IBSDAR :: Volume #1 剑未佩妥,出门已是江湖

#39: Flame

In spacious abandoned building, the sound of gunfire resounds the brought echo for a very long time. 空旷的烂尾楼里,枪声响起所带来的回音久久不息。 Although Zhao Yuan is also the ruthless severe person, but he absolutely does not have Old Third Hu savage is so decisive and cruel and merciless. 虽说赵元也是狠厉之人,但他绝对没有胡老三这般凶残果断、心狠手辣。 Therefore in that flash that the sound of gunfire suddenly resounds, even Zhao Yuan had a scare. 所以就在枪声突然响起的那一刹那,连赵元都被吓了一跳。 He has not expected obviously, before respectful Old Third Hu before him, will have had such very ruthless side unexpectedly. 他显然也没有料到,之前在他面前一直恭恭敬敬的胡老三,居然也会有如此狠辣的一面。 Was said seriously opened fire to open fire, will not wink the eye. 当真是说开枪就开枪,连眼睛都不会眨一下。 All happen in the electric light flint, pounds from the body of Lil' Six on the pillar starts, opens fire to Old Third Hu again, around this also just several seconds later time. 一切都发生在电光火石之间,从小六的身子砸在柱子上开始,再到胡老三开枪,这前后也只不过过了几秒钟的时间。 After Old Third Hu opens fire, Chen Xi even also as before is maintaining the posture that Lil' Six flings. 以至于胡老三开枪后,陈曦甚至都还依旧保持着把小六甩出去的姿势。 However, after three spears/guns, Chen Xi actually bystander results in as before likely, slowly walked toward Zhao Yuan. 然而,三枪过后,陈曦却依旧像个没事人似得,缓缓的朝着赵元这边走了过来。 Hasn't hit?” “没打中?” Some Zhao Yuan surprise looked at Chen Xi one, then turned the head to look to Old Third Hu. 赵元有些诧异的看了陈曦一眼,然后再转头看向了胡老三 But Old Third Hu somewhat is also surprised, did oneself let slip unexpectedly? 胡老三也有些惊讶,自己居然失手了? In his marksmanship, did not say every shot hits the target in 20 meters, at least can also make over 98 points result. 以他的枪法,在二十米内不说百发百中,至少也能打出九十八环以上的成绩。 Moreover that is the result of target practice, now he is hitting the person! 而且那还是打靶的成绩,现在他可是在打人! Chen Xi is so big a person, he fires three spear/gun spears/guns not to have, a little could not truly be justified...... 陈曦那么大一个人,他连开三枪却一枪都没中,确实有点说不过去了…… Old Third Hu is frowning the muzzle aims at the Chen Xi's chest, later bang is a spear/gun. 胡老三皱着眉头把枪口对准陈曦的胸口,随后‘砰’的又是一枪。 But this time, he also saw clearly the Chen Xi's movement finally. 而这一次,他也终于看清了陈曦的动作。 Originally, Chen Xi in the previous second that he opens fire, flashed toward side the body, then recovers at the extremely quick speed. 原来,陈曦是在他开枪的前一秒,把身子往旁边闪了一下,然后再以极快的速度复原。 The initial velocity of pistol cartridge is about 300 m /s, the Chen Xi present movement may not have the bullet speed to be quick. 手枪子弹的初速度是300m/s左右,陈曦现在的动作可没有子弹速度快。 Old Third Hu does not hit he, in fact is because Old Third Hu is aiming at his flash the muzzle, Chen Xi had judged the trajectory direction that his bullet projects, made the corresponding evasion ahead of time. 胡老三之所以打不中他,实际上是因为胡老三在把枪口对准他的一瞬间,陈曦就已经判断出他子弹射出的弹道方向,提前做出了相应的闪避动作。 Your Mother, this boy is really strange!” TMD,这小子真诡异!” Chen Xi this, was makes Old Third Hu have the most direct-viewing understanding of the person skilled in martial arts finally. 陈曦这一下,也总算是让胡老三对练家子有了最直观的认识。 Ruthlessly after the ground spat thick phlegm, Old Third Hu sudden facial color one ruthless, raising the spear/gun aims at Chen Xi is bang bang bang a ripple fire. 狠狠的朝地上吐了一口浓痰后,胡老三突然面色一狠,举起枪对准陈曦就是‘砰’‘砰’‘砰’的一阵连射。 But while he opens fire, Chen Xi sped up the footsteps suddenly, the whole person as if changes to a spoken parts shadow, plundered more than ten meters away instantaneously. 