IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#354: Produces the old man

Asks for an explanation...... 讨个说法…… Whose this person is Ah? 这人是谁啊? The tone is so big, did not fear that the wind flashed the tongue greatly. 口气这么大,也不怕风大闪了舌头。 After Chen Xi's finishes speaking next, the people all could not bear talk in whispers. 陈曦的话音刚落下后,众人皆忍不住窃窃私语了起来。 At this time, non-stop flew in in the air Jiang Zhengqing suddenly thinks that probably arrived anything resembled to result, from in the air fell instantaneously, appeared in front of Chen Xi all of a sudden. 这时,一直飞在空中的姜正清才突然像是想到了什么似得,瞬间就从空中落下,一下子就出现在了陈曦面前。 Sees only, after Jiang Zhengqing is frowning sized up Chen Xi one, this suddenly opens the mouth to ask: „Are you that so-called Mr. Chen?” 只见,姜正清皱着眉头打量了陈曦一番后,这才忽然开口问道:“你就是那个所谓的陈先生?” hearing this, Chen Xi then also sized up his up and down, then responded slowly: I do not know Mr. Chen that you said is actually who......” 闻言,陈曦便也上下打量了他一番,然后才缓缓回应道:“我不知道你所说的陈先生究竟是谁……” „......” “不过……” I am actually surnamed Chen.” “我倒是姓陈。” After hearing this reply, Jiang Zhengqing immediately like discovering the new continent, the nod said with a smile lightly: „, A little meaning.” 听到这番回答后,姜正清顿时就像发现了新大陆一样,不禁点头轻笑道:“呵,有点意思。” Jiang Zhengqing exhibits a engrossingly appearance. 姜正清摆出一副饶有兴趣的样子。 But what he has not thought is...... 但他没有想到的是…… Chen Xi simply has not actually responded his meaning again. 陈曦却根本没有再搭理他的意思。 Saw with own eyes that Jiang Zhengqing tunnelled own vision, Chen Xi then leaned slightly the head, crossed Jiang Zhengqing directly, on Jiang Yuankui to stair said: Head of the clan Jiang, the offensive talk said in front......” 眼见姜正清挡住了自己的视线,陈曦便微微侧了侧头,直接越过姜正清,对台阶上的姜元魁说道:“姜族长,丑话说在前头……” Today you , if not give me a view, that only then I gave you a view.” “今天你若不给我一个说法的话,那就只有我来给你一个说法了。” His tone sounds very amiable, chatted among the friends results, no aggressivity. 他的语气听上去很随和,就像朋友之间闲聊似得,没有什么攻击性。 But the meaning in words actually seems somewhat aggressive, has to plant seriously manages the unforgiving feeling. 但话里的意思却显得有些咄咄逼人,当真有种得理不饶人的感觉。 However...... 然而…… As head of the clan Jiang, Jiang Yuankui after receiving the Chen Xi so impolite interrogation has not actually made a sound immediately. 作为姜氏族长,姜元魁在受到陈曦如此无礼的质问后却没有立刻吱声。 Because he knows, is conceited, nearly insolent character by two grand-uncles, will jump to withstand/top the vat absolutely on own initiative. 因为他知道,以二叔祖自视甚高、近乎张狂的性格来说,绝对是会主动跳出来顶缸的。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 Finally just like also Jiang Yuankui expects. 结果也正如姜元魁所料。 Chen Xi finishes speaking, because of receiving to neglect, but angry Jiang Zhengqing then snorted, then coldly asks immediately: Snort, I want to know actually, what view you do want to give me?” 陈曦这边话音刚落,原本就因受到忽视而恼怒不已的姜正清便立刻哼了一声,然后冷冷问道:“哼,我倒是想知道,你要给我一个什么样的说法?” After hearing these words, Chen Xi seems like looked that finally arrived Jiang Zhengqing is the same. 听到这句话后,陈曦才像是终于看到了姜正清一样。 Slowly the line of sight transfers to Jiang Zhengqing the body after Jiang Yuankui, Chen Xi was frowning: Is you?” 缓缓将视线从姜元魁身上移到姜正清身上后,陈曦便皱着眉头了一句:“是你?” hearing this, Jiang Zhengqing actually listened to the arrived anything joke to be the same probably, cannot bear laugh. 闻言,姜正清却像是听到了什么笑话一样,忍不住哈哈大笑了起来。 Dai islet island, although is unenlightened, but this news is actually quick tight......” “岱屿岛虽然闭塞,但这消息却是灵通的紧……” Mr. Chen like comet rise, short one year , the reputation has then resounded through China and even entire cultivation......” 