也不例外。 Chen Xi used for 500 years, from Qi Refining Stage sprint arrived Divine Transformation Stage. 陈曦用了五百年的时间,才一路从炼气期冲刺到了化神期 Such cultivation speed, spent for over a thousand years to compare practice to the Divine Transformation Stage old monster with these, is actually terrifying. 这样的修行速度,与那些花了上千年时间才修炼化神期的老怪物比起来,其实已经非常恐怖了。 But even by the Chen Xi so outstanding practice talent...... 可即便以陈曦如此出众的修炼天赋…… After arrived Divine Transformation, wants to break through again upward also starts becomes especially difficult. 到了化神以后,想要再往上突破也开始变得尤为困难。 Because of arrived this realm, building up the purification air/Qi no longer is the key point, Qi Refining Divine Transformation is the key point. 因为到了这个境界,炼精化气已经不再是重点,炼气化神才是重点。 So-called Divine Transformation, then must let Nascent Soul and Divine Soul fuses, making it have the qualitative change to form again 所谓化神,便是要让元婴神魂融合,让其再次产生质变以形成 Yuan god. 元神。 Golden Core, Nascent Soul and Yuan god. 金丹元婴、元神。 This is transformations that each Immortal Cultivator must experience. 这是每个修仙者都必须要经历的一次次蜕变。 Chen Xi's cultivation base has reached the arrived Divine Transformation peak, only has the one pace from Insightful Emptiness. 陈曦的修为早已达到了化神巅峰,距离洞虚只有一步之遥。 Therefore now truly what he must face is 所以他现在真正要面对的是 Compares broken empty character true meaning, comprehends the first Heaven and Earth principle, thus has the qualitative transformation again. 勘破‘虚’字真谛,领悟第一道天地法则,从而再次产生质的蜕变。 This is next the thing of level, Chen Xi has not comprehended, jade vast domain day revered naturally misses far...... 这是下一个层次的东西,陈曦尚未领悟,玉寰天尊自然就差得更远了…… ...... …… And first said in the return dragon first peak. 且先说回龙首峰上。 After jade vast domain day reveres charges into Chen Xi, two people immediately launched the comprehensive fight. 玉寰天尊冲向陈曦后,两人随即展开了全面战斗。 The contest of this rank, its intensity had been above everyone's imagination completely. 这个级别的较量,其激烈程度已经完全超乎了所有人的想象。 The macrocosm does not have the concept of planet, left the floating island only to be then left over endless void. 大世界没有星球的概念,离开浮岛便只剩下了无尽虚空。 Therefore, after the ingenious method day reveres closes Mountain Guardian large formation, jade vast domain day at your convenience immediately Chen Xi directs the void deep place, to affect Huangjidian. 因此,妙法天尊关闭护山大阵后,玉寰天尊便立刻将陈曦引到虚空深处,以波及到皇极殿。 Without the location limit, the tactical situation was also instantaneously fiery. 没了场地限制,战况瞬间又火热了许多。 The ingenious method day reveres with the profound real day brings to do Divine General and star Monarch at your convenience, follows on the heels to observe distantly. 妙法天尊和玄真天尊便带着一干神将、星君,遥遥跟在后面观战。 This war...... 这一战…… Alarmed the entire macrocosm. 惊动了整个大世界。 Almost all people are observing and emulating this day to revere the fight of rank. 几乎所有人都在观摩这场天尊级别的战斗。 The colored glaze lamp bowl scarlet flame is torrential, the Divine General method the sword shadow is continuous. 琉璃灯盏赤焰滔滔,神将法相剑影绵绵。 The astral wind propels powerfully, the god light/only sways. 罡风劲射,神光飘摇。 The void shake, the common people bend down lowly. 虚空震荡,万民低俯。 If not defense spell formation on floating island were too clear Saint ancestor arranged in the past personally, feared that had been fought the complementary waves that produced to destroy by them. 若非浮岛上的防御阵法是太清圣祖当年亲手布置的,怕是早就被他们交手产生的余波摧毁了。 As jade vast domain day reveres gradually to expose own complete strength, Chen Xi also fell leeward. 而随着玉寰天尊逐渐展露出自己的全部实力,陈曦也随之落入了下风。 This is Chen Xi since has returned to Earth, is so for the first time passive in the fight. 这还是陈曦自打回归地球以来,第一次在战斗中如此被动。 On the one hand is because he has not restored to the most flourishing condition. 一方面是因为他并没有恢复到全盛状态。 On the other hand, then is completely because jade vast domain day reveres jade vast domain colored glaze in hand. 另一方面,则完全是因为玉寰天尊手中的玉寰琉璃盏。 jade vast domain day reveres the good and evil is also the head of ten side Zhutian revering, simultaneously some jade vast domain colored glaze this grade of most precious objects help one another. 玉寰天尊好歹也是十方诸天尊之首,同时又有玉寰琉璃盏这等至宝相助。 Chen Xi hoodlum, including does not have the weapon of lining hand, therefore does not dare to offend its front. 