IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#308: Manifesting a presence

The Saint light blooms, the gospel loudly sang. 圣光绽放,福音高唱。 Like lake water dazzling light gate, emerges out of thin air together in the Jesus idol dead ahead. 一道如同湖水般的耀眼光门,就这么凭空出现在耶稣神像的正前方。 light gate blooms ten thousand bunches of golden light, looks from afar, but some reflect the sunlight probably in water. 光门绽放出万簇金光,远远看去,但有些像是倒映在水里的阳光。 But sunlight after the refraction of lake water, as then the ripples of lake surface start to beat gently, in the wall and vault of church present the golden light spot that the innumerable sizes varied immediately. 而阳光在经过湖水的一番折射之后,便随着湖面的涟漪开始轻轻跳动起来,以至于教堂的墙壁、穹顶上顿时就出现了无数大小不一的金色光斑。 Looking into the distance, as if innumerable little elves dance lightly in the church vault general. 放眼望去,就仿佛无数的小精灵在教堂穹顶翩翩起舞一般。 If there is a reverent Christianity follower to see this, it is estimated that will be frightened at the scene kneels down, in the mouth shouted loudly Christianity to manifest a presence unceasingly. 如果有虔诚的基督信徒看到这一幕,估计就会被吓得当场跪倒在地,口中不断高呼着基督显圣了。 But very much what is a pity, what Li Xiuwen and Xun manager believe is not Christianity, but very mysterious Shinrikyo. 但很可惜的是,李修文和荀管事信奉的并不是基督教,而是十分神秘的真理教。 With opening of light gate, huge True Essence then continuous divulging from light gate. 随着光门的开启,一股庞大的真元便从光门里源源不断的泄漏出来。 So-called divulging, referred to the chemical substance that in the industrial production should not flow out or leak off, flows out or leaks off outside the mechanical device in the situation that no one detects, thus causes the unnecessary losses. 所谓泄漏,原本是指工业生产中不应该流出或漏出的化学物质,在没有人察觉的情况下流出或漏出机械设备以外,从而造成不必要的损失。 Unceasingly but now, divulges from light gate is actually not the chemical substance, but is Immortal Cultivator laborious refining True Essence...... 可现在,从光门里不断泄漏的却不是什么化学物质,而是修仙者辛苦炼化真元…… True Essence is Immortal Cultivator practice bit by bit obtained, therefore is theoretically impossible to divulge. 真元本是修仙者一点一点的修炼所得,所以从理论上来讲是不可能泄漏的。 Also because, in the event of the situation of True Essence divulging, basically only has a reason, that is...... 也正是因为如此,一旦出现真元泄漏的情况,基本上就只有一个原因,那就是…… Immortal Cultivator did not overstate when practice carefully, control that thus is unable to have one's wish again within the body True Essence. 修仙者修炼时不小心走火入魔,从而无法再随心所欲的控制住体内真元 Such as this situation, the actually words and expressions can the vivid image summarizes, namely 诸如这种情况,倒是有一个词语可以生动形象的去概括,即 Urine incontinence. 尿失禁。 ...... …… Chen Xi protects Lin Xuan in oneself behind, carefully is then observing the sound in light gate. 陈曦林萱护在自己身后,然后便仔细的观察着光门里的动静。 Since that moment that since light gate presents, on Xun manager face appeared an extremely frantic expression. 自从光门出现的那一刻起,荀管事的脸上就浮现了一种极其狂热的表情。 Mingming (clearly) has carried the severe wound, but he now actually like being all right person, kneeling of beaming with health on the ground, raises both hands to shout wildly to say loudly: Heavenly father manifests a presence! Takes pity on me and others! Dared to be disobedient all your this world to purify entirely!!!” 明明已经身负重伤,但他现在却像个没事儿人一样,满面红光的跪在地上,举着双手高声狂呼道:“天父显圣!垂怜我等!将这世间胆敢忤逆您的一切都统统净化了吧!!!” This strange praying word just a saying ended, on Xun manager face exuded moist red suddenly, that appearance looked looks like the theomania follower of being drunk actually. 