IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#307: Shinrikyo

Although a Xun manager father dresses up, but in a blaze of passion, his within the body actually gushed out extremely Yin evil aura suddenly. 虽然荀管事一身神父装扮,但在盛怒之下,他体内却忽然涌出了一股极度阴邪的气息。 …… …… But this...... 而这…… Obviously is his true colors. 显然才是他真面目。 This recruits the Shinrikyo of member using the religious belief, is actually more like frequently presents the demon outlet in knight-errant play. 这个利用宗教信仰来招募成员的真理教,其实更像是经常出现在武侠剧里的邪魔外道。 So long as to oneself advantageous, then they can resort to all means that stops at nothing. 只要对自己有利,那么他们就可以不择手段,无所不用其极。 Therefore, after Xun manager opens the arm sends out a long and loud cry, on him suddenly emitted many pitch-dark thick fog, looks very strange. 因此,当荀管事张开手臂发出一声长啸后,他身上就忽然冒出了许多黑漆漆的浓雾,看上去十分诡异。 The black fog appears after Xun manager within the body is fluctuating unceasingly the shape, like opens the fierce face surely, circling of making threatening gestures in midair. 黑雾从荀管事体内出现后就不断变幻着形状,如同千万张狰狞的人脸一样,张牙舞爪的盘旋于半空之中。 But makes people feel what fear is, these faces as if have the life to be common, exudes the grating squeal unceasingly, made that dignified instantaneously the sacred church to turn into the evil different incomparable ghost legendary creature. 而更让人感到害怕的是,这些人脸仿佛具有生命一般,不断发出刺耳的尖叫声,瞬间就让那原本庄严神圣的教堂变成了邪异无比的森罗鬼蜮。 The temperature in air reduces suddenly, a gloomy and cold woods cold feeling covered presented everyone. 空气中的温度骤然降低,一种阴冷森寒的感觉笼罩了在场所有人。 Ghost...... ghost......” “鬼……鬼……” Possibly is because the initiation time is not long, but also without contacting too multiple-core secret reason, therefore Li Xiuwen is seeing so terrifyingly one secretly, was frightened backward withdrew several steps. 可能是因为入教时间不长,还没有接触到太多核心机密的缘故,所以就连李修文在看到如此恐怖的一幕后,也是被吓得不禁向后退出了好几步。 In fact, aren't these floats in the in the air ghost, Xun manager these year of practice Yin evil cultivation method the innocent live of injury? 实际上,这些漂浮在空中的鬼影,可不就是荀管事这些年修炼阴邪功法而伤害的无辜生命? Not only the injuring someone life, seizes the worldly person mortal form, even must fetter Yin Soul of innocent person in own within the body, is regarded as an attack method. 不光害人性命、夺人精魄,甚至还要将无辜者的阴魂束缚在自己体内,当作是一种攻击手段。 Does not let off the deceased people, this type disappears the humane cruel behavior dishonorably, it is estimated that also cultivated to do evilly comes out. 连死人都不放过,这种伤天害理泯灭人性的残暴行为,估计也就只有邪修才能做得出来了。 Celestial? Happen to my ten thousand ghosts bite the soul also to lack a ghost king, this position left you!” 天人是吗?正好我的万鬼噬魂还缺一个鬼王,这个位置就留给你了!” After an offense howls, Xun manager body then fierce shakes. 一声戾啸之后,荀管事的身体便猛的一震。 Following close on, that said surely the ghost is similar to the dark cloud to block out the sun, pressed toward Chen Xi fiercely. 紧跟着,那千万道鬼影便如同乌云蔽日般,猛地朝着陈曦压了过来。 Purgatory, hundred ghosts travel by night. 森罗炼狱,百鬼夜行。 The evil spirits, ten thousand ghosts bite the soul! 魑魅魍魉,万鬼噬魂! Facing so terrifying scene, in Chen Xi's brain actually suddenly mental association arrived another matter. 面对如此恐怖的景象,陈曦的脑子里却忽然联想到了另外一件事。 Just knew the Ning Zhongguo's time in him, Ning Zhongguo asks him to treat an illness for old friend Zhang Jiade. 在他刚刚认识宁仲国的时候,宁仲国请他替老朋友张嘉德治病。 Zhang Jiade youngest son Zhang Hongyuan, to not suffer his father, but specially practice a cult tactic? 张嘉德的小儿子张宏远,可不就是为了折磨他老爹而专门修炼了一门邪术? This cult tactic...... 这门邪术…… Does not have lineage/vein with the cult tactic that Xun manager currently does use? 可不就跟荀管事现在所使用的邪术同出一脉? Indeed...... 