IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#310: Nascent Soul

This old man is very at present strange. 眼前这名老者十分诡异。 By the Chen Xi's story, does not know which cultivation method unexpectedly his practice outcome is, naturally does not have the means to judge the concrete strength of old man. 陈曦的阅历,竟不知道他修炼的究竟是哪种功法,自然也没办法判断出老者的具体实力。 Only can determine is...... 唯一可以确定的就是…… True Essence that old man within the body accumulates are too many, even multi- arrived somewhat inconceivable situation. 老者体内积累的真元太多,甚至多到了有些不可思议的地步。 Meanwhile, because of this huge True Essence extremely muddy, thus causes the old man not to have the means to control True Essence in within the body with wishes fulfilled. 但同时,也因为这股庞大的真元太过浑浊,从而才导致老者没办法随心所欲的掌控自己体内的真元 Therefore Chen Xi thinks it over, finally put down in the hand Long Sword, decided that meets the approaching enemy the python in the way of meeting the tough head-on with toughness, wants to judge the real strength of old man. 所以陈曦想来想去,最后还是放下了手中长剑,决定以硬碰硬的方式来迎击巨蟒,想要借此判断出老者的真实实力。 The big diamond tracing rut is not in eight seal technique lethality strongest one move, but is actually most vigorous incomparable one move. 大金刚轮印并不是八叶印法中杀伤力最强的一招,但却是最为浑厚无匹的一招。 If makes a comparison the big diamond tracing rut and lethality strongest overturning the heavens seal, pours somewhat seems like the spiked club and Long Sword difference. 如果把大金刚轮印和杀伤力最强的翻天印做对比,倒有些像是狼牙棒和长剑的差别。 Therefore, in flash of Chen Xi in python head with the double palm racket, this python was similar to one row to hit on the wall train, giant body immediately on stiff in midair. 因此,就在陈曦用双掌拍中巨蟒脑袋的一瞬间,这条巨蟒便如同一列撞在了墙上的火车,巨大的身体顿时就僵在了半空中。 But at the same time, takes the position that Chen Xi is at for the center of circle, then erupts invisible shock-wave suddenly. 而与此同时,以陈曦所在的位置为圆心,则突然爆发出一道无形的冲击波。 Shock-wave everywhere one visit...... 冲击波所到之处…… The furniture and windows and doors of church, even the steel bar in that wall also changes to the fragment powder entirely. 教堂的桌椅、门窗,甚至就连那墙壁里的钢筋也统统化作齑粉。 The dust flies upwards, the smog ascends! 尘土飞扬,烟雾升腾! However suddenly, the church of this solemn silence had turned into the ruins thoroughly. 不过眨眼之间,这座庄严肃穆的教堂就已彻底变成了废墟。 Only is the shock-wave that the collision initiates has such power and influence...... 光是碰撞所引发的冲击波都具有如此威势…… It can be imagined, this move of outcome has intrepidly how. 可想而知,这一招究竟是有多么的强悍。 The python exuded a giant neighing sound. 巨蟒发出了一阵巨大的嘶鸣声。 Afterward, its body looks like the glass makes, suddenly an cuns (2.5 cm) crack, gradually separates collapse Xi. 随后,它的身体就像是玻璃做的一样,忽然间寸寸龟裂,逐渐分离崩析。 arrived final, this python changes to wisp of black smoke, slowly dissipation sky over church. 到了最后,这条巨蟒更是化作一缕黑烟,缓缓消散于教堂上空。 But...... 可是…… Although the python disappeared, covers sign that the black smoke sky over church has not actually declined as before. 巨蟒虽然消失了,笼罩在教堂上空的黑烟却依旧没有衰退的迹象。 Sees that the Chen Xi's countenance exudes one to sneer. 见状,陈曦的嘴脸不禁泛起一丝冷笑。 After this meeting the tough head-on with toughness contest, he also almost found out the bottom of this old fogy. 经过这番硬碰硬的较量后,他也差不多摸清这个老家伙的底了。 Therefore, Chen Xi after was shaking the wrist/skill gently, then extends the right hand to grasp baseless, the Divine Sword method appears in his hand again. 于是,陈曦在轻轻抖了抖手腕后,便伸出右手凭空一握,神剑法相再次出现在他手上。 But at this time, in the black smoke resounded the voice of old man suddenly. 而这时,黑烟里则忽然响起了老者的声音。 Actually are you who?” “你究竟是谁?” His language fast is very slow, even also has several to segregate the heavy feeling, obviously is because he realized finally, at present this young people were not the good stubble...... 