IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#230: Reported the officer

The chopper is the ordinary chopper, but with the person of blade is not the average person. 砍刀不过是普通的砍刀,但用刀的人可不是普通人。 Chen Xi the True Essence irrigation above the blade, lets this instantaneously the ordinary chopper, turns Tu Longbao blade that in the legend cut iron like mud. 陈曦真元灌注于刀刃之上,瞬间就让这把再普通不过的砍刀,变成了传说中削铁如泥的屠龙宝刀。 Because has the speed of blade is too quick, after the Chun Wa'er both legs cut off, he also has no consciousness. 因为出刀的速度太快,以至于春娃儿的双腿被砍断以后,他都还没有任何知觉。 Chun Wa'er turns around to want toward to cut a Chen Xi blade again, actually because of this fierce rocking, but causes his wound directly collapse open/start, thus loses the balance thoroughly, numerous falling down on the ground. 春娃儿转身就想朝着再砍陈曦一刀,却因为这剧烈的晃动,而导致他的伤口直接崩开,从而彻底失去平衡,重重的栽倒在地上。 Severe pain that the thigh root place raids suddenly, lets Chun Wa'er ‚’ called out. 大腿根处突然袭来的剧痛,也让春娃儿‘嗷’的一声就嚎叫了起来。 He lies down on the ground, strenuous very drew out the body to look, discovered that own both legs had been linked the root to cut off, thigh root even also in ‚’ wind blood. 他躺在地上,费力的挺起身子看了一下,才发现自己的双腿已经被连根斩断,大腿根部甚至还在‘嗤嗤’的飙着鲜血。 Looks that own breaking leg fell down slowly, in the Chun Wa'er pants crotch gushed out warm feeling immediately. 看着自己的断腿缓缓倒在地上,春娃儿的裤裆里顿时就涌出了一股暖意。 How could has he seen like this frigid scene? 他何曾见过这样的惨烈场景? Moreover happened on oneself...... 而且还是发生在自己身上…… Therefore this moment ago was young people of day eldest child his second child appearance, was frightened the urine unexpectedly. 所以这个刚才还是一副天老大他老二模样的小年轻,竟然就这么被吓尿了。 Actually he does not look fortunately, this saw after own leg cut off, Chun Wa'er gets angry seriously fears and hurts, the severe pain of that heartrending made him faint at the scene. 其实他不看还好,这一看到自己的腿都被砍断以后,春娃儿当真是又怒又怕又疼,以至于那钻心的剧痛当场就让他晕了过去。 Chen Xi sees that actually very intimate stopped the blood for him. 陈曦见状,倒是十分贴心的为他止住了血。 Since complies to give a Chun Wa'er starting with a clean slate opportunity, then Chen Xi will not want his life. 既然答应要给春娃儿一次改过自新的机会,那么陈曦就不会要他的命。 As for breaking leg, because cuts completely, so long as treats promptly also has to meet the good possibility. 至于断腿嘛,因为切割完整,只要及时治疗就还有接好的可能。 After all, the China severed limb replantation technology is the world-class. 毕竟,华夏的断肢再植技术一直是世界一流水平。 However even if met, Chun Wa'er was impossible to jump for joy like the present again. 不过就算接好了,春娃儿也不可能再像现在这样活蹦乱跳了。 Brandishes a sword to cut from Chun Wa'er to Chen Xi, seizes the blade to cut off the Chun Wa'er both legs to Chen Xi again, all just happen are blinking. 春娃儿挥刀砍向陈曦,再到陈曦夺刀砍断春娃儿的双腿,一切都只不过发生在眨眼之间。 Chun Wa'er spurted the blood to fall down, but scared that he brought to help young people. 春娃儿喷着鲜血倒在了地上,可是吓坏了他带来的那帮小年轻 And several timid, was frightened directly sits down exhausted on the ground. 其中几个胆小的,更是直接被吓得瘫坐在了地上。 The local ruffian after all is not the career military, do not look that they usually boast, but after sees this flesh and blood flying in all directions truly the scene, is actually few can keep calm. 地痞流氓毕竟不是职业军人,别看他们平时咋咋呼呼的,但在真正看到这种血肉横飞的场景后,却是没几个能够保持冷静的。 Especially above they have not drunk now do not have, has the minimum reason, will therefore feel the incomparable fear. 尤其是他们现在既没有喝酒也没有上头,都还有着最起码的理智,所以才会感到无比的害怕。 Which this is person Ah? 这哪是人啊? Is one does not know deicide who completely where braves. 完全就是一尊不知从哪儿冒出来的杀神。 Even the aggressive statement has not said several, came up to cut the Chun Wa'er both legs directly. 连狠话都没说几句,上来就直接砍了春娃儿的双腿。 Originally does not close their matters, everyone is only the Jianghu friend, is difficult to be inadequate also really must be gives Chun Wa'er to revenge on the belt the head? 