IAMDC :: Volume #26

#2513: Is beyond control he

It seems like you do not understand me, makes way to me.” “看来你并不了解我,给我让开。” Facing the suggestion of sunlight, Chu Chaoyun simply does not have any consideration, direct rejection. 面对曦的建议,楚朝云根本没有任何考虑,直接拒绝。 „Did you determine?” “你确定?” The sunlight facial color sinks, look indifferent [say / way]: Opportunity that this time, I powerful will not run away.” 曦面色一沉,神色冷漠的道:“这一次,我可不会给力逃走的机会了。” Chu Chaoyun indifferently said: Right? I two, if full power fights, no matter you do want, Jiang He/River must die without doubt. Former generation Heavenly Dragon Restriction has not untied died, perhaps Inheritance Secret Key therefore annihilation, will you determine?” 楚朝云淡淡的道:“是吗?我两若是全力交手,不管你愿意不愿意,江河必死无疑。上代天龙禁制还未解开就死去,传承密匙说不定就会因此毁灭,你确定?” By their strengths, if real full power fights. 以两人的实力,若真的全力交手。 Fights finally, will be definitely beyond control, decides to affect lethargic sleep past Jiang He/River. 战到最后,肯定无法控制,定会波及到昏睡过去的江河 Finally how, it goes without saying. 结果如何,不言而喻。 „Are you threatening me?” “你在威胁我?” The sunlight face darken arrives at peak, although does not want to acknowledge, but the view of Chu Chaoyun indeed has very big possibility. 曦脸色阴沉到极致,虽不想承认,可楚朝云的说法的确有很大可能。 Has? I only said the fact, thought really that I and you were the same people?” “有吗?我只说出事实罢了,还是真觉得,我和你是同一种人?” Chu Chaoyun looks to smile, unflustered looks to the sunlight. 楚朝云面露微笑,从容不迫的看向曦。 The sunlight vision is profound, discovered that somewhat cannot completely understand Chu Chaoyun, how for a while unknown defines. 曦目光深邃,发现有些看不透楚朝云,一时不知道如何定义。 Said that his heavy sentiment, side may like Xiao Chen like that unconditionally not protect the important person. If Xiao Chen, by the Jiang He/River death, will not force itself absolutely. 说他重情,可又不像萧晨那般,会无条件的守护身边重要的人。若是萧晨,绝对不会以江河的死,来逼迫自己。 Said that his benefit is supreme, actually refused to collaborate with oneself, decision of this maximum benefit. 说他利益至上,却又拒绝了与自己联手,这一利益最大化的决定。 His words, are complicated. 他的话,充满矛盾。 In not only wants to protect in the heart insisted that and has to make the compromise to the reality, involuntary, is he best portrayal. 既想守护内心中的一些坚持,又不得不对现实做出妥协,身不由己,是他最好的写照。 Era alternates the front, this person is most pitiful. 纪元更迭面前,这种人最可怜不过。 If you so are living, but also is really tired.” “如你这般活着,还真是累。” Expression that on the sunlight face reveals pitying, indifferently said: I do not need to compel you, regardless of you do want, time will compel you to make the choice slowly, I only need the patient waiting to be then good.” 曦的脸上露出一丝怜悯的表情,淡淡的道:“我不用逼你,无论你愿意不愿意,时间会慢慢逼你做出选择,我只需耐心等待便好。” The voice falls, the sunlight changes into illusory shadow, vanishes in the Chu Chaoyun front little slowly. 话音落下,曦化为虚影,一点点慢慢消失在楚朝云的面前。 On the Chu Chaoyun face the smiling face coagulates, on face reveals an unprecedented sadness, after that is seen through all camouflages has no alternative. 楚朝云脸上笑容凝固,脸上露出一股前所未有的悲伤,那是被人看穿所有伪装后的无可奈何。 In the mind appeared, in the Black Wind range, Xiao Chen knows the truth once again on the same day, one blade that turns round to draw out. 