IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#355: Comes out to mix, must keep one's word

Yacht under beautiful rosy clouds peak, after azure light since the yacht projects, has almost then plundered the arrived beautiful rosy clouds peak instantaneously. 游艇就在绮霞峰下,当青光从游艇里射出后,几乎瞬间便已掠到了绮霞峰顶。 Jiang Zhengqing stands in roughly has the 4-5 meter away place to Chen Xi. 姜正清站在离陈曦约莫有四五米远的地方。 Saw with own eyes that Chen Xi gets angry suddenly take action, on his face presented a faint smile expression suddenly. 眼见陈曦突然翻脸出手,他的脸上就忽然出现了一种似笑非笑的表情。 Regarding Jiang Zhengqing this willful haughty personality, he does not have directly to Chen Xi take action, because he wants to take as to draw back. 要知道,对于姜正清这种恣意狂傲的性格来说,他之所以没有直接对陈曦出手,只是因为他想要以进为退罢了。 After all, the Dai islet island is a domain of Jiang clan, if he directly to Chen Xi this outcomer take action, even if finally won, others will still think that he to bully, victory few non- military. 毕竟,岱屿岛是姜氏一族的地盘,如果他直接对陈曦这个外来者出手,最后即便是赢了,旁人也会觉得他以多欺少、胜之不武。 But if Chen Xi take action in first, compelling him being forced to counterattack...... 可若是陈曦出手在先,逼得他‘被迫’还击的话…… Who dares to speak half a word idle talk again? 谁又敢再说半句闲话呢? So long as defeated Mr. Chen open and aboveboard, then his Jiang Zhengqing is the first person that this world deserves, is the Martial Arts Federation seat of honor sufficiently! 只要堂堂正正的击败了陈先生,那么他姜正清便是这世间当之无愧的第一人,足以位列武联首席! Has saying that Jiang Zhengqing the idea is truly wonderful. 不得不说,姜正清的想法确实很美好。 In Jiang Zhengqing the understanding, cultivator will more or less have collects the breath method, like such that in the knight-errant said that the footsteps were lighter , was higher on behalf of martial arts. 在姜正清的理解中,修行者或多或少都会有一些敛息手段,就像武侠里所说的那样,脚步越轻则代表武功越高。 All that because cultivator has stem from spiritual energy of heaven and earth, therefore speculates real cultivation base of person, only needs to look that spiritual energy fluctuation of this person whole body was OK. 因为修行者所拥有的一切都是源于天地灵气,所以推测一个人的真实修为,只需要看这个人周身的灵气波动情况就可以了。 cultivator when stay still, collects the breath method to cover most spiritual energies to fluctuate, therefore on Chen Xi does not have the situation that a spiritual energy fluctuates even if, Jiang Zhengqing does not find it strange. 修行者在静止不动的时候,敛息手段可以掩盖大部分的灵气波动,所以哪怕陈曦身上没有一点灵气波动的情况,姜正清也丝毫不觉得奇怪。 But...... 可是…… When that say/way azure light cuts the expansive sky, like time that the lightning common overhead chops, Jiang Zhengqing realized suddenly oneself possibly thought too simply the matter. 等到那道青光划破长空,如同闪电一般当头劈下的时候,姜正清才忽然意识到自己可能把事情想得太简单了。 The azure also three chi (0.33 m) are only long, but is actually similar to the meteor to delimit in the process of flight generally, in the thick sky left behind a tall and slender azure silk thread in the twilight gradually. 青光也就三尺来长,但在飞行的过程中却如同流星划过一般,在暮色渐浓的天空中生生留下了一条细长的青色丝线。 Looks quickly! What is that?!” “快看!那是什么?!” azure appearance light/only brought to the attention of people instantaneously. 青光的出现瞬间就引起了众人的注意。 