IBSDAR :: Volume #1 剑未佩妥,出门已是江湖

#36: Lin Xuan

Next day. 次日。 Chen Xi thinks that kid's enthusiasm to the kindergarten will decline some. 陈曦原以为小家伙对幼儿园的热情会衰退一些。 But, they then just ate the breakfast, Chen Xi have not even tidied up the bowl with enough time, the little fellow has shouted must attend class, then draws Chen Xi to walk out. 但没想到,他们这才刚吃过早饭,陈曦甚至连碗都还没来得及收拾,小家伙就已经嚷嚷着要上课了,然后拉着陈曦就非得往外走。 Papa, walks, I must attend class, the teacher said that attended class cannot be late, being late was not the clever child!” 粑粑,走,我要上课啦,老师说上课不能迟到,迟到就不是乖孩子了!” Aunt Zhang sees that greeted Chen Xi to put there the bowl hastily, at the same time saying with a smile: Little thing likes the kindergarten so much, you lead her to go, later I tidy up.” 张婶见状,连忙招呼着陈曦把碗放那儿,一边笑吟吟的说道:“小东西这么喜欢幼儿园,你就带她去吧,待会儿我来收拾。” Possibly was used to the daytime to go out, life that in the evening went home, therefore the little fellow does not stick Aunt Zhang now. 可能是习惯了白天出门,晚上回家的生活,所以小家伙现在也不是那么粘张婶了。 Saw with own eyes Chen Xi to scratch the hand, arrived at the entrance to change the shoes, little fellow then impatient hanging opened the door in the gate, then ran up to out of the door to wave to shout toward Aunt Zhang: Granny sees again!” 眼见陈曦擦了擦手,来到门口换鞋,小家伙便迫不及待的挂在门上打开了房门,然后跑到门外朝着张婶挥手喊道:“奶奶再见!” Clever, goes to go, must listen to the words of teacher in the school, knows?” “乖,去吧去吧,在学校要听老师的话,知道吗?” Knows!” “知道啦!” The little fellows are opening the small mouth, is glad on the face to blossom. 小家伙张着小嘴,乐得脸上都开了花。 Going out, how some Chen Xi wondering little fellows today were, wanted more excited than yesterday evidently, therefore then asked: Niannian, is the kindergarten very fun? So to be how happy?” 出了门,陈曦有些纳闷小家伙今天是怎么了,看样子比昨天还要激动一些,于是便问道:“念念,幼儿园很好玩吗?怎么这么开心?” hearing this, the little fellow raises the small face immediately, very happy saying: Teacher said that today must teach us to draw!” 闻言,小家伙立刻把小脸一扬,十分开心的说道:“老师说今天要教我们画画!” Yo, will you also paint pictures?” “哟,你还会画画呢?” I will not paint pictures.” “我不会画画。” The little fellows shake the head, then happy continues saying: „After the teacher teaches me, I will draw!” 小家伙摇了摇头,然后开心的继续说道:“不过老师教我以后,我就会画画啦!” „After that wait for you learned draws, comes back the picture to look to Father?” “那等你学会画画以后,就回来画给爸爸看?” Un! I must draw Papa, draws Granny, Mama!” “嗯!我要画粑粑,画奶奶,还有麻麻!” Little fellow numerous nods of, are then holding the Chen Xi's head, the sound results in like fragrant glutinous rice, mounts and sweet said with a smile: Teacher said that first can result in small safflower, my fine small safflower!” 小家伙重重的点了点头,然后抱着陈曦的脑袋,声音就像香糯米似得,又黏又甜的笑着说道:“老师说第一名可以得小红花,我要得小红花!” That Niannian you may want keep it up, strives to take small safflower to come back, when the time comes Father pastes on the wall to you!” “那念念你可要加油了,争取拿个小红花回来,到时候爸爸给你贴墙上!” Good!” “好!” The father and daughter chatted while walk, before long came to the arrived kindergarten. 父女俩一边聊天一边走,不一会儿就来到了幼儿园。 The kindergarten entrance has stood the guardian, as well as...... 幼儿园门口早已站满了家长,以及…… Wailed innumerably little friend. 无数号哭不已的小朋友。 The young boys are not willing to go, therefore 有一个小男孩不愿进去,于是就赖在地上,死死的扯着妈妈的裤脚,任凭他妈妈怎么劝也不听,一直嚷嚷着不去幼儿园,气的他妈妈都快要打他了。 