IBSDAR :: Volume #1 剑未佩妥,出门已是江湖

#38: Ignorant

In the spacious floor surface, is placing the innumerable fragmentary concrete stones scattered in disorder, as well as nowhere stack brick and steel bar of break. 空旷的楼层面上,散乱摆放着无数零碎的混凝土石块,以及无处堆放的断裂的砖头和钢筋。 Although is high noon, but in abandoned building still somewhat is gloomy, once for a while blows cool cold wind, makes people cannot help but unexpectedly had goosebumps. 虽是正午时分,但烂尾楼里却依旧有些阴森,时不时吹来一阵凉凉冷风,竟让人不由自主的起了一层鸡皮疙瘩 The Chen Xi's footsteps resound in the floor gently, although separated was more than 20 meters away, but he can actually hear the Lin Xuan sobbing sound as before clearly. 陈曦的脚步在楼面上轻轻响起,虽然隔了有二十多米远,但他却依旧能够清楚的听到林萱的呜咽声。 Lin Xuan is struggling furiously, can only send out one wū wū the sound tries to expel that toward the form that he paces to come. 林萱奋力挣扎着,只能发出一阵‘呜呜’的声音试图赶走那个正朝着他踱步而来的身影。 But does, that adhesive tape stuck to her mouth firmly, making her not have the means to say any words. 但奈何,那胶带却牢牢粘住了她嘴,让她没办法说出任何话来。 To say that actually had no way saying that Lin Xuan anxious fell down the tears. 想说却没法说,林萱急的都掉下了泪来。 Chen Xi is a person comes unexpectedly, he has not reported to the police, Lin Xuan despaired simply! 陈曦居然是一个人来的,他没有报警,林萱简直都要绝望了! She thinks that will only have the mental handicap bridge section in movie, unexpectedly such living occurrence on oneself...... 她原以为只会发生在电影里的智障桥段,居然就这么活生生的发生在了自己身上…… The actors did not report to the police, instead rushed in the enemy den single-handedly, this stupid behavior, was the actor individualistic heroism, rather was the director excessive fantasize. 男主角不报警,反而单枪匹马闯进敌人老巢,这种愚蠢的行为,与其说是男主角个人英雄主义,倒不如说是导演过分意淫。 The issue that if could not solve the police, did Chen Xi come to here is also useful? 如果连警察都解决不了的问题,陈曦来这里又有什么用? Under romanticist mood heroism of heroic death? 浪漫主义情怀下壮烈牺牲的英雄主义? If Lin Xuan can start talking, it is estimated that she now already stream of abuse that Chen Xi scolded! 如果林萱能够开口说话,估计她现在早已把陈曦骂的狗血淋头了! Zhao Yuan also somewhat seems to be surprised, does Chen Xi really dare a person to deliver? 赵元似乎也有些惊奇,陈曦真的敢一个人送上门来? He used the look to hint, several subordinates dispersed in abundance, is observing the surrounding sound from the building exhaltedly. 他用眼神示意了一下,几个手下纷纷散开,从大楼上居高临下的观察着周围的动静。 Observation a while, they confirmed after surrounding and does not have any difference, then encircled unscrupulously. 观察一会儿,他们确认周围并没有任何异样后,便无所顾忌的围了上来。 Chen Xi stopped the footsteps in Zhao Yuan front not far away. 陈曦赵元面前不远处停下了脚步。 Zhao Yuan sized up his one, suddenly laughed. 赵元打量了他一阵,突然大笑了起来。 After smiling good one, saying that Zhao Yuan then measures Yin: I have not really thought, you unexpectedly is a person skilled in martial arts,” 足足笑了好一阵后,赵元这才阴测测的说道:“我是真的没有想到,你居然还是一个练家子,” „The matter that you have not thought of were too many......” “你没有想到的事太多了……” Chen Xi contemptuously swept Zhao Yuan one, light saying: Actually you should rejoice, because ignorant brought the huge courage to you.” 陈曦轻蔑的扫了赵元一眼,淡淡的说道:“其实你应该庆幸,因为无知给你带来了天大的勇气。” Takes to me ignorantly the courage?” “无知带给我勇气?” Zhao Yuan gawked, later looks like hears a joke to be the same, crazy laughs. 赵元愣了一下,随后就像是听到一个笑话一样,疯狂的大笑起来。 But while Zhao Yuan laughs, stands signals with the eyes toward Chen Xi behind young people in his nearby Old Third Hu suddenly. 而就在赵元大笑的同时,站在他旁边的胡老三则突然朝着陈曦身后的年轻人使了个眼色。 This was sent the young people who stands sentry not to kill and torch good, doing things stealthily is actually a expert. 这个被派来放哨的年轻人杀人放火不行,偷鸡摸狗却是一把好手。 