IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#231: Whistling

The township police inspector, generally is the deputy section level, gives the second-class manager. 乡派出所所长,一般都是副科级,授二级警督。 In the big city, the deputy section level naturally is not anything. 在大城市里,副科级自然不算什么。 For example in the Capital ultra first-tier city, a brick gets down the estimate to lay out a division level like this. 比如在上京这样的超一线城市,一板砖下去估计就能拍出个正处级来。 However in the villages of ying district 18 small city, township section level deputy that may be the absolute monarch exists generally. 但是在荥县这种十八线小城市的乡镇里,乡科级副职那可就是天王老子一般的存在了。 Perhaps is because abused power year to year, therefore the Chun Wa'er uncle has come after slow the god, then got more mad indignant. 或许是因为常年作威作福惯了,所以春娃儿的二舅在缓过神来以后,便越想越气愤。 Finally cannot bear, points at his soldier to get angry with the spear/gun toward that directly exclaims: I am four square meters police station deputy Li Changxin! Because receives the people warning call, coming to Tongjiagou to carry out the official business! Why do you interfere with us to handle a case?! Which army you are! I must go to the disciplinary investigators to sue you!” 最后更是忍不住,直接朝着那个拿枪指着他的士兵怒吼道:“我是四坪派出所副所长李长鑫!因为接到群众报警电话,来童家沟执行公务!你们凭什么干涉我们办案?!你们是哪个部队的!我要去纠察队投诉你们!” Do not look that the soldiers take the appearance that the rifle is threatening, but after Li Changxin strokes key is clear, actually does not fear them. 别看士兵们拿着步枪气势汹汹的样子,但李长鑫把其中的关键捋清楚后,却是一点也不怵他们。 After all, the place and army are two completely different systems. 毕竟,地方和军队可是两个完全不同的系统。 The police of police station when carry out the official business, the qualifications that the army has not truly intervened, cannot do well even must make on the court martial. 派出所的民警在执行公务的时候,军队确实没有干预的资格,搞不好甚至就得闹上军事法庭。 The state-owned law of the land, the family/home has the family rule. 国有国法,家有家规。 Although Li Changxin officer is small, but actually immerses for many years in the China government, has cooked down a slippery customer. 李长鑫的官虽小,但却在华夏官场沉浸多年,早就熬成一根老油条了。 Actually he is hearing the flash that the soldier called Chen Xi for the officer, has thought through essential, deciding to oneself clean picked. 其实他在听到士兵称呼陈曦为首长的一瞬间,就已经想通其中关键,打定主意要把自己给干干净净的摘出去。 Present he, is, has no complain and regret for the common people for the people's servant of party completely wholeheartedly. 现在的他,完全就是一心为了老百姓、无怨无悔为了党的人民公仆。 As for lying down in ground Chun Wa'er...... 至于躺在地上的春娃儿嘛…… This who? 这谁呀? He did not know. 他不认识。 Li Changxin squatting silently on the ground, in the brain is actually what goes around comes around, flashed through the innumerable ideas instantaneously. 李长鑫默默的蹲在地上,脑子里却是百转千回,瞬间就闪过了无数想法。 Chun Wa'er this chapter may really kick on the sheet iron. 春娃儿这回可真的是踢在铁板上了。 The people of 83 years of striking hard older generation remember, but why can the center elect on August 25 , 1983? 83年的严打老一辈的人都记得,但为什么中央要选在1983年8月25日呢? In fact, the blasting fuse of striking hard is police conflicts, its nature may want bad many compared with afterward Quxian event. 实际上,严打的导火索是一场军警冲突,其性质可比后来的渠县事件要恶劣的多。 In 1983, Yang Dezhi's nephew married Zhao Ziyang daughter.(......) 1983年,杨德志的侄子娶了赵子扬的女儿。