他的语速很慢,其中甚至还带有几分凝重的感觉,显然是因为他终于意识到,眼前这个年轻人并不是什么善茬了…… Said you did not know.” “说了你也不认识。” Chen Xi pulled a sword to be colored Long Sword in hand, this face teased looked at the black smoke to ask: What's wrong? Feared?” 陈曦将手中的长剑挽出了一个剑花,这才一脸戏谑的望着黑烟问道:“怎么?怕了?” Dissolute!” “放肆!” The old men fly into a rage, the sound is similar to the stuffy thunder immediately crack general, reverberates unceasingly in the black smoke. 老者勃然大怒,声音顿时如同闷雷炸响一般,在黑烟里不断回荡起来。 Yellow mouth young child does not know the immensity of heaven and earth! You may know, was that day Divine General does not dare is so dissolute before the old man......” “黄口小儿不知天高地厚!你可知道,就是那天都神将也不敢在老夫面前如此放肆……” Divine General?!” 神将?!” hearing this, Chen Xi actually listens to arrived anything joke to result in probably, the corners of the mouth appear immediately the happy expression. 闻言,陈曦却像是听到了什么笑话似得,嘴角顿时就浮现出一丝浅浅的笑意。 I had butchered several.” “我已经宰了好几个了。” Then, Chen Xi is actually suddenly the flying, the Divine Sword law in hand erupts a dazzling ray instantaneously. 说罢,陈曦却是忽然飞身而起,手中的神剑法相瞬间爆发出一阵耀眼的光芒。 But Chen Xi will elect in this time take action, that is because he had found out the details of this old fogy thoroughly. 陈曦之所以会选在这时候出手,那是因为他已经彻底摸清了这个老家伙的底细。 If he has not guessed that wrong, that wrap/sets strange incomparable «Corpse Ying Duhun» should stems from old man's hand. 如果他没有猜错的话,那套诡异无比的《尸婴渡魂》应该是出自老者之手。 Possibly because of inheritance gaps and omissions reason, after the old man depends upon this set of Yin evil cultivation method forms false pill, he thoroughly took a road of no return. 可能是因为传承缺漏的缘故,所以当老者依靠这套阴邪功法结成伪丹后,他就彻底走上了一条不归路。 Has saying that this old fogy somewhat is really fierce. 不得不说,这老家伙着实有些厉害。 True Golden Core does not have continually, he starts to try to find out that unexpectedly formed the Nascent Soul method. 连真正的金丹都没有,他竟然就开始摸索结成元婴的方法了。 Without road what to do? 没有路怎么办? That opens a new road. 那就开辟一条新的路。 The dependence plunders others 's Divine Soul blood essence to expand itself unceasingly, the old man by the huge True Essence reserve, opens one to be completely different from others' road unexpectedly. 依靠不断掠夺他人的神魂精血来壮大自身,老者居然以庞大的真元储备,生生开辟出一条完全不同于别人的路。 If according to the conventional cultivation route, then Immortal Cultivator after quenchings Golden Core to repeatedly is purely elusive, can be based on this Golden Core, thus congeals Nascent Soul. 如果按照常规的修行路线,那么修仙者在将金丹反复淬炼至纯净空灵后,就可以以这颗金丹为基础,从而凝结出元婴 If compares with the seed Golden Core, then Nascent Soul obviously is the fruit that seed germination, blossoms later has. 而如果把金丹比作种子,那么元婴显然就是种子发芽、开花之后结出的果实。 Therefore, even Golden Core does not have, is naturally impossible to breed Nascent Soul. 因此,连金丹都没有,自然就不可能孕育出元婴 But in this world, always some people are the exception...... 但这世上,总有些人是例外…… Perhaps because of imagination too rich reason, after the old man realized oneself are unable to break through to Nascent Soul, he finds out the means that Chen Xi heard something never heard of before, that is 或许是因为想象力太丰富的缘故,当老者意识到自己无法突破到元婴后,他就想出了一个陈曦闻所未闻的办法,那就是 Takes own mortal body as the foundation, turns into own whole person is similar existence in Nascent Soul. 以自己的肉身为根基,把自己整个人都变成类似于元婴的存在。 Nascent Soul is only an energy body. 要知道,元婴只是一种能量体。 Turns into itself Nascent Soul...... 把自己变成元婴…… Can become oneself is like the ghost? 岂不是就要把自己变得跟鬼一样? Cruel or ugly people? 半人半鬼? But why this is Chen Xi is unable to injure to the real reason of old man. 而这也是陈曦为什么无法伤害到老者的真正原因。 