IBSDAR :: Volume #1 剑未佩妥,出门已是江湖

#37: I came

Central Sea suburbs, economic development zone. 中海城郊,经济开发区。 This is Jingkai District quite famous abandoned building, the building main body has fixed, but has not made the outer wall with enough time. 这是经开区颇为著名的一座烂尾楼,大楼主体已经修好,但还未来得及做外墙。 It is said that this boss is a Hong Kong person, the plan invested to construct an electronic instrumentation processing factory here, but went not to know that afterward because of what reason, the workshop has not built, the office building also cultivates half, that Hong Kong boss has run. 据说,这栋的老板是香港人,原本打算在这里投资修建一座电子仪器加工厂,可是后来去不知道因为什么原因,厂房没搭,办公楼也才修到一半,那香港老板就已经跑了。 Because the bleak too long reason, in the factory fence is overgrown with weeds, the building main body also becomes because of these years windblown and sunburnts somewhat defeated. 因为荒凉太久的缘故,工厂围墙内早已杂草丛生,大楼主体也因为这些年的风吹日晒而变得有些残败。 Has saying that Zhao Yuan chose a good place. 不得不说,赵元选了个好地方。 Because this broken place, one year to the end is red except for the model and net of photography outdoors big piece, basically not some people. 因为这个破地方,一年倒头除了拍摄户外大片的模特和网红,基本上不会有人来。 Is the murder dumps the corpse seriously the excellent place. 当真是杀人抛尸的绝佳地点。 Zhao Yuan checked for several days not to find any about the Chen Xi's news, therefore he did the brittle heart next one horizontal, related closest Lin Xuan seizing with Chen Xi. 赵元查了几天没有找到任何关于陈曦的消息,于是他干脆心下一横,把与陈曦关系最为密切的林萱给掳来了。 Zhao Yuan is pondering over, since did did, that for a penny and for a pound, worked simply does certainly. 赵元琢磨着,既然做都做了,那就干脆一不做二不休,做事就做绝。 Therefore he will probe Li Xiuwen, wants to make the favor done at little or no cost with Lin Xuan, strives also to drag down Li Xiuwen. 所以他才会试探李修文,想用林萱做个顺水人情,争取把李修文也拉下水。 But what Zhao Yuan has not expected, some quite weight/quantity of Lin Xuan unexpectedly in the Li Xiuwen mind. 赵元没料到的是,林萱李修文心目中居然颇有些分量。 Hey the meat of mouth not to eat, must want the student family/home to do what pure love. 喂到嘴里的肉都不吃,非得要学人家搞什么纯爱。 Zhao Yuan is despising at heart, while adjusted own plan silently. 赵元一边在心里鄙夷,一边默默调整了自己的计划。 Since Li Xiuwen is not willing to participate, then must blame his heavy hand to destroy the flower on don't. 既然李修文不愿参与,那就莫要怪他辣手摧花了。 Is strange, blames Lin Xuan to have a Chen Xi such friend who is a bad influence. 要怪,就怪林萱陈曦这么一个损友吧。 Although Li Xiuwen had warned gravely Zhao Yuan does not permit Lin Xuan. 虽说李修文已经严正警告赵元不准动林萱 However, Zhao Yuan does not fear Li Xiuwen. 不过,赵元可不怕李修文 Also, so long as does neat, who can know that actually this remote abandoned building has had what? 再说了,只要做的干净利落一点,谁又能知道这偏僻的烂尾楼究竟发生过什么? Young Master Yuan, this woman really suffices the taste, my Old Third Hu lived so many years, but also has not really played this type of best quality goods, really wants to try to feel......” 元少,这娘们真够味,我胡老三活了这么多年,还真没玩过这种极品,真想试试感觉……” A 30-40 years old man stands in Zhao Yuan behind, unceasing then looks ties up Lin Xuan on chair. 一个三四十岁的汉子站在赵元身后,不断的回头看被绑在椅子上的林萱 Lin Xuan condition at this moment is not good, the hair is scattered in disorder, on face azure purple, obviously suffered many hardships. 林萱此刻的状态并不好,头发散乱,脸上青一块紫一块的,显然吃了不少的苦头。 Her mouth pasted on with the adhesive tape, both hands both feet also by person tying up firmly, therefore can only sit on the chair sobs to struggle unceasingly. 