IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#309: Insightful Emptiness

The cold light starts. 寒光乍起。 The old men launch an attack suddenly, Chen Xi's responded that is not slow. 老者突然发难,陈曦的反应却也丝毫不慢。 This sword is common like the iron picture silver hook, after delimited an attractive curve, then cut directly on the arm of old man. 这一剑如同铁画银钩一般,在空中划了一个漂亮的弧度后,便直接砍在了老者的手臂上。 sword edge enters the meat, suddenly exuded one to rip light sound. 剑锋入肉,忽然发出了一声‘撕啦’轻响。 The arm of old man looks like the laser has cut very smoothly generally, from him is fallen...... 紧接着,老者的手臂就像是被激光切过一般,十分平整的从他身上掉了下来…… Lin Xuan is shocked by all that has at present. 林萱被眼前所发生的一切惊呆了。 She hid in Chen Xi is maintaining the posture behind, after seeing Long Sword in Chen Xi hand has delimited the old man arm, in the brain became a blank immediately, therefore then opened the small mouth unrestrainedly, on the face full was shock expression. 她躲在陈曦身后保持着刚才的姿势,在看到陈曦手中的长剑划过老者手臂后,脑子里顿时就变得一片空白,于是便情不自禁的张开了小嘴,脸上满是震惊不已的表情。 That dull appearance...... 那呆呆模样…… One type moe the lovable feeling actually dull. 倒是给人一种呆萌可爱的感觉呢。 Lin Xuan was frightened cannot speak, the eye stares looks that only breaks the arm from in the air to fall...... 林萱被吓得说不出话,眼睛直勾勾的看着那只断臂从空中掉了下来…… However. 然而。 Falls in the arm to the flash of ground, this only breaks the arm actually to change to one group of black smokes to curl to diverge suddenly, seems like fired the plant ash the straw paper to be the same, was blown by the wind, without a trace that then vanishes immediately. 就在断臂掉到地上的一瞬间,这只断臂却突然化作一团黑烟袅袅散去,看上去就像是被烧成干灰的草纸一样,被风一吹,便立刻消失的无影无踪。 Chen Xi?! This......” 陈曦?!这……” Lin Xuan stared in a big way the eye, but also without spoke with enough time the words of mouth, she discovered oneself body uncontrolled is flying backward. 林萱瞪大了眼睛,还没来得及把嘴里的话说完,她就发现自己的身体正不受控制的向后飞去。 „In there, do not move heedlessly.” “待在那儿,别乱动。” After True Essence Lin Xuan delivers to the safe position, Chen Xi has not forgotten to urge her one, later grasps Long Sword, launched the attack to the old man directly. 真元林萱送到安全的位置后,陈曦还不忘叮嘱她一句,随后才手持长剑,直接向老者发起了攻击。 Lin Xuan is only an average person, the scene that the scene that therefore she sees actually and Chen Xi sees is completely different. 林萱只是普通人,所以她看到的景象其实和陈曦看到的景象完全不同。 In fact, in the Chen Xi's eye...... 实际上,在陈曦的眼中…… The old men hid the skin under cape have actually fallen off, most muscles the corrupting rout, had also revealed successively white bones...... 老者隐藏在斗篷下的皮肤其实早已脱落,大部分肌肉也已经腐烂溃败,露出了一节节白骨…… This which what person? 这哪儿还是什么人? Simply is an aging carrion that crawls from the tomb! 简直就是一具从坟墓里爬出的陈年腐尸! If merely is only the skeleton rack, Chen Xi lived after all for 500 years, various types of strange things have seen many, will not naturally care a living corpse. 如果仅仅只是骷髅架子也就罢了,陈曦毕竟活了五百年,各种稀奇古怪的东西已经见得太多了,自然也不会将一个活死人放在心上。 But he is so discrete, because mainly this skeleton rack is not simple at present. 而他之所以如此谨慎,主要还是因为眼前这个骷髅架子并不简单。 Since that moment that since the old man goes out of light gate, Chen Xi then detected that has huge True Essence, unceasing from old man body leakage. 自打老者从光门里走出的那一刻起,陈曦便察觉到有一股庞大的真元,正不断的从老者体内泄漏出来。 But what is somewhat strange is...... 但有些奇怪的是…… Although this True Essence huge quantity, actually a feeling of muddy contamination. 这股真元虽然数量庞大,却给人一个浑浊污秽的感觉。 If Chen Xi's True Essence is generally limpid like the lake water, then True Essence of old man then seems like on the side of the petroleum the greasy pollution, somewhat is really strange. 如果说陈曦的真元如同湖水一般清澈,那么老者的真元便像是石油一边油腻浑浊,着实有些诡异。 Because old man within the body is divulging True Essence unceasingly, therefore looks like in Chen Xi, the old man is more like the hard coke that goes out of the fire to be the same, the whole body is sending out the billowing thick smoke. 