陈先生如同彗星般崛起,短短一年的时间里,名声便已响彻华夏乃至整个修行界……” Few days ago, Mr. Chen is in front of countless person, cuts a Yin Ghost Sect permits peak sword in the summit of Taihang......” “前些日子,陈先生更是当着无数人的面,于太行之巅将阴鬼宗许峰一剑斩下……” Strange does so its technique, have what strange/different with that land deity?” “如此神乎其技,与那陆地神仙又有何异?” Some hearsay said, Martial Arts Federation even must leave Mr. Chen the vacant for a long time chief position, but by Mr. Chen one declining......” “有传闻说,武联甚至要将空置已久的首席位置留给陈先生,但却被陈先生一口给回绝了……” At this point, Jiang Zhengqing is actually the faint smile looked at the Chen Xi bosom little fellow, then continues saying: Old man lived for several hundred years, sees so startled certainly the colorful generation for the first time, is naturally hopeful unavoidably......” 说到这里,姜正清却是似笑非笑的看了看陈曦怀里的小家伙,然后才又继续说道:“老夫活了几百年,还是第一次见到如此惊才绝艳之辈,自然免不了心生向往……” Today must recompense to see......” “今日得偿所见……” Made the old man understand suddenly anything is called to do not rely on hearsay, seeing is believing......” “却让老夫忽然明白了什么叫做耳听为虚、眼见为实……” No one believes that famous Mr. Chen “想必没有人会相信,鼎鼎大名的陈先生 Which unexpectedly is one arrives does not forget to hug child's producing old man......” “居然是一个走到哪儿都不忘抱着孩子的产翁呐……” Haha hahahaha haha......” “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……” Speaking of finally, Jiang positive/correct has smiled in the morning out of breath, as if Mr. Chen three characters are this world biggest joke result. 说到最后,姜正清早已笑得上气不接下气,仿佛‘陈先生’三个字就是这世间最大的笑话似得。 Here has to raise to produce old man this words and expressions. 这里不得不提一下‘产翁’这个词语。 Producing the old man system is special product under the matriarchal society, not only China has, Indians living in Amazon River had also once had such custom. 产翁制度是母系社会下的特殊产物,不光华夏有,就连居住在亚马逊河的印第安人也曾有过这样的习俗。 So-called produces Weng made/system, namely man during the woman childbirth, the marquis simulates the wife childbirth in the one side, and after the wife childbirth, replaces the wife to pass first month after childbirth. 所谓产翁制,即男人在女人分娩期间,侯在一旁模拟妻子分娩,并在妻子分娩以后,代替妻子坐月子。 But the true parturient woman, after giving birth to the child, then must go out to work, and must take care is on the bed passing first month after childbirth the husband. 而真正的产妇,生下孩子以后便要外出干活,并且还要照顾正在床上‘坐月子’的丈夫。 This is because 这是因为 When human civilization just was just born, the woman controls, the man must obey in the woman. 在人类文明刚刚诞生的时候,女人才是主宰,男人必须要服从于女人。 Afterward with the gradual improvement of man position, the entire social system then started from the matriarchal transformation for the paternalistic society. 后来随着男人地位的逐渐提升,整个社会体系便开始从母系转变为父系社会。 The men want to replace all of woman, including having a child this matter, therefore had appearance that produces Weng made/system, matter that but can do for the proof woman, the men can do, and can also do better...... 男人想要取代女人的一切,包括生孩子这件事,所以才有了产翁制的出现,只是为了证明女人可以做的事,男人都可以做,并且还可以做的更好…… With today's vision, such behavior is truly incredible. 以今天的眼光来看,这样的行为确实很荒诞。 But from the angle of history, the man tries to replace the woman to have a child, is actually also symbolizing the progressive course of human civilization. 但以历史的角度来看,男人试图代替女人生孩子,其实也象征着人类文明的进步历程。 The patriarchy replaces the matriarchy, is important progress in a human civilization history. 父权制代替母权制,便是人类文明历史上的一个重大进步。 In summary...... 综上所述…… Jiang Zhengqing actually shames Chen Xi in turning round. 姜正清其实是在拐着弯羞辱陈曦呢。 The Jiang clansman on the scene naturally understood Jiang Zhengqing the words. 在场的姜氏族人自然听懂了姜正清的话。 They had no favorable impression to this sudden outcomer, saw with own eyes that two grand-uncles take a stand, they naturally must echo two grand-uncles, like looking at monkey, going shame opposite party of not mincing matter. 他们原本就对这个突然出现的外来者没什么好感,眼见二叔祖都表了态,他们当然要附和二叔祖,如同看猴子一样,毫不掩饰的去羞辱对方。 Therefore, the square made a sound immediately hearty laughter. 因此,广场顿时响了一片热烈的笑声。 Looks at they exaggerating incomparable appearance, whom seems still comparing to smile is louder...... 看他们夸张无比的样子,似乎还在比较谁笑得更大声一些呢…… Jiang Yuankui stands on the stair, is taking a fast look around the audience silently. 姜元魁站在台阶上,默默的扫视着全场。 He has not smiled, does not dare to smile. 