敢情…… The Shinrikyo has started to gather the follower, but they did not have now is so unscrupulous at that time. 真理教早就开始招揽信徒了,只不过他们当时还没有现在这般肆无忌惮罢了。 The shadow, Chen Xi will actually be pondering as before some immaterial issues, have not as if paid attention to be the same Xun manager. 黑影将至,陈曦却依旧在思考着一些无关紧要的问题,似乎根本就没有把荀管事放在眼里一样。 Sees that when Xun manager coldly smiled, holds the both arms to prepare to appreciate Chen Xi to be bitten the heart painful appearance by ten thousand ghosts. 见状,荀管事不禁冷冷一笑,抱起双臂准备欣赏陈曦被万鬼噬心时的痛苦模样了。 However...... 然而…… After these Yin Soul rush to the Chen Xi front, actually saw that probably suddenly the sunlight vampire results, exudes an sharp grating calling out sound fiercely. 等到这些阴魂冲到陈曦面前以后,却像是突然见到阳光的吸血鬼似得,猛地发出一阵尖锐刺耳的嚎叫声。 Following close on, these Yin Soul look like before daybreak the shadow, was seeing that the sunlight the flash has then vanished all. 紧跟着,这些阴魂就像是破晓前的黑影,在见到阳光的一瞬间便已尽数消失殆尽。 This...... did ten thousand ghosts bite the soul expiration?!” “这……万鬼噬魂失效了?!” Xun manager is staring the eyes, as if cannot believe all that completely at present has. 荀管事瞪着双眼,似乎完全不敢相信眼前所发生的一切。 From beginning to end, Chen Xi stands in same place motionless, even the eyelid has not lifted. 从始至终,陈曦都站在原地一动不动,甚至连眼皮都没抬一下。 But myriad Yin Soul of his these year of laborious collections are actually similar to the snow ablation general, on disappearance seven 7 or 8 eight, is only left over scattered some also to circle instantaneously in the church vault. 但他这些年辛苦收集的万千阴魂却如同积雪消融一般,瞬间就消失的七七八八,只剩下零零散散的一些还盘旋在教堂穹顶。 Even the water splash has not braved one, all had returned to normal...... 连水花都没冒一个,一切就已经恢复了平静…… Actually to have what?! 究竟发生了什么?! In Xun manager brain a blank, really by being shocked that has at present. 荀管事脑子里一片空白,着实被眼前所发生的惊呆了。 Does not have the meaning.” “没意思。” Sees with own eyes a Xun manager puzzled appearance, Chen Xi then cannot bear shakes the head slightly, then walked toward the sacrificial altar slowly. 眼见荀管事一副不解的样子,陈曦便忍不住微微摇了摇头,然后缓缓朝着祭台走了过来。 Ten thousand ghosts bite the soul to be a Divine Soul kind of attack, therefore not like general Magic magnificent brilliant, but lethality actually not weak in Jianjue, Magic and others. 万鬼噬魂属于神魂类攻击,所以不会像一般的法术那样华丽绚烂,但杀伤力却是丝毫不会弱于剑诀、法术等。 But very much what is a pity, Divine Soul kind of attack actually enormous limits. 但很可惜的是,神魂类攻击却有一个极大的限制。 That is...... 那就是…… Rank suppression. 等级压制。 Only if Xun manager realm surpasses or is equal to Chen Xi, otherwise he will never possibly attack to injure Chen Xi with Divine Soul. 除非荀管事的境界超过或等同于陈曦,否则他永远不可能用神魂攻击伤害到陈曦 Does the ant bite to death the elephant? 蚂蚁咬死大象? Obviously is the impossible matter. 显然是不可能的事情。 Has realm spatially, does not have the compatible strength......” “空有境界,却没有与之相匹配的实力……” Knows......” “知道吗……” You make the qualifications that I draw a sword not have.” “你连让我拔剑的资格都没有。” Is saying, Chen Xi while stretched out the index finger and middle finger, then...... 一边说着,陈曦一边伸出了食指和中指,然后…… And refers to the sword, flies high a finger/refers. 并指成剑,凌空一指。 Azure Sword Glow the lasing, hit Xun manager chest together immediately instantaneously. 一道青色剑芒顿时激射而出,瞬间就打中了荀管事的胸口。 You......” “你……” Xun manager looked at own chest, in the eye covered entirely the unbelievable look. 荀管事怔怔的看了看自己的胸口,眼中布满了难以置信的神色。 Chen Xi also wants to test Xun manager cultivation base, but never expected that his actually such weak chicken...... 陈曦原本还想测试一下荀管事的修为,但没想到他却是这么的弱鸡…… If by the battle efficiency, he estimated that is also not the Sun Wen opponent. 如果论战斗力的话,他估计还不是孙温的对手。 