而因为老者体内不断泄漏着真元,所以在陈曦看来,老者更像是从火灾里走出的焦炭一样,浑身都在散发着滚滚浓烟。 Before long, the black smoke that dissipated from old man within the body flooded the entire church. 不一会儿,从老者体内逸散出的黑烟就充斥了整座教堂。 Moreover. 另外。 During lies in the old man confronts, Chen Xi also observed his behind light gate emphatically. 在于老者对峙期间,陈曦还着重观察了他身后的光门 This light gate is somewhat similar to Heaven Gate, but actually cannot place on a par with Heaven Gate. 这道光门有些类似于天门,但却又不能和天门相提并论。 After all, Heaven Gate needs the magnanimous spiritual energy of heaven and earth support to open, but at present this light gate actually only needs a Xun manager false pill period the live sacrificial offering to be enough. 毕竟,天门可是需要海量的天地灵气支持才能开启,而眼前这个光门却只需要荀管事一个伪丹期的活祭品就足够了。 If after Heaven Gate, is another world, then after light gate, obviously merely is only a contrary extension basement...... 如果说天门之后是另外一个世界的话,那么光门之后,显然就仅仅只是一个违规扩建的地下室…… Both have disparity essentially. 两者存在着本质上的差距。 But this type basement of contrary build, after is actually Immortal Cultivator comprehended empty character true meaning, in microcosm and Xiaodongtian that in void open. 而这种‘违规搭建的地下室’,其实就是修仙者领悟了‘虚’字真谛后,在虚空中开辟的小世界、小洞天。 what Weixu? 何为虚? This is a very abstract concept, Chen Xi also stays in Divine Transformation, naturally does not have the means to endure thoroughly true meaning. 这是一个很抽象的概念,陈曦还停留在化神,自然没办法堪透其中真谛。 So-called Insightful Emptiness, namely: 所谓洞虚,即: Knows is seeing, sees clearly void ; 知微见著,洞察虚空; My heart looks, no matter what Heaven and Earth is boundless, among square inches! 吾心所望,任天地苍茫,亦不过方寸之间尔! Insightful Emptiness is existence above Divine Transformation, even like that is not unattainable like Immortal Emperor, at least is still unsurpassed Venerate Supreme existence, can be the food chain peak. 洞虚乃是化神之上的存在,即使不像仙帝那般高不可攀,至少也是无上至尊般的存在,算得上是食物链顶端。 Therefore, at present this light gate, possibly is not this half foot steps into the old fogy in coffin to open obviously. 因此,眼前这道光门,显然不可能是这个半只脚都踏进棺材里的老家伙开辟的。 If Chen Xi has not guessed that wrong, this Xiaodongtian should be similar to time temple kind of existence, before is antiquity Immortal Cultivator left Earth, stays behind, the old man was just the dove occupies the magpie nest. 如果陈曦没有猜错的话,这个小洞天应该是类似于时间圣殿一类的存在,都是上古修仙者离开地球前留下的,老者只不过是鸠占鹊巢罢了。 Such being the case. 既然如此。 Then this ghost air/Qi the dense old thing at present...... 那么眼前这个鬼气森森的老东西…… Actually is what existence? 究竟是什么样的存在呢? Although in the Chen Xi heart the question is unceasing, but the movement on his hand has not actually stopped. 陈曦心中虽疑问不断,但他手上的动作却是没有丝毫停顿。 After a sword cuts off the arm of old man, Chen Xi then transfers sword edge immediately, the sword points to the old man chest front sharp. 在一剑将老者的手臂斩断后,陈曦便立刻调转剑锋,剑尖直指老者胸前。 The Divine Sword method delimits an attractive circular arc in the midair. 神剑法相在半空中划出一道漂亮的圆弧。 The sword light is cold, the cold glow is piercing. 剑光冷冽,寒芒刺骨。 The meteor is ordinary like the horizon has delimited, outlined to wipe the silver wire of bright eye in the jet black night. 如同天边划过的流星一般,在漆黑的夜里勾勒出一抹亮眼的银线。 Afterward, the Divine Sword method then submerges the old man chest, punctured him directly insightfully...... 随后,神剑法相便没入老者胸口,直接将他刺了个通透…… From beginning to end, the old men have not made any movement of counter-attack. 从始至终,老者都没有做出任何反击的动作。 Even own arm cut off, has not let him snort/hum. 甚至就连自己的手臂被砍断了,都没有让他哼过一声。 Sees that the Chen Xi brow selects, as if consciousness arrived anything, therefore then loosens Long Sword in hand immediately, fiercely holding their palms together in the chest front, prepares to pinch together secret art. 