他没有笑,也不敢笑。 In fact, Qin Yongyan was truly injured by two grand-uncles. 实际上,秦永言确实是被二叔祖打伤的。 But...... 可是…… Without him plays a dirty trick, Jiang Zhengqing who just went out how knows that the Mr. Chen wife's father did come to the Dai islet island? 若没有他从中使坏,刚刚出关的姜正清又岂会知道陈先生的岳丈来了岱屿岛呢? As long of clan, Jiang Yuankui cultivation base is well below Jiang Zhengqing. 作为一族之长,姜元魁的修为远远不如姜正清。 But in other aspects, is actually ten Jiang Zhengqing is also less than Jiang Yuankui. 但在其他方面,却是十个姜正清也不及一个姜元魁。 The ginger lived on dishonorably with Jiang mystic method peaceful and quiet for several hundred years, until sought arrived a slim chance of survival because of the spiritual energy recovery recently. 姜正清利用姜氏秘法苟活了几百年,直到最近才因灵气复苏寻到了一线生机。 Regarding this startled certainly colorful two grand-uncles, Mr. Chen this type does not know cultivator where braves what was considered as? 对于这位惊才绝艳的二叔祖来说,陈先生这种不知从哪儿冒出来的修行者又算得了什么呢? The elderly man for a long time, just needs through to rouse to transmit own given name to the outside world quietly at the same time again. 老人家沉寂已久,正需要通过一面重鼓来向外界传达自己的名号。 But Mr. Chen...... 陈先生…… Obviously is a quality excellent heavy drum. 显然就是一面品质绝佳的重鼓。 So long as sounded this drum, from now, Jiang Zhengqing the given name will certainly resound through entire cultivation. 只要敲响了这面鼓,从此以后,姜正清的名号必将响彻整个修行界。 World-famous, likes thunder reverberating in one's ears! 名满天下,如雷贯耳! The time that although Chen Xi has somewhat came as a surprise to Jiang Zhengqing, but all also calculate in his grasping. 虽然陈曦出现的时机有些出乎了姜正清的意料,不过一切还算在他的掌握之中。 Only makes him a little not feel relieved is...... 唯独让他有点不放心的就是…… Actually is Mr. Chen two grand-uncles' opponents? 陈先生究竟是不是二叔祖的对手? Although permits peak broke through Celestial, but in Jiang Yuankui the eyes, depends on the inheritance of Yin Ghost Sect that low, permits peak could not really have been joined to the title above Celestial. 许峰虽然突破了天人,但在姜元魁眼里,就凭阴鬼宗那下三滥的传承,许峰还真配不上天人之上的称号。 Jiang Zhengqing also thinks. 想必姜正清也是这么认为的。 Therefore, Jiang Yuankui did not even ask Chen Xi to injure to result in Jiang Zhengqing to be tiny bit, only asked Chen Xi to be able in Jiang Zhengqing the hand to support over a hundred rounds. 因此,姜元魁甚至都不求陈曦能够伤得姜正清一丝一毫,只求陈曦能在姜正清手上撑上百来个回合。 Only by doing so, his plan can continue to be implemented...... 也只有这样,他的计划才可以继续实施下去…… Jiang Yuankui at heart silently is calculating. 姜元魁在心里默默的盘算着。 But was a pity very much...... 但很可惜…… He miscalculated eventually a point. 他终究还是算错了一点。 Chen Xi is not only an outcomer, simultaneously is a mud-rock flow. 陈曦不仅是外来者,同时还是一股泥石流。 Powerful to wipes the mud-rock flow of smooth place Dai islet island sufficiently! 一股强大到足以抹平整座岱屿岛的泥石流! Old mixed wool.” “老杂毛。” Although Chen Xi did not think that the man leads the child to have what improper, but Jiang Zhengqing the attitude actually successfully shouldered his anger. 虽然陈曦并不觉得男人带孩子有什么不妥,但姜正清的态度却还是成功挑起了他的怒火。 Therefore, coldly after putting out three characters, Chen Xi then lifted the right hand fiercely, then...... 因此,冷冷的吐出了三个字后,陈曦便猛的抬起了右手,然后…… And refers to the sword, face upwards a finger/refers! 并指成剑,仰天一指! ...... …… Under beautiful rosy clouds peak. 绮霞峰下。 Many have not seen the Jiang junior of yacht to push in the wharf surrounds to keep. 许多没有见过游艇的姜氏小辈正挤在码头上围观个不停。 Suddenly, the illness/quick of azure light from the yacht shoots together. 突然,一道青光从游艇上疾射而出。 Is ordinary like the lightning, the suddenly time, this azure light then has flown the arrived beautiful rosy clouds peak. 如同闪电一般,不过眨眼的功夫,这道青光便已飞到了绮霞峰顶。 Afterward, the sound spreads just like the Spiritual God whispered loudly, almost spread over in the island instantaneously each corner. 随后,一个宛如神灵低语般的声音轰然传开,几乎瞬间就传遍了岛上每个角落。 Since you lived chatty, I deliver you today free a regulation!” “既然你活得腻歪了,那我今天就免费送你一程!”
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