IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#237: Got windy

Next morning. 次日一早。 Lotus City, Wuhouci Avenue. 蓉城,武侯祠大街。 Little fellows blurry was taken into the bathroom by Qin Ruoying, after washing one, the robot that she charges probably is the same, the big eye flicks, the whole body brims with that type only to be the vigorous vitality of child. 小家伙迷迷糊糊的被秦若盈带进卫生间,洗漱一番后,她才像是充了电的机器人一样,大眼睛一闪一闪的,浑身都洋溢着那种只属于小孩子的蓬勃朝气。 After arriving kitchen when she jumps, Chen Xi then pinched her small face, asked with a smile: Niannian, today's breakfast is Father does, likes?” 等她蹦蹦跳跳的来到厨房后,陈曦便捏了捏她的小脸,笑着问道:“念念,今天的早餐是爸爸做的哟,喜不喜欢?” hearing this, this little thing looked like mashes up garlic to result to select the head immediately. 闻言,这小东西顿时就像是捣蒜似得点起了脑袋。 Although Chen Xi had not said what does is anything, but she not mince has expressed the meaning that wants to taste. 虽然陈曦还没说做的是什么,但她却已经毫不掩饰的表达出自己想要尝尝的意思。 Because...... 因为…… The Father product, must be the high-quality goods! 爸爸出品,必属精品! For these days was the food that Aunt Zhang and Qin Ruoying made, although was also very delicious, but compared with the Chen Xi's craftsmanship, actually as if missed anything. 这几天都是张婶秦若盈做的饭,虽然也很好吃,但跟陈曦的手艺比起来,却似乎还是差了点什么。 The gruel has not boiled, therefore, this little thing then fronts the tip of the toe to lie by the cabinet, wrinkles the small tip of the nose to smell the intermittent delicate fragrance that floats from the earthenware cooking pot unceasingly. 粥还没有熬好,于是,这小东西便垫着脚尖趴在橱柜旁边,皱着小鼻尖不断嗅着从砂锅里飘来的阵阵清香。 Gluttonous kid rumble is swallowing the saliva, eager after taking a look at Chen Xi to scoop up one bowl, she then raises both hands to meet, but was actually patted gently by Chen Xi. 馋嘴娃‘咕噜咕噜’的吞着口水,眼巴巴的瞅着陈曦舀出一碗后,她便举着双手想要去接,但却被陈曦轻轻拍掉了。 Burns carefully, you first go to the table to sit, Father gives you to carry to come.” “小心烫,你先去桌上坐好,爸爸给你端过来。” hearing this, by this little thing then running arrived table, then oneself climbed up the chair, sits is flinging the calf above unceasingly, is one is unable to tolerate thirst and hunger the appearance seriously. 闻言,这小东西便屁颠屁颠的跑到了餐桌旁,然后自己爬上了椅子,坐在上面不断甩着小腿,当真是一副饥渴难耐的模样。 Today's breakfast is the red bean lotus flower seed pod rice gruel. 今天的早餐是红豆薏米粥。 The seed of Job's tears is the traditional Chinese medicine, taste sweet Xingliang, has to eliminate the spot, acne and smallpox smallpox effect, frequently takes the seed of Job's tears to be able very good beauty aid, thus made the skin more and more exquisite. 薏米属于中药材,味甘性凉,具有消除斑点、粉刺、痘痘的功效,经常服用薏米可以很好的美容养颜,从而令皮肤越来越细腻。 Simultaneously the seed of Job's tears can also dispel, the promotion blood circulation wet, plays invigorates the blood to stop pain as well as regulate menstruation the function of detumescence. 同时薏米还能祛湿、促进血液循环,起到活血止痛以及调经消肿的作用。 The little fellows like eating the sweets, therefore Chen Xi also added a wee bit crystal sugar in cooking gruel slightly. 小家伙喜欢吃甜食,所以陈曦在熬粥的时候还稍微加了一丁点冰糖。 She took up the ladle to taste one, felt that sweet glutinous nuo, as if also brings unusual delicate fragrance, therefore then also took the ladle to scoop up one spoon again. 她拿起勺子尝了一口,感觉甜甜糯糥的,似乎还带着一股奇特的清香,于是便又拿着勺子再舀了一勺。 ‚After squish two small mouths, this little thing then very satisfied grins to laugh saying: Papa! Really delicious!” ‘吧唧’啧了两下小嘴后,这小东西便十分满意的咧嘴大笑道:“粑粑!