(咳咳……) This travels to Nanyang to the newly-married newlyweds, returns from Nanyang Zhugelu, actually blocked the way to sexually harass by several bludgers, Yang Dezhi's nephew meets martial arts, fell face down this group of bludgers neatly and quickly dry/does. 这对新婚燕尔到南阳旅游,从南阳诸葛庐返回的时候,却被几个小混混拦路调戏,杨德志的侄子会武功,三下五除二就把这帮小混混给干趴下了。 And a bludger is southern coastal provinces Public Security Bureau chief young master’s little brother, because of being unbearably angry, runs to look for the big brother for oneself over. 其中一个小混混是南洋公安局局长公子的小弟,因为气不过,就跑去找大哥为自己出头。 Chief young master was also domineering and tyrannical in oneself domain, therefore heard some people after his domain caused trouble, the direct belt/bring person this to the little couple who outside area came encircling, the nephew who finally caused Yang Dezhi was killed at the scene. 局长公子在自己的地盘上也是横行霸道惯了,所以听到有人在他的地盘闹事以后,就直接带人把这对外地来的小夫妻给围了起来,最后导致杨德志的侄子被当场打死。 It is said that at that time Grandpa Deng was blocking, Yang Dezhi must bring the army to bomb Nanyang...... 据说,当时要不是邓爷爷拦着,杨德志就要带着部队去炮轰南阳了…… Also this matter, made the nation begin striking hard. 也正是这件事,才让全国拉开了严打的序幕。 Li Changxin may not have muddled. 李长鑫可没糊涂。 Why does Chun Wa'er have the conflict with this young people at present? Also is not because he sexually harassed others' wife. 春娃儿为什么会跟眼前这个年轻人起冲突?还不就是因为他调戏了别人的老婆。 This tm is completely the reprint of Nanyang event! 这tm完全就是南阳事件的翻版啊! Therefore, in Li Changxin brain is only left over four characters now: The wind is tight! Pulls shouts! 因此,李长鑫的脑子里现在只剩下了四个字:风紧!扯呼! Even if therefore has the rifle to withstand/top his head, he must exhibit the appearance that have a strong sense of righteousness, is conscientious in discharging official duties. 所以哪怕有步枪顶着他的脑袋,他也要摆出一副大义凛然、公事公办的样子。 He is the People's Police, because receives the people warning call to have the police to arrive at Tongjiagou, is fair, no one can pick up a problem! 他是人民警察,因为接到群众报警电话才会出警来到童家沟,一切合情合理,没人能挑出一点毛病! Li Changxin scheme was really effective. 李长鑫的计谋果然奏效了。 He revealed that own status , indicating oneself are after carrying out the official business, safeguards his soldier to cast aside nearby arrived on the subconsciousness the muzzle immediately. 他亮出自己的身份,表明自己是在执行公务后,看管他的士兵顿时就下意识把枪口撇到了一旁。 But at this moment, sat Chen Xi on small backless stool actually coughed suddenly lightly two. 可就在这时,坐在小板凳上的陈曦却突然轻咳了两声。 He first shot a look at Li Changxin who squats after the ground, this took in the potato of branch to dig fire of high-piled firewood. 他先是瞥了一眼蹲在地上的李长鑫后,这才拿树枝把火堆里的土豆刨了出来。 The potato have three, Chen Xi take up, then threw for was called that soldier of his officer a moment ago. 土豆有三个,陈曦拿起其中一个,然后扔给了刚才叫他首长的那名士兵。 Has the knife? You take the knife to divide, brothers on the scene, the good thing, to eat helpful to you.” “有刀子吧?你拿刀子分一下,在场的兄弟一人一份,好东西,吃了对你们有帮助。” The soldiers hold the potato, ignorant a face compels is looking at Chen Xi. 士兵捧着土豆,一脸懵逼的望着陈曦 A standard operational squad is five people, this duty they altogether set out three subsidiary operation squads, is 15 people. 一个标准的作战小队是五个人,这次任务他们一共出动了三支作战小队,也就是十五人。 Listens to the meaning in Chen Xi words, is this wants their 15 people to eat potato? 陈曦话里的意思,这是要他们十五个人吃一个土豆? Eats the potato? 吃土豆? Is this duty? 