脑海中再度出现,当日黑风岭中,萧晨得知真相,回身拔出的一刀 That one blade, cut completely a Black Wind range ten thousand years of not loose cold wind, divulged the in the heart disaffection all. 一刀,斩尽了黑风岭万年不散的阴风,将心中的不满尽数宣泄。 That one blade, completely determination of Xiao Chen in the heart, even if faces the chance to alternate. His also without hesitation Drawing Blade, regardless of being difficult, will be unprecedented, grasps the nettle, does not flinch. 一刀,道尽了萧晨心中的决心,就算面对机缘更迭。他也会毫不犹豫拔刀,无论多艰难,都会一往无前,迎难而上,绝不退缩。 Takes back the train of thought that Chu Chaoyun unemotionally , to continue at the back of Jiang He/River and Immortal Palace. 收回思绪,楚朝云面无表情,背着江河仙宫中继续前行。 In Immortal Palace, everywhere is the antiquity crane and Great Desolate beast of prey. 仙宫中,到处都是上古仙禽和洪荒猛兽。 Seeks for Wings Of Time And Space Yuan Zhen and the others in this, march is not smooth, walks, all knocks Panpan. 在此中寻找时空之翼圆真等人,行进的并不顺利,一路走去,皆是磕磕盼盼。 But these people either are outstanding talent(s) in outstanding talent(s), may be called the monstrous talent, either is highest big accomplishment Emperor Monarch. 可这些人要么是翘楚中的翘楚,堪称妖孽,要么就是顶尖大成帝君 antiquity crane and Great Desolate beast of prey, cannot compare the immortal corpse that outside cannot kill. 上古仙禽和洪荒猛兽在强,也比不上外面杀不死的仙尸。 One group of people, advance vigorously crazily suddenly, various cards in a hand, go forward toward the Immortal Palace deep place incessantly. 一群人,狂突猛进,各施底牌,不断朝着仙宫深处前进。 Hateful, cannot pursue.” “可恶,追不到了。” Xiao Suo, Lin Feng and Hao Kai three people, after crossing that piece of Fire Sea, cannot see the Chu Chaoyun form completely. 萧索林风昊铠三人,过了那一片火海之后,完全看不到楚朝云的身影。 Lin Feng closes the eye, was recalling diligently anything, after partly makes a sound, opens both eyes saying: I know, where can he?” 林风闭上眼睛,努力回想着一些什么,半响后,睁开双目道:“我知道,他会在什么地方?” „?” “哦?” Xiao Suo and Hao Kai, reveal the vision of doubts, looks to Lin Feng. 萧索昊铠,都露出疑惑的目光,看向林风 Lin Feng hesitates saying: Should be I with Jiang He/River, most starts a appeared hall, now thinks that place, should be Ethereal Immortal Palace Core region. But at that time everywhere was crane beast of prey, I do not dare to be dull, brought the homicide to come out.” 林风沉吟道:“应该是我跟江河,最开始出现的一处大厅,现在想想那地方,应该就是飘渺仙宫核心区域。只不过当时到处都是仙禽猛兽,我不敢多呆,就带着他杀出来了。” Xiao Suo thinks saying: If initially you did not walk, possibly Wings Of Time And Space, had been attained by you.” 萧索想了想道:“要是当初你不走的话,可能时空之翼,已经被你拿到了。” I have not seen Wings Of Time And Space, at that time has not thought that here is Ethereal Immortal Palace.” “我并没有看到时空之翼,当时也没想到,这里就是飘渺仙宫。” Lin Feng said truthfully that he was confused at that time, the place how simply unknown comes. 林风如实说道,他当时一头雾水,根本就不知道怎么来的这地方。 Hao Kai hesitates saying: Did not say these, leading us to pass.” 昊铠沉吟道:“不说这些了,带我们过去吧。” Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Walks, on the ground is the corpse of antiquity crane and Great Desolate beast of prey, the bloodstain has not done everywhere, airborne emits is choking the smell of blood of nose. 一路走去,地面上到处都是上古仙禽和洪荒猛兽的尸体,血迹未干,空中散发着呛鼻的血腥味。 Three people march forward speed not to be quick, on the one hand, Lin Feng needs the time recollection. 三人行进速度并不算快,一方面,林风需要时间回想。 On the other hand, will bump once for a while also into the crane beast of prey. 另一方面,时不时还会碰到仙禽猛兽。 