这番奇怪的祷言刚一说完,荀管事脸上就忽然泛起了一阵潮红色,那模样看上去倒是像极了喝醉酒的宗教狂信徒。 However...... 不过…… While Xun manager exciting time, in light gate actually projects together the red light suddenly, hit directly in Xun manager forehead. 正当荀管事兴奋不已的时候,光门里却突然射出一道红光,直接就打在了荀管事眉心。 Following close on, he looked like receives an electric shock was the same, the whole body shivered fiercely, and could not have borne exude a painful wailing sound. 紧跟着,他就像是触电了一样,全身都剧烈的颤抖了起来,并且还忍不住发出了一阵痛苦的哀嚎声。 "Ah!!! Good pain!!! ” “啊!!!好痛啊!!!” The wailing sound stops suddenly. 哀嚎声戛然而止。 Afterward, Xun manager appearance is senile on the by visible speed, the full black hair like spurted to draw with the painting generally, becomes snow white instantaneously. 随后,荀管事的容貌就以肉眼可见的速度衰老下来,满头黑发更是如同被人用喷漆喷绘了一般,瞬间就变得一片雪白。 However the suddenly time, Xun manager turned into full Touhua to send, the facial features withered 80-year-old senior unexpectedly. 不过眨眼的功夫,荀管事竟然就变成了一个满头华发、面容枯槁的耄耋老人。 This...... what's the matter?! I how?!” “这……怎么回事?!我怎么了?!” Xun manager is hoarse the throat, dumbfounded looks at own arm. 荀管事沙哑着嗓子,目瞪口呆的看着自己的手臂。 His arm...... 他的手臂…… Was similar to loses moisture content eggplant to result , the full arrange/cloth folded, dried out standard exosmosis person seemingly. 就如同失去了水分的茄子似得,满布皱褶,干瘪瘪的看上去格外渗人。 "Ah!!! ” “啊!!!” Possibly is because does not have the means to accept the present all, Xun manager exuded a sad and shrill wailing sound again. 可能是因为没办法接受眼前的一切,荀管事再次发出了一阵凄厉的哀嚎声。 How long but this wailing sound has not continued...... 但这哀嚎声并没有持续多久…… Xun manager seemed like seized the neck to be the same suddenly, did not have the sound instantaneously, had the paralysis weak on the ground is twitching. 荀管事就突然像是被人掐住脖子了一样,瞬间就没了声音,只得瘫在地上无力的抽搐着。 But has not twitched several, Xun manager lay on the ground did not have the aura thoroughly. 但还没抽搐几下,荀管事就趴在地上彻底没了气息。 This...... 这…… Looks at the dry corpse of this dehydration, Li Xiuwen is shocked at present. 看着眼前这具脱水的干尸,李修文惊呆了。 But when he has gotten back one's composure finally, puts down the chalice wants to flee from this damned place the time, in light gate presented a shadow suddenly. 可等到他终于回过神,放下圣杯想要逃离这个鬼地方的时候,光门里却忽然出现了一道黑影。 That is a whole body is covered the person in black cape. 那是一个全身都被笼罩在黑色斗篷里的人。 That person only revealed half face. 那人只露出了半张脸。 However depends on these half face, actually also sees him to be a getting old elderly man sufficiently. 不过就凭这半张脸,却也足以看出他应该是一位上了年纪的老人家。 The elderly man walked from light gate, was later hoarse the throat to ask such a question: 老人家从光门里走了出来,随后便沙哑着嗓子问出了这样一个问题: Who was...... alarmed me......” “是谁……惊扰了我……” Then, he then opened the cape slowly, revealed own appearance/portrait. 说完,他便缓缓揭开斗篷,露出了自己的真容。 This was a even eyebrow catches the elderly man of silver frost, on the face of experiencing hardship to the full carved completely the trace of years. 这是一位连眉毛都染上了银霜的老人家,饱经风霜的脸上刻满了岁月的痕迹。 Although a sepia eye gets sucked in the eye socket, but in which look is very tranquil, seems like especially gentle kind, lies down like every day in neighbor grandfather that in the neighborhood garden suns...... 一双棕褐色的眼睛虽然深陷在眼窝里,但其中的眼神却很平静,看上去格外的慈祥和蔼,就像每天都躺在小区花园里晒太阳的邻家老爷爷似的…… Elderly man tranquil asked the issue, but no one replied him. 老人家平静的提出了问题,但却没有人回答他。 After all, knows actually only he is whose Xun manager, now has also lain down on the ground turned into a dry corpse. 毕竟,唯一知道他究竟是谁的荀管事,现在也已经躺在地上变成了一具干尸。 ...... …… In fact, light gate is one transmits spell formation. 实际上,光门便是一座传送阵法 Turns on the spell formation key then to hang in Xun manager chest front cross, but opens the energy that spell formation needs, actually needs his whole body blood essence...... 开启阵法的钥匙便是挂在荀管事胸前的十字架,但开启阵法所需要的能量,却需要他全身精血…… Xun manager activated spell formation very excitedly. 荀管事十分兴奋的激活了阵法 But absolutely what he has not thought that spell formation starts at the same time can actually want his poor life, even Divine Soul has not let off. 但他绝对没有想到的是,阵法启动的同时却会要了他的小命,甚至连神魂都没有放过。 Divine Soul entirely to extinguish. 神魂俱灭。 Dying is not fearful, what is fearful how is dead does not know. 死并不可怕,可怕的是连怎么死的都不知道。 Deep after looking at light gate one, Chen Xi feels a sorrow for Xun manager. 深深的看了光门一眼后,陈曦不禁为荀管事感到一阵悲哀。 The so loyal subordinate said that abandons abandons, from this point...... 如此忠心的手下说弃就弃,就从这一点来说…… At present this elderly man also is really a qualified evil cultivates. 眼前这位老人家还真是一位合格的邪修呢。 ...... …… Chen Xi grasps the Divine Sword method, unceasing is taking a look at present this elderly man. 陈曦手持神剑法相,不断的打量着眼前这位老人家。 Lin Xuan cautious hiding in him behind. 林萱则小心翼翼的躲在他身后。 Because was covered the reason of line of sight by the sacrificial altar, therefore she does not know that Xun manager has turned into the dry corpse now. 因为被祭台遮挡了视线的缘故,所以她并不知荀管事现在已经变成了干尸。 Therefore, after hearing elderly man's voice, the Lin Xuan then quite curious finding out head, and sized up his quietly. 于是,听到老人家的声音后,林萱便颇为好奇的探出脑袋,并悄悄的打量了他一番。 The old men are also sizing up Chen Xi. 老者也在打量着陈曦 After he sees the Divine Sword law in Chen Xi hand, in that the eye socket of Shenao flashed through a none immediately. 等到他看见陈曦手中的神剑法相后,那深凹的眼眶里顿时就闪过了一丝精光。 Afterward, he will focus 随后,他才将视线放在了林萱身上。 Lin Xuan does not make clear the condition, therefore is crooked the head, bewildered looks at each other one with this elderly man at present. 林萱搞不清楚状况,于是便歪着脑袋,一脸茫然的跟眼前这位老人家对视了一眼。 However. 然而。 Is this...... 就是这一眼…… Probably actually touched what mechanism/organization, making the old man stick out suddenly suddenly, was dormant for a long time poisonous snake like one, threw toward the position that the prey was at directly. 却像是触动了什么机关似的,令老者突然暴起,如同一条蛰伏已久的毒蛇,直接朝着猎物所在的位置扑了过来。 Lin Xuan has not responded completely, the old man has then flushed arrived in front of her. 林萱完全没有反应过来,老者便已经冲到了她面前。 "Ah! ” “啊!” Because distance too near reason, Lin Xuan even also saw the color spot on old man face clearly, therefore was frightened at the scene cannot bear exude one to call out in alarm. 因为距离太近的缘故,林萱甚至还清楚的看见了老者脸上的色斑,所以当场就被吓得忍不住发出了一声惊呼。 Sees that the old man actually laughs saying: Never expected that the old man can discover so best quality goods today unexpectedly here the incense burner, the baby, you had the luck......” 见状,老者却是不禁哈哈大笑道:“没想到老夫今天竟然能在这里发现一个如此极品的炉鼎,小娃娃,你有福了……” Then, the old man then stretches out that to be similar to a dead tree arm, wants directly Lin Xuan from Chen Xi behind drawing. 说完,老者便伸出那如同枯树枝般的手臂,想要直接把林萱陈曦身后拉出来。 However. 然而。 While he extends the take action arm, an indifferent sound actually made a sound by his ear suddenly. 就在他伸出手臂的同时,一个冷漠的声音却突然在他耳旁响了起来。 Go away!” “滚!” The voice falls. 话音落下。 The cold light then flies high to delimit together, cut directly on the arm of old man...... 一道寒光便凌空划过,径直砍在了老者的手臂上……
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