这算是任务吗? The soldiers looked at Chen Xi one, after seeing appearance that he does not seem like cracks a joke, has one to take the potato, made a military salute single-handedly, and responded loudly: Yes!” 士兵看了陈曦一眼,见他不像是开玩笑的样子后,只得一手拿着土豆,一手做了个军礼,并大声回应道:“是!” Favors him, do not let him run, you cannot move him, later naturally some people tidy up him.” “看好他,别让他跑了,你们动不了他,待会儿自然有人来收拾他。” Yes!” “是!” Ok, here junction For You Guys, I first went back.” “行了,这里交给你们,我先回去了。” Then, Chen Xi then picks up the potato from the ground, then does not return walked toward the old house. 说完,陈曦便从地上捡起土豆,然后头也不回的朝着老房子走了回去。 Jokes aside, he also thought that these three teams of soldier presence ways of were very graceful, at least leads compared with flying round that he stared. 说真的,就连他也觉得这三队士兵刚才的出场方式很帅,至少比他直勾勾的飞来飞去帅多了。 Therefore on the road, when he ponders over is having a look at «Red Sea Action». 所以在回去的路上,他就琢磨着啥时候去看看《红海行动》。 The «Red Sea Action» foreign gradation is 15 +, the words that therefore Chen Xi must look , can only under pirating come to see secretly. 《红海行动》在国外的分级可是15+,所以陈曦要看的话,就只能自己偷偷下个盗版来看。 After all Niannian is small, enters the movie theater also only to look at the bear to appear and disappear...... 毕竟念念还小,进电影院也只能看熊出没…… The father and daughter are also of one mind, Chen Xi just returned to the courtyard, the little fellow grabbed the house sparrow to run from the house. 父女俩也是心有灵犀,陈曦这边刚刚回到院子,小家伙就抓着麻雀从房子里跑了出来。 This little thing listens to the bird in chirp to call, then thinks that the bird was hungry, therefore wants to come out to look for a thing to eat to the bird. 这小东西听鸟儿一直在叽叽喳喳的叫着,便以为鸟儿饿了,于是就想出来找点东西给鸟儿吃。 What does the house sparrow like eating? 麻雀爱吃什么呢? Red-roast spareribs? Golden lion? Capital roast duck? 红烧排骨?黄金狮子头?上京烤鸭? Little fellow flexure the small head, is pondering over for quite a while not to find out a reason why. 小家伙挠着小脑袋,琢磨了半天也没想出个所以然来。 She also thinks the thing that the bird eats with is the same, therefore then attains this house sparrow that she eats at present, sincere said to it: Bird! Now has not served a meal! Do not be anxious! Waited to serve a meal I to ask you to eat the red-roast spareribs that Granny made! But was delicious!” 她还以为鸟儿吃的东西跟她吃的一样呢,于是便把这只麻雀拿到眼前,语重心长的对它说道:“鸟儿!现在还没有开饭!你不要急!等开饭了我请你吃奶奶做的红烧排骨!可好吃了!” Chen Xi hears her child Yantong language, immediately could not bear hehe smile. 陈曦听到她那童言童语,顿时就忍不住呵呵笑了起来。 After the little fellow hears his laughter, is actually the eye one bright, ran toward him. 而当小家伙听到他的笑声以后,却是眼睛一亮,屁颠屁颠的就朝着他跑了过去。 Papa! The bird was hungry! It wants to eat the thing!” 粑粑!鸟儿饿了!它想吃东西!” hearing this, Chen Xi then squats side the little fellow, after collecting the mouth was kissing her small cheek one next, this says with a smile: Bird is the omnivore, generally only eats the small insect and cereal, come, Father baked potato to you, you can feed it with this.” 闻言,陈曦便蹲在小家伙身旁,凑着嘴巴亲了她的小脸蛋一下后,这才笑道:“鸟儿是杂食性动物,一般只吃小虫子和谷类,来,爸爸给你烤了一个土豆,你可以拿这个来喂它。” Is saying, Chen Xi then while ripped the external skin of potato that burn. 一边说着,陈曦便一边把土豆那烧焦的表皮撕了下来。 The potato brave the faint trace light smoke, after the little fellow smells the flavor, immediately cannot bear swallow saliva. 土豆冒着丝丝轻烟,小家伙闻到味道后,顿时就忍不住吞了一口口水。 