Chen Xi looks at that stance, then has not disappeared while the exciting strength of little fellow, said to her hastily: Niannian you looked that Elder Brother doesn't shame bashfully?” 陈曦一看那架势,便趁着小家伙的兴奋劲头没消,连忙对她说道:“念念你看,那个哥哥羞不羞?” Cries, shames.” “哭鼻子,羞羞羞。” Little fellows is saying, but also while is delimiting own cheek with the small hand, sets a despising appearance. 小家伙一边说着,还一边用小手划着自己的脸蛋,做出一副鄙视的样子。 „After that Father delivers you come to the kindergarten the time, you cannot Oh. like him “那以后爸爸送你来幼儿园的时候,你可不能像他一样哦。 I will not cry!” “我才不会哭鼻子呢!” Little fellow proud and tender twists open the small head, as if completely forgot dark day secret pitiful appearance that own yesterday cried...... 小家伙傲娇的扭开小脑袋,似乎完全忘记自己昨天哭的昏天暗地的可怜样子了…… Teacher Wang and other two teachers are standing in the school entrance greet child on the class, Chen Xi are putting Niannian, hinted her quickly in the past. 王老师和其他两位老师正站在校门口迎接着自己班上的孩子,陈曦念念放下来,示意她快过去。 But at this time, the little fellow actually stood in the ground held Chen Xi's, then referred to own small cheek. 可这时,小家伙却站在地上拉了拉陈曦的手,然后指了指自己的小脸蛋。 Chen Xi sees that immediately laughs to squat, then ruthlessly kissed one on the little fellow face, running that she then jumps approached the iron gate. 陈曦见状,立刻大笑着蹲了下来,然后狠狠的在小家伙脸上亲了一口,她这才蹦蹦跳跳的跑向了铁门。 Papa sees again!” 粑粑再见!” Goes, must listen to the words of teacher, Father wait for you to be on vacation from school here.” “去吧,要听老师的话,爸爸在这里等你放学。” After the little fellows go, Chen Xi then arrives at outside the fence, prepares to look after they complete the morning exercise, goes back. 小家伙进去后,陈曦便来到围墙外,准备看他们做完早操后再回去。 However crossed did not have a while, his telephone actually rang suddenly. 然而过了没一会儿,他的电话却突然响了起来。 Chen Xi take out a phone looked, is Lin Xuan hits. 陈曦拿出手机一看,是林萱打来的。 Hey?” “喂?” Chen Xi connects the call conveniently, but telephone that actually does not have any sound. 陈曦随手接通电话,可电话那头却没有任何声音。 Hey? Lin Xuan?” “喂?林萱吗?” Chen Xi shouted several, opposite actually does not have any response. 陈曦喊了几声,对面却没有任何回应。 While he thinks Lin Xuan is not careful according to the wrong telephone time, actually heard telephone that to broadcast a low and deep man voice suddenly, Chen Xi?” 正当他以为林萱是不小心按错电话的时候,却听到电话那头忽然传来了一个低沉的男人声音,“陈曦?” Chen Xi gawked, asked hastily: Hello, who are you? How to call me with Lin Xuan cell phone?” 陈曦愣了一下,连忙问道:“你好,你是谁?怎么会用林萱手机给我打电话?” hearing this, the person of telephone that head actually hehe smiled, in the words is passing several points of facetious saying: Forgot my voice quickly?” 闻言,电话那头的人却呵呵笑了起来,话语中透着几分戏谑的说道:“这么快就忘了我的声音?” Chen Xi gawked, after recovering, the complexion instantaneously became ugly more than several. 陈曦愣了一下,回过神来后,脸色瞬间就变得难看了几多。 Therefore, asking of his coldly: Zhao Yuan?” 于是,他冷冷的问道:“赵元?” Ha haha...... is I, actually I, make this phone call mainly to want with you to report a safe and secure......” “哈哈哈……是我,其实我也没什么事儿,打这个电话主要就是想跟你报个平安……” Lin Xuan where.” 林萱在哪儿。” Chen Xi takes outside on sidewalk of the telephone exchange in kindergarten fence, the sound as if spreads general from nine quiet hells, the woods are cold, but cold severe. 