Is good because of having Xiao Suo and Hao Kai, inherited the Scarlet Blood King undefeated to care, big accomplishment Six Lineage Emperor Monarch. Three people with joint forces, almost do not have the crane beast of prey that cannot defeat, such has killed. 好在有萧索昊铠在,一个继承了赤血王不败在意,一个大成六脉帝君。三人合力,几乎没有不能战胜的仙禽猛兽,就这么一路杀了过去。 After half double-hour passes by, before Lin Feng is pointing at channel tastes: Words that did not remember incorrectly, was the front hall.” 半个时辰过去后,林风指着通道前的出口道:“没记错的话,就是前面的大厅了。” In the past had a look.” “过去看看。” Several people pass through channel, enters in hall. 几人穿过通道,进入大厅中。 time, at present one bright, slightly is dazzling. 时间,眼前一亮,略显刺眼。 Broad rotunda, has the standing tall and erect vault, above the vault, covers entirely Galaxy Sun and Moon that hovers. 宽阔的圆形大厅,有着高耸的穹顶,穹顶之上,布满游动的星河日月 Everywhere stars, the sparkle is eye-catching. 漫天繁星,闪耀夺目。 Floor that in the hall the pure white immortal jade paves, strict seamless, emits white snow dazzling rays of light. 大厅中洁白仙玉铺就的地板,严密无缝,散发着白雪般刺目的光芒 Enters the so bright hall suddenly, the Xiao Suo three people, some too do not adapt. 陡然进入这般明亮的大厅,萧索三人,都有些不太适应。 Is here.” “就是这里。” Lin Feng is sizing up the hall, said in a soft voice. Although he has come one time, how long may initially also without enough time on dull, then by the crane beast of prey that wells up from various places, frightens eye-catchingly runs away. 林风打量着大厅,轻声说道。他虽来过一次,可当初还来不及呆上多久,便被从各处涌来的仙禽猛兽,吓得夺目而逃。 At this moment comes again, still could not bear the curious sizing up four directions. 此刻再来,仍然忍不住好奇的打量四方。 The Core hall, top of the head vast Star Chart, has the stars sparkle, the Sun and Moon same splendor, the shining entire hall, such as dream is imaginary. 核心大厅,头顶浩瀚星图,有星辰闪耀,日月同辉,照耀的整个大厅,如梦似幻。 Deep place in, then naturally, sentimental Mortal Body Soul Ethereal gets up, some not too real feeling. 深处其中,便自然而然,感情肉身魂魄飘渺起来,有些不太真实的感觉。 In the center of hall, has dazzling five colors Divine Stone to lay aside on stone pillar, red orange yellow greenish blue, rays of light twinkling, fluctuates Ten Million. 在大厅的中央,有更为耀眼的五色神石放置在石柱上,红橙黄绿蓝,光芒闪烁,变幻万千 The five colors Spiritual Consciousness interior, is such as the water generally deep blue liquid, likely is the ripples that the Space-Time fluctuation produces. 五色神识的内部,是如水一般湛蓝的液体,像是时空波动产生的涟漪。 Xiao Suo is stylish: Originally we in the Space-Time fluctuation that the outside induces, transmits from this five colors Spiritual Consciousness.” 萧索顿时道:“原来我们在外界感应到的时空波动,都是从这五色神识中传来的。” don't tell me said that Wings Of Time And Space by seal in inside?” 难道说,时空之翼就被封印在里面?” The Hao Kai look is dignified, thinks of some possibility. 昊铠神色凝重,想到某个可能。 Has the possibility very much.” “很有可能。” Xiao Suo both eyes concentrate, said in a soft voice. 萧索双目微凝,轻声说道。 Lin Feng looks all around, discovered that in the hall has many channel to exist, feared how long other people will unable to catch up. 林风环顾四周,发现大厅中有多处通道存在,怕是要不了多久其他人就会赶来了。 Immortal Palace, not only has crane beast of prey, and likes the labyrinth Jiuqu winding corridor. 仙宫内部,既有仙禽猛兽,又有如迷宫般的九曲回廊。 If not before Lin Feng, has come one time, is impossible to snatch in front of other people to catch up, but was supposing also quickly many. 