她的嘴被人用胶带贴上了,双手双脚也被人牢牢的捆住,所以只能坐在椅子上不断呜咽挣扎着。 Lin Xuan had been grasped two days by these people. 林萱已经被这些人抓来两天了。 Yesterday morning she went out went to work, just arrived at the parking lot by these person of fan corona to carry off, waking up time discovered oneself are brought arrived this strange place, but kidnapped her instigation is Zhao Yuan. 昨天早上她出门上班的时候,刚到停车场就被这些人迷晕带走,醒来的时候才发现自己已经被带到了这个陌生的地方,而绑架她的主使者则是赵元 Zhao Yuan does not have the enmity with her without the injustice, reason that will kidnap here her, obviously only has a reason. 赵元跟她无冤无仇,之所以会把她绑架到这里,显然就只有一个原因。 Therefore after waking up, in the Lin Xuan brain thinks arrived Chen Xi immediately. 所以醒来以后,林萱脑子里立刻就想到了陈曦 She was afraid very much, may wait till her to confirm after Zhao Yuan has not caught Chen Xi, a heart actually suddenly loosen. 她本来很害怕,可等到她确认赵元并没有抓到陈曦后,心头却忽然一松。 Lin Xuan does not know oneself actually how, Mingming (clearly) is like a clay buddha crossing the river, in this case, oneself can also first want to care about others' safety unexpectedly...... 林萱也不知自己究竟怎么了,明明是泥菩萨过河,这种情况下,自己竟然还能先想要去关心别人的安危…… At present this group of people, look are not the Buddhism believers, that is named Old Third Hu of head, has raised a rumpus to her, Zhao Yuan will drink to stop his behavior promptly, Lin Xuan really does not dare to imagine will then have anything...... 眼前这帮人,一看就不是什么善男信女,那个为首的叫做胡老三,一直对她动手动脚的,要不是赵元及时喝止了他的行为,林萱真的不敢想象接下来会发生什么…… Old Third Hu, you want to manage her to be able, but must first handle the proper business. I have a custom, that is to make the proper business the time, must heart and soul completes the proper business, do you understand my meaning?” 胡老三,你想办她可以,不过得先把正事办好了。我这个人有个习惯,那就是做正事的时候,就要全心全意的把正事做好,你明白我的意思吗?” Is clear, Young Master Yuan you said to......” “明白明白,元少你说的对……” Old Third Hu of face sinister aspect squeezes a smiling face of ten points distortion, nods to echo again and again. 一脸凶相的胡老三挤出一个十分扭曲的笑容,连连点头附和。 Zhao Yuan this time writing skill is big, 10 million, together with linking Old Third Hu six desperados, buy a Chen Xi life! 赵元这次的手笔可谓不小,一千万,连同连胡老三在内的六个亡命之徒,买下陈曦一条命! Seeing Old Third Hu is sensible, Zhao Yuan then satisfied nod, then sits on the sofa that later, in they make temporarily sits in repose with eyes closed. 胡老三还算懂事,赵元便满意的点了点头,随后便坐在他们临时弄来的沙发上闭目养神起来。 Old Third Hu flexure scratched the head, asking of some doubts: Young Master Yuan, you affirmed that boy does meet a person to come? Won't he report to the police?” 胡老三挠了挠头,有些疑惑的问道:“元少,你就那么肯定那小子会一个人来?他不会报警吧?” Relax, by me to his understanding, he will ignore the safety of this woman......” “放心,以我对他的了解,他不会不顾这个女人的安危……” Speaking of this, Zhao Yuan, after sneering one next , to continue saying: I have arranged in the municipal public security bureau, if he reported to the police, we had enough time to evacuate, relax.” 说到这,赵元顿了顿,冷笑了一下后,才继续说道:“我在市公安局已经打点好了,如果他报警的话,我们有足够的时间撤离,放心吧。” Old Third Hu thinks, saying that some do not feel relieved: What to do if the boy doesn't come?” 胡老三想了想,还是有些不放心的说道:“万一那小子不来怎么办?” hearing this, Zhao Yuan could not bear hehe smile. 闻言,赵元去忍不住呵呵笑了起来。 He is smiling, but in the look is actually ice-cold. 他在笑,但眼神里却是一片冰冷。 