陈曦光棍一个,连把衬手的武器都没有,所以根本就不敢直撄其锋。 Therefore, Chen Xi must retreat fighting, tries to find the weakness that jade vast domain day reveres in the fight, thus defeats it at one fell swoop! 因此,陈曦只得且战且退,试图在战斗中找到玉寰天尊的弱点,从而一举将其击破! But after one fights fiercely, Chen Xi also roughly finds out the strength that jade vast domain day revered. 而经过一番剧烈交手后,陈曦也大致摸清楚了玉寰天尊的实力。 Although cultivation base of this old fogy is high, but actually obviously he must be not as good, roughly in Divine Transformation Middle Stage. 这老家伙的修为虽高,但却明显他要稍逊一筹,约莫是在化神中期 Also does not know that is the macrocosm extremely easy and comfortable reason, without experiencing battle of blood and fire, the actual combat experience that jade vast domain day reveres obviously somewhat is inferior to Chen Xi, therefore Chen Xi show the enemy simply to weakly, continuously seeking opportunity silently. 也不知是不是大世界太过安逸的缘故,没有经历过血与火的厮杀,玉寰天尊的实战经验明显有些不如陈曦,所以陈曦干脆示敌以弱,一直默默的找寻机会。 He by him, the cool breeze strokes the hump ; 他强由他强,清风拂山岗; He horizontally by him horizontal, bright moonlight according to great river. 他横由他横,明月照大江。 jade vast domain day reveres to see him to withdraw, was mistaken that Chen Xi was the timid war. 玉寰天尊见他一直退避,便误以为陈曦是怯战了。 Therefore he wants not to think, immediately steps up the offensive, tries to give the Chen Xi manufacture pressure. 所以他想都没有多想,立刻就加紧攻势,试图给陈曦制造压力。 But what jade vast domain day reveres has not thought is...... 但玉寰天尊没有想到的是…… Pounds a colored glaze flash in him again...... 就在他再次砸出琉璃盏的一瞬间…… The Chen Xi's eye actually shone suddenly. 陈曦的眼睛却忽然亮了起来。 Looks for arrived! 到了 All threats come from jade vast domain colored glaze, if jade vast domain day reveres has placed the body side colored glaze, oneself go forward to fight with Chen Xi personally, some Chen Xi perhaps also scruples. 所有的威胁都来自玉寰琉璃盏,如果玉寰天尊一直把琉璃盏放在身侧,自己亲自上前与陈曦交手的话,陈曦或许还有些顾忌。 At present jade vast domain day reveres actually shoots colored glaze, tries to rumble to kill him by the most precious object. 眼下玉寰天尊却将琉璃盏掷出,试图以至宝将他轰杀。 The so rash approach, was actually center under Chen Xi cherished! 如此莽撞的做法,却是正中了陈曦下怀! Therefore, Chen Xi holds the breath immediately with rapt attention, to present colored glaze regards, if the unheard, the attention will instead place jade vast domain day to revere the body completely. 于是,陈曦立刻屏息凝神,对眼前的琉璃盏视若罔闻,反而将注意力全部放在了玉寰天尊身上。 In a jade vast domain colored glaze bang kills to the previous quarter...... 就在玉寰琉璃盏轰杀将至的前一刻…… Chen Xi used the sword...... 陈曦出剑了…… Changes sword Kun to supple however moved also just! 【变剑式・坤至柔・而动也刚】! ...... …… The profound female sword secret art is not Chen Xi self-created cultivation method, but is the senior person of high skill lifetime painstaking care of crystallizes, finishes to add the note by way of Heaven Overflowing Divine Sect all previous generations Sect Master again unceasingly, just now had this fine classics. 要知道,玄牝剑诀可不是陈曦自创功法,而是前辈高人一生的心血结晶,再经由天衍神宗历代宗主不断精修添注,方才有了这篇传世经典。 The profound female swordsmanship is exquisite, the sword has the primal chaos, but weight meter. 玄牝剑法精妙绝伦,剑起太极而分两仪。 Yang Yi four trigrams exchange to dry shaking, Yin meter four trigram Xun trigram ridge Gen trigram Kun. 阳仪四卦乾兑离震,阴仪四卦巽坎艮坤。 Yang Yini the sword walks, Yin meter along sword line. 阳仪逆剑而走,阴仪顺剑而行。 Putting black silk ribbon Heaven and Earth more, the Yin-Yang of conceals measures not. 放之弥纶天地,藏之阴阳莫测。 The air/Qi swings Heaven and Earth six empty, when the type walks four along going against. 气荡天地六虚,式走四时顺逆。 The district livelihood profit and loss, moves the stars change likely! 县象日月盈亏,动之星辰变易! Chen Xi one show the enemy to weakly, for is this killing move. 陈曦一番示敌以弱,为的就是这一记杀招 Therefore, he has the flash of sword...... 因此,他出剑的一瞬间…… Rushing True Essence affects the internal energy immediately, instantaneously intense murderous aura flooded two people to be at endless void. 澎湃的真元顿时牵动气机,强烈的杀气瞬间充斥了两人所在的无尽虚空。 jade vast domain day reveres to detect that is not right, wants to take back colored glaze hastily. 玉寰天尊察觉到不对劲,连忙想要收回琉璃盏。 But at this time, Chen Xi has actually wielded acts Long Sword...... 但这时,陈曦却已然挥出了手中的长剑…… https: https: …… ……
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