若非林风之前来过一次,绝不可能抢在其他人前面赶来,但估摸着也快不了多少。 Now what to do? That Chu Chaoyun, unexpectedly not in this place.” “现在怎么办?那楚朝云,居然不在此地。” Xiao Suo looked at five colors Divine Stone, then has not gone to manage, has not discovered Chu Chaoyun, making him somewhat depressed. 萧索看了眼五色神石,便没有去管,没有发现楚朝云,让他有些郁闷。 First waits, since he for Wings Of Time And Space, that definitely will come. Some people came......” “先等等,他既然是为了时空之翼,那就肯定会来的。有人来了……” Hao Kai brow micro wrinkle that spoken, three people are vigilant hastily that has fallen back on the place of hall edge. 正在说话的昊铠眉头微皱,三人连忙警惕起来,退到了大厅边缘之处。 Whish! 哗! A Buddhist Light annihilation in the hall visionally, Yuan Zhen that actually first clashes, sat well flew on the stage continually. 一阵佛光湮没在梦幻般的大厅中,却是首先冲进来的圆真,端坐在连台上飞了进来。 Examines carefully, sees only him to sit down Lotus Throne, the bloodstained. 细细看去,只见他坐下莲台,血迹斑斑。 Obviously this walks, made many to kill the evil, finally arrived this step. 显然这一路走来,造了诸多杀孽,才终于走到这一步。 Wings Of Time And Space!” 时空之翼!” Yuan Zhen looks to the five colors Divine Stone instance, immediately induces to Space-Time ripples of implication, the complexion changes. 圆真看向五色神石的瞬间,立刻感应到其中蕴含的时空涟漪,脸色微变。 Immediately recognized, Wings Of Time And Space, certain seal in the middle of five colors Divine Stone. 当即认定,时空之翼,一定封印在五色神石当中。 dong dong dong! 咚咚咚 When he must begin, other channel, Silver Dragon King, Qin Ming and Sikong Shu three people, the whole body is bathed in blood flushed. 就在他要动手之际,另外的通道,银龙王秦明司空曙三人,浑身浴血的冲了进来。 The Qin Ming line of sight falls to five colors Divine Stone above, in the eye ignites crazy Flame immediately, Wings Of Time And Space! 秦明视线落到五色神石之上,眼中顿时燃起疯狂的火焰,时空之翼 Finally had found, the fee completely untold hardships, finally found.” “终于找到了,费尽千辛万苦,终于找到了。” On the Qin Ming face reveals the Endless happy expression, the vision glance, when sees Yuan Zhen, in the eye emits thick killing intent. 秦明脸上露出无尽的喜色,目光一瞥,当看到圆真之时,眼中冒出浓浓的杀意 Snort.” “哼。” On Lotus Throne, the Yuan Zhen corners of the mouth pull wisp of a happy expression of disdaining, in the eye completely is the color of taunt. 莲台上,圆真嘴角扯出一缕不屑的笑意,眼中尽是嘲讽之色。 Does not wait for two sides to fight, Wenren Yu and Dao Xuan, Yan Cangming and Zhen Yuan, as well as the sunlight and Ming Xuan and Yang Qing walked from different channel. 不等两方交手,闻人羽道玄,颜苍冥真远,以及曦和明轩杨青都从不同的通道走了出来。 Takes a broad view to look, before Immortal Palace Secret Key control, almost led the companion to kill this place. 放眼看去,之前仙宫密匙的掌控者,几乎都带着同伴杀到了此地。 This is containing Wings Of Time And Space finally place! 这蕴藏着时空之翼的最终之地! In the Xiao Suo eye killing intent condenses, all around seeks, throughout has not actually seen the Chu Chaoyun form. 萧索眼中杀意凝聚,四下寻找,却始终都没有看到楚朝云的身影。 Damn, has this ungrateful fellow, where hidden? 该死,这忘恩负义的家伙,藏到了哪里? Qin Ming, Wenren Yu and the others, are the vision is discrete, cautiously is staring at other people. 秦明闻人羽等人,却是目光谨慎,小心翼翼的盯着其他人。 At crucial moment, has noted, possibly was not killed by other people. 关键时候,一个不注意,可能就被其他人杀死了。 Wings Of Time And Space at present, anyone wants to obtain, but Wings Of Time And Space has one eventually. 时空之翼就在眼前,谁都想得到,可时空之翼终究只有一件。 