IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#352: That person flies in the space

The sunset glow is extremely always beautiful. 晚霞总是极美的。 In the end of sea, a round of gigantic kumquat setting sun stands in the evening sea level remarkably. 在大海的尽头,一轮硕大金桔般的落日在傍晚的海平面上卓然而立。 The light light fog picks up this perfectly round golden-red, looks from afar, the sea day intersection point only had this golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) gold/metal wheel. 薄薄的轻雾托起这片浑圆的金红,远远望去,海天交界处就只剩下了这面金光万丈的金轮。 As the gold/metal round falls unceasingly, the orange red sky also gradually caught some indigos, made the Dai islet island blur the form in the multi-colored sunlight. 随着金轮不断落下,橙红色的天空也逐渐染上了些许靛蓝,也让岱屿岛在霞光中模糊了身影。 This time this scenery, actually like Bai Juyi in the beautiful ideal condition of «Evening river Recitation» describing: 此番此景,倒是像极了白居易在《暮江吟》中所描述的绝美意境: In the setting sun shop water, half river rustlings half river red together. 一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红。 What a pity...... 可惜…… Although the setting sun beautiful, actually gives people several points of desolate feeling. 夕阳虽美,却总给人几分落寞的感觉。 Possibly is because travels by boat to sit the too long reason, the little fellow nest is rubbing cell phone that in the sofa is bored to death. 可能是因为坐船坐太久的缘故,小家伙窝在沙发里百无聊赖的搓着手机 After Qin Ruoying will truncate the good apple hands her mouth, she languid opening mouth, then leisurely bit. 等到秦若盈将削好的苹果递到她嘴边后,她才懒洋洋的张开嘴巴,然后慢条斯理的咬了起来。 Looks at a lovable appearance of that small mouth drum drum, is joined to just like the salt fish general manner again...... 看那小嘴一鼓一鼓的可爱样子,再配上宛如咸鱼一般的神态…… This little thing has not hung the block writes to live not to have love the sign on the difference on own neck. 这小东西就差没在自己脖子上挂块写有‘生无可恋’的牌子了。 Suddenly. 忽然。 This little thing like hearing what sound results, sat from the sofa all of a sudden, then lay in the railing extends the neck to take a look everywhere. 这小东西就像听到什么动静似得,一下子从沙发上坐了起来,然后趴在围栏边伸着脖子四处瞅了起来。 Hou!!” “嚯!!” Looks at the sudden Dai islet islands, the eyes of little fellow stares at present immediately in a big way. 看着眼前突然出现的岱屿群岛,小家伙的眼睛顿时就瞪大了许多。 Mama! You look! Island! Here has the island!” 麻麻!你看!小岛!这里有小岛!” This sudden island like the charge treasure, filled the electricity for the standby for a long time little fellow instantaneously. 这座突然出现的小岛就像充电宝一样,瞬间就为待机许久的小家伙充满了电。 Mama, I must go to there to play!” 麻麻,我要去那里玩!” Is saying, this little thing also while the impatient jumping down sofa, then stepped on the staircase to leave open-air viewing stage directly. 一边说着,这小东西还一边迫不及待的跳下沙发,然后踩着楼梯径直离开了露天望台。 Qin Ruoying sees that must put down the fruit in hand hastily, comes to the arrived bow deck with her together. 秦若盈见状,只得连忙放下手中的水果,跟着她一同来到了船头甲板。 Chen Xi is looking at the beautiful rosy clouds peak looking pensive, the little fellow sees that is timid to act touched toward him. 陈曦正若有所思的望着绮霞峰顶,小家伙见状,便缩手缩脚的朝他摸了过去。 This little thing is mischievous, wants to frighten Chen Xi, has not actually thought that own small trick had been seen through by Chen Xi. 这小东西调皮,想要吓唬陈曦,却没想到自己的小伎俩早就被陈曦识破了。 Therefore, when she arrives at Chen Xi behind, prepares opens mouth to make the sound time, after Chen Xi actually, sends first, one hugged from the ground her around the middle. 因此,当她来到陈曦身后,准备张嘴发出声音的时候,陈曦却后发先至,一下就将她从地上给拦腰抱了起来。 Niannian, guts was fat, dares to frighten Father......” 念念,胆儿肥了啊,都敢来吓唬爸爸了……” Chen Xi hugged her in the bosom swayed several, the smiling hole of this little thing was ordinary like the stamp, immediately stirred up she sent out one string giggle giggle the laughter. 