IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#233: Karakorum

The old house may live it up now. 老房子现在可热闹了。 Seven Sirs, two children. 七个大人,两个小孩。 How Li Tiedan to Xue Shugen said that is also the guest, therefore Aunt Zhang greeting they have been eating to order food warmly. 李铁蛋薛树根怎么说也是客人,所以张婶一直在热情的招呼他们多吃点菜。 But this lets two north man awkward serious , the time is a restless appearance. 但这却让两个北方汉子尴尬的不得了,时刻都是一副坐立不安的样子。 Treated in the army for a long time, their truly some did not adapt to this type to be the life flavor alone. 在部队待久了,他们确实有些不适应这种独属于生活的味道。 Therefore has had the dinner carelessly, two people escape in the running up to courtyard that also resembles, then a person is defending one side, the pestle results in javelin there. 所以草草吃过晚饭,两人就逃也似的跑到院子里,然后一人守着一边,杵在那儿就跟个标枪似得。 The little fellows took the ladle to take a look at their back one eyes, this asking of some doubts: Papa, uncle's belly is so big, how to eat are less than me?” 小家伙拿着勺子瞅了他们的背影一眼,这才有些疑惑的问道:“粑粑,叔叔的肚子那么大,怎么吃的比我还少吖?” This child said the shameless words, immediately teased everyone present to laugh. 这番童言无忌的话语,顿时就逗得在座的所有人都哈哈大笑了起来。 The bodyguards have responsibility of bodyguard, Li Tiedan and Xue Shugen have the duty in the body, coming to here to not to take vacation, therefore does not need Chen Xi to tell, they fulfill oneself responsibility on own initiative. 警卫员有警卫员的责任,李铁蛋薛树根有任务在身,来这里可不是为了度假,所以根本不需要陈曦吩咐,他们就主动履行起自己的责任来。 Standing guard, is one of the duties. 站岗,也是任务之一。 The old house four rooms, after they two came, is just filled up with actually. 老房子有四个房间,他们两来了以后倒是刚好住满。 In the evening sleeps, Aunt Zhang was worried that their two grown men will push in one meter five small bed will be very uncomfortable, therefore then wants to change a room with them, but actually by the rejection of two people righteousness expression. 晚上睡觉的时候,张婶担心他们两大男人挤在一张一米五的小床会很难受,所以便想跟他们换个房间,但却被两人义正言辞的拒绝了。 Although this bed only then one meter five widths, but actually by the comfort of very Aunt Zhang upholstery, lay down the bed in military compound to be even more comfortable than them. 这床虽然只有一米五宽,但却被张婶铺垫的十分舒适,躺上去甚至比他们在军营里的床铺还要舒服。 Moreover, when they not with rests. 而且,他们俩并不会同时休息。 Because they have completed to be on night duty the division of labor, Li Tiedan defends before midnight, the Xue Shugen value after midnight. 因为他们已经做好值夜分工,李铁蛋守上半夜,薛树根值下半夜。 Seriously is not lax. 当真是一刻也不曾松懈。 Actually needs to protect as for Chen Xi, that was not the issue that they need to consider...... 至于陈曦究竟需不需要保护,那就不是他们需要考虑的问题了…… Next morning. 次日一早。 Aunt Zhang is then discussing this/should chapter of Lotus City with Chen Xi. 张婶便跟陈曦商量着该回蓉城了。 Has the conflict with the local ruffian is its one, because mainly Xie Pinglin and Cai Shuqin both days should go to work. 跟地痞流氓起冲突是其一,主要还是因为谢平林蔡淑琴过两天都该上班了。 After all Spring Festival has passed, their unit is the operation quite late, this/should preparation puts into the life now. 毕竟春节早已过去,他们夫妻俩的单位已经算是开工比较晚的了,现在也该准备重新投入生活了。 Kid's rural experience is happy, but after she heard Granny to say must return to Lotus City, was actually jumps the foot immediately excitedly, looked at that stance, seemed like does not want to treat here. 小家伙的农村体验还算愉快,可当她一听到奶奶说要回蓉城后,却是立刻激动的跳起了脚来,看那架势,似乎是一刻也不想在这里多待了。 Children, is interested in the colorful big city. 