而在他开枪的同时,陈曦突然加快了脚步,整个人仿佛化作一道白影,瞬间就掠出了十多米远。 However the suddenly time, Chen Xi has appeared in the Old Third Hu front unexpectedly. 不过眨眼的功夫,陈曦竟然就已经出现在胡老三的面前。 Old Third Hu had a scare, holds up the pistol to hit again. 胡老三被吓了一大跳,举起手枪就想再打。 But at this time, Chen Xi actually put out a hand to seize his neck, later raised him, treated Lil' Six like before, ruthlessly flung nearby on him the arrived load-bearing column. 但这时,陈曦却伸手掐住了他的脖子,随后把他提起,像之前对待小六那样,狠狠的把他甩到了一旁的承重柱上。 Bang!’ ‘嘭!’ Body numerous pounding of Old Third Hu on the bearing wall, then fall with the wall surface in the place, raises a big dust. 胡老三的身子重重的砸在承重墙上,然后才随着墙面滑落在地,掀起一阵偌大的灰尘。 Rapidness that too because the circumstance changes, when Zhao Yuan recovers, stands in his side no longer is Old Third Hu, but was Chen Xi! 因为情势变化的太快,等到赵元回过神来的时候,站在他身边的已经不再是胡老三,而是陈曦了! Zhao Yuan sits on the wheelchair, is raising head with Chen Xi slightly is looking at each other. 赵元坐在轮椅上,微微仰着头和陈曦对视着。 The Chen Xi's look is very light, in the eye does not have any sentiment, seems looking at a deceased person same...... 陈曦的眼神很平淡,眼睛里没有任何感情,仿佛就是在看一个死人一样…… This flash, Zhao Yuan feels that type such as the falling icehouse feeling, is exactly the same as that late the feeling when Sally's Restaurant! 这一瞬间,赵元又感受到那种如坠冰窖般的感觉,和那晚在萨利餐厅时的感觉一模一样! Your Mother, are you also staring doing?! Kills him to me! Open fire! Opens fire!” TMD,你们还愣着干嘛?!给我打死他!开枪!都开枪啊!” Zhao Yuan has gotten back one's composure, controls the wheelchair to expunge hastily backward, instinct wants to leave Chen Xi. 赵元回过了神来,连忙控制着轮椅向后开去,本能的就想离陈曦远一点。 After hearing his roar, the surroundings remaining four guys also awakened fiercely, pulled out the take action spear/gun to aim at Chen Xi. 听到他的吼声后,周围剩下的四个大汉也猛地惊醒了过来,纷纷掏出手枪对准了陈曦 At this time, Chen Xi moved. 这时,陈曦又动了。 Sees only him to fling the take action arm to the two sides fiercely, four coins let go instantaneously, is ordinary like the missile of accurate guidance, accurate hitting center the forehead of that four holding a spear/gun guys. 只见他猛地向两边甩出手臂,四枚硬币瞬间脱手而出,如同精准制导的导弹一般,准确的打在了那四个持枪大汉的额头正中。 ‘扑哧’ After several light sounds . 几声轻响后。 Four coins passed through the skulls of four guys respectively, from the sky pulled out a long blood splash. 四枚硬币分别穿过了四个大汉的头骨,在空中拉出了一条长长的血花。 They are maintaining the posture that holds a gun to stand as before, but their backs of the head are the same like the crack water pipe, unceasingly outward wind blood. 他们依旧保持着持枪站立的姿势,但他们的后脑勺却如同破洞的水管一样,不断向外飙着鲜血。 After several seconds, the bodies of four guys reversed to the ground intently. 几秒钟后,四个大汉的身子才直愣愣的倒向了地面。 Died? 死了? That at present has had surpassed the Zhao Yuan cognition completely. 眼前发生的一幕已经完全超过了赵元的认知。 Did six illegal avid followers who the flower 10 million looks, drop down? 花一千万找来的六个不法狂徒,就这么倒下了? How possibly? 怎么可能? This is how possible! 这怎么可能! The lip of Zhao Yuan is shivering slightly, on the face is completely one fantasy expression. 赵元的嘴唇微微颤抖着,脸上完全是一副活见鬼的表情。 Side that his some cannot believe looked at one to lie down in ground Old Third Hu, later looked at that four to fall on the ground motionless guy. 他有些不敢相信的侧头看了一眼躺在地上胡老三,随后又看了看那四个倒在地上一动也不动的大汉。 Finally, when he saw Chen Xi also in walks unceasingly after oneself, Zhao Yuan collapsed. 终于,当他看到陈曦还在朝着自己不断走来后,赵元崩溃了。 