IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#418: Censuring

Has sword sword has six dragons at governing day big heavens! 起剑式・剑起六龙以御天・大哉乾元! Since this geographic name for the dragon first peak, then Chen Xi must step on that soaring dragon today stubbornly in the under foot! 既然此地名为龙首峰,那么陈曦今天就要将那高昂的龙首死死踩在脚下! sword qi enormous and powerful 30,000 li (0.5 km), auspicious sign clothes Shuidong class/flow. 剑气浩荡三万里,紫气青衫水东流。 In dragon Shoufeng. 龙首峰上。 Day sovereign extremely. 天都皇极。 Also invited the gentlemen along with me- 还请诸君随我- Holds a sword to gallop on horseback, horizon to sing loudly! 仗剑走马、天涯高歌! ...... …… After Sword Glow projects, five Divine General then exuded labor pain call with one voice. 剑芒射出后,五位神将便异口同声的发出了一阵痛呼声。 Afterward, when these five people then respectively in they come the direction, flew upside down at a quicker speed. 随后,这五人便各自朝着他们来时的方向,以更快的速度倒飞了回去。 In an instant, audience entirely Jing. 刹那间,全场俱惊。 But made one feel what was surprised was...... 但更令人感到惊讶的是…… In five Divine General repelled flash, golden Sword Glow actually passes through the square together outrageously, and by an earth-shaking imposing manner, shoots at Huangjidian that day revered to be at loudly! 就在五位神将被击退的一瞬间,一道金色剑芒却悍然贯穿广场,并以一股惊天动地的气势,轰然射向了诸位天尊所在的皇极殿! But at this time. 而这时。 Has sat cross-legged to sit the jade vast domain day in the main hall sitting in repose with eyes closed reveres, opened the eye fiercely, on the face also had a surprise. 一直盘膝坐在大殿里闭目养神的玉寰天尊,才猛地睁开眼睛,脸上也随之出现了一丝诧异。 This Sword Glow as if broke out void, the flash of Sword Prestige imminent Huangjidian, the main hall bottom looked like has the earthquake general, unexpectedly started to vibrate slightly. 这道剑芒仿佛劈开了虚空,以至于剑势迫近皇极殿的一瞬间,大殿底部就像是发生了地震一般,居然开始微微抖动了起来。 Expert contests, but among moment. 高手过招,不过须臾之间。 jade vast domain day reveres a brow wrinkle, on the face flashes through a wisp of disfavor immediately. 玉寰天尊眉头一皱,脸上顿时闪过一缕不悦之色。 He seems like blaming the derelictions of duty of five side Divine General, therefore saw after Sword Glow will soon inject Huangjidian, immediately lifts hand one move, called directly own depending on becoming famous the assigned/life magical treasure- 他似乎是在怪罪五方神将的失职,所以看到剑芒即将射入皇极殿后,顿时抬手一招,直接唤出了自己的赖以成名的本命法宝- jade vast domain colored glaze. 玉寰琉璃盏。 This lamp assumes tower, on narrow under extends, including the golden flame that will never be put out together, is known as ten thousand spirit ancient yi. 此灯呈塔型,上窄下宽,其中有一道永不熄灭的金色火焰,号称‘万灵古燚’。 Side this magical treasure time encirclement floats in Yuhuan the day to revere, therefore its prestige is known to everybody, is known to everybody in the macrocosm. 这件法宝时刻环绕漂浮于玉寰天尊身旁,所以其威名在大世界里可谓是无人不知、无人不晓。 However, this magical treasure, although becomes famous, but its true might few has actually experienced personally. 不过,这件法宝虽然出名,但它真正的威力却没有几个人见识过。 After all...... 毕竟…… Will jade vast domain day reveres to be the head of ten side Zhutian revering, how usually easily fight? 玉寰天尊位列十方诸天尊之首,平日又岂会轻易与人交手呢? Therefore, after seeing jade vast domain day reveres to put out jade vast domain colored glaze, nearby ingenious method day reveres with the profound real day reveres looks the surprise, looked again when to that said Sword Glow, the look unrestrainedly changed. 因此,在看到玉寰天尊拿出玉寰琉璃盏后,一旁的妙法天尊和玄真天尊都不禁面露诧异,再次看向那道剑芒时,就连眼神都情不自禁的变了许多。 In their sensations, this Sword Glow, although is threatening, but Sword Prestige contains not to send, therefore two days revere unable accurately to judge its might at once. 在他们的感知里,这道剑芒虽然来势汹汹,但剑势却含而未发,所以两位天尊一时之间也无法准确判断出其威力。 