And deeply ingrained hatred. 以及刻骨的恨意。 He will come.” “他会来的。” Zhao Yuan remembers anything to resemble to result in suddenly, added: Right, after he came, you must pay attention, the boy is a person skilled in martial arts, you remember that must be careful, do not fall in fail miserably.” 赵元忽然想起什么似得,补充道:“对了,他来了以后你们可得注意了,那小子是个练家子,你们记得要小心一点,可别在阴沟里栽了跟头。” Person skilled in martial arts?” “练家子?” Old Third Hu purses the lips, face aggressive asking: Can hit spear/gun?” 胡老三抿了抿嘴,一脸凶悍的问道:“能打的过枪吗?” „His foot kicked my eight ribs, did you feel?” “他一脚就踢断了我八根肋骨,你觉得呢?” Zhao Yuan traces own chest, engrossingly looked at Old Third Hu one. 赵元摸了摸自己的胸膛,饶有兴趣的看了胡老三一眼。 Is so fierce?!” “这么厉害?!” Old Third Hu obviously by his these words controlling, whole face inconceivable expression. 胡老三显然被他这番话给镇住了,满脸不可思议的表情。 ...... …… Chen Xi is takes taxi, but has not actually sat abandoned building directly, but a factory entrance outside street gets out, then walks. 陈曦是打车来的,不过却并没有直接坐到烂尾楼,而是在一条街外的一家工厂门口就下了车,然后再步行过来。 Just entered the abandoned building work site front door, Chen Xi saw that hid behind two building fences young, unceasingly looking around. 刚刚走进烂尾楼的工地大门,陈曦就看到一个年轻躲在二楼围墙后面,不断东张西望着。 Looks at his stealthy appearance, it is estimated that was sent to stand sentry by Zhao Yuan. 看他那鬼鬼祟祟的模样,估计是被赵元派来放哨的。 Chen Xi has not responded him, entered abandoned building on the half step directly. 陈曦没搭理他,直接就快步走进了烂尾楼 After that young people see Chen Xi enters the building, gawked, dashes about wildly to go toward three buildings immediately. 那个年轻人看到陈曦进楼后,愣了一下,立马就朝着三楼狂奔而去。 Young Master Yuan, the boy came!” Because runs is too anxious, young people some saying of panting. 元少,那小子来了!”因为跑的太急,年轻人有些气喘吁吁的说道。 This type of pornography moisten, live parasite results in the bludger likely, making him threaten to do odd jobs, really must begin, feared that has not brandished several fists, he first first knocked up himself. 这种黄赌毒均沾,活的像个寄生虫似得小混混,让他恐吓打杂可以,真要动起手来,怕是还没挥舞出几个拳头,他就先把自己先累垮了。 His today's duty lets in fresh air, but, he then just ran up to three buildings to shout the words, the Chen Xi's form has appeared in his behind. 他今天的任务是放风,可是,他这才刚刚跑到三楼把话喊出来,陈曦的身影却已经出现在他的身后。 Such quickly? 这么快? Some young people surprise looked at Chen Xi one, but Chen Xi actually pays no attention to him radically, walked in the direction that Zhao Yuan was at directly. 年轻人有些诧异的看了陈曦一眼,而陈曦却根本就不理他,直接就朝着赵元所在的方向走了过去。 abandoned building that leaks out everywhere, resounded sound of footsteps gently. 四处漏风的烂尾楼,响起了一阵轻轻的脚步声。 After seeing Chen Xi appears, Lin Xuan immediately excited, her crazy shaking the head, in the look is desperate. 当看到陈曦出现后,林萱立刻就激动了起来,她疯狂的摇着头,眼神中全是绝望。 She sobs to consider to call Chen Xi to walk quickly, was actually sealed up the mouth by the adhesive tape firmly, can only turn the body crazily. 她呜咽着想叫陈曦快走,却被胶带牢牢的封住了嘴巴,只能疯狂的扭着身体。 Chen Xi sees her painful desperate look, has a look at her to have hair dishevelled again, full was the distressed appearance, the heart cannot bear unexpectedly clutched ruthlessly. 陈曦看到她那痛苦绝望的眼神,再看看她那披头散发,满是狼狈的样子,心头竟忍不住狠狠的揪了一下。 ****** ****** ****** ****** Thank Z setting sun Merit owes few one horizontal Hitting of two bosses enjoy...... 感谢【z残阳】【功亏少一横】两位老板的打赏……
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