Following close on, in well-informed Jiang clansman brain was jumping out of a few words suddenly 紧跟着,许多消息灵通的姜氏族人脑子里就陡然跳出了一句话 The summit of Taihang, a sword flying immortal! 太行之巅,一剑飞仙! Flying sword?!” “飞剑?!” This person is really Mr. Chen!” “此人真的是陈先生!” People also not with enough time surprised, this azure light is similar to the lightning general, divided toward square center's Jiang Zhengqing fiercely. 众人还没来得及惊讶,这道青光便如同闪电一般,猛地朝广场中央的姜正清劈了下去。 But in the process under dividing, in the azure light erupts the spiritual energy that rushes extremely to fluctuate suddenly. 而在劈下的过程中,青光上才突然爆发出一阵极其澎湃的灵气波动。 Afterward, taking the azure light is sharp for the awl, together naked eye obvious awl body and spirit field instantaneous formation. 随后,以青光为锥尖,一道肉眼可见的锥形气场瞬间成型。 However in an instant, the azure light then just like a huge drill bit, rumble pounds downward, its potential simply unstoppable potential! 不过刹那之间,青光便宛如一个庞大的钻头,轰隆隆的向下砸去,其势简直锐不可挡势! After feeling the Pang Supreme Being quantity in the azure light containing, Jiang Zhengqing facial color changes, again before also no longer, unruly appearance that is arrogant and conceited. 感受到青光中所蕴含的庞大能量后,姜正清不禁面色微变,再也不复之前目空一切的桀骜样子。 This he may really pull rank...... 这回他可真是托大了…… Saw with own eyes that the azure light is threatening, hasty, Jiang Zhengqing can only lift the both arms rapidly, tries to meet this sword hardly. 眼见青光来势汹汹,仓促之下,姜正清只能迅速抬起双臂,试图硬接这一剑。 Therefore, will soon hit the ginger peaceful and orderly times in the azure light, his whole body then presents dazzling golden light immediately. 因此,就在青光即将击中姜正清时,他周身便立刻出现了一阵耀眼的金光。 Six trigrams calm down, hold the circle to defend one! 六爻定神,抱圆守一! Looks from afar, Jiang Zhengqing like closed/pass in a golden egg. 远远看去,姜正清就像被关在一个金色的鸡蛋里一样。 But that said azure light/only, like a drill bit of super revolving, directly on collision ruthlessly in the outer covering of egg. 而那道青光,则如同一个高速旋转的钻头,直接就狠狠的撞在了鸡蛋的外壳上。 Bang!!’ ‘嘭!!’ Both just a contact, the beautiful rosy clouds peak shone an extremely dazzling ray. 两者刚一接触,绮霞峰顶就亮起了一阵极其耀眼的光芒。 The hold of ray, almost illuminated the most sky. 光芒之盛,几乎照亮了大半个天空。 The style collision raised the intense turbulent flow, together strength cyclone such towering emergence in square center. 招式碰撞掀起了强烈的乱流,以至于一道劲气气旋就这么突兀的出现于广场中央。 The cyclone is revolving crazily, the strong force of traction crushed the surrounding all, and floors and eradicate the surrounding trees of square entirely, then altogether raises the arrived space. 气旋疯狂的旋转着,强大的牵引力击碎了周围的一切,并广场的地板、将周围的树木统统连根拔起,然后一股脑的掀到了天上。 Facing so powerful strength fluctuation, Jiang Yuankui also has to fall back on the ancestral hall rapidly, let alone other Jiang clansmen on the scene? 面对如此强大的劲气波动,就连姜元魁也不得不迅速退到宗祠里面,更何况在场的其他姜氏族人呢? And cultivation base weak one, almost instantaneously by this cyclone raising the arrived space, then numerous pounding to foot. 其中修为较弱者,几乎瞬间就被这道气旋给掀到了天上,然后再重重的砸到山脚。 If not Jiang Ancestral hall has the Formation asylum, feared that will also change to place ruins in this storm. 若非姜氏宗祠有法阵庇护,怕是也会在这场风暴中化作一地废墟。 Finally...... 终于…… The storm subsided gradually. 