IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#235: Mr. Chen, hello

Whom Earth cannot lack not to transfer. 地球不会缺了谁就不转了。 Wang Chunju wants to look for the Chen Xi help , is just because Chen Xi once has to capture alive the Celestial score. 王春菊之所以想找陈曦帮忙,也只不过是因为陈曦曾经有着生擒天人的战绩罢了。 Sun Wen might as well die by living that Devouring Heart Ant suffers now all day, but he during the astonishing destructive power that going crazy shows, made Martial Arts Federation have the most direct-viewing appraisal to the Chen Xi's battle efficiency. 孙温现在整天都被噬心蚁折磨的生不如死,而他在发狂期间所展现出的惊人破坏力,也让武联陈曦的战斗力有了最直观的评价。 The west also has to be similar to Martial Artist or Alchemist such existence, but they do not have so many complex realm divisions. 西方也有类似于武者方士这样的存在,不过他们却没有那么多复杂的境界划分。 In the West, the strength of powerhouse indicated with the letter generally, from the F level to a level, the S level that as well as lists alone. 在西方,强者的实力一般都是用字母来表示,从f级到a级,以及单独列出的s级。 The so-called S level, is actually equivalent to China Celestial realm. The level is fierce enough, but also has a special rank above the S level, the EX level. 所谓的s级,其实就相当于华夏天人境界。级已经够厉害了,但在s级之上却还有一个特殊的级别,ex级。 ex , extreme, the meaning of limit. ex,extreme,极限的意思。 Martial Arts Federation regarding the appraisal of Sun Wen is s +, then can capture alive Sun Wen Chen Xi, naturally is the EX rank in legend. 武联对于孙温的评价是s+,那么能够生擒孙温陈曦,自然就是传说之中的ex级别。 the EX level, Celestial realm most powerhouse, is most powerhouse in entire human race. ex级,天人境界的最强者,同时也是全人类中的最强者。 Deserving uncrowned king. 当之无愧的无冕之王。 Chen Xi exhibits one to spread out with Martial Arts Federation thoroughly the stance, Wang Chunju is a smart person, will not naturally say anything at this kind of time. 陈曦摆出一副要彻底跟武联拉开距离的架势,王春菊是聪明人,自然也不会在这种时候多说什么。 After all to commitment orally, approval at heart will be actually more important. 毕竟相对于口头上的承诺,其实心里的认可会更加重要。 But makes the telephone call in Chen Xi shortly, Li Tiedan cell phone actually also made a sound suddenly. 而就在陈曦挂完电话没多久,李铁蛋手机却也突然响了起来。 He looks at the above number, then handed over a look to Xue Shugen, then arrives at the fence, after glancing right and left one next, serious connected the call. 他一看上面的号码,便给薛树根递了个眼神,然后走到围墙边,左顾右盼了一下后,才一脸严肃的接通了电话。 Sees that Chen Xi actually smiled. 见状,陈曦却是不禁微微笑了起来。 Looks at this stance, it is estimated that these two Northeast young fellows must follow he to leave together go far from home. 看这架势,估计这两个东北小伙子得跟着他一起出趟远门了。 ...... …… Is the night. 是夜。 La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein, Heweitan military base. 喀喇昆仑山脉,河尾滩军事基地。 In China all civil airfields, when is Daocheng Yading Airport is highest, its elevation as high as 4411 meters, therefore becomes the world's highest civil airfield. 华夏所有民用机场中,当属稻城亚丁机场的海拔最高,其海拔高达4411米,也因此成为了世界上海拔最高的民用机场。 The elevation of Daocheng Yading Airport is high enough, but in the airport with Heweitan military base compares, somewhat felt dwarfed. 稻城亚丁机场的海拔已经够高了,但跟河尾滩军事基地里的机场比起来,还是有些小巫见大巫了。 The Heweitan military base is located in La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein center-section, 5418 meters above sea level, is west China one of the frontier force important bases. 河尾滩军事基地位于喀喇昆仑山脉中段,海拔5418米,是华夏西部边防军的重要基地之一。 This place four seasons floating snows, all year long frozen, high and cold, oxygen deficit, low pressure, strong ultraviolet ray and cosmic ray exposure, the natural environment is quite bad, even the Tibetan antelope does not have the means to survive. 