After all, the Sun Wen cultivation base good and evil is also his bit by bit cultivation accumulates obtained, Xun manager this type of heresy can compare favorably can it be that? 毕竟,孙温修为好歹也是他自己一点一点修行积累所得,又岂是荀管事这种旁门左道所能媲美的呢? Xun manager is seriously injured, fettered Lin Xuan restrictive seal to lose the effect immediately. 荀管事身受重伤,束缚林萱禁制顿时就失去了效果。 Therefore, after exuding one called out in alarm, Lin Xuan then sits up from the sacrificial altar fiercely, throws the arrived Chen Xi bosom directly. 于是,在发出了一声惊呼后,林萱便猛地从祭台上坐起,直接扑到了陈曦怀里。 Chen Xi!” 陈曦!” Lin Xuan lies down on the sacrificial altar, although cannot move, but her consciousness is sober, all she who therefore had a moment ago watches. 林萱躺在祭台上虽然不能动,但她的意识却是清醒的,所以刚才所发生的一切她都看在了眼里。 She has thought Chen Xi is not the average person, this is also the arrived confirmation. 她一直觉得陈曦不是什么普通人,这回也算是得到了证实。 Just...... 只不过…… This fact also far exceeds her imagination. 这个事实还远远超出她的想象罢了。 Lin Xuan lies in the Chen Xi bosom is crying. 林萱趴在陈曦怀里大哭着。 The appearance of that pear flower belt/bring rain, looks somewhat seems like the child who is wronged outside but actually, only then after going home, will cry aloud in front of Father and Mother...... 那梨花带雨的模样,看上去倒有些像是在外面受了委屈的孩子,只有回到家以后才会在爸爸妈妈面前哭出声来…… But after crying, Lin Xuan actually lay in the Chen Xi bosom in a low voice twittering. 但哭了一阵后,林萱却是趴在陈曦怀里低声呢喃了起来。 Chen Xi......” 陈曦……” Chen Xi......” 陈曦……” Chen Xi......” 陈曦……” Listens to her to talk over own name, Chen Xi has awkward smiling, then gently shoves open her, the comfort said in a low voice: Was all right, I here, should not be afraid......” 听着她一直念叨着自己的名字,陈曦只得尴尬的笑了笑,然后轻轻的将她推开,低声安慰道:“没事儿了,我在这儿,别害怕……” After Lin Xuan was shoved open by Chen Xi, she was also as if more sober. 等到林萱陈曦推开以后,她似乎也清醒了许多。 Therefore, after using that glowing red eye deep looked at Chen Xi one, she then lowering the head of fast, then brings some weeping voice to say in a low voice: Thanked...... you to save me......” 于是,在用那双红彤彤的眼睛深深的看了陈曦一眼后,她便又飞快的低下头,然后带着些许哭腔低声说道:“谢谢……你又救了我……” Among two people the atmosphere is quite ambiguous, treats as with Xun manager Li Xiuwen simply does not exist to be the same. 两人之间的气氛颇为暧昧,简直把李修文和荀管事当作不存在一样。 Chen Xi had not butchered Xun manager directly, that is because he thinks a living witness, and understands the Shinrikyo the information. 陈曦并没有直接宰了荀管事,那是因为他想个活口,并借此了解一下真理教的信息。 But what Chen Xi has not thought is...... 陈曦没想到的是…… Even if Xun manager has been seriously injured, but before dropping down, on his face actually flashed through stern countenance. 即使荀管事已经身受重伤,但在倒下之前,他脸上却还是闪过了一丝厉色。 While Lin Xuan with the Chen Xi's gap, Xun manager arouses the whole body strength, suddenly takes off the cross on neck, then threw toward the Jesus idol. 趁着林萱陈曦的间隙,荀管事更是鼓足全身力气,突然将脖子上的十字架摘下,然后朝耶稣神像扔了过去。 When contaminated the cross of blood to pound the Jesus idol flash, an intense ray then bloomed fiercely in the church...... 等到沾染了鲜血的十字架砸中耶稣神像的一瞬间,一股强烈的光芒便猛地在教堂里绽放开来…… The accident breaks out! 变故突起! Chen Xi can ignore so many again, can only hug the bosom Lin Xuan. 陈曦再也顾不了那么多,只能一把将林萱搂进怀里。 Following close on, him is then holding in the arms Lin Xuan with the left hand, the right hand flies high grasps, the Divine Sword method appears in his hand immediately. 紧跟着,他便用左手搂住林萱,右手凌空一握,神剑法相顿时出现在他手上。 But Chen Xi is so vigilant , because he detected in the church to experience an intense True Essence fluctuation suddenly. 陈曦之所以如此警惕,是因为他突然察觉到教堂里出现了一股强烈的真元波动。 The sound...... 其动静之强…… By far white rainbow. 远胜白虹。
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