Because the brain is very smart, therefore he understood the meaning of Old Third Hu instantaneously. 因为脑子十分机灵,所以他瞬间就明白了胡老三的意思。 Therefore, this young people pull out a jackknife secretly, while Chen Xi and time of Zhao Yuan speech, touched quietly. 于是,这个年轻人偷偷掏出一把折叠刀,趁着陈曦赵元说话的功夫,悄悄摸了过去。 Do not look at Old Third Hu all day an appearance of devils, the association/will misleads the person into thinking in his brain is the muscle, but in fact, Old Third Hu ghost essence. 别看胡老三整天一副凶神恶煞的样子,总会让人误以为他脑子里全是肌肉,但实际上,胡老三鬼精着呢。 Despises the enemy strategically, in the tactic takes seriously the enemy. 战略上藐视敌人,战术上重视敌人。 Goes all out also goes all-out, on knife point that let alone they make licks the business of blood, if works is not careful, which suffer an unexpected failure does not have long known. 狮子搏兔亦尽全力,何况他们做的还是刀尖上舔血的买卖,如果做事不小心谨慎一点,早就不知道在哪条阴沟里翻了船 The boy who this dares to visit single-handedly if not really silly, that has certainly taken advantage. 这单枪匹马就敢上门的小子如果不是真傻,那就一定是有所依仗。 Before Old Third Hu, has dealt with some people skilled in martial arts, therefore knows that these people skilled in martial arts are not existences that good to deal with. 胡老三之前也跟一些练家子打过交道,所以知道这些练家子都不是好相与的存在。 He maintains composure looks at the Chen Xi back young people, while placed the waist the right hand quietly. 他一边不动声色的看着陈曦背后的年轻人,一边把右手悄悄的放在了腰间。 Lin Xuan sits behind the crowd, has looked at arrived Old Third Hu and the others the waist bulge part...... 林萱坐在人群后方,早就看到了胡老三等人腰间都凸起了一部分…… Is the spear/gun! 是枪! She is swaying the chair crazily, is shaking to send out one wū wū the sound, does not want to remind Chen Xi to run. 她疯狂的摇晃着椅子,甩着头发出一阵呜呜的声音,可不就是想提醒陈曦快跑。 What a pity, Chen Xi remains unmoved radically. 可惜,陈曦根本就不为所动。 Following close on, Lin Xuan is looking at the movement of arrived that young people. 紧跟着,林萱就看到了那个年轻人的动作。 He takes the blade to touch arrived Chen Xi secretly behind. 他拿着刀偷偷摸到了陈曦身后。 That flash, the eye socket of Lin Xuan like the dam of bursting a dike, dashes about wildly turbulently, but the tears blurred her eyes instantaneously. 那一瞬间,林萱的眼眶如同决堤的大坝,汹涌狂奔而出的泪水瞬间就模糊了她的双眼。 She wants to remind Chen Xi, but actually what sound cannot send out. 她多么想要提醒陈曦,但却什么声音也发不出。 Good to hate! 好恨! Good to hate! 好恨啊! The tears have made her unable to see clearly the surrounding thing, but Lin Xuan actually went all out to stare in a big way the eye as before, wanted to hint Chen Xi carefully behind. 泪水已经让她看不清周围的事物,但林萱却依旧拼命瞪大了眼睛,想要示意陈曦小心身后。 But at this time, she actually looked at arrived tender from the Chen Xi's look suddenly. 但这时,她却忽然从陈曦的眼神里看到了一丝怜惜。 The look is the window of mind, by the look, can keen seeing clearly to others' psychology. 眼神是心灵的窗户,透过眼神,可以敏锐的洞察到别人的心理。 The Lin Xuan look despairs, but in the Chen Xi's look, actually filled tender. 林萱的眼神是绝望的,可陈曦的眼神里,却充满了怜惜。 Suddenly, the Chen Xi's right hand moves gently. 忽然,陈曦的右手轻轻动了动。 Following close on, Lin Xuan chest stuffy eyes one black, the whole person fainted suddenly. 紧跟着,林萱胸口一闷双眼一黑,整个人突然就晕了过去。 But before the stupor, in her eye sees is actually in that young people hand the shining knife point...... 而昏迷之前,她眼睛里看到的却是那个年轻人手上明晃晃的刀尖…… ...... …… Dagger that Lil' Six somewhat excited wielding acts. 小六有些激动的挥出了手上的匕首。 So long as he holds this blade, 10 million succeeded in obtaining! 只要他把这刀捅进去,一千万就到手了! Although these 10 million arrives in his hand possibly also less than 1 million, but Lil' Six is very satisfied. 虽然这一千万分到他手上的可能还不到一百万,不过小六已经很满足了。 Old Third Hu these years led them to do many big business, but did not have one compared with today's this relaxed work! 