IBSDAR :: Volume #1 剑未佩妥,出门已是江湖

#40: Was on vacation from school

This soars to the heavens the fire to come quickly, gone also quick. 这场冲天大火来得很快,去的也很快。 When the firefighters receive the news rushes to the scene, the scene could not have seen sparks. 当消防人员收到消息赶到现场的时候,现场已经看不到一点火星 This clarifies is an artificial arson, otherwise one full is reinforced concrete abandoned building, but can also the sudden self-ignition be inadequate? 这摆明就是一场人为纵火,否则一栋满是钢筋混凝土的烂尾楼,还能突然自燃不成? However, after the fire fighter carefully looked at the situation, in Eureka Tower had not actually been smoked trace. 不过,消防员仔细看了看现场的情况后,却发现大楼里并没有被烟熏过的痕迹。 While everyone somewhat doubts time, a senior fire fighter discovered keenly, on the ceiling of their top of the head covered tiny water drop unexpectedly, carefully did not look that could not really have looked. 正当大家有些疑惑的时候,一位老消防员才敏锐的发现,他们头顶的天花板上竟然覆盖了一层细小的水珠,不仔细看还真看不出来。 This also explained, the incendiary has not used the gasoline firewood to set on fire, but used the natural gas and alcohol and so on clean fuel. 这也说明,纵火者并没有使用汽油木柴来纵火,而是用了天然气、酒精之类的清洁燃料。 Because only by doing so, combustion time will not produce the burned black thick smoke. 因为只有这样,燃烧的时候才不会产生焦黑的浓烟。 The clean fuel was not cheap, wants to make a moment ago the soaring to the heavens fire of that scale with the clean fuel, feared that was not the average person can accomplish. 清洁燃料可不便宜,想要用清洁燃料来制造出刚才那种规模的冲天大火,怕不是一般人所能办到的。 The fire brigade removed, later, they informed Jingkai District Bureau. 消防队撤了,随后,他们通知了经开区分局。 Place that but the economic development zone many factories have, in the workshop deposited many flammabile and explosive chemistry goods, in the event of the fire, the consequence is simply inconceivable. 经济开发区可是有许多工厂存在的地方,厂房内本来就存放了很多易燃易爆的化学物品,一旦发生火灾,后果简直不堪设想。 On 8.12 saliva Bin River new area explosion, but living learning from another's mistakes, that accident caused 165 people dead, 8 people missing, 798 injured, 304 buildings, 12428 commodity automobiles and 7533 containers were damaged, the direct economic losses reached as high as 6.866 billion Yuan. 8.12上津滨河新区特大爆炸事故可是活生生的前车之鉴,那次事故造成165人遇难,八人失踪、798人受伤,304幢建筑物、12428辆商品汽车、7533个集装箱受损,直接经济损失高达68.66亿元。 This is responsibility that no one can shoulder, therefore the sub-bureau leaders take seriously this sudden fire, immediately orders to investigate rigorously. 这是谁都扛不起的责任,所以分局领导十分重视这场突如其来的大火,立刻就下令严查。 Jingkai District Bureau holds all police mobilization meeting immediately, must hold that bold incendiary inevitably. 经开区分局立刻召开了全体民警动员大会,势必要抓住那个胆大包天的纵火者。 However, while opening the sub-bureau takes the action. 然而,就在经开局分局展开行动的同时。 As Chen Xi of arson prime culprit, then brings Lin Xuan to return to arrived her residence. 作为纵火元凶的陈曦,则已经带着林萱到了她的住所。 They are take taxi, Lin Xuan wakes up, discovered oneself have sat on the taxi. 他们是打车来的,林萱醒来的时候,才发现自己已经坐在了出租车上。 She wants to ask that actually Chen Xi what happened, but Chen Xi actually hints the taxi driver who she has a look at the front. 她想问问陈曦究竟发生了什么事,但陈曦却示意她看看前排的出租车司机。 Although in the heart has the question, but has the bystander to present after all, therefore Lin Xuan must press the question in heart forcefully temporarily. 心中虽有万般疑问,但毕竟有外人在场,所以林萱只得强行把心中的疑问给暂时压了下去。 After going home, Lin Xuan cannot bear again, somewhat excited holds the Chen Xi's arm, very anxious asking: „Are you all right? I fainted a moment ago suddenly, actually did behind have what?” 回到家后,林萱就再也忍不住,有些激动的抓住陈曦的手臂,十分紧张的问道:“你没事吧?