这地方四季飘雪、终年冰封,高寒、缺氧、低压、强紫外线和宇宙射线照射,自然环境极为恶劣,连藏羚羊都没办法存活。 If in daytime, looking into the distance, will then discover that among this boundless Heaven and Earth was only left over three colors. 若是在白天,放眼望去,则会发现这茫茫天地间就只剩下了三种颜色。 Snow and brownish yellow soil in vain, as well as blue sky. 白白的积雪、棕黄的泥土、以及蓝蓝的天空。 Here, cannot see a tree and a grass, is completely the life-forbidden zone that plant is not a to survive. 在这里,看不到一棵树、一株草,完全就是一个连植物都无法生存的生命禁区。 The tonight's temperature lowers to 40 degrees below zero, in the Heweitan military base is actually brilliantly illuminated. 今晚的气温低至零下40度,河尾滩军事基地里却是一片灯火通明。 A military tactical transport aircraft tears to pieces the nighttime sky like the big dragon generally, imposing does not fear the wind and snow that everywhere howls, fell from the summit of distant place rapidly. 一架军用战术运输机如同巨龙一般撕破夜空,凛然不惧那漫天呼啸的风雪,从远方的山巅急速滑落了下来。 The transport aircraft stopped on the runway in Heweitan military base. 运输机停在了河尾滩军事基地的跑道上。 Afterward, in the engine room went out of three people. 随后,机舱里走出了三个人。 Li Tiedan is binding the thick military cotton-wadded jacket, although he has been psychologically prepared, and put on the portable oxygen respirator, but is treading the flash of engine room, Li Tiedan a flower, the under foot hits to stagger fiercely at present immediately. 李铁蛋裹着厚厚的军用棉袄,虽然他早已做好了心理准备,并且戴上了便携式氧气呼吸器,但在踏出机舱的一瞬间,李铁蛋还是猛地眼前一花,脚下顿时就打了个踉跄。 What concept are the elevation five kilometers? 海拔五千米是什么概念? The atmospheric pressure and oxygen content do not arrive at the normal value half, even on foot, is still equivalent empty-handed carries a heavy load 35 kilograms. 大气压强和氧含量均不到标准值的一半,即便空手徒步,也相当于负重35公斤。 When the airplane has the compression and ventilation installment, the cruise in the cabin the air pressure is equivalent to about 2500 meters elevation, therefore flies even if in ten thousand meters upper air, will not have anything to affect to the human body. 飞机有加压和供氧装置,巡航时舱内气压相当于2500米左右的海拔,所以哪怕飞在万米高空,对人体也不会有什么影响。 So-called altitude sickness, mainly because the ambient pressure reduces suddenly, causing the human body internal pressure on increase unceasingly. 所谓的高原反应,主要还是因为外界气压陡然降低,导致人体内部压力不断增大。 Suddenly are many like the body in the balloon that gasified unceasingly, the balloon inflates is oppressing the cranial nerve and visceral organ, makes one have various uncomfortableness. 就像身体里突然多了一个不断充气的气球一样,气球膨胀压迫着脑神经和内脏器官,以至于让人产生各种不适感。 Therefore, even if Li Tiedan wore the oxygen respirator, at this moment still has a scant of breath, the feeling that the both legs become tender. 因此,哪怕李铁蛋戴了氧气呼吸器,此刻却依然有着一种呼吸困难,双腿发软的感觉。 Chen Xi stands in them behind, after seeing their uncomfortable appearances, then discharge a wisp of True Essence quietly, thus alleviated two people uncomfortableness slightly. 陈曦站在他们身后,看到他们那副难受的模样后,便悄悄的放出一丝真元,从而稍稍缓解了两人的不适感。 Under the ramp is standing one team of soldiers, after seeing they go out of the engine room, soldiers then neat saluted. 舷梯下方站着一队士兵,看到他们走出机舱以后,士兵们便齐刷刷的敬了个军礼。 Sees that Chen Xi then also resembles mold type returned to a military salute toward them, then patted Li Tiedan and Xue Shugen, hints them to walk quickly. 见状,陈曦便也似模似样的朝他们回了一个军礼,然后拍了拍李铁蛋薛树根,示意他们走快一点。 La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein topography is important, is the strategic location, therefore the environment is even if bad, here is always stationed in a supporting the borders defense force. 