真好吃!” Clever, is delicious you to eat.” “乖,好吃你就多吃点。” After Chen Xi to Qin Ruoying also abundant one bowl of gruel, this touches her head, then sits side, with discussing the tone said with her: Niannian, Father has the matter to go out today, later makes Mother accompany you to go to happy valley play, is good?” 陈曦秦若盈也盛了一碗粥后,这才摸了摸她的脑袋,然后坐到旁边,用商量的语气跟她说道:“念念,爸爸今天有事要出去一趟,待会儿让妈妈陪你去欢乐谷玩,好不好?” Chen Xi mentioned the happy valley, the eye of this little thing shone immediately, nodded to say hastily: Good! I want to go to the happy valley!” 陈曦一提到欢乐谷,这小东西的眼睛顿时就亮了起来,连忙点头应道:“好!我想去欢乐谷!” That Father went out, you must listen to the Mother words, knows?” “那爸爸出门了,你要听妈妈的话,知道吗?” Knows!” “知道!” Really clever, kisses/intimate one!” “真乖,来亲一个!” Chen Xi hands in front of the face the little fellow, then with pointing at referred to own cheeks. 陈曦把脸递到小家伙面前,然后用手指了指自己的脸颊。 Sees that little fellow then very coordination on the Chen Xi's face squish, water stains on mouth left behind one on his cheeks immediately the symbol. 见状,小家伙便十分配合的在陈曦的脸上‘吧唧’了一下,嘴巴上的水渍顿时就在他的脸颊上留下了一个浅浅的记号。 Papa sees again!” 粑粑再见!” The little fellows sit on the chair, turned the body toward to wield the small hand who Chen Xi went all out. 小家伙坐在椅子上,扭着身子朝陈曦卖力的挥起了小手。 At this time, Qin Ruoying also smiled was saying to Chen Xi: Attention security.” 这时,秦若盈也微笑着对陈曦说道:“注意安全。” Good.” “好。” Chen Xi nods gently, later had the happy expression to turn around to walk out of the door. 陈曦轻轻点了点头,随后才带着笑意转身走出了家门。 At this moment, their family of three are in this world in myriad happy families the most common that group. 这一刻,他们一家三口就是这世上万千幸福家庭之中最普通的那一组。 ...... …… Heweitan military base. 河尾滩军事基地。 9 : 00 am regarding the serviceman, is actually very late. 早上 9 点对于军人来说,其实已经很晚了。 Li Tiedan and Xue Shugen stand outside Room Chen Xi's, two people are intertwining should by whom to call Chen Xi to get out of bed...... 李铁蛋薛树根站在陈曦的外面,两人正在纠结着该由谁去叫陈曦起床…… The action code name of this duty is Kunlun Mountains, Chen Xi is the top official. 这次任务的行动代号是昆仑,陈曦是总负责人。 Due to the weather / due to weather conditions, must therefore wait till ten points to be able. 因为天气的原因,所以必须要等到十点才能出发。 Although has not been the departure time, but the squad members have actually built up, now is discussing in hall difficulty that on the line of march and road probably encounter. 虽然还没有到出发时间,不过小队成员却早已集结完毕,现在正在大厅里讨论着行进路线以及路上可能遇到的困难。 At this time, actually still whistling rested in the room as Chen Xi of leadership greatly, naturally worried badly his bodyguard. 这种时候,作为领导的陈曦却还在房间里呼呼大睡,自然愁坏了他的警卫员。 Li Tiedan hesitant, finally cannot bear want goes forward to knock on a door, the door actually suddenly opens. 李铁蛋犹豫了一阵,终于忍不住想要上前敲门的时候,房门却突然打开了。 Chen Xi looked at two people one of the looking distressed, asking of doubts: What's wrong?” 陈曦看了愁眉苦脸的两人一眼,不禁疑惑的问道:“怎么了?” Not......” “没怎么……” Li Tiedan gawked, should say hastily: Teacher what thought that today's weather is good, therefore wants to discuss with you, looks to be able one hour ahead of schedule?” 李铁蛋愣了一下,连忙应道:“何老师觉得今天的天气还不错,所以想跟您商量一下,看能不能提前一个小时出发?” Ok, that walks.” “行,那走吧。” Chen Xi nods, then walked from two people directly. 陈曦点了点头,然后就直接从两人面前走了过去。 Sees that Xue Shugen asked hastily: „Does Brother Chen, want me to go to the kitchen to give you hot spot thing?” 见状,薛树根连忙问道:“陈哥,要不要我去厨房给你热点东西?” Does not use, I have eaten, walks.” “不用,我吃过了,走吧。” Has eaten? When?” “吃过了?什么时候?” hearing this, Li Tiedan and Xue Shugen looked at each other one, in two people eyes some doubts. 闻言,李铁蛋薛树根不禁对视了一眼,两人的眼中都有些疑惑。 They eat meal goes to bathroom, will keep a person to defend outside Room Chen Xi's, therefore very definite Chen Xi has not had the door. 