陈曦将她抱在怀里摇晃了几下,却如同戳中了这小东西的笑穴一般,顿时就惹得她发出了一串‘咯咯咯咯’的笑声。 After father and daughter restless, the little fellow then depends on the Chen Xi shoulder, points at Dai islet island very chatty acting like a spoiled brat saying: Papa, can we come up to play?” 父女俩闹腾了一阵后,小家伙便靠在陈曦肩上,指着岱屿岛十分腻歪的撒娇道:“粑粑,我们可以上去玩吗?” Sure, after waiting for ship to approach shore, Father leads you to come up well fun to play.” “当然可以,等船儿靠岸以后,爸爸就带你上去好好玩一玩。” After hearing the Chen Xi affirmation answer, the little fellow then hints Chen Xi to put her to get down excitedly, then runs up to by railing fence eager is taking a look at the present Dai islet island. 听到陈曦肯定答复后,小家伙便激动的示意陈曦放她下来,然后跑到栏杆旁眼巴巴的瞅着眼前的岱屿岛。 May take a look is taking a look, she actually discovered that this place seems some is not right. 可瞅着瞅着,她却发现这地方好像有些不对劲。 Because...... 因为…… In the island has the person, and has. 岛上有人,而且有很多。 These people stand in the shore, unceasing directs toward the ship on. 这些人站在岸边,不断的朝着船上指指点点。 With yacht unceasing nearness, the surrounding scenery, and even the expression on people face even more was also clear. 随着游艇不断的靠近,周围的景物、乃至人们脸上的表情也愈发清晰了。 The little fellows are not familiar with by the feeling of being a focus of public attention very much, discovered that others after visiting her, then leaping up speedily returned to the Chen Xi bosom, shrank the head not to appear. 小家伙很不习惯被万众瞩目的感觉,发现别人都在看她以后,便一溜烟的蹿回了陈曦怀里,缩着脑袋不愿露头了。 ...... …… Looks that this anchors the yacht of in Zhudao Wharf slowly, the Jiang clansmen on the scene feel very surprisedly. 看着这艘缓缓停靠于主岛码头的游艇,在场的姜氏族人都感到十分惊讶。 Because many Jiang juniors have not seen the reason of yacht, at present suddenly sees such magnificent ship, then could not bear encircle, and started to discuss low voice. 许多姜氏小辈因为从来没有见过游艇的缘故,眼下突然见到这么一艘华丽的船儿,便忍不住围了上去,并开始小声的议论了起来。 The Dai islet island also has the external ships, but that eventually is a few, therefore many Jiang clansmen have listened, but personally has not actually seen the material object. 岱屿岛也不是没有外来船只,可那终究是少数,所以很多姜氏族人都只是听过,但却没有亲眼见过实物。 This ship...... 这艘船…… Very is truly attractive. 确实很漂亮嘞。 Today on the Jiang clan sacrifice, most Jiang clansmen comes to the arrived main island, therefore sees arrived for the first time livingly outcomer, will naturally have to plant the feeling of surrounding the panda. 今天恰逢姜氏族祭,大部分姜氏族人都来到了主岛,也因此第一次见到了活生生的‘外来者’,自然就会有种围观大熊猫的感觉。 Outcomers? 外来者? Really rare. 真是稀罕嘞。 After the anchor is fixedly good, Chen Xi is then hugging the little fellow, is pulling Qin Ruoying single-handedly, went down the yacht in the gaze of people slowly. 将船锚固定好以后,陈曦便一手抱着小家伙,一手牵着秦若盈,就这么在众人的注视中缓缓走下了游艇。 The little fellows are shy, therefore then buries the head in the Chen Xi hollow of the shoulder, once for a while appears to take a look at around one, manner but actually some probably frightened ostrich that shrinks...... 小家伙怕生,于是便将脑袋埋在陈曦肩窝里,时不时才露头瞅一眼周围,那畏畏缩缩的神态倒有些像是受惊的鸵鸟…… Here after all is others' domain, therefore in the Chen Xi then standing wharf waited slightly. 这里毕竟是别人的地盘,所以陈曦便站码头上稍稍等了一下。 Afterward, seemed like roughly has the 30-year-old man half step to welcome. 随后,一个看上去约莫有30多岁的男人快步迎了上来。 The men see the Chen Xi family of three not to seem like what bad man, somewhat cannot find out the Chen Xi's details immediately. 男人见陈曦一家三口也不像是什么歹人,便就有些摸不清楚陈曦的底细。 After all, the Dai islet island surrounding had large formation, the bystander could not find the position of Dai islet island. 毕竟,岱屿岛外围有大阵,外人根本找不到岱屿岛的位置。 Since these three people can enter the island, was also invited by the island wives...... 