IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#353: Asks for the explanation

That person flies in the space...... 那个人在天上飞…… In clear delightful child's voice, but also has one type both surprised and curious mood. 清脆悦耳的童声中,还带有一种既惊讶又好奇的情绪。 The flash that but these words resound, was actually as good by the people ear abandoned an grenade. 但这句话响起的一瞬间,却丝毫不亚于在众人耳旁扔下了一颗手雷。 Bang, gave to shake everyone on the scene ignorant. ‘嘭’的一声,就把在场的所有人都给震懵了。 Everyone could not bear immediately then looked at one. 大家顿时就忍不住回头看了一眼。 After they see clearly the little fellow who this sends out the static suddenly, in the eye actually showed several points of vacant look. 等到他们看清这个突然发出杂音的小家伙后,眼睛里却都露出了几分茫然的神色。 Where does this child brave? 这孩子是从哪儿冒出来的? Those images and scenes, actually like the middle school classroom , the teacher led everyone to recite the writings in classical style the time. 此情此景,倒是像极了中学课堂上,老师正带领大家朗诵着文言文的时候。 All personnel are reading the place with emotions, not the tactful students are actually holding in the mouth the bread crashing in classroom hurriedly, broke everyone's recitation directly. 全班正读到动情之处,却有一个不识趣的学生叼着面包急匆匆的冲进教室,直接打断了大家的朗诵。 When everyone stops prepares the guarding the threshing floor good play the time, they discovered impressively 等到所有人都停下来准备看场好戏的时候,他们才赫然发现 This late schoolmate is not in the class. 这个迟到的同学根本就不是自己班上的。 A schoolmates face compels ignorant. 同学们一脸懵逼。 What experience as the teacher should be? 作为老师又该是种什么样的体验呢? If Jiang Zhengqing is that teacher, then Chen Xi one naturally was the late student. 如果姜正清是那个老师的话,那么陈曦一家自然就是迟到的学生了。 A Jiang clan takes seriously the ancestor to teach the clan regulations, not to mention the beautiful rosy clouds peak is holding the clan meeting, even in usually, the ancestral hall square is not the casual what people can come up. 姜氏一族十分重视祖训族规,且不说绮霞峰正在召开族会,就算在平时,宗祠广场也不是随便什么人都可以上来的。 The man of showing the way eventually was too young, looked atmosphere some in square were not right, what to do he in same place did not know should. 领路的男人终究还是太年轻了,一看广场上的气氛有些不对劲,他就愣在原地不知道该怎么办了。 What to do can also? 还能咋整? Interrupted the clan meeting, the elders who cause the audience are then gazing at him, can don't tell me also brace oneself the outcomer brings to the head of the clan in front at this time? 打断了族会,导致全场的长辈都回头注视着他,难道这时候还要硬着头皮把外来者带到族长面前? He really did not have that courage...... 他还真没那个胆子…… Saw with own eyes that the man stands in same place, nearby old man then could not bear scolded his one in a low voice. 眼见男人怔怔的站在原地,旁边一位老者便忍不住低声呵斥了他一句。 Fengle! You are deliberately creating trouble anything! Has not hurried to take away!” “丰乐!你在胡闹什么!还不赶紧把人带走!” hearing this, this man named Jiang Fengle is suddenly enlighted, bent the waist in the direction that Jiang Yuankui was at hastily good a 90 degrees big ritual, wish that was thrown into confusion drew Chen Xi to leave. 闻言,这个名叫姜丰乐的男人才恍然大悟,连忙弯腰朝姜元魁所在的方向行了一个九十度大礼,然后才手忙脚乱的想要拉着陈曦离开。 But is Chen Xi so can it be that easy to approach? 陈曦岂是那么容易靠近的? Ginger Fengle just put out a hand, like bumping arrived at the same time air wall, how regardless to make an effort, his hand did not have the means to proceed to stretch out one inch again. 姜丰乐这边刚一伸手,就像碰到了一面空气墙一样,无论怎么使劲,他的手也没办法再往前伸出一寸了。 Seeing that ginger Fengle greatly is anxious, cannot bear exclaims in a low voice: Yeah, do you do? Has not left here with me quickly!” 见状,姜丰乐不由大急,忍不住低声吼道:“哎,你干嘛呢?还不快跟我离开这儿!” Ginger Fengle anxious perspired, Chen Xi actually ignores. 姜丰乐急的都出汗了,陈曦对此却置若罔闻。 He first raised the head to shoot a look at Jiang Zhengqing in midair, is then hugging the little fellow, is pulling Qin Ruoying single-handedly, such as strolled general, moved toward the square center slowly. 他先抬头瞥了一眼半空中的姜正清,然后便一手抱着小家伙,一手牵着秦若盈,如闲庭信步一般,缓缓的走向了广场中央。 