风暴渐渐平息了。 Although is flying sand and rocks and gloomy scene, but can actually see something vaguely. 虽然还是一片飞沙走石、天昏地暗的景象,但却还是依稀可以看到一些东西。 Jiang Yuankui hides in the ancestral hall. 姜元魁躲在宗祠里。 At this moment, in his brain was only left over a thought 这一刻,他脑子里就只剩下了一个念头 Ended. 完了。 Only depending on the momentum that this sword brings, Jiang Yuankui realized that he and Jiang Yuankui was possibly wrong. 仅凭这一剑所带来的声势,姜元魁就意识到他和姜元魁可能都错了。 At present this Mr. Chen absolutely is not the fruit cake, is more impossible to become a stepping-stone of their Jiang clan...... 眼前这位陈先生绝对不是什么软柿子,更不可能成为他们姜氏一族的垫脚石…… Regardless how he and Jiang Zhengqing fights, they are within the body are flowing the ancestor and relative of same bloodlines, therefore whoever wins whom to lose, regarding the entire Jiang is acceptable. 要知道,无论他和姜正清怎么斗,他们俩都是体内都流着相同血脉的宗亲,所以无论谁胜谁负,对于整个姜氏来说都是可以接受的。 But if, Jiang Zhengqing is cut by Mr. Chen under the sword today...... 但如果,姜正清今日被陈先生斩于剑下…… Falling from the sky above Celestial, regarding Jiang Yuankui and even the entire Jiang is not unacceptable. 一位天人之上的陨落,对于姜元魁乃至整个姜氏来说都是无法接受的。 Therefore, after recovering Jiang Yuankui, almost ran out of the ancestral hall instantaneously, then loudly exclaimed toward the square: Stop!” 因此,回过神来后的姜元魁,几乎瞬间就冲出了宗祠,然后朝广场大吼道:“住手!” Misunderstands!” “都是误会!” Also please two call a halt!” “还请二位停手!” Had the words to say well......” “有话好好说……” Jiang Yuankui is whooshing hoarsely. 姜元魁声嘶力竭的嘶吼着。 He really feared that very much two people make really hot, must branch out life and death words, how when the time comes should end? 他真的很怕两人打出真火,非要分出个你死我活的话,到时候该如何收场? However...... 然而…… When the strength dissipation and mist and dust rest initially, Jiang Yuankui suddenly discovered...... 等到劲气消散、烟尘初歇,姜元魁才忽然发现…… Jiang Zhengqing still flies round sky over the square unexpectedly. 姜正清居然还在广场上空飞来飞去。 As for that say/way azure light...... 至于那道青光…… Is playing with the mouse kitty like one, not near hanging in Jiang Zhengqing behind, does not paste to frighten Jiang Zhengqing once for a while. 则像一只正在玩弄老鼠猫咪,不远不近的吊在姜正清身后,时不时还贴上去吓唬姜正清一下。 What situation? 什么情况? Jiang Yuankui is shocked by all that has at present. 姜元魁被眼前所发生的一切惊呆了。 The reality is not such that he thinks...... 现实根本就不是他所想的那样…… Which this is what mutual wounds? 这哪是什么两败俱伤? Looks at this stance, did two grand-uncles seem like bed sheet to hang to hit? 看这架势,二叔祖似乎是被单方面吊打了? ...... …… In fact, before Chen Xi take action, he arrange/cloth around oneself had gotten down small-scale illusion formation, the scene that therefore the little fellow sees and others are different. 实际上,在陈曦出手以前,他就已经在自己周围布下了一个小型幻阵,所以小家伙看到的景象和别人是不一样的。 In the eyes of little fellow, square that square, strange uncle that strange uncle. 在小家伙的眼中,广场还是那个广场,怪蜀黍还是那个怪蜀黍。 However at present that strange uncle actually swings to be the same probably, unceasing from the sky floats to swing. 不过眼下那个怪蜀黍却像是荡秋千一样,不断的在空中飘来荡去。 Sees that asking of little fellow doubts: Papa, is that uncle doing?” 