他们俩就连吃饭上厕所的时候,都会留一个人守在陈曦的外面,所以很确定陈曦根本就没有出过房门。 Then the issue came, breakfast that actually Chen Xi when has? 那么问题来了,陈曦究竟是啥时候吃的早饭? Chen Xi goes to downstairs hall time, the people who last night met arrived all. 陈曦来到楼下大厅的时候,昨晚开会的人都尽数到场了。 Tian Runcheng sees Chen Xi after the building, then goes forward after his smalltalk immediately several, the group then prepared. 田润城一看到陈曦从楼上下来以后,便立刻上前跟他客套了几句后,一行人便准备出发了。 Today's weather is very good, the outside sunlight is beautiful. 今天的天气很好,外面阳光明媚。 The dazzling sunlight under the reflection of snowy mountain, almost makes one unable to open the eye. 刺眼的阳光在雪山的反射下,几乎让人睁不开眼睛。 However although sunlight hold, that temperature actually as in 20 degrees below zero. 然而阳光虽盛,那气温却依旧在零下二十度。 With 25 people of Chen Xi peer, four scholars, they are various experts in aspect, such as ecology, environmental science, botany, geology. 陈曦同行的二十五人中,有四名学者,他们都是各方面的专家,如生态学、环境科学、植物学、地质学等。 Looked at this stance, Martial Arts Federation wants to depend upon the science to find the glacier seriously to change the reason of oasis...... 看这架势,武联当真是想依靠科学来找到冰川变绿洲的原因…… Three military helicopters embark from Heweitan Base, later directly soars the Shaksgam River valley. 三架军用直升机从河尾滩基地出发,随后直奔克勒青河谷。 Here is the China border, therefore the helicopter cannot again toward the forward flight. 这里就是华夏的边境,所以直升机不能再往前飞。 Therefore, the group then alit from the airplane in the Shaksgam River valley, then transfers the military for all -terrain vehicle that they provide, opened along the river valley to Siachen Glacier. 于是,一行人便在克勒青河谷下了飞机,然后转乘军方为他们提供的全地形车,沿着河谷一路开向了锡亚琴冰川。 Heweitan is open in La Kunlun Mountain, the sunshine is rich, therefore the snow not covers all rocks and soils. 河尾滩在喀喇昆仑山阳面,日照丰富,所以积雪并未将所有的岩石和泥土都覆盖住。 The Shaksgam River valley in the north slope surface, the topography relatively is moderate, in addition snow year to year not, turned into a thick glacier. 克勒青河谷则在山阴面,地势相对缓和,再加上积雪常年不化,以至于变成了厚厚的一层冰川。 The glacier flows swiftly from Gao Jun's summit shop , the sunlight sprinkles, immediately reflects the dazzling ray. 冰川从高峻的山巅铺泻而下,阳光洒下,立刻反射出耀眼的光芒。 It may be said that golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), magnificent magnificent. 可谓金光万丈、瑰丽辉煌。 The giant ice cavern and precipitous ice bridge, are similar to the crystal palace in legend to be common. 巨大的冰洞、险峻的冰桥,就如同传说中的水晶宫一般。 Chen Xi take out a phone, wanting racket several pictures to go back to give the little fellow to have a look. 陈曦拿出手机,想要拍几张照片回去给小家伙看看。 But when his take out a phone time, discovered that cell phone could not have operated the machine. 但等到他掏出手机的时候,才发现手机已经开不了机了。 The magnetic field in this place is too strong, cell phone computer kind of digital production became the brick thoroughly. 这地方的磁场太强,以至于手机电脑这类数码产品彻底变为了砖头。 From the river valley to Siachen Glacier actually on more than 40 kilometers distance, all -terrain vehicle leads the way along the river valley ice surface speedily. 从河谷到锡亚琴冰川其实就四十多公里路程,全地形车沿着河谷的冰面疾速前行。 After less than a half hour, Chen Xi one line successfully stepped into Siachen Glacier. 不到半小时后,陈曦一行就成功踏入了锡亚琴冰川。 But after they step into Siachen Glacier, in the sky of that clear and boundless sky suddenly presented the big piece dark cloud, among Heaven and Earth immediately dim. 而就在他们踏入锡亚琴冰川后,那原本晴空万里的天空中却突然出现了大片乌云,天地间顿时就黯淡了下来。 Looks at such, as if must get windy...... 看那样子,似乎要起风了……
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