Really excuse me, disturbed......” “实在不好意思,打扰了诸位……” If we had known you in the meeting words, I should wait a while under the mountain......” “早知道你们在开会的话,我就该在山下等一会儿的……” My this came, now goes back is not a matter......” “不过我这来都来了,现在回去也不是个事儿……” Or, first does rest a while, continue to discuss later again?” “要不,诸位就先休息一会儿,待会儿再继续讨论?” Is walking, Chen Xi while is also nodding toward both sides Jiang clansman unceasingly. 一边走着,陈曦还一边朝两旁的姜氏族人不断点着头。 He seems like very slow, in fact actually passes through the big square in the times of short several words, comes out under the arrived ancestral hall stair directly. 他看似走的很慢,实际上却在短短几句话的功夫里就穿过偌大的广场,径直来到了宗祠门外的台阶下。 ...... …… Regarding this sudden stranger, in Jiang Yuankui the heart is also wonders. 对于这个突然出现的陌生人,姜元魁心中也是纳闷不已。 He used the split vision to look at Jiang Zhengqing an expression, actually discovered that Jiang Zhengqing as if not know at present this person. 他用余光看了一眼姜正清的表情,却发现姜正清似乎也不认识眼前这人。 This felt strange...... 这就奇怪了…… Two grand-uncles coerce the people, tries to force him to hand over superior cloudy woman Luo flower/spend. 二叔祖裹挟众人,试图逼迫他交出优昙婆罗花。 At present most essential time, how to emit a stranger suddenly? 眼下正是最关键的时候,怎么会突然冒出个陌生人来? Moreover, this person as if also took own wife and kid...... 而且,这人似乎还带上了自己的老婆孩子…… Actually can sing which? 究竟是要唱哪出? Jiang Yuankui is frowning has not spoken. 姜元魁皱着眉头没有说话。 The audience are completely silent. 全场鸦雀无声。 Day after day on Jiang Zhengqing, could not bear lower the head to size up Chen Xi. 就连天上的姜正清,也忍不住低头打量了陈曦一番。 In this being a focus of public attention situation...... 在这种万众瞩目的情况…… The Chen Xi bosom little fellow actually made the sound suddenly. 陈曦怀里小家伙却又忽然发出了声音。 Sees only, she by the Chen Xi shoulder, was supine the head to size up Jiang Zhengqing good one, finally could not bear press the throat to ask: Papa, why he will fly Ah? 只见,她靠在陈曦肩上,仰着脑袋打量了姜正清好一阵,最后还是忍不住压着嗓子问道:“粑粑,他为什么会飞啊? Her sound is very small, actually does not omit a single word reached in the people ear. 她的声音很小,却一字不漏的传进了众人耳朵里。 That uncle is repairing the telephone pole, actually behind him hung a string, because separates too, therefore you cannot see the string, thinks that he is flying......” “那个叔叔在修电杆,其实他背后挂了一条绳子,因为隔得太远,所以你看不到绳子,才会以为他是在飞……” "Oh! I knew! Because separates far, the thing that therefore I see will become very slightly will be very small! Arrived me cannot see! ” “哦!我知道了!因为隔得远,所以我看到的东西就会变得很小很小!小到我看不见!” Chen Xi pinched her tip of the nose with a smile, then explained in a low voice. 陈曦笑着捏了捏她的鼻尖,然后才低声解释了一番。 Understands after reason, this little thing could not bear grin to laugh. 明白了其中的缘由后,这小东西就忍不住咧嘴大笑了起来。 However. 然而。 She just smiled several, saw that suddenly the woman on stair stared oneself one eyes wickedly. 她才刚刚笑了几声,就忽然看到台阶上的女人恶狠狠的瞪了自己一眼。 In the look of woman has a not mincing matter dislike and repugnance. 女人的眼神中带着一股毫不掩饰的厌恶与反感。 Never by the person has stared like this little fellow, at the scene on some fears. 从来没有被人这样瞪过的小家伙,当场就有些害怕了。 Therefore, this little thing is similar to a frightened quail immediately, retracts all of a sudden the Chen Xi bosom, does not dare to appear. 于是,这小东西顿时就如同一只受了惊的鹌鹑,一下子缩回陈曦怀里,再也不敢露头了。 Saw with own eyes that the father and daughter are speaking intimate conversation uninhibitedly. 眼见父女俩旁若无人的说着悄悄话。 The woman on stair cannot endure again, therefore then goes forward one step, scolded sternly toward Chen Xi: Dissolute! This place is my Jiang Ancestral hall restricted area, how to allow the bystander to excel at rushing? Has not detained to me him!” 台阶上的女人再也忍不下去,于是便上前一步,朝陈曦厉声呵斥道:“放肆!此地乃我姜氏宗祠禁地,岂容外人擅闯?还不把他给我押下去!” As the woman orders, subordinated the Jiang clansman in discipline hall then wells up from the ancestral hall immediately, exhibited to a weaponry that the Chen Xi family of three took. 随着女人一声令下,许多隶属于戒律堂的姜氏族人便立刻从宗祠里涌了出来,摆出一副要将陈曦一家三口拿下的阵仗。 But at this time...... 但这时…… Chen Xi actually turns head to take a look at all around suddenly, determined after Jiang Yuankui is the audience position highest person, then looks at his tranquil asking: May I ask the mister, but Jiang current head of the clan?” 