IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#236: Siachen Glacier

Chen Xi is Wang Chunju invites specially leads, Martial Arts Federation naturally meets his material to transmit the Heweitan military base ahead of time. 陈曦王春菊专程请来带队的,武联自然会他的资料提前转交河尾滩军事基地。 Although he does not have the government position in the body, but the appraisal of Martial Arts Federation EX rank, has made one respect sufficiently. 虽然他并没有官职在身,但武联ex级别的评价,已经足以令人敬重了。 Therefore after Chen Xi passing through the gate, will receive so grand welcome. 所以陈曦进门之后,才会受到如此隆重的欢迎。 Hello, I am Chen Xi......” “大家好,我是陈曦……” Chen Xi nods toward everyone on the scene with a smile. 陈曦笑着朝着在场的所有人点了点头。 In the conference room has more than 20 individuals, wears the military uniform only accounted for 1/3, remaining wears the casual attire. 会议室里有二十多个人,其中穿军装的只占了三分之一,剩下的都穿着便装。 Chen Xi looked with no trace, discovers in the middle of these people weakest after is Transforming Vigor, in the heart had immediately clearly became aware. 陈曦不着痕迹的看了一圈,发现这些人当中最弱的都是化劲后,心中顿时有了明悟。 But in the most front of board, then sits two to wear the eyeglasses middle-aged person, looked is that precise and advanced talent who carries out the scientific research. 而在会议桌的最前排,则坐着两个戴着眼镜中年人,一看就是搞科研的那种高精尖人才。 Chen Xi brings Li Tiedan and Xue Shugen entered the conference room. 陈曦带着李铁蛋薛树根走进了会议室。 At this time, stood the military uniform man's in president after Chen Xi signaled by nodding one next, this with a smile said to everyone on the scene: Since Mr. Chen arrived, then I spoke one from the beginning again, didn't everyone has the opinion?” 这时,站在主席位上的军装男人朝着陈曦点头示意了一下后,这才笑吟吟的对在场的所有人说道:“既然陈先生到了,那么我就从头再讲一遍吧,大家没意见吧?” Chen Xi is the team leader of this duty, the people present naturally cannot have any comment. 陈曦才是这次任务的领队,在座的众人自然不会有任何意见。 Therefore, after he takes a seat, before the military uniform man then sets out the tactical blackboard of arrived conference room corner . 于是,等到他入座以后,军装男人便起身来到了会议室一角的战术黑板前。 On the tactical blackboard has drawn a design that is similar to the map, as well as does not know the implication the arrow. 战术黑板上已经画了一幅类似于地图的图案,以及很多不知寓意的箭头。 Looks at that modeling, it is estimated that was this duty location. 看那造型,估计就是此次任务所在地了。 „After oasis appears, various countries started signal shield in this region, causing the peripheral communications system to paralyze comprehensively, therefore I can only use the handpainted way, first has a look at with the schematic diagram way picture to everyone the duty region......” “绿洲出现以后,各国都在这块区域启动了信号屏蔽器,导致周边的通讯系统全面瘫痪,所以我只能用手绘的方式,把任务区域先用草图的方式画给大家看看……” Please look, this is the area Kashmir area of this duty, the core region that the oasis “诸位请看,这就是此次任务的所在地区克什米尔地区,绿洲所在的核心区域并不在我军的实际控制范围内,所以这次任务具有一定的危险性,希望大家做好心理准备……” Chen Xi this time is helps, therefore he must according to the request of Martial Arts Federation, leading the experts in several related aspects to go to this/should area to conduct the science investigation and study. 陈曦这次是来帮忙的,所以他要按照武联的要求,带领几位相关方面的专家前往该地区进行科学调研。 But he will comply with the request of Wang Chunju ; first, to fulfill own commitment ; Two are because he also recovers the Heaven and Earth phenomenon that triggers to be interested to this spiritual energy very much. 而他之所以会答应王春菊的请求,一是为了兑现自己的承诺;二则是因为他也对这种灵气复苏而引发的天地异象很感兴趣。 Chen Xi wants to have a look actually, actually 30 degrees below zero places how present the oasis. 陈曦倒是想看看,零下30度的地方究竟是怎样出现绿洲的。 Difficult to be inadequate, does spiritual energy of heaven and earth have the function of change temperature? 