见状,陈曦不禁眉头一挑,似乎意识到了什么,于是便立刻松开手中的长剑,猛地将双手合十于胸前,准备掐出一道法诀 However. 然而。 While Chen Xi pinches secret art, the old man actually sent out one to laugh wildly the sound suddenly. 就在陈曦掐动法诀的同时,老者却突然发出了一阵狂笑声。 Following close on, his body is then being transferred by the reality suddenly empty, looking like the extinguished tyrant hit the sound to refer to being same, then changed to myriad instantaneously powdery, vanishes in Chen Xi at present baseless. 紧跟着,他的身体便忽然由实转虚,就像是被灭霸打了响指一样,瞬间便化作万千粉末状,就这么在陈曦眼前凭空消失了。 Chen Xi looks up hastily, actually sees the church sky black smoke to be billowing, approaches before the sudden downpour the sky, as if must collapse momentarily same...... 陈曦连忙抬头看去,却见教堂上空黑烟滚滚,就像骤雨来临前的天空,仿佛随时都要塌下来一样…… But at this time, the voice of old man suddenly from church made a sound in all directions. 而这时,老者的声音才突然从教堂的四面八方响了起来。 Baby a little meaning, come, actually many weights makes the old man think over your......” “小娃娃有点意思,来吧,就让老夫掂量一下你究竟有多少斤两……” The voice falls, the black smoke of float sky over church then flowed slowly. 话音落下,原本漂浮在教堂上空的黑烟便缓缓流动起来。 Also does not know that the old man used what method, that billowing black smoke changes to the entity unexpectedly suddenly, later turned into one to have dozens meters python baseless fully! 也不知道老者用了什么手段,那滚滚黑烟竟忽然化作实体,随后更是凭空变成了一条足有数十米长的巨蟒! Black smoke the python becomes one group in the spatial central disk, the huge body almost blocked from the entire vault. 黑烟所化的巨蟒在空中盘成一团,庞大的身躯几乎遮住了整个穹顶。 Its head is but actually the triangle shape, from appearing since that moment, the python then searches the head, to spit the snake letter/believes, and with that pair of golden color sets upright the pupil stubbornly is staring at Chen Xi. 它的脑袋是倒三角形状,从出现的那一刻起,巨蟒便探着脑袋、吐着蛇信,并用那双金色竖瞳死死的盯着陈曦 A constriction that makes one not gasp for breath gradually fills the air in the church. 一种让人喘不过气的压迫感在教堂里逐渐弥漫开来。 Lin Xuan dumbfounded looks that this presents the python sky over church suddenly, after she sees on the python that has the scale of palm of the hand size fully, unexpectedly is frightened two to turn, was so direct dizzy. 林萱目瞪口呆的看着这条忽然出现在教堂上空的巨蟒,等到她看见巨蟒身上那足有巴掌大小的鳞片后,竟被吓得两眼一翻,就这么直接晕了过去。 Lin Xuan fainted to bring to the Chen Xi attention. 林萱的晕倒引起了陈曦注意。 The flash of but in him losing concentration, this python is similar to the long arrow that a full bowstring projects, is opening its big mouth, threw toward the position that Chen Xi was at directly. 可就在他分神的一刹那,这条巨蟒就如同一支张满弓弦射出的长箭,张着它那血盆大口,径直朝着陈曦所在的位置扑了下来。 Fortunately, Chen Xi's responded that is also extremely rapid. 还好,陈曦的反应也是极为迅速。 Plays tricks......” “装神弄鬼……” Shouted angrily along with one, Chen Xi separated both hands fiercely, two golden light bloomed immediately from his palm. 伴随着一声怒喝,陈曦猛地将双手分开,两道金光顿时从他掌心里绽放开来。 When the python soon must bite him the time, Chen Xi then seems like the hand with the Lama of two cymbals same, lays out the double palm fiercely, hit ruthlessly on the head of python. 等到巨蟒即将要咬到他的时候,陈曦这才像是手拿两张大钹的喇嘛一样,猛地拍出双掌,狠狠打在了巨蟒的脑袋上。 The python is by the black smoke, but black smoke from old man body leakage True Essence. 巨蟒是由黑烟所化,而黑烟又是从老者体内泄漏的真元 Therefore, this is actually a contest in True Essence aspect. 因此,这其实就是一场真元方面的较量。 True Essence of Chen Xi within the body is limpid pure, but True Essence of old man within the body is actually the contamination pollution. 陈曦体内的真元是清澈纯净的,而老者体内的真元却是污秽浑浊的。 Both just a contact, looking like threw into the water to be the same the metallic sodium, immediately caused a radical explosion...... 两者刚一接触,就像是把金属钠丢进了水里一样,顿时就引起了一场剧烈的爆炸…… Eight seal technique it 八叶印法 Big diamond tracing rut! 大金刚轮印!
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