陈曦却忽然扭头瞅了瞅四周,确定姜元魁就是全场地位最高的人以后,便看着他平静的问道:“敢问先生可是姜氏现任族长?” Jiang Yuankui is cold the face not to reply. 姜元魁冷着脸没有答话。 Chen Xi then puts out a hand to trace the back of the head of little fellow, making the little fellow tight by after own shoulder, this light saying: I am unsolicited today, mainly to ask for an explanation to you......” 陈曦便伸手摸了摸小家伙的后脑勺,让小家伙紧紧的靠在自己的肩上后,这才淡淡的说道:“我今日不请自来,主要为了向你讨一个说法……” Asks for an explanation? 讨个说法? Such remarks, Jiang Yuankui then put out a hand to block the people, is frowning to ask: What explanation asks for?” 此话一出,姜元魁便伸手拦下了众人,皱着眉头问道:“讨什么说法?” Few days ago, once some people ascending a height to get a broad view expensive/noble islands sought for advice the division to assign/life the Profound Female incident, may I ask head of the clan Jiang whether regarding this also has the impression?” “前些日子,曾有人登临贵岛求教司命玄女一事,敢问姜族长对此是否还有印象?” After hearing these words, Jiang Yuankui the heart thump jumped immediately, looked also had some subtle changes again to the Chen Xi's look. 听到这句话后,姜元魁的心顿时就‘咯噔’跳了一下,再看向陈曦的眼神里也有了些许微妙的变化。 At present this person...... 眼前这人…… Is it possible that is Mr. Chen in legend? 莫非就是传说中的陈先生 Such young?! 这么年轻?! But why will he elect to land on the island today? 可他为什么会选在今日登岛? Came suddenly! 来得太突然了! In Jiang Yuankui heart surprised uncertain, is somewhat in doubt really the Chen Xi's status, but in the surface is actually doing intentionally calmly, has not revealed slightly unusually. 姜元魁心中惊疑不定,着实有些拿不准陈曦的身份,但表面上却还是在故作镇定,没有露出丝毫异样。 After looking at Jiang Zhengqing one of the space secretly, in Jiang Yuankui the heart several points haggle over immediately. 偷偷看了天上的姜正清一眼后,姜元魁心中顿时就有些几分计较。 Therefore, after coughing lightly, he then looks that the Chen Xi sinking sound replied: Really has this matter, I am sorry is unable to answer questions to dispel doubt for him......” 于是,轻咳了一声后,他便看着陈曦沉声回答道:“确有此事,我很抱歉无法为他答疑解惑……” But you may be clear, Jiang admits the bystander is only the friendship, but not serious......” “但你可要明白,姜氏接纳外人只是情分,而绝非本分……” You, if therefore blames in me, to can a little be justified?” “你若因此怪罪于我的话,岂不是有点说不过去了?” Jiang Yuankui exhibited an appearance of righteousness expression, really wants to speak the truth to Chen Xi evidently well. 姜元魁摆出了一副义正言辞的模样,看样子是真的想跟陈曦好好讲下道理。 However, after Chen Xi hears his words, actually cannot bear laugh at one, then coldly responded: Helps your matter, I naturally cannot therefore blame in you.” 然而,陈曦听到他的话以后,却是忍不住嗤笑一声,然后冷冷回应道:“帮不帮你的事儿,我自然不会因此怪罪于你。” But you may know......” “但你可知道……” „Is that person my wife's father?” “那人是我岳丈?” Hears here, bountiful by Jiang Yuankui the city mansion, shrank a pupil slightly. 听到这里,饶是以姜元魁的城府,也不禁微微缩了一下瞳孔。 Really is he! 果然是他! Determined after Chen Xi's status, Jiang Yuankui immediately in heart one happy, nearly must smile to make noise. 确定了陈曦的身份后,姜元魁顿时心中一喜,险些就要笑出了声来。 Archaism has the cloud: Comes not Tathagata early skillfully. 古语有云:来得早不如来得巧。 Has not thought that this grade of good deed was also really given to bump into by him unexpectedly. 没想到这等好事居然还真被他给碰上了。 Later but some good plays look...... 待会儿可就有好戏看咯…… Jiang Yuankui is suppressing the happy expression in heart, like a becoming a ghost old fox, stood on the stair the difference has not only revealed the tail. 姜元魁强忍着心中的笑意,如同一只成了精的老狐狸,站在台阶上只差没有把尾巴露出来了。 Chen Xi detected his difference, has not actually thought toward the deep place, therefore then selfish continues saying: Wife's father Sir has a cavity sincerity, from afar arrives at this place from Capital, only sought a Jiang clan to be able for him to answer to dispel doubt......” 陈曦察觉了他的异样,却也没有往深处想,所以便自顾自的继续说道:“岳丈大人带着一腔诚意,千里迢迢的从上京来到此地,只求姜氏一族能为他老人家答题解惑……” But you not only does not help, instead take action injured him......” “可你们非但不帮忙,反而出手伤了他老人家……” You said actually looks......” “那你倒是说说看……” My this is the son-in-law, should come to ask for an explanation for him?” “我这做女婿的,是不是应该过来替他老人家讨个说法?”
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