Who wants to monopolize, will face the aspect of rally togethering to attack, no one dares to act rashly. 无论是谁想要独占,都会面临群起而攻之的局面,谁都不敢轻举妄动。 Atmosphere strange gets up gradually, when does not know, Qin Ming three people with Wenren Yu and Dao Xuan between distance, approaches little. 现场气氛渐渐诡异起来,不知何时,秦明三人与闻人羽道玄的之间的距离,一点点接近起来。 Yan Cangming and Zhen Yuan and sunlight, little closing up. 颜苍冥真远与曦,一点点的靠拢。 Everybody can expect that the needless moment, will have war of the Life and Death. 大家都能预料到,不消片刻,将会有一场生死之战。 Before Life and Death approaches, sticking together is the instinct of humanity, appears tacit full. 生死之前来临前,抱团是人类的本能,都显得默契十足。 It is likely discovered that about two sides, are just demon two, the Buddha Sect Yuan Zhen neutrality everyone do not depend. 可以发现,左右两方,刚好是正魔两道,佛门圆真中立谁也不靠。 The Xiao Suo three people, directly were neglected, they and Xiao Chen have the connection that is unable to cut. 萧索三人,则被直接忽视,他们与萧晨有着无法切割的关联。 Obviously this demon two schools, cannot accommodate existence of Xiao Chen, was affecting the Xiao Suo three people. 显然这正魔两派,都容不下萧晨的存在,连带着波及到了萧索三人。 Yuan Zhen, Spirit Hidden Temple may be Righteous Path Sect(s), you do not stand in line with us, does don't tell me want to benefit as the third party in a dispute inadequately?” 圆真,灵隐寺可一直都是正道宗门,你不与我们站队,难道想渔翁得利不成?” The Qin Ming vision falls to Lotus Throne Yuan Zhen on, saying of coldly. 秦明目光落到莲台圆真身上,冷冷的说道。 When the speech, the sunlight and Yan Cangming, will focus in Yuan Zhen similarly. 在说话之时,曦和颜苍冥,同样将目光放在了圆真身上。 Obviously demon two, did not allow that formidable existence, sits mountain Guanhu to fight. 显然正魔两道,都不容许一个强大的存在,坐山观虎斗。 If he has not taken a stand, may be collaborated to do by demon two, does not give its enjoys the opportunity of advantage of elderly fisherman. 若是他还不表态,可能会被正魔两道联手做掉,不给其享渔翁之利的机会。 Facing the Qin Ming aggressive situation, Yuan Zhen indifferently said: Buddha non- Buddha, the demon non- demon, this poor monk does not want to moisten you two schools of causes and effects.” 面对秦明咄咄逼人的态势,圆真淡淡的道:“佛非佛,魔非魔,贫僧并不想沾你们两派的因果。” Such remarks, immediately causes demon both sides to be hostile. 此言一出,顿时引起正魔双方仇视。 ! 咻! But when demon both sides, prepares to collaborate to make Yuan Zhen, five colors Divine Stone on stone pillar soars suddenly. 可就在正魔双方,准备联手做掉圆真之时,石柱上的五色神石陡然腾空而起。 Looks up, sees on vault Galaxy, drops one person. 抬头看去,就见穹顶星河上,落下一人。 Jiang He/River both eyes shut tightly, the surface toward ground, chest emits trace complex rays of light, is falling slowly. His within the body as if has some Restriction, along with dissipation rays of light, little dissolution. 江河双目紧闭,面朝地面,胸口散发着纹路复杂的光芒,缓缓落下。他的体内似乎有某种禁制,随着散逸的光芒,一点点溶解。 Falls from the day, soars, Jiang He/River and five colors Divine Stone is little. 一个从天而落,一个腾空而起,江河与五色神石一点点接近。 On the people face, all has some doubts. 众人脸上,皆生出些许疑惑。 Only has the sunlight to look to sneer, already expected, Chu Chaoyun will untie Restriction that former generation Heavenly Dragon leaves behind surely at crucial moments. 唯有曦面露冷笑,早就料到,楚朝云定会在关键时刻解开上代天龙留下的禁制 No matter he is willing not to want, he must make the decision, is beyond control he! 不管他愿意还是不愿意,他都得做出决定,由不得他!
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