She first bit one, then defers, deducts the small scrap that Chen Xi said that then cautious hands over the arrived house sparrow mouth. 她先自己咬了一口,然后才按照陈曦所说的,扣下小一小块,然后小心翼翼的递到了麻雀嘴边。 Although the surface of potato was burnt, but the inside actually soft fragrant, small house sparrow took a look at one, then fast pecked that earth bean waste from the little fellow hand. 土豆的表面虽然被烤焦了,但里面却是十分的松软香甜,小麻雀瞅了一眼,便飞快的从小家伙手上把那土豆渣啄走了。 Sees that the little fellow laughed on giggle immediately, stirred up Chen Xi unable to bear and kiss her one. 见状,小家伙顿时就咯咯大笑了起来,惹得陈曦忍不住又亲了她一口。 Father and daughter in courtyard happy is teasing the bird, outside Li Changxin worried badly. 父女俩在院子里开心的逗着鸟儿,外面的李长鑫可是愁坏了。 Even if he reveals the status, this group of soldiers do not put him to walk. 即使他亮出身份,这帮士兵也不放他走。 Li Changxin standing up body wants to leave forcefully, after the soldier warned was fruitless, then directly gives him a butt to hit hard, at the scene hitting to lie him on the ground, used the half-day effort unable to crawl. 李长鑫站起身子想要强行离开,士兵警告无果后,便直接给了他一记枪托重击,当场就把他给打趴在地上,费了半天劲儿都爬不起来。 This group of big end of soldiers offending to go bad Li Changxin, therefore he lies on the ground, unceasing shouts must go to the army to sue them later. 这帮大头兵可是把李长鑫给得罪坏了,所以他趴在地上,不断的嚷嚷着待会儿一定要去部队投诉他们。 What a pity, and no one responds him. 可惜,并没有人搭理他。 Li Changxin does not know, because Chen Xi is disinclined to deal with them again, therefore this put a big move directly. 李长鑫并不知道,因为陈曦懒得再跟他们打交道,所以这回直接放了个大招。 Although he does not have the government position in the body, but is actually the human form nuclear bomb that can move. 他虽然没有官职在身,但却是一颗会移动的人形核弹。 So long as thinks that Deng Jiaxian, Qian Xuesen in the China position, can understand probably Martial Arts Federation took seriously the degree Chen Xi's. 只要想想邓稼先、钱学森在华夏的地位,大概也可以明白武联对于陈曦的重视程度了。 Now unexpectedly some people dare to jump to provoke him, Martial Arts Federation naturally cannot sit by and do nothing. 现在居然有人敢跳出来招惹他,武联自然不会坐视不理。 But the army comes is so quick, is not the place rivers of blood that because the Martial Arts Federation worry place police station Chen Xi annoying, killed when the time comes, that may not be good to tidy up. 而军队之所以来的这么快,还不是因为武联担心地方派出所会把陈曦给惹毛了,到时候杀的这地方血流成河,那可就不好收拾了。 Since Martial Arts Federation related the army, will not naturally forget to inform the local government. 武联既然联系了军队,自然就不会忘记通知地方政府。 Therefore do not look Li Changxin jumps now to stumble just happy, that is because the vehicle of county party committee also on road. 所以别看李长鑫现在蹦跶的正欢,那是因为县委的车子还在路上。 Some things did not open fortunately, once opened, who is moistens seriously who has bad luck. 有些东西不揭开还好,一旦揭开,当真是谁沾谁倒霉。 The bureaucratic businessmen collude, act in collusion. 官商勾结,沆瀣一气。 Small four square meters township, this/should bottom-up combed one carefully. 小小的四坪乡,也该从上到下的仔细梳理一遍了。 One sweeps across four square meters, to affect the ying district, will affect the Rain City turbulence will soon raid. 一场席卷四坪、波及荥县,甚至会影响到雨城的动荡即将袭来。 But actually no one knows, initiates all these, can be a Chun Wa'er young frivolous whistling unexpectedly. 但却没有人知道,引发这一切的,竟然会是春娃儿年少轻狂的一声口哨。 „, And......” “咻、咻、咻……”
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