Afterward, under the gaze that in these three days revere...... 随后,在这三位天尊的注视下…… jade vast domain colored glaze departs Huangjidian floating, with that said that Sword Glow hits arrived ruthlessly together! 玉寰琉璃盏飘然飞出皇极殿,与那道剑芒狠狠撞到了一块儿! Bang!’ ‘嘭!’ The invisible qi energy sweeps across the square, just like steel knife general air wave scattering in all directions overflow one after another. 无形的气劲席卷广场,宛如钢刀一般的气浪一波又一波的四散溢出。 The qi energy hits on restrictive seal of Huangjidian, jumps instantaneously projects ten thousand god of journeys light. 气劲打在皇极殿的禁制上,瞬间迸射出万道神光。 At that moment. 那一刻。 dragon head loudly sang, multi-colored sunlight everywhere. 龙首高唱,霞光漫天。 Five side Divine General withdraw in abundance, demons star Monarch loses presence of mind with amazement. 五方神将纷纷退避,罗刹星君骇然失措。 Those images and scenes, actually like the forest that the sound of gunfire resounded, the frightened birds throw the corner to fly in abundance randomly. 此情此景,倒是像极了枪声响起的森林,受惊的鸟儿们纷纷扑棱乱飞。 Originally square systematic , becomes therefore noisy, just like the food market general unable to withstand noisily. 原本井然有序的广场,也因此变得闹哄哄的,犹如菜市场一般嘈杂不堪。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” jade vast domain day revered the anger. 玉寰天尊愤怒了。 After drinks severely, he then leaps departs Huangjidian. 一声厉喝后,他便一跃飞出皇极殿。 Two people fight the initiated wild True Essence qi energy, also extinguishes in invisible thoroughly. 两人交手所引发的狂暴真元气劲,也彻底随之消弭于无形。 All like cross nothing happened. 一切就像什么都没有发生过。 The people keep silent, belongs to the home position in abundance, does not dare to make any sound again. 众人噤若寒蝉,纷纷归于原位,不敢再发出任何声响。 Day does not have people of your sort......” “天都没有你这号人物……” Actually are you who?” “你究竟是何人?” jade vast domain day reveres to hang sky over the square, after lowering the head sized up Chen Xi one, just now the heavy opens the mouth asks. 玉寰天尊高悬于广场上空,低头打量了陈曦一番后,方才沉沉开口问道。 hearing this, the Chen Xi's corners of the mouth cancelled immediately slightly. 闻言,陈曦的嘴角顿时就微微勾了起来。 Afterward, he studies jade vast domain day to revere such, flies since the ground slowly. 随后,他更是学着玉寰天尊那样,从地上缓缓飞起。 Until reveres an altitude after jade vast domain day, Chen Xi then calm reply: My Chen Xi, from the world of mortals.” 直到与玉寰天尊一个高度后,陈曦这才一脸平静的回答道:“鄙人陈曦,从下界来的。” Such remarks, is shaken including everyone who jade vast domain day reveres. 此话一出,包括玉寰天尊在内的所有人都被震住了。 Day extremely tasteful custom, so long as the day reveres on the scene, then anybody can not send out slightly the static. 天都极为讲究规矩,只要天尊在场,那么任何人都不得发出丝毫杂音。 Also because of so, how therefore in Divine General heart to shock even if again, at present is also similar to the klutz general, the dull pestle in the square, keeps silent and does not look askance. 也正是因为如此,所以哪怕诸位神将心中再怎么震撼,眼下也如同木头人一般,呆呆杵在广场上,默不作声、目不斜视。 World of mortals? How possibly?” “下界?怎么可能?” jade vast domain day revered to mutter whispered. 玉寰天尊喃喃低语了一番。 Afterward, he actually spreads out the right hand suddenly, called jade vast domain colored glaze again. 随后,他却是忽然摊开右手,将玉寰琉璃盏再次唤了过来。 Exploratory fight, was actually jade vast domain day revered to fall a moment ago leeward. 刚才一番试探性的交手,其实是玉寰天尊落了下风。 Naturally can also say...... 当然也可以说…… jade vast domain day reveres real thing, therefore makes Chen Xi pick up a bargain by luck. 玉寰天尊并未动真格,所以才让陈曦侥幸捡了便宜。 But, this small advantage is no one can pick. 但要知道,这个便宜可不是什么人都能捡的。 Therefore, at present this stranger who says from the world of mortals...... 所以,眼前这个自称来自下界的陌生人…… Unexpectedly is the day reveres the rank? 居然是天尊级别? How possibly?! 怎么可能?! jade vast domain day reveres the first thought in the brain flashing through is impossible. 