After all, this everywhere black smoke, each and each wisp...... 毕竟,这漫天黑烟,每一丝、每一缕…… Is he. 都是他。 Even the body does not have, naturally cannot be injured. 连身体都没有,自然不会受伤。 Therefore, if Chen Xi wants to massacre the old man truly, that only then destroys completely this black smoke entirely, fine single cannot let off. 因此,如果陈曦想要真正杀掉老者,那就只有将这黑烟统统灭掉,一丝一缕都不能放过。 Otherwise, the old man can through the way of plundering, return to the peak by oneself sooner or later again. 否则,老者迟早可以通过掠夺的方式,再次让自己回到巅峰。 Ridding the people of an evil is a big good deed, as the new century outstanding young fellow, this type damaged Chen Xi naturally is sees one to butcher one, using temporarily as accumulates the good deeds done in secret to oneself...... 为民除害可是一大好事,作为新世纪优秀男青年,这种祸害陈曦自然是见一个宰一个,权当是给自己积阴德了…… Therefore, after understanding clearly the details of old man, Chen Xi is similar to making a great show of one's talents Long Sword, flies directly the arrived space. 于是,洞悉了老者的底细后,陈曦便如同一把锋芒毕露的长剑,直接飞到了天上。 Afterward, his hand grasps the Divine Sword method, after flying high brandishes one, the side suddenly appears seven exactly the same Long Sword. 随后,他手握神剑法相,凌空挥舞一番后,身边就突然浮现出七把一模一样的长剑 Each, in the Divine Sword law with his hand is the same. 每一把,都和他手中的神剑法相一样。 Although the old men do not know that actually Chen Xi must make anything, but he light/only looked that this stance does not know simply. 老者虽然不知道陈曦究竟要做什么,但他光看这架势也知道不简单。 Therefore, before Chen Xi launches the attack, in the air black smoke then radical turning welled up. 于是,在陈曦发动攻击之前,空中的黑烟便剧烈的翻涌了起来。 The black smoke gathers one, the suddenly time, changes to pythons that unexpectedly is having three heads, plate in sky toward Chen Xi crazy is spitting the snake letter/believes. 黑烟汇聚到一处,不过眨眼的功夫,竟然就重新化作一条长着三个脑袋的巨蟒,盘在天空朝着陈曦疯狂的吐着蛇信。 Seven Long Sword hang in the sky. 七把长剑悬于天空。 Three pythons raise the head high, as if may plunge Chen Xi anytime. 三头巨蟒将脑袋高高扬起,似乎随时都有可能扑向陈曦 At this moment. 就在这时。 Chen Xi wields suddenly begins Long Sword, the sword points to the church ruins sharp. 陈曦忽然挥动手中长剑,剑尖直指教堂废墟。 Seven Long Sword immediately like receiving the arrived instruction, changes to seven streams light shoots to the ground. 七把长剑顿时就像收到了指令一样,化作七道流光射向地面。 Three pythons also think that this sword must shoot at itself, therefore then sent out earth-shaking neighing. 三头巨蟒还以为这剑要射向自己,于是便发出了一阵惊天动地的嘶鸣。 However what the old man has not thought is...... 然而老者没想到的是…… The Long Sword goal is actually not it. 长剑的目标却根本就不是它。 After these seven Long Sword shoot the church ruins, is immediately same like the searchlight of energizing, fierce mapping seven towering light beams. 等到这七把长剑射进教堂废墟以后,顿时就如同通了电的探照灯一样,猛的映射出七道参天光柱。 Seven rays appear the inclined shape, just gathers on Long Sword in Chen Xi hand. 七道光芒呈倾斜状,刚好汇聚到陈曦手中的长剑上。 The old men detect the danger, therefore then raises that three fierce snake head, threw toward the position that Chen Xi was at directly. 老者察觉到危险将至,于是便扬起那三颗狰狞的蛇头,径直朝陈曦所在的位置扑了上去。 But very much what is a pity is...... 但很可惜的是…… Being too late. 为时已晚。 Only listens to Chen Xi one to shout angrily: Gets up!” 只听陈曦一声怒喝:“阵起!” The cone that covered the entire church light/only covers, rose in the nighttime sky slowly. 一个覆盖了整座教堂的圆锥形光罩,就这么在夜空中冉冉升了起来。 Since this inhuman non- ghost and body myriad, then Chen Xi only then under scattering the unescapable net, takes it at one fell swoop. 既然这老贼非人非鬼、身化万千,那么陈曦就只有撒下天罗地网,将其一举拿下。 Exceedingly high murderous formation 通天杀阵 The Big Dipper locks the soul, the fire refining up the daytime! 七星锁魂,火炼长天!
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