本来就不关他们的事,大家只是江湖朋友而已,难不成还真要把脑袋系在裤腰带上给春娃儿报仇? If by some chance the opposite party kills the red eyes, what to do also gives them to come a blade? 万一对方杀红眼,也给他们来一刀怎么办? Therefore this time, can certainly run runs much quickly. 所以这种时刻,当然是能跑多快跑多快。 Therefore, in that broad field presented very funny one immediately. 于是,那广阔田野上顿时就出现了十分搞笑的一幕。 Chen Xi walks along the country road slowly, grasps more than 30 people of lethal weapon actually to be frightened again and again by him retrocedes. 陈曦沿着乡间小路缓缓走去,手持凶器的三十多号人却被他吓得连连后退。 Until after the scared out of one's wits bludger discards the club in hand, this group of talents seem like thrown basin cold water to be common, hits a cicada on tumbling toward Highway 108 dash about wildly to go. 直到其中一个被吓破胆的小混混扔掉手中的棍棒以后,这帮人才像是被泼了一盆冷水一般,打个寒蝉就连滚带爬的朝着108国道狂奔而去。 Sees that a Chen Xi actually waving arm, the fresh breeze fell down their all fan fiercely together immediately. 见状,陈曦却是猛地一挥手臂,一道劲风顿时将他们全都扇倒在了地上。 Since came, must leave behind anything to them is. 既然来了,总得给他们留下点什么才是。 For example, profound recollection? 比如,深刻的回忆? ...... …… When four square meters police station receive the news rushes to the scene the time, after the time is 15 minutes . 等到四坪派出所收到消息赶到现场的时候,时间已经是十五分钟之后了。 What leading is four square meters township police station deputy, is the Chun Wa'er uncle. 带队的是四坪乡派出所副所长,也就是春娃儿的二舅。 All are deferring to the plan. 一切都在按照计划进行。 Chun Wa'er first makes into the severe wound, then leaves behind two brothers to withstand/top the package, making them arrest. 春娃儿先把人打成重伤,然后留下两个兄弟顶包,让他们抓捕归案。 This gave the common people a confession, can let his white collect merit. 这样既给了老百姓一个交代,也能让他白捡一个功劳。 The plan is very perfect. 计划很完美。 But when they rush to Tongjiagou time, was actually shocked by the present scene thoroughly. 但等到他们赶到童家沟的时候,却是被眼前的景象给彻底惊呆了。 More than 30 people are lying down in the ridge between fields are calling. 三十多号人正躺在田坎上嗷嗷直叫着。 That crying father shouted that mother's appearance, was hearing seriously sad, listener bursts into tears. 那哭爹喊娘的样子,当真是闻着伤心、听者流泪。 But on nearby mud alley, then the man is sitting on the small backless stool lights a fire to roast the thing. 而在旁边的泥巴小路上,则有一个男人正坐在小板凳上生火烤着东西。 The Chun Wa'er uncle worthily was old Jianghu, looked this situation was not right, immediately waist pulled out with the spear/gun. 春娃儿的二舅不愧是老江湖了,一看这情况不对,立马就把腰间的配枪掏了出来。 Four square meters police station only then two pistols, manager respectively one, only then has the police time can wear. 四坪派出所就只有两支手枪,正副所长各一支,只有出警的时候才可以佩戴。 This thing usually is ornaments, no one has thought that also really has one day of applying. 这东西平时就是一个摆设,谁也没想到还真有派上用场的一天。 The Chun Wa'er uncle takes the pistol, leads three police cautiously walks toward that young people. 春娃儿的二舅拿着手枪,带着三个警察小心翼翼的朝着那个年轻人走去。 When they soon approach that young people time, the deputy discovered fiercely is lying down in Chun Wa'er that the ground is uncertain of one's fate. 等到他们快要靠近那个年轻人的时候,副所长才猛地发现了正躺在地上生死未卜的春娃儿 Chun Wa'er! You how?!” 春娃儿!你咋了?!” The deputy shouted one toward Chun Wa'er, but Chun Wa'er actually lies down on the ground is motionless. 副所长朝着春娃儿大喊了一句,但春娃儿却躺在地上一动不动。 Carefully looked, the Chun Wa'er both legs that he discovers had cut off, nearby soil thoroughly was been even incarnadine by the blood. 仔细一看,他才发现的春娃儿的双腿已经被人砍断,附近的泥土甚至都被鲜血彻底染红了。 This may be serious, matter was noisily big! 这可不得了,事情闹大了! Therefore, he takes the spear/gun to point at that young people immediately, loudly exclaimed: Both hands hold to squat down! Otherwise I must open fire!” 于是,他立刻拿枪指着那个年轻人,大吼道:“双手抱头蹲下!不然我就要开枪了!” The young people were pointing by the pitch-dark muzzle, but he seems like simply has not actually heard to be the same. 年轻人被黑洞洞的枪口指着,但他却像是根本没有听到一样。 