我刚才突然就昏了过去,后面究竟发生了什么?” Chen Xi sees her nervous appearance, then patted her hand gently, comforts saying: Was all right......” 陈曦见她那紧张兮兮的样子,便轻轻拍了拍她的手,安慰道:“没事了……” Lin Xuan was knocked down by him, he will certainly not tell the Lin Xuan truth. 林萱是被他打晕的,他当然不会告诉林萱真相。 Therefore Chen Xi lies, said before oneself come, has reported to the police. Reason that meets all alone to go upstairs, mainly for police inquiry, so that they can arrange the concrete rescue plan. 于是陈曦撒了个谎,说自己来之前就已经报了警。之所以会孤身一人上楼,主要还是在为警方打探情况,以便他们安排具体的营救计划。 However Zhao Yuan very vigilant, detected all of a sudden matter some are not right, decisive led the person to remove, but he also took advantage that this opportunity rescued Lin Xuan. 不过赵元很机警,一下子就察觉到事情有些不对,果断的就带人撤了,而他也趁这个机会救下了林萱 This lie is actually full of loopholes. 这个谎言其实漏洞百出。 If Chen Xi real warning, they do not sit now at home, but recorded the record in the police station. 如果陈曦真的报了警的话,他们现在就不是坐在家里,而是在警察局录笔录了。 However in the Lin Xuan present brain is completely starch, therefore also the means distinguish the Chen Xi's lie. 不过林萱现在的脑子里完全是一片浆糊,所以也办法分辨出陈曦的谎言。 She sat on the sofa calm, was somewhat terrified saying: „Can Zhao Yuan come back again? Again what to do if he does come back?” 她坐在沙发上冷静了一下,还是有些惶恐的说道:“赵元会不会再回来?如果他再回来怎么办?” Sees that Chen Xi then gave her to pour the a cup water, comforted saying: Relax, kidnapping is the grave offense, moreover their group of people also illegally possessed the guns, now had issued a warrant for arrest by the police nation, will travel without enough time, how possibly to come back?” 见状,陈曦便给她倒了一杯水,安慰道:“放心吧,绑架是重罪,而且他们那帮人还私藏了枪支,现在已经被警察全国通缉了,跑路都来不及,怎么可能会回来?” Real?” “真的吗?” Naturally real, relax, was all right.” “当然是真的,放心吧,没事儿了。” Chen Xi accompanied her to sit one, after seeing her gradually was calm, this with a smile said: You first give the company to telephone to ask for leave, for these days rested well, relaxes. Since the matter passed, that is not happy these forgot entirely, do not place at heart......” 陈曦陪她坐了一阵,见她的情绪逐渐稳定下来后,这才笑着说道:“你先给公司打电话请个假,这几天就好好休息一下,放松放松。既然事情都过去了,那就把这些不愉快统统忘掉,千万不要放在心里……” Lin Xuan lowers the head has not spoken. 林萱低着头没有说话。 Chen Xi turned the head to look at her one eyes, discovered she is lowering the head silent is shedding tears. 陈曦转头看了她一眼,才发现她正低着脑袋无声的流着眼泪。 Actually so long as slightly sees things in others'shoes, can understand her present mood. 其实只要稍稍的换位思考一下,就可以理解她现在的心情了。 Was kidnapped suddenly, with fleeing the villain coexists one room. 突然间被人绑架,和亡命凶徒共处一室。 She is a woman, moreover is a pretty woman. 她是个女人,而且还是个漂亮的女人。 Said that coarse, may be encroached by the opposite party anytime, that type the tight pressure has not crashed her frequently at the scene, this performance is truly good. 说句难听的,随时都有可能受到对方的侵犯,那种时时刻刻紧绷的精神压力没有当场把她压垮,这个表现确实已经很不错了。 Chen Xi does not know how should comfort her, in brief all because of him. 陈曦也不知道该怎么安慰她,总之一切都是因他而起。 Was he implicated Lin Xuan, harmed Lin Xuan to receive for two days to suffer in vain. 是他连累了林萱,害林萱白白受了两天折磨。 Saying over and over again, this is an unexpected misfortune. 说来说去,这都是一场无妄之灾。 Therefore after hesitant over and over, Chen Xi can only sigh gently: Blames me, implicated you, sorry......” 所以犹豫再三后,陈曦只能轻轻叹道:“都怪我,连累你了,对不起……” hearing this, Lin Xuan pulled out sniffing, raised the head squeezed a smiling face very reluctantly, as if probably is comforting Chen Xi general, forces oneself to look cheerful saying: All right, passed......” 