胡老三这些年带着他们做了很多大生意,但却没有一件比今天这个轻松的活儿了! Lil' Six is very excited, he takes the hand of blade shivering slightly. 小六很激动,以至于他拿刀的手都在微微的颤抖。 Fortunately, that person has not discovered own difference...... 还好,那人没有发现自己的异样…… Lil' Six smooth touches behind arrived that person, later, he raised the dagger to hold fiercely from bottom to top. 小六顺利的摸到了那人背后,随后,他提着匕首猛地从下往上捅了过去。 Old Third Hu has taught them, holds the person to aim at the waist, from bottom to top is then slanting holds. 胡老三教过他们,捅人要对准腰间,然后从下往上斜着捅。 Because of this, the dagger can hold directly the internal organs across the bone. 因为这样,匕首才可以穿过骨头直接捅到内脏。 They are not the street bludger, but is the illegal avid follower of being on the run. 他们可不是什么街头小混混,而是亡命天涯的不法狂徒。 Holds the person, naturally must hold! 捅人,自然要往死里捅! Lil' Six somewhat excited held this blade. 小六有些激动的捅出了这一刀。 But he also not with enough time happy, a hand suddenly appears in his line of sight. 可他还没来得及高兴,一只手却突然出现在他的视线里。 Following close on, his neck seemed like by the steel pliers is gripped suddenly generally, the whole person was the same like the chicken son, was seizing by the throat to raise the arrived midair. 紧跟着,他的脖子就突然像是被钢钳夹住了一般,整个人如同小鸡崽一样,就这么被人掐着脖子提到了半空。 Lil' Six furiously is struggling. 小六奋力的挣扎着。 Because of neck by person seizing ruthlessly, face of Lil' Six immediately because of hyperemia, but red. 因为脖子被人狠狠的掐住,小六的脸顿时就因为充血而红了起来。 He is rousing the eyeball, furiously is struggling. 他鼓着眼球,奋力的挣扎着。 Perhaps was sees great storms calmly, Lil' Six quickly. 或许是见惯了大风大浪,小六很快就冷静了下来。 Therefore, he left hand holds the Chen Xi's arm immediately, the right hand took blade thorn ruthlessly to the Chen Xi's wrist/skill. 于是,他立刻左手抓住陈曦的手臂,右手拿刀狠狠的刺向了陈曦的手腕。 Chen Xi sees that immediately raises the neck of Lil' Six one to fling toward side. 陈曦见状,立刻提着小六的脖子往旁边一甩。 Afterward, the Lil' Six whole person then like the cloth doll, flew layer on layer/heavily, pounded ruthlessly on nearby load-bearing column. 随后,小六整个人便像布娃娃一样,重重的飞了出去,狠狠砸在了旁边的承重柱上。 Lil' Six!” 小六!” The sudden accident made Old Third Hu unable to bear exude one to call out in alarm. 突如其来的变故让胡老三忍不住发出了一声惊呼。 Bang ‘砰’ Bang ‘砰’ Bang!’ ‘砰!’ Old Third Hu without hesitation pulls out the take action spear/gun from the waist, lifted the hand to link three spears/guns toward Chen Xi! 胡老三毫不犹豫的从腰间掏出手枪,抬手就朝着陈曦连开了三枪! This is the true fleeing villain, the spear/gun in their hands, that is a practical tool, but is not used for the scary toy merely! 这才是真正的亡命凶徒,枪在他们手中,那就是一件实用的工具,而绝不仅仅只是用来吓人的玩具! Old Third Hu is very confident to own marksmanship. 胡老三对自己的枪法很有信心。 Since chooses to have this bowl of food, then the marksmanship of every shot hits the target is the only safeguard that he survives. 既然选择要吃这碗饭,那么百发百中的枪法就是他生存下去的唯一保障。 The clear sound of gunfire resounds in spacious abandoned building suddenly, although has installed the silencer, but that sound actually shakes a Zhao Yuan tinnitus. 清脆的枪声在空旷的烂尾楼中骤然响起,虽然已经装了消音器,但那声音却还是震得赵元一阵耳鸣。 The vehicle door stop ball, that is in the movie has the plot that. 车门挡子弹,那是电影里才有的情节。 Has seen the person of spear/gun truly, knows that the lethality of spear/gun is actually terrorist. 只有真正见过枪的人,才知道枪的杀伤力究竟有多么恐怖。 ****** ****** ****** ****** Thank Leading old young 【It is not I ugly is your eye has issue Pure promising 2 Book friend Something went wrong 19670105 Curried rice and sushi Hitting of several bosses enjoy ~ 感谢【带头老仔】【不是我丑是你眼有问题】【清净有为二】【书友[Not Found]】【19670105】【咖喱饭、寿司】几位老板的打赏~ Thanks to support ~ 谢谢支持~
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