玉寰天尊脑中闪过的第一个念头就是不可能。 But following close on...... 但紧跟着…… jade vast domain day reveres actually seems like thinks that suddenly arrived anything resembles to result , the expression on face suddenly one cold, the eye is staring at Chen Xi stubbornly, and sinking sound asked: From the world of mortals?” 玉寰天尊却像是忽然想到了什么似得,脸上的表情陡然一冷,眼睛死死盯着陈曦,并沉声问道:“来自下界?” Is it possible that......” “莫非……” Was you destroyed five side temples?” “就是你毁了五方圣殿?” „.” “呃。” After hearing this saying, Chen Xi immediately complexion one stiff, then somewhat embarrassed reply: Misunderstanding, is the misunderstanding......” 听到这话后,陈曦顿时脸色一僵,转而有些不好意思的回答道:“误会、都是误会……” At this time, the ingenious method day revered to revere also with the profound real day to fly from Huangjidian. 这时,妙法天尊和玄真天尊也从皇极殿内飞了出来。 The ingenious method day reveres to listen to arrived two people dialogue, therefore has not waited for jade vast domain day to revere to continue to ask, he cannot bear speak to pursue asks: „Did words, long to then die in your hand?” 妙法天尊听到了两人的对话,所以还没等玉寰天尊继续发问,他就忍不住出言追问道:“如此说来的话,长离便是死在了你手中?” Long to the good and evil is also Divine General, how possibly silent falling from the sky in the world of mortals? 长离好歹也是神将,怎么可能无声无息的陨落在下界? Since this person has day of strength that at present reveres the rank, also said oneself are from the world of mortals...... 既然眼前这人有着天尊级别的实力,同时又说自己是从下界来的…… Then all naturally could convince. 那么一切自然就说得通了。 Facing censuring that the ingenious method day reveres, Chen Xi some do not know how immediately should reply. 面对妙法天尊的诘责,陈曦顿时就有些不知道该怎么回答了。 But his hesitation...... 而他的犹豫…… Also confirmed indirectly guess that three days revere. 也间接证实了三位天尊的猜测。 Therefore, could be the harmonious scene a moment ago reluctantly, immediately is similar to the keep it up station that catches fire general...... 因此,刚才还勉强算得上和谐的场面,顿时就如同着火的加油站一般…… Blasted out instantaneously! 瞬间炸开了! Sees only jade vast domain day to revere the pupil to shrink, then in a very strange tone, heavy discussed: Originally is you......” 只见玉寰天尊瞳孔一缩,然后便以一种十分奇怪的语气,沉沉念道:“原来是你……” Destruction Saint Zucchi industry and truncation my day way......” “毁坏圣祖基业、截我天都去路……” Long leaves, the azure luan and white rainbow, water Hunan......” “长离、青鸾、白虹、水湘……” My son Wuxu......” “还有吾儿戊戌……” Mentioned that the flash of Wuxu two characters, jade vast domain day revered obviously stopped. 提到戊戌二字的一瞬间,玉寰天尊明显停顿了一下。 Following close on, in his eye is lightening the anger that is unable to contain. 紧跟着,他眼中就闪出了一股无法遏制的愤怒。 For a while under is excited, jade vast domain day revered does not have in those days the flavor of that features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality again. 一时激动下,玉寰天尊再也没有往日那种仙风道骨的味道。 Just like a enraged lion...... 宛如一头被激怒的雄狮…… Grimaces, beard and hair to open! 呲牙咧嘴、须发皆张! You violate all sorts of terrible disasters in the world of mortals, today unexpectedly also dares to run up to my dragon Shoufeng to cause trouble?” “你在下界犯下种种滔天大祸,今日居然还敢跑到我龙首峰来闹事?” When really my day no one?” “真当我天都无人了是吗?” Hateful! Hateful!” “可恨!可恨!” Since you court death intentionally, the old man then makes an exception to deliver you today a regulation!” “既然你存心找死,老夫今日便破例送你一程!” High-rising that young thief......” “兀那小贼……” accept Minglai!!!” “纳命来!!!” Finishing barely the words. 话音未落。 jade vast domain day reveres jade vast domain colored glaze in hand then to be similar to the meteor general, from the sky delimits together the flowing light, then pounded ruthlessly to Chen Xi! 玉寰天尊手中的玉寰琉璃盏便如同流星一般,在空中划出一道流光,然后狠狠砸向了陈曦
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