IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#417: An profound female sword!

Huangjidian is the day core region, ten side Zhutian reveres regarding the control of this place naturally is also most comprehensive. 皇极殿乃是天都的核心区域,十方诸天尊对于此地的掌控自然也是最为全面的。 Although Chen Xi has to collect breath mystic method to protect the body, but in seeing the Carrying Heaven Imitating Law Floating Black Mirror flash, he cannot help but presented mighty waves, therefore sat cross-legged to sit a day above main hall reveres to detect the arrived difference. 虽然陈曦有敛息秘法护体,但在看到承天效法浮黎鉴的一瞬间,他心里还是不由自主的出现了一丝波澜,所以才被盘膝坐在大殿之上的一位天尊察觉到了异样。 But this detected keenly some people excel at rushing to dragon Shoufeng the day to revere, is Chen Xi has heard so much about you 而这名敏锐察觉到有人擅闯龙首峰的天尊,便是陈曦久仰大名的 jade vast domain day reveres! 玉寰天尊! Although has not met, the prestige that but jade vast domain day reveres has actually ironed in the Chen Xi heart. 虽未曾谋面,但玉寰天尊的威名却早已烙在了陈曦心底。 After all, jade vast domain day reveres besides is the father of Wuxu, meanwhile is the head of ten side Zhutian revering. 毕竟,玉寰天尊除了是戊戌的亲生父亲以外,同时还位列十方诸天尊之首。 If compares with the large multinational company the day, then jade vast domain day reveres obviously is the executive chairman in company...... 如果把天都比作大型跨国公司的话,那么玉寰天尊显然就是公司的执行董事长…… Big of the power and influence, it can be imagined. 其权势之大,可想而知。 Therefore, after jade vast domain day reveres sends out a True Essence qi energy conveniently, everyone is alarmed. 因此,玉寰天尊随手发出一记真元气劲后,所有人都被惊动了。 That golden light comes extremely towering. 那金光来得太过突兀。 Since after the main hall projects, is similar to the laser general, pierced the entire square. 从大殿里射出后,就如同激光一般,洞穿了整个广场。 Sees that the people also look askance. 见状,众人不禁纷纷随之侧目。 Before the entrance that when everyone, was empty strangely actually emerged out of thin air a person's shadow. 就在大家奇怪不已的时候,原本空无一物的山门前却凭空出现了一道人影。 Following close on, that person under the condition of being a focus of public attention, is then emitting a white light conveniently, projected the golden light that to fly high to hit with the main hall in fiercely in one. 紧跟着,那人便在万众瞩目的状况下,随手放出一道白光,与大殿里射出的金光猛地凌空撞在了一处。 Bang!’ ‘嘭!’ Giant explosive sound resounds suddenly. 一阵巨大的爆炸声骤然响起。 The good and evil is also day of fight that reveres the rank, therefore from explosion center recent several star Monarch, at the scene dissipated qi energy raising to fly. 好歹也是天尊级别的交手,因此距离爆炸中心最近几名星君,当场就被逸散的气劲给掀飞了出去。 Those images and scenes, actually like the school playground of midday time. 此情此景,倒是像极了午间时候的学校操场。 Several thousand teachers and students in interest abundant is making the calisthenics to radio music. 数千师生正在兴致盎然的做着广播体操。 Suddenly. 突然。 Flag tower bewildered explosion. 升旗台莫名其妙的爆炸了。 It can be imagined, should the mood of people on the scene be shock and surprise how? 可想而知,在场众人的心情该是多么的震惊和诧异? Day tens of thousands years historical, pours also has the person to cause trouble in the dragon first peak square. 天都几万年的历史上,倒也不是没有人在龙首峰广场上闹过事。 But dares to elect, when ten side Zhutian reveres the simultaneous/uniform Julong first peak causes trouble...... 但敢选在十方诸天尊齐聚龙首峰的时候闹事…… Chen Xi first. 陈曦还是第一个。 As the explosion gradually subsides, Chen Xi's form also clear mapped in the people eyes. 随着爆炸逐渐平息,陈曦的身影也清晰的映入了众人眼中。 The intruder who looks at this bold hold/container heaven, several distance near Divine General send out a long and loud cry immediately, then as if by prior agreement flushed toward Chen Xi. 看着这个大胆包天的入侵者,几名距离较近的神将顿时发出一声长啸,然后不约而同的朝陈曦冲了过来。 