难不成,天地灵气还有改变气温的作用? Stands in the chairman's podium for everyone told that the military uniform man of duty relevant detail, is the top official of Heweitan military camp, Tian Runcheng. 站在主席台上为大家讲述任务相关细节的军装男人,正是河尾滩军事营地的总负责人,田润城。 Tian Runcheng has guarded seven years in this area, is familiar with the peripheral all situations. 田润城在这个地区已经驻守了七个年头,对周边的一切情况都了如指掌。 The so-called Kashmir area, is actually a bit like to the golden triangle. 所谓的克什米尔地区,其实有点类似于金三角。 Is China and India, and Pakistan intersection point. 华夏、天竺、以及巴国的交界处。 The northwest part of this area by the Pakistan actual control, the southern areas was actually controlled by India, Aksai Chin of Northeast part is the China territory. 这块地区的西北部分被巴国实际控制,南部地区被天竺实际控制,东北部分的阿克赛钦则是华夏领土。 India and Pakistan declared oneself claim the sovereignty over Kashmir throughout, therefore this place is always unceasing on the dispute. 天竺和巴国都宣称自己对克什米尔全境拥有主权,所以这地方历来就纷争不断。 India is not really concerned about face very much. 阿三真的很不要脸。 In fact, before most areas in Kashmir, is the China territory. 实际上,克什米尔的大部分地区以前都是华夏的领土。 More than 50 years ago, India started the war to China. 五十多年前,阿三华夏发起了战争。 At that time shortly after China founded a nation, experienced several large-scale campaigns, when the Vietnam war and Korean war, were the national strength was most void, therefore India seizes the chance to China to start the aggressive war. 那时候华夏建国不久,先后经历了几场大规模战役,越北战争、高丽战争,正是国力最为空虚之时,所以阿三就趁机对华夏发起了侵略战争。 Although China just started to be hit to handle by India to guard, but responded, actually counter-attacks and advances triumphantly, hit India retreats in defeat again and again, its advance forces penetrate the India center 212 kilometers, almost soon hits the arrived India New Delhi. 华夏虽然刚开始被阿三打了个措不及防,但反应过来后却是一路反击、高歌猛进,打的阿三节节败退,其先遣部队更是深入天竺腹地212公里,几乎快要打到了阿三的首都新德里。 This war, India died in battle 4885 people, captured 3968 people, China died in battle 722 people, was wounded 697 people. 此战,阿三阵亡4885人,俘虏3968人,华夏阵亡722人,负伤697人。 Therefore now the words that goes to Karakorum to travel, will see more than ten martyrs'cemeteries along the way. 所以现在去喀喇昆仑旅行的话,沿途会看到不下十座烈士陵园。 Behind the simple number, is actually the soldiers only solves the battlefield dead for the country, why must dead in battle solemn and stirring honor. 简简单单的数字背后,却是士兵们只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还的悲壮荣光。 Although the victory, still defeats. 虽胜,犹败。 After this campaign, China as the winner, has not actually pursued to the end and hit hard to India, but is the driving truce, gives back to India the captive and weapon, and also withdraws 20 kilometers from the original control line again, draws back the arrived La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein rear Aksai Chin directly. 这场战役过后,华夏作为胜利方,却没有对阿三穷追猛打,而是主动停战,把俘虏和武器还给阿三,并且还从原有的控制线再后撤20公里,直接退到了喀喇昆仑山脉后方的阿克赛钦。 These 20 kilometers, are the present northern Kashmir. 这20公里,就是现在的克什米尔北部地区。 The oasis appears in the three-country realities controls the intersection point of region, the core region Siachen Glacier of Kashmir. 绿洲出现在三国实控区域的交汇处,克什米尔的核心区域锡亚琴冰川。 Siachen Glacier is located in south La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein, average 6000 meters above sea level above, even in the summer, is a stretch of the world of ice and snow, the daytime temperature 20 degrees below zero, the temperature 50 degrees below zero, the environment is extremely bad in the evening, does not suit any biological survival, since the ancient times is the unpopulated area. 