小孩子嘛,还是对花花绿绿的大城市更感兴趣一些。 Sees that Chen Xi then gives the driver to telephone, making him drive to meet everyone from the county. 见状,陈曦便给司机打了个电话,让他从县城里开车过来接大家。 But in departure, had a small interlude actually. 而在离开的时候,倒是发生了一个小插曲。 Because gl8 can only sit seven people, but Chen Xi adds on Li Tiedan and Xue Shugen now, altogether is nine people. 因为gl8只能坐七个人,但现在陈曦一家加上李铁蛋薛树根,一共就是九个人。 Therefore Li Tiedan being probable makes the driver get out, but he sat in the driving position. 所以李铁蛋非得让司机下车,而他则一屁股坐在了驾驶位上。 Driver he, can only stubborn finally honest and Xue Shugen chartered a van together. 司机拗不过他,最后只能老老实实的和薛树根一起包了个面包车。 ...... …… Does not have the words along the way. 沿途无话。 When the group return to Lotus City time, the time has come arrived 2 : 00 pm. 等到一行人回到蓉城的时候,时间已经来到了下午 2 点。 The Spring Festival aura has vanished thoroughly, the first-tier city of Lotus City this new generation also returned to the past lively scene. 春节的气息已经彻底消失,蓉城这座新生代的一线城市也回归了往日的繁华景象。 The whole families the moving back family/home of local product bags in brings after the rural area, was discussing goes to Jinli to stroll. 一家人把从农村带来的土特产大包小包的搬回家里后,便商量着去锦里逛逛。 Jinli in the opposite, the little fellow comes not to go to play twice for various reasons, this can go finally fun. 锦里就在对面,小家伙来两次都因为各种原因没有进去玩,这回总算可以去好好玩玩了。 However walks out of the door in everyone, stands, when the roadside is waiting for the street, the Chen Xi's telephone actually rang suddenly. 然而就在大家走出家门,站在路边等着过马路的时候,陈曦的电话却突然响了起来。 Comes the electricity person is Qin Yuqing. 来电人是秦妤卿 The Chen Xi connection telephone, just fed one, sister-in-law of telephone that head directly soared the subject saying: Has a matter to need to ask you to help.” 陈曦接通电话,刚刚喂了一声,电话那头的小姨子就直奔主题道:“有个事情需要请你帮忙。” hearing this, Chen Xi shook the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 闻言,陈曦不禁摇头失笑了起来。 He just asked Martial Arts Federation to help, how long this crossed, does Martial Arts Federation want to let his also this favor? 他刚刚才请武联帮了个忙,这才过了多久,武联就想让他还这个人情了? You said.” “你说。” Karakorum presented the Heaven and Earth phenomenon, just like Taklamakan Desert, suddenly presented a big oasis......” “喀喇昆仑出现了天地异象,跟塔克拉玛干沙漠一样,突然出现了一大片绿洲……” Karakorum? What thing?” “喀喇昆仑?什么东西?” Chen Xi hears this words and expressions time was shocked. 陈曦听到这个词语的时候都愣住了。 Present he has the ability of photographic memory, therefore very definite never has really heard this words and expressions. 现在的他可是有着过目不忘的能力,所以很确定自己是真的从未听说过这个词语。 In border, by Himalaya Mountains.” “在边境,喜马拉雅山旁边。” Afterward, Qin Yuqing then matter after detailed said to Chen Xi. 随后,秦妤卿便把事情经过详细的跟陈曦讲了一遍。 The Himalaya Mountains do not need to introduce, because Mount Everest stands erect there. 喜马拉雅山就不需要介绍了,因为珠穆朗玛峰就矗立在那儿。 La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein by Himalayas, this mountain range are also the entire world glacier most centralized place, therefore was known as that is the entire world most bad risk place. 喀喇昆仑山脉就在喜马拉雅山脉旁边,这座山脉也是全世界冰川最为集中的地方,因此号称是全世界最凶险的地方。 But that rarely known world's second peak Qogir, actually here. 而那座鲜为人知的世界第二高峰乔戈里峰,其实就在这里。 The Qogir 8611 meters above sea level, are only more than lower than 200 meters Mount Everest, but its crest of wave all had actually been covered by Mount Everest. 