Dissolute!!!” “放肆!!!” Gentlemen, and along with me takes it!” “诸君,且随我将其拿下!” I want to take a look actually, is which mixes the ball to dare in the dragon first peak to act unruly!” “我倒是想看看,是哪个混球敢在龙首峰撒野!” Cracks a joke? 开什么玩笑? Five side Divine General were responsible for guarding a side. 五方神将本就负责镇守一方。 At present all Divine General simultaneous/uniform Julong first peaks, are actually traced on the arrived face secretly...... 眼下所有神将齐聚龙首峰,却还是被人偷偷摸到了脸上…… What isn't this collective dereliction of duty is? 这不是集体失职是什么? Therefore, does not need day to revere to order, the east, south, west, north, and center separately send out Divine General, flushed toward Chen Xi together. 因此,都不用诸位天尊下令,东南西北中就分别派出一位神将,一起朝着陈曦冲了过来。 Today they need first take this bold intruder, reveres a confession to day is! 今天他们必须要第一时间将这胆大包天的入侵者拿下,给诸位天尊一个交代才是! Everyone tacitly approved this intruder dead. 所有人都默认这个入侵者死定了。 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… Shocking actually happened suddenly...... 令人震惊的一幕却陡然发生了…… Sees only, five Divine General at the extremely quick speed, charge into the intruder from the different positions respectively. 只见,五位神将以极快的速度,分别从不同的位置冲向入侵者。 But this intruder does not have first turn tail, instead a brow wrinkle, the right hand grasps baseless, in the hand presents Long Sword that by True Essence condensed immediately. 但这个入侵者却没有第一时间转身逃跑,反而将眉头一皱,右手凭空一握,手中顿时出现了一把以真元凝聚的长剑 Sees that five Divine General are similar to by the ominous beast of arrived provocation is been immediately ordinary, the anger from the heart, wishes one could this bold intruder to rip the fragment at the scene at present! 见状,五位神将顿时就如同受到了挑衅的凶兽一般,不禁怒从心来,恨不得当场将眼前这个胆大包天的入侵者撕成碎片! Thereupon, five people pulled out oneself trump card respectively. 于是乎,五人分别掏出了自己的杀手锏。 No matter also this boy can anti- live, five Divine General angrily roared was launching the attack together. 也不管这厮能不能抗住,五位神将就怒吼着一同发动了攻击。 In an instant. 刹那间。 splendid light four shoot, void shake! 华光四射,虚空震荡! Rushing True Essence wreaks havoc sky over the square, all kinds of magical treasure load bearings the endless anger of master, is pounding layer on layer/heavily to the position that the intruder was at! 澎湃的真元在广场上空肆虐,各式各样的法宝承载着主人的无尽怒火,重重砸向了入侵者所在的位置! But at this time, Long Sword in Chen Xi hand also waved. 而这时,陈曦手中的长剑也随之舞动了起来。 law Long Sword is sparkling the azure ray, in his hands is splendid. 法相长剑闪耀着青色光芒,在他手中熠熠生辉。 Even in compared with magical treasure bright with many colors with the Divine General hand, Divine General method the appearance does not drop the wind. 即使与神将手中五光十色法宝相比较,神将法相的卖相也是丝毫不落下风。 The Chen Xi original plan is to submerge waits and sees, does not want to alert the enemy. 陈曦原本的计划是潜入观望,并不想打草惊蛇。 But now sneaks the failure, he also can only put out the B plan. 但现在潜入失败,他也只能拿出b计划了。 the B plan is actually very simple, that is...... b计划其实很简单,那就是…… A war becomes famous. 一战成名。 In order to fight the vertical prestige! 以战立威! Showed the Divine Transformation peak the strength to win the respect, thus went to and ten side Zhutian with the stance of equality reveres to discuss. 展现出自己化神巅峰的实力赢得尊重,从而以平等的姿态去和十方诸天尊谈一谈。 Since must set up the prestige, then the first move must put out 12 skill. 既然要立威,那么第一招就得拿出十二分本事。 Although Brightmoon Sword Art exquisite peerless, but actually also insufficiently shocks, therefore Chen Xi after ponder...... 月煌剑诀虽然精妙绝伦,但却还不够震撼,所以陈曦几经思考后…… Just now put out him is not always willing to kill the profound female sword secret art that in the actual combat used greatly! 方才拿出了他一向不愿在实战中使用的大杀器玄牝剑诀! valley God does not die,( read for the profound female: pin, hires). 谷神不死,是为玄牝(读:pin,聘)。 