Leisure in the potato of branch fire of high-piled firewood turned one next, he then turns the head to look at the deputy behind mountain, then saying with a smile looking pensive: No rush, one minute.” 慢条斯理的用树枝把火堆里的土豆翻了一下后,他这才转头看了看副所长身后的大山,然后若有所思的笑道:“别急,还有一分钟。” A deputy age, encounters this situation for the first time, therefore seems somewhat anxious. 副所长一把年纪了,还是第一次遇到这种情况,所以不禁显得有些紧张。 After hinting police to go forward this young people take, he is then carrying the pistol, motionless is pointing at that young people, he will for fear that stick out suddenly the assault. 示意身旁的民警上前把这个年轻人拿下后,他便端着手枪,一动不动的指着那个年轻人,生怕他就会暴起袭警。 A person takes down more than 30 individuals, thinks also to feel fearful...... 一个人放倒三十多个人,想想也觉得可怕…… But when three police cautiously close to that young people, humming sound the sound actually uploaded from their behind mountains suddenly. 而就在三个民警小心翼翼的靠近那个年轻人的时候,一阵‘嗡嗡’的声音却突然从他们身后的山上传了过来。 The deputy then looks, actually sees three armed helicopters to fly speedily toward the position that they are. 副所长回头看去,却见三架武装直升机正朝着他们所在的位置疾速飞来。 The township police inspectors not too big nor too small are also the officers, the every large or small scene has also seen, but actually saw that for the first time armed helicopter leaves him is so near, therefore at the scene there. 乡派出所所长不大不小也是官,大大小小的场面也见过了,但却还是第一次见到武装直升机离他这么近,所以当场就愣在了那里。 The armed helicopter came, is this must go to war? 武装直升机都来了,这是要打仗呢? After three armed helicopters fly the ridge between fields sky, then in turn float in midair. 三架武装直升机飞到田坎上空后,便依次悬浮于半空之中。 Afterward, the cabin door opens, threw three glide landing ropes. 随后,舱门打开,从中扔出了三条滑降绳。 Following close on, three teams of fully-armed soldiers is then following the glide landing rope to slide from the airplane. 紧跟着,三队全副武装的士兵便顺着滑降绳从飞机上滑了下来。 Just fell to the ground, these soldiers took the rifle to compel the police surrounding a three face ignorant. 刚一落地,这些士兵就拿着步枪把三个一脸懵逼民警给包围了起来。 Cannot move! Holds to squat down!” “不许动!抱头蹲下!” Deputy dumbfounded looks at these soldiers, saw that after they aims at oneself the muzzle, immediately slightly anxious saying: I am the police, the person on one's own side......” 副所长目瞪口呆的看着这些士兵,看到他们把枪口对准自己后,顿时就略显紧张的说道:“我是警察,自己人……” However, responded his is actually standard military seizes spear/gun. 然而,回应他的却是一记标准的军用夺枪式。 Shut up! Holds to squat down!” “闭嘴!抱头蹲下!” Chen Xi sits on the small backless stool is upturning the potato, saw this secretly, cannot bear praise immediately. 陈曦坐在小板凳上翻着土豆,看到这一幕后,顿时就忍不住啧啧称赞了起来。 The people of place police station just arrived here, the person in Rain City military sub-region has caught up with arrived. 地方派出所的人都才刚刚到这里,雨城军分区的人就已经赶到了 Has saying that the efficiency sincerity of China serviceman is high. 不得不说,华夏军人的效率真心高。 How Rain City and straight distance of ying district said that also over 80 kilometers, receives the message to send the squad to catch up from the Rain City military sub-region again, around this how long crossed? 雨城和荥县的直线距离怎么说也在八十公里以上,从雨城军分区收到消息再派小队赶过来,这前后才过了多久? Is truly worth praising. 确实值得表扬。 After three teams of dropping from the clouds soldiers the scene controlled, a soldier then with stride arrives in front of Chen Xi. 三队从天而降的士兵将场面控制了以后,其中一名士兵便大步来到陈曦面前。 In saluted after Chen Xi, this soldier then said loudly: Reported the officer, the enemy side had been controlled by our military, please instruct!” 在朝着陈曦敬了一个军礼后,这个士兵便大声说道:“报告首长,敌方已被我军控制,请指示!” The deputy holds to squat on the ground, hears these words the instance, his nearly old blood spurted. 副所长抱头蹲在地上,听到这句话的瞬间,他就险些一口老血喷了出来。 Did the solemn four square meters township police station deputy, how turn into the enemy side? 堂堂四坪乡派出所副所长,怎么就变成敌方了?
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