乔戈里峰海拔8611米,仅比珠穆朗玛峰低两百多米,但它的风头却全被珠穆朗玛盖过了。 In fact, by the climb difficulty, Qogir is the mountain peak of this world's most difficult climb, is until now, only had not been climbed the successful independent mountain peak the winter. 实际上,论攀登难度,乔戈里峰才是这个世界上最难攀登的山峰,也是迄今为止,唯一一座没有被人冬攀成功的独立山峰。 A simple description, its back is the innumerable scalers keeps the corpse of Qogir...... 一句简单的描述,其背后却是无数攀登者留在乔戈里峰的尸体…… Why can always no one winter climb here successfully? 为什么从来没人能在这里冬攀成功? A very big reason is, Himalayas is good to climb on La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein. 很大的一个原因就是,喜马拉雅山脉本身就比喀喇昆仑山脉好攀登。 Actually the elevations of two mountain ranges have not differed many, but La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein actually some people successfully stepped into and successfully returns until 1954 for the first time. 其实两座山脉的海拔并没有相差多少,但喀喇昆仑山脉却直到1954年才有人第一次成功踏入并顺利返回。 Here topography is precipitous, the mountain peak mostly has tapering and high and precipitous contour, proliferates the snowy peak and giant glacier. 这里地势险峻,山峰大多具有尖削、陡峻的外形,遍布雪峰以及巨大的冰川。 Let alone climbed Qogir, so long as stepped into La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein, place that any elevation exceeded five kilometers, its mortality rate has reached as high as 30%. 别说攀登乔戈里峰了,只要踏入喀喇昆仑山脉,凡是海拔超过五千米的地方,其死亡率就已经高达30%。 Does this don't tell me also being insufficient make one be awed at the sight? 难道还不足以让人望而生畏? The fame is not big, mortality rate actually strange tall, gradually, Qogir and La Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein naturally did not know very well for the average man. 名气不大,死亡率却奇高,久而久之,乔戈里峰和喀喇昆仑山脉自然就不为常人所熟知了。 Why does Martial Arts Federation want to ask Chen Xi to help? 武联为什么想请陈曦帮忙? Also is not because that root is not human can survive. 还不是因为那地方根本就不是人类可以生存的。 The desert changed the oasis enough to talk nonsense, but that ten thousand years of snowy mountain suddenly does not present the big oasis on now. 沙漠变绿洲本身就已经够扯淡了,但现在却连那万年不化的雪山上也突然出现了大片绿洲。 This type fully does not conform to the natural law the extraordinary event, naturally brings to the attention of the world. 这种完全不符合自然规律的特殊事件,自然就引起全世界的注意。 Invades Earth to be the same with the alien, how many aliens if catches, what advantage perhaps can also fish? 就跟外星人入侵地球一样,如果抓到几个外星人,说不定还能从中捞到什么好处呢? Therefore Martial Arts Federation after receiving the news earliest possible time, has started to prepare, must go to this/should area to find out inevitably. 所以武联在收到消息的第一时间后,就已经开始着手准备,势必要前往该地区一探究竟。 Although sister-in-law has not stated clearly, but after Chen Xi ponders over one next, actually thinks through immediately essential, will therefore then select Martial Arts Federation to invite his take action real reason directly. 小姨子虽然没有明说,但陈曦琢磨一下后,却还是立刻想通了其中关键,于是便直接点出了武联之所以会请他出手的真正原因。 In other words, that place has become the focus of the world now, if I went, can bump into the people in other countries in that place very much?” “也就是说,现在那地方已经成为了全世界的焦点,如果我去了,就很有可能在那地方碰到其他国家的人?” Should be, their speeds should not have us quickly......” “应该是,不过他们的速度应该没我们快……” Listens, Chen Xi then stood near the street pondered over carefully. 听完,陈曦便站在马路边仔细的琢磨了起来。 Actually to go, doesn't go? 究竟是去,还是不去呢?
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