锡亚琴冰川位于喀喇昆仑山脉南部,平均海拔6000米以上,即使夏天,都是一片冰天雪地,白天气温零下20度,晚上气温零下50度,环境极其恶劣,不适合任何生物生存,自古以来都是无人区。 Although this place the environment is bad, but is actually similar Shanhai Pass such military heavily. 这地方虽然环境恶劣,但却类似山海关这样的军事重地。 Can overlook China to north, can nibble Pakistan to the west. 向北可以俯瞰华夏,向西可以蚕食巴国 Therefore India attaches great importance to this place especially, year to year sends with large army the guard. 所以阿三对于这地方格外重视,常年派重兵把守。 Once China or Pakistan have lax, India dispatches troops to nibble immediately. 一旦华夏巴国有一丝松懈,阿三就会立刻出兵蚕食。 Can account for one inch to account for one inch, like a wild dog that likes snatching the food everywhere, really disgusting is not good. 能占一寸就占一寸,就像一条喜欢到处抢食的野狗一样,实在让人恶心的不行。 After China falls back on La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein north, India and Pakistan make war in this area frequently, therefore this place also becomes the entire world to be highest, natural condition worst battlefield. 华夏退到喀喇昆仑山脉北部后,天竺和巴国就经常在这个地区开战,所以这地方也成为全世界海拔最高,自然条件最为恶劣的战场。 Tian Runcheng is pointing at the tactical blackboard, after the duty related issue introduced one all, Chen Xi then discovered oneself met a big burden from Wang Chunju. 田润城指着战术黑板,把跟任务相关的问题尽数介绍一遍后,陈曦这才发现自己原来从王春菊手上接了个大包袱。 The oasis the first time was not appeared, but appeared in various countries before, for example Takla Makan in the China center, the words that Martial Arts Federation wants to investigate can go momentarily. 绿洲不是第一次出现了,不过以前都出现在各国境内,比如塔克拉玛干在华夏腹地,武联想去调查的话随时都可以去。 But this difference, Siachen Glacier, although by the India actual control, simply had not been obtained China and Pakistan, and even the approval of all countries in the world, therefore this is completely a territory that does not have the sovereignty. 但这次不一样,锡亚琴冰川虽然被阿三实际控制,却根本没有得到华夏巴国,乃至世界各国的认可,所以这完全就是一块没有主权的领土。 Any resources that this place produces, naturally seeing has the share. 这种地方出产的任何资源,自然见者有份。 Therefore, Martial Arts Federation orchestrated this action. 因此,武联才策划了这次行动。 However the issue came, although everyone did not acknowledge that this area belongs to India, but India has the actual control to this region. 然而问题来了,虽然大家都不承认这块地区归阿三所有,但阿三却对这块区域有着实际的控制权。 For does not cause the unnecessary trouble, therefore this duty can only conduct secretly, is primarily investigates in secret. 为了不引起不必要的麻烦,所以这次任务只能秘密进行,以暗中调查为主。 Although Tian Runcheng has not stated clearly, but the meaning in words has expressed was very clear. 田润城虽然没有明说,但话里的意思却已经表达的很清楚了。 This duty can only conduct covertly, once were discovered by India, and launches the fight the words, the Heweitan military base will not dispatch troops to support. 这个任务只能偷偷摸摸的进行,一旦被阿三发现,并且展开战斗的话,河尾滩军事基地是不会派兵支援的。 Because this is their personal behaviors, cannot the representative China official. 因为这是他们的个人行为,并不能代表华夏官方。 Also because of so, Martial Arts Federation meets elite completely leaves. 也正是因为如此,武联才会精锐尽出。 Wang Chunju does not even hesitate to use up Chen Xi's to pledge, must ask him to go into action, actually also to guarantee the success of this duty. 王春菊甚至不惜用掉陈曦的承诺,也要请他出马,其实也只是为了保证这次任务的成功罢了。 Chen Xi sits in the position had not spoken. 陈曦坐在位置上一直没有说话。 Careful after pondering over one, he actually frowns slightly. 仔细的琢磨一番后,他却是不禁微微皱起了眉头。 The oasis the first time was not appeared, why will Martial Arts Federation attach great importance to? 绿洲也不是第一次出现了,武联为什么会如此重视? Actually does inside have what? 里面究竟有什么? This, but really brought back his interest. 这一回,可是真的勾起他的兴趣了。
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