喀喇昆仑山脉地势险要,乃兵家必争之地,所以哪怕环境再恶劣,这里都始终驻扎着一支边防军。 To be honest, guards in this place, actually has no difference from the guarding hell front door. 说实话,驻守在这种地方,其实就跟驻守地狱大门没什么区别。 The soldiers are taking the life to protect our homes and defend our country and guard the frontiers completely. 士兵们完全就是在拿命保家卫国、戍守边疆。 The Heweitan military base is not big, even did not have golden triangle Basha that false military base to be big. 河尾滩军事基地并不大,甚至都还没有金三角巴察的那个假军事基地大。 Looking into the distance, on a runway, in addition three houses. 放眼望去,也就一个机场跑道,外加三栋房子罢了。 Three houses are seemingly ordinary, the interior actually is new gathers the benzole board thermal insulation material. 三栋房子看上去普普通通的,内部却全是新型聚苯板保温材料。 On is spreading the Dali stony soil brick, the window is the double-decked vacuum heat preservation glass, the radiator of finding at everywhere is sending out the intermittent steam unceasingly, making the indoor temperature throughout maintain at 20 c about. 地上铺着大理石地板砖,窗户则是双层真空保温玻璃,随处可见的暖气片更是不断散发着阵阵热气,让室内温度始终保持在20c左右。 After all, China with the war of India already past more than 50 years, with the China national strength day after day is powerful, the living condition of soldiers also this/should is naturally getting better and better. 毕竟,华夏跟天竺的战争已经过去五十多年了,随着华夏国力的日渐强盛,士兵们的生活待遇自然也该越来越好。 The soldiers are leading Chen Xi one line arrived a room that is similar to the conference room. 士兵领着陈曦一行来到了一个类似于会议室的房间。 Inside seems to be meeting, the soldier knocks on a door, after inside transmits please enter, the soldier toward Chen Xi made a posture of invitation. 里面似乎正在开会,士兵敲了敲门,等到里面传来一声‘请进’以后,士兵才朝着陈曦做了一个请的姿势。 Seeing that Chen Xi is impolite, pushed the door to walk directly. 见状,陈曦也不客气,直接就推门走了进去。 In the conference room is very lively. 会议室里很热闹。 Sweeps sketchily, inside sits 20 people at least. 粗略一扫,里面起码坐着二十来号人。 But shoves open the flash of front door in Chen Xi, everyone present then throws arrived the line of sight on him. 而就在陈曦推开大门的一瞬间,在座的所有人便都把视线投到了他身上。 Li Tiedan and Xue tree, although has not experienced the society, but this does not represent their unfeeling to be suave. 李铁蛋和薛树虽然没怎么经历过社会,但这可不代表着他们不通人情世故。 Almost is at the same time, they discover the atmosphere in this conference room to seem some is not right, therefore then slowed down the footsteps slightly, subconscious and Chen Xi pulled out a body distance. 几乎是同一时间,他们俩都发现这会议室里的气氛好像有些不对劲,于是便稍稍放慢了脚步,下意识的和陈曦拉出了一个身位的距离。 Because does not want to seem extremely alternative by oneself, therefore Chen Xi for the first time wears an overcoat today. 因为不想让自己显得太过另类,所以陈曦今天破天荒的穿了一件军大衣。 He is calm and composed even in press of work managed the coat, discovered that in the conference room as if no one must speak, therefore then took a fast look around people on the scene slowly, this said with a smile: Hello, do I need to do to introduce oneself?” 他好整以暇的理了理大衣,发现会议室里似乎并没有人要说话,于是便缓缓扫视了在场众人一圈,这才笑道:“大家好,我需要做下自我介绍吗?” hearing this, the people in conference room seem like actually touched the puppet of arrived mechanism/organization to be the same, instantaneously on neat stood. 闻言,会议室里的众人却像是被碰到了机关的木偶一样,瞬间就齐刷刷的站了起来。 Wears the military uniform toward his good military salute, has not worn the military uniform slightly under the bow the body, everyone salutes to send regards simultaneously toward him: Mr. Chen, hello.” 穿军装的朝他行军礼,没穿军装的则微微躬下身子,所有人都同时朝他行礼问候道:“陈先生,您好。” This, is the EX level in legend. 这位,就是传说中的ex级。
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