The gate of profound female, for the Heaven and Earth root, continuous, if saves, with is not industrious! 玄牝之门,是为天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤! This move of named profound female, takes the good fortune Yin-Yang as the root, the Five Elements Eight Trigrams (gossip) are the shape, therefore there are eight types. 此招名为玄牝,以造化阴阳为根,五行八卦为形,故而有八式。 Does such as the day healthily, exchanged to say like the rain. 乾健如天,兑说如雨。 To beautiful such as the day, vibrated like the thunder. 离丽如日,震动如雷。 Xun trigram enters like the wind, digs a trap like the water. 巽入如风,坎陷如水。 The Gen trigram stops like the mountain, Kun is suitable such as. 艮止如山,坤顺如地。 Eight moves swing 64, mixes it changes, exquisite place not, crisscrossed mutually mixed. 八招相荡六十四,参伍其变,细腻处生生不尽、错综互杂。 Now Chen Xi uses is first form 陈曦现在用的便是第一式 Has sword sword has six dragons at governing day big heavens 【起剑式・剑起六龙以御天・大哉乾元】 This set of sword secret art is also Heaven Overflowing Divine Sect's Sect Protecting Treasure, but actually few people use. 这套剑诀也是天衍神宗的镇宗之宝,但却很少有人使用。 The reason is not it is not good, because instead it was too good, therefore rarely has the person to use. 原因不是它不好,反而正是因为它实在太好了,所以才鲜有人使用。 After all, cultivation method this thing...... 毕竟,功法这东西…… Like the sentiment, suits own is best. 就像感情一样,适合自己的才是最好的。 Profound female sword secret art not suitable Chen Xi. 玄牝剑诀并不适合陈曦 On the one hand is because Chen Xi cultivation base is insufficient, then on the other hand is because this set of sword secret art opens greatly gathers greatly, take action must go all-out. 一方面是因为陈曦修为不够,另一方面则是因为这套剑诀大开大合,一出手就要尽全力。 When this also being doomed profound female sword secret art not suitable ordinary fight, only giving it all for dead end. 这也注定玄牝剑诀不适合普通战斗,只适用于穷途末路时的放手一搏。 Therefore...... 因此…… Chen Xi has the flash of sword, entire sky as if dim. 陈曦出剑的一瞬间,整个天空仿佛都黯淡了下来。 Six golden Sword Glow revolve side Chen Xi. 六道金色剑芒围绕于陈曦身旁。 The sword hilt below, the sword refers to the day sharp. 剑柄在下,剑尖指天。 Just like the leeches of six hunger and thirst, is extracting magnanimous True Essence from Chen Xi crazily, the Chen Xi's aura was instantaneously weaker. 宛如六条饥渴的水蛭,疯狂从陈曦身上抽取着海量真元,以至于陈曦的气息瞬间就弱了许多。 He is supporting a self-poise appearance, it is estimated that the people on the scene will also be mistaken that his was the fear...... 要不是他强撑着一副镇定自如的模样,估计在场众人还会误以为他这是害怕了呢…… But five Divine General magical treasure loudly. 五位神将法宝轰然而至。 The Chen Xi's Sword Glow also scattering in all directions lasing goes out. 陈曦的剑芒也随之四散激射出去。 The enemies only have five, but Sword Glow has six say/way. 敌人只有五个,但剑芒却有六道之多。 Even if a person of sword, has a sword. 哪怕一人一剑,都还剩下一剑。 Therefore, Chen Xi then shot at the sixth sword sat well jade vast domain day in Huangjidian reveres! 因此,陈曦便将第六剑射向了端坐于皇极殿上的玉寰天尊! Does not pay a return visit, discourteous! 来而不往,非礼也! Profound female...... 玄牝一出…… Who with fighting? 谁与争锋? Enormous and powerful continuous Sword Glow like the sunlight powerful burning hot, five Divine General magical treasure just touched Sword Glow like that immediately shivers was sending out one buzz humming sound the calling out in grief sound. 浩荡连绵的剑芒如同阳光那般强盛炙热,五位神将法宝刚一触碰到剑芒,顿时就颤抖着发出了一阵‘嗡嗡嗡’的悲鸣声。 Afterward, under five Divine General face panic-stricken expressions...... 随后,在五位神将一脸惊骇的表情下…… Five Sword Glow present an easily accomplished potential unexpectedly, simultaneously shakes five nine chief ministers of state Lingbao flies, then also continues to shoot toward the position illness/quick that they are at...... 五道剑芒竟呈现一股摧枯拉朽之势,同时将五件九品灵宝震飞,然后还继续朝着他们所在的位置疾射而来……
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