闻言,林萱抽了抽鼻子,抬起头十分勉强的挤出了一个笑容,似乎像是在安慰陈曦一般,强颜欢笑道:“没事,都过去了……” Chen Xi somewhat awkward extracts napkin to give Lin Xuan, this situation he really does not know should say anything. 陈曦有些尴尬的抽出一张纸巾递给林萱,这种情况他是实在不知道该说些什么了。 Lin Xuan received napkin to scratch the nose, then deeply inspires, the standing up body said with a smile: All right, ok. you wait for me, I take a bath to change the body clothes, then do we go out to dine?” 林萱接过纸巾擦了擦鼻子,然后深吸了一口气,站起身子笑着说道:“没事,好了。你等我一下,我去洗个澡换身衣服,然后我们就出去吃饭?” Chen Xi gawked, the nod responded hastily: Good, you go quickly, I'll wait for you, must be one's turn me to treat today.” 陈曦愣了一下,连忙点头回应道:“好,你快去,我等你,今天怎么也得轮到我请客了。” The Lin Xuan house is to save money to buy, the house is not big, only then set one, but actually warmth of very repair. 林萱的房子是自己存钱买下的,房子不大,只有套一,不过却装修的很温馨。 She nods, then turned around to walk toward the bedroom. 她点了点头,然后转身朝着卧室走了过去。 Chen Xi sits on the sofa, the brain was still pondering how to comfort Lin Xuan, but at this time, his telephone actually rang. 陈曦坐在沙发上,脑子还在思考着如何安慰林萱,可这时,他的电话却响了起来。 Chen Xi take out a phone looks, the discovery is a strange number. 陈曦拿出手机一看,发现是个陌生号码。 Thinks, Chen Xi connected the call. 想了想,陈曦还是接通了电话。 Hey? Hello?” “喂?您好?” Papa! How you have not taken other my Ah? little friend to be exposed! Remained my one!” 粑粑!你怎么还不来接我啊?别的小朋友都走光了!就剩我一个了!” The sound that the little fellows speak in an infantile tone of voice passed from telephone that. 小家伙奶声奶气的声音从电话那头传了过来。 Her tone is very rapid, as if some were not happy, evidently was the vitality/angry...... 她语气很急促,似乎有些不高兴,看样子是生气了…… Oh, I go!” “哎哟,我去!” After hearing the voice of little fellow, Chen Xi is scared immediately. 听到小家伙的声音后,陈曦立刻就慌了神。 Blames Zhao Yuan this broken matters, harmed he forgot that must meet Niannian to be on vacation from school on time! 都怪赵元这一摊破事,害的他都忘记要按时接念念放学了! Sorry, Niannian, Father had the matter to delay a moment ago, you in kindergarten wait for me, Father meet you immediately!” “对不起啊,念念,爸爸刚才有事耽误了,你在幼儿园等我一下,爸爸马上就来接你!” Hurry up! Hurry up! I must go home!” The little fellows showed oneself disaffection in telephone that unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “快点!快点!我要回家!”小家伙在电话那头毫不客气的展现了自己的不满。 Okay good! Father comes immediately, Niannian you wait for me!” “好好好!爸爸马上就来,念念你等我!” Made the telephone call, Chen Xi stands from the sofa immediately. 挂了电话,陈曦立刻就从沙发站了起来。 At this time, Lin Xuan also walked from the bedroom, visits him to ask: Niannian also in kindergarten?” 这时,林萱也从卧室里走了出来,看着他问道:“念念还在幼儿园?” Em, I forgot also to take her to be on vacation from school......” “恩,我都忘了还要去接她放学了……” All right, you first meet her, the matter of eating meal will say another day again.” “没事,你先去接她吧,吃饭的事改天再说。” I first walked Ah? “那我先走了啊? Goes.” “去吧。” Has anything to remember that calls me......” “有什么事记得给我打电话……” Em, relax, I will ask for leave to rest for several days.” “恩,放心,我会请假休息几天。” Good, I first walked......” “好嘞,那我先走了……” Does obeisance.” “拜。” ****** ****** ****** ****** Thank 【! Hahahaha Sea GAMMA Kuwata Radish also has youth 001248 【After each family, Sinking sleep Yang Chichi Monarch free of evil intention 9 Wants word actually to turn around Peak wind fire Moonlight falls Spurts for 10,000 years Fubeixse 74011 pp Canvas shoe Cola reckless Hitting of so many bosses enjoy...... 感谢【啊!哈哈哈哈】【沧海Γ桑田】【萝卜也有青春】【001248】【过家家以后】【沉睡梦】【杨池池】【君无邪九】【欲言却是转身】【峰风火火】【月华落】【喷一万年】【fubeixse】【74011pp】【帆布鞋】【可乐胡】这么多老板的打赏……
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