He operates the wheelchair to draw back at the maximum speed in the future, while crazy hiss exclaims: Do not come...... do not come!” 他一边操作着轮椅以最快的速度往后退,一边疯狂的嘶吼道:“你不要过来……不要过来!” Did not fear the spear/gun, waves to lose the person life gently? 连枪都不怕,轻轻一挥手就能夺人性命? Actually is this person or the monster? 这究竟是人还是怪物? Are the people skilled in martial arts so really fierce? 练家子真的有这么厉害吗? Zhao Yuan sits on the wheelchair unceasing in the future will be drawing back. 赵元坐在轮椅上不断的往后退着。 Suddenly, his wheelchair card on a broken concrete. 突然,他轮椅卡在了一块混凝土碎块上。 Zhao Yuan has not responded at once, but, in crazy is pressing the retreat key on wheelchair. 赵元一时之间没有反应过来,还在疯狂的按着轮椅上的后退键。 The wheel card rotates in the crevice unceasingly, causing his whole person to be similar to falls head over heels immediately general, face upwarded to fall down on the ground. 轮子卡在石缝中不断转动,导致他整个人顿时就如同倒栽葱一般,仰天栽倒在了地上。 This falls heavy that may fall, but Zhao Yuan falls after the ground, can ignore ache, crawls to run. 这一摔可摔的不轻,但赵元掉在地上后,也顾不得身上的疼痛,爬起来就想跑。 Do not kill me, do not kill me......” “不要杀我,不要杀我……” Zhao Yuan struggles to crawl forward, while is muttering. 赵元一边挣扎着向前爬去,一边喃喃自语着。 Obviously had been scared by Chen Xi. 显然已经被陈曦吓破了胆。 Chen Xi looks at his back, has not pursued, but saying gently: I have said that gave your huge courage ignorantly. Now, did you understand?” 陈曦看着他的背影,没有追,而是轻轻的说道:“我说过,是无知给了你天大的勇气。现在,你明白了吗?” Then, Chen Xi then no longer looked appearance that Zhao Yuan that acts like a fool, but turned around to move toward Lin Xuan. 说完,陈曦便不再去看赵元那丑态百出的样子,而是转身走向了林萱 Lin Xuan is tilting the head ties up on the chair, Chen Xi picks up her head gently. 林萱歪着头被绑在椅子上,陈曦轻轻托起她的脑袋。 When he strokes the hair Lin Xuan one side, after seeing a that Zhang Qing purple elegant face, Chen Xi's raised at heart a guilt. 当他把林萱把头发拂到一旁,看到那张青一块紫一块的俏脸后,陈曦的心里不禁又升起了一丝愧疚。 Because of him, will bring this unexpected misfortune to Lin Xuan. 都是因为他,才会给林萱带来这场无妄之灾。 After a sigh, one group of flickering flame braved from the Chen Xi fingertip suddenly. 一声叹息之后,一团荧荧火焰突然从陈曦指尖冒了出来。 His ball finger, that group of flames are similar to the dandelion that dances in the air against the wind to be common gently immediately, fell gently slowly on Zhao Yuan. 他轻轻一弹手指,那团火光顿时就如同迎风飞舞的蒲公英一般,缓缓飘落在了赵元身上。 Afterward, the Zhao Yuan sad and shrill pitiful yell sound reverberates in abandoned building. 随后,赵元凄厉的惨叫声在烂尾楼中回响起来。 He had once said that must make Zhao Yuan understand that anything is called to skin the cramp, will not naturally go back on word. 他曾说过,要让赵元明白什么叫做扒皮抽筋,自然就不会食言。 Although he is not really must skin the cramp Zhao Yuan. 虽然他并不是真的要将赵元扒皮抽筋。 However, the aching feeling that direct ignition soul brings, actually skins the cramp not to compare by far. 不过,那种直接灼烧灵魂所带来的疼痛感,却是扒皮抽筋所远远比不上的。 Soars to the heavens in the fire, Chen Xi is holding Lin Xuan around the middle, went out of this to abandon the building slowly. 冲天大火中,陈曦拦腰抱着林萱,缓缓走出了这栋废弃大楼。 ****** ****** ****** ****** Thank Can make excrement you Divides charm loosen deeply and clearly Regrettable life ~ Founing Yang eminent Liang Hitting of several bosses enjoy ~ 感谢【能把你打出屎】【潇劈魅松】【遗憾的人生~】【抚宁杨硕】【liang】几位老板的打赏~ Moreover thanked alone Incarnation Confucius travels far and wide 10000 dozens of boss enjoy ~ 另外单独感谢【化身孔子周游列国】老板的10000打赏~
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