既然这三人能够入岛,想必也是受岛内人所邀…… For this, in the tone of man then took several points of politeness, polite asking: Today was the day of my Jiang clan sacrifice, what matter may I ask the mister to ascend island behavior?” 出于这种考虑,男人的语气中便带上了几分客气,礼貌的问道:“今日乃我姜氏族祭之日,敢问先生登岛所为何事?” hearing this, Chen Xi then also polite response: Chen by invitation of head of the clan, is feasted today especially, but also asked the mister to guide.” 闻言,陈曦便也礼貌的回应道:“陈某受族长之邀,今日特来赴宴,还请先生带路。” By invitation of head of the clan? 受族长之邀? After hearing Chen Xi's answering, the man gawked, really what to do some did not know should. 听到陈曦的回话后,男人不禁愣了一下,着实有些不知道该怎么办了。 He was not responsible for receiving the business, reason that can question, that is because above the Yuan character generation went to the beautiful rosy clouds peak, at present in this harbor is higher than him on few ranks. 他本来就不负责接待事务,之所以会来问话,那是因为元字辈以上都去了绮霞峰,眼下这港口里就没几个辈分比他高的。 In the beautiful rosy clouds peak is holding the clan meeting, at present this person says he came to attend a meeting by invitation of head of the clan...... 绮霞峰上正在召开族会,眼前这人却说他受族长之邀前来赴会…… Thinks of here, the man looks the color of feeling embarrassed. 想到这里,男人不禁面露为难之色。 Sees that a Chen Xi then face serious added: Chen came to attend a meeting by invitation of your head of the clan, your head of the clan will elect today, has his reason. If the mister does not understand, requests to guide, and let Chen and your head of the clan cannot meet said again.” 见状,陈曦便一脸郑重的补充道:“陈某受贵族长之邀前来赴会,贵族长之所以会选在今日,想必也有他的理由。先生若对此不甚了解的话,烦请带路,且让陈某与贵族长见上一面再说。” Rhythmical that Chen Xi these words saying, but in fact...... 陈曦这番话说的有板有眼,但实际上…… What his head of the clan Jiang called not to know, how also to receive head of the clan's invitation? 他却连姜氏族长叫什么都不知道,又怎么会收到族长的邀请呢? Also was speaks thoughtlessly to make up wild stories, has not thought appearance that this young people have not questioned. 也就是随口胡诌了一下,没想到这年轻人却没有丝毫质疑的样子。 Did Chen Xi's respond how quickly? 陈曦的反应何其快? Sees opposite party response, naturally must push the boat along and deceive, prepared foresight head of the clan arrived to say again. 看到对方这种反应,当然就要顺水推舟、糊弄一番,准备先见到了族长再说。 He did not fear in any case the matter exposes drives out...... 反正他也不怕事情败露被赶出去…… Good, but also asked the mister to come along with me.” “好吧,还请先生随我来。” Perhaps is because Chen Xi is holding child's reason, therefore man to him not to few vigilance. 或许是因为陈曦抱着孩子的缘故,所以男人对他并没有对少戒心。 After pondering one slightly next, was sideways to make a posture of invitation. 略微思考一下后,便侧身做出了一个请的姿势。 Had Mr. Lao.” “有劳先生了。” Afterward, the family of three then under man's leadership, reached the beautiful rosy clouds peak along the ravine flagstone alley slowly. 随后,一家三口便在男人的带领下,沿着山间石板小路缓缓登上了绮霞峰。 The little fellows search the head to take a look at the surrounding Jiang clansman unceasingly, as if feels about their clothing very curiously, but is looking at her reason concerned about these people, therefore she had not made the sound. 小家伙探着脑袋不断打量着周围的姜氏族人,似乎对他们的服装感到十分好奇,但碍于这些人都在看她的缘故,所以她一直没有发出声音来。 Little thing this was shy. 小东西这是怕生了嘞。 Finally, the man leads Chen Xi one to come the arrived summit. 终于,男人领着陈曦一家来到了山顶。 After the family of three arrive at the square edge, the little fellow detected that the atmosphere of this place seems like some is not right, therefore then curious raising the head, starts around unceasing sizing up. 一家三口来到广场边缘后,小家伙就察觉到这地方的气氛似乎有些不对劲,于是便好奇的抬起头,开始不断的打量四周。 After but she looks at the square center, that red toot toot small mouth actually immediately stretch/open to become o font. 可等到她将视线放到广场中央后,那红嘟嘟的小嘴却立马张成了o字型。 Papa you looked that person flies in the space......” 粑粑你看,那个人在天上飞……”
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