见状,小家伙不禁疑惑的问道:“粑粑,那个蜀黍在干嘛吖?” "Oh, you look...... ” “哦,你看啊……” That uncle cultivates the time irregularity of telephone pole, causing a string loosen to fall, therefore did not have the means from the sky to maintain the balance, can only swing in the space......” “那个叔叔修电杆的时候违规操作,导致一头的绳子松掉了,所以没办法在空中保持平衡,只能在天上荡来荡去……” Niannian you may do not think that this is very fun......” 念念你可千万不要以为这样很好玩哦……” You think that such high place, if he does not fall carefully......” “你想想啊,这么高的地方,如果他不小心掉下来……” „Like the orange, 'Pa' did one turn into a beach mud?” “是不是和橘子一样,‘啪’的一下就变成了一滩烂泥?” Therefore, later do not crawl are so high, is very dangerous, doesn't know?” “所以啊,你以后千万不要爬这么高,很危险的,知道不?” Chen Xi controls the azure light to pursue Jiang Zhengqing unceasingly, while has not forgotten to educate little fellow. 陈曦一边控制青光不断追击着姜正清,一边还不忘借此教育了小家伙一番。 The little fellows also thought swings in the upper air very interesting, after hearing Chen Xi so vivid description, the small face showed a tight expression immediately, shakes the head to whisper hastily: I know! I do not crawl am so high!” 小家伙原本还觉得在高空荡秋千很有趣,听到陈曦如此绘声绘色的形容后,小脸顿时就露出了一丝紧张的表情,连忙摇头嘀咕道:“我知道!我不要爬那么高!” Clever.” “乖。” After Chen Xi rubbed the head of little fellow with a smile, this will focus 陈曦笑着揉了揉小家伙的脑袋后,这才将视线放在了姜元魁身上。 After high and low sized up Jiang Yuankui one, he actually smiled suddenly. 上下打量了姜元魁一番后,他却是忽然笑了起来。 Misunderstanding?” “误会?” hearing this, Jiang Yuankui nods immediately such as mashes up garlic, response of being too busy: Right, Mr. Chen, this misunderstands, but also looks at your Sir to have massively......” 闻言,姜元魁顿时点头如捣蒜,忙不迭的回应道:“对对对,陈先生,这都是误会,还望您大人有大量……” Ok, you said are the misunderstanding, that misunderstands.” “行,你说是误会,那就是误会吧。” Jiang Yuankui the words have not said, Chen Xi broke him directly. 姜元魁的话还没有说完,陈曦就直接打断了他。 But following close on, Chen Xi is actually looking at one to be pursued Jiang Zhengqing who everywhere scurries about by the azure light looking pensive, then opens the mouth to ask suddenly: Head of the clan Jiang, the Dai islet island is so remote, does not know that you have watched a movie?” 但紧跟着,陈曦却若有所思的看了一眼正被青光追得漫天乱窜的姜正清,然后才突然开口问道:“姜族长,岱屿岛这么偏远,也不知道你有没有看过一部电影?” Movie? What movie?” “电影?什么电影?” Young and Dangerous.” “古惑仔。” Ah? 啊? Jiang Yuankui gawked, actually could not understand Chen Xi to say anything completely. 姜元魁愣了一下,完全听不懂陈曦究竟在说什么。 Looks the appearance that he is confused, Chen Xi has not kept guessing, explained directly with a smile: In Young and Dangerous has lines I to like very much......” 看他一头雾水的样子,陈曦倒也没有卖关子,直接就笑着解释道:“古惑仔里面有一句台词我很喜欢……” Comes out to mix to keep one's word, said that must kill your entire family, must kill your entire family......” “出来混要讲信用,说了要杀你全家,就一定要杀你全家……” I, since had said that must accompany the bride to her new home from him starts off, naturally cannot renege on a promise......” “我既然说过要送亲自他上路,自然就不能出尔反尔……” „Did you say?” “你说是吧?” The voice falls. 话音落下。 The azure light is similar to a flying arrow, suddenly the acceleration, hit a target directly front Jiang Zhengqing...... 青光便如同一支离弦的箭,突然加速,径直射中了前方的姜正清……
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