陈曦拿着电话站在幼儿园围墙外的人行道上,声音仿佛从九幽地狱传出一般,森寒而冷厉。 Lin Xuan? She here, I hits taking advantage of her telephone to you, later gives back to her.” 林萱?哦,她在这儿呢,我借她电话打给你的,待会儿就还给她。” Zhao Yuan, I warned you, if you dare to move a Lin Xuan fine hair, I will make you truly clear, anything is called to skin the cramp!” 赵元,我警告你,如果你敢动林萱一根汗毛的话,我会让你真正明白,什么叫做扒皮抽筋!” The voice falls, the blue brick of Chen Xi under foot ‚’ disrupts unexpectedly suddenly. 话音落下,陈曦脚下的一块青砖竟突然‘咔嚓’一声碎裂开来。 Zhao Yuan of telephone that head actually hehe smiled, said: I make her pass the telephone conversation with you.” 电话那头的赵元却呵呵笑了起来,说道:“我让她跟你通通话吧。” Chen Xi opens the volume is greatly biggest, may listen to a while, actually can only hear xi xi su su the sound, cannot hear telephone that to have what sound. 陈曦把音量开大最大,可听了一会儿,却只能听到一阵窸窸窣窣的声音,根本就听不到电话那头有什么动静。 ‘Pā! ‘啪! Suddenly, a palm of the hand sound. 突然,一个巴掌声响了起来。 Follows close on telephone that to broadcast the sound that Zhao Yuan that measures Yin: Speech, said that listens to him!” 紧跟着电话那头就传来赵元那阴测测的声音:“说话,说给他听!” However after his voice falls, telephone that does not have any sound, as if Zhao Yuan is still like the air speech. 然而他的话音落下后,电话那头依然没有任何声音,仿佛赵元是在对空气说话一样。 Chen Xi waited, has not heard any sound as before. 陈曦等了一下,依旧没有听到任何动静。 May follow close on, telephone that actually 'Pa' heard a palm of the hand sound. 可紧跟着,电话那头却又‘啪’的传来了一个巴掌声。 My TM makes you speak!” “我TM让你说话呢!” Chen Xi more listens more to feel right, does not shout in the telephone hastily: Lin Xuan? Lin Xuan are you all right?” 陈曦越听越觉得不对劲,连忙在电话里喊道:“林萱林萱你没事吧?” Telephone that head. 电话那头。 Lin Xuan sits on the sofa, Zhao Yuan takes the telephone to place her mouth, unceasingly requests her to speak. 林萱坐在沙发上,赵元则拿着电话放在她嘴边,不断的要求她说话。 But Lin Xuan actually closely closes own mouth, how whatever Zhao Yuan hits her, she does not utter a word. 林萱却始终紧紧的闭上自己的嘴巴,任由赵元怎么打她,她也一声不吭。 Damn!” “操!” Zhao Yuan was enraged, grasps her hair, making an effort is raising upward, as to draw the hair to raise her. 赵元被激怒了,一把抓起她的头发,使劲的往上提着,似乎想要拉着头发把她提起来。 Both hands of Lin Xuan were bundled after behind, does not have the means to struggle, can only the pain sent out a moan. 林萱的双手被捆在身后,也没办法挣扎,只能痛苦的发出了一声呻吟。 Possibly is the sound that because make was heard by Chen Xi, therefore the Lin Xuan not strong brace, opens mouth fast big shouts: Chen Xi, do not listen his, do not look for me! Warning!” 可能是因为自己发出的声音被陈曦听见了,所以林萱也不强撑,张开嘴就飞快的大喊道:“陈曦,你不要听他的,不要来找我!报警!” Smelly whore, but also wants to make a show!” “臭婊子,还想耍花样!” Zhao Yuan spat one ruthlessly, 'Pa' is a palm of the hand. 赵元狠狠的啐了一口,‘啪’的又是一巴掌。 After firing off, Zhao Yuan picks up the phone, whole face gloomy saying: Chen Xi, I urged you to should better not to report to the police, otherwise you should know that will then send anything......” 打完之后,赵元拿起电话,满脸阴沉的说道:“陈曦,我劝你最好不要报警,不然你应该知道接下来会发什么……” ****** ****** ****** ****** Thank 【The place of having mystical powers dream is fantasizes township Official river Zuohuang Kakuwinter Brain remnant authentication qualified Hitting of several bosses enjoy 感谢【有灵梦的地方是幻想乡】【江左黄员外】【kakuwinter】【腦殘認證合格】几位老板的打赏
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