IAMDC :: Volume #26

#2512: Makes way to me!

Ethereal Immortal Palace entrance, Lin Yun looks at the crowd that clashes crazily, cursed one, hurried the shunt. 飘渺仙宫入口处,林云看着疯狂冲过来的人群,咒骂一声,赶紧闪开。 whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖 Yuan Zhen controls Lotus Throne, is bathing Buddhist Light, bore the brunt to dodge. 圆真驾驭莲台,沐浴着佛光,首当其冲闪了进去。 Before going, looked at Lin Feng. 进去之前,看了眼林风 After hesitant a half second of time, directly flushed, has not gone to manage Lin Feng. 犹豫了半秒的时间后,直接冲了进去,没有去管林风 Indeed, Lin Feng and Jiang He/River appeared in Ethereal Immortal Palace, opens the front door when people despair suddenly. 的确,林风江河突然出现飘渺仙宫,在众人绝望之际推开大门。 Regardless of thinks from any angle that appears strange is incomparable. 无论从什么角度想,都显得诡异无比。 If can be unflustered, can hold these two people, naturally should better. 如能从容不迫,能将这二人抓住,自然最好不过。 But you have delayed, does not represent others to delay in light of this. 可你耽搁了,不代表别人会就此耽搁。 The stay, then can miss situation slightly, a mistake, loses 100 percent. 稍稍停留,便会错失先机,一步错,满盘皆输。 Silver Dragon King, Wenren Yu and the others, have crashed in Immortal Palace, some looked at Lin Feng two, some simply have not looked. 紧接着银龙王闻人羽等人,都跟着冲进了仙宫,有的看了林风两眼,有的干脆就没看。 The front door opened, anything, cannot compare to kill Immortal Palace to be important. 大门都已经开了,任何事情,都比不上杀进仙宫重要。 May always some people, not want to let off Lin Feng and Jiang He/River in light of this. 可总有一些人,不想就此放过林风江河 Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖! Sunlight one line of three people, stopped up Lin Feng deep sleep stupor Jiang He/River, in the eye harbored evil intentions. 曦一行三人,堵住了林风沉睡昏迷的江河,眼中不怀好意。 Sees the sunlight not to say a word, direct take action. 就见曦一言不发,直接出手 Regarding scarlet Dragon Shadow that his whole body soars, such as, roars to go toward Lin Feng like lightning. 围绕着他周身腾飞的血色龙影,如闪电般,朝着林风怒吼而去。 In the Lin Feng eye, scarlet Dragon Shadow is carrying the terror Dynasty demon prestige, enormously and powerful. In his field of vision, this scarlet Dragon Shadow, vast boundless, broad huge, has dreadful imposing manner. 林风眼中,血色龙影携带着恐怖的皇朝魔威,浩浩荡荡而来。在他的视野之中,这只血色龙影,浩瀚无边,恢弘庞大,有滔天气势 In Immortal Palace, has struggled hard Lin Feng, facing this strikes to look the embarrassment at present. 仙宫内部,已经苦战一番的林风,面对眼前这一击面露难色。 Even if can catch, causes heavy losses surely, when the time comes must its be seized. 就算接得住,也必定重创,到时候都要被其所擒。 The best choice, naturally gives up Jiang He/River, alone departs. 最好的选择,自然是放弃江河,独自离去。 When he feels urgently is awkward, together the form blocks before him, wields a sword without hesitation. 就在他倍感为难之际,一道身影拦在他面前,毫不犹豫挥出一剑。 Primal Chaos Limitless! 混沌无极 Scoff! Scarlet Dragon Shadow welcomed the sword light, fast streaks, cut in half by this sword. 嗤!血色龙影迎上剑光,快速的划过,被此剑切成两半。 Good strength!” “好强!” Lin Feng secretly heart startled, keeps off the person before his body, unexpectedly a sword has broken Blood Dragon Shadow. 林风暗自心惊,挡在他身前的这人,居然一剑就破开了血龙影 Is divided into two halves Blood Dragon Shadow, returning to the sunlight the side to condense. 咻,分成两半的血龙影,回到曦的身边重新凝聚。 Sunlight, should not be ruthless.” “曦,不要赶尽杀绝。” Chu Chaoyun looks to the sunlight three people, the sinking sound said. 楚朝云看向曦三人,沉声说道。 The sunlight shows a faint smile, indifferently said: don't tell me you do not want to know, Ethereal Immortal Palace how he enters.” 曦微微一笑,淡淡的道:“难道你就不想知道,他是如何进的飘渺仙宫。” [Say / Way] that Chu Chaoyun unemotionally: I cared that you are continue delay, but can also catch up with other people.” 楚朝云面无表情的道:“我更关心,你在继续耽搁,还能不能赶上其他人。” The voice falls, the sunlight complexion suddenly becomes gloomy. 话音落下,曦脸色陡然变得阴沉起来。 If no this Chu Chaoyun to stop, where need delays how long, could not spend any time by his strength. 若是没这楚朝云阻拦,哪里需要耽搁多久,以他的实力根本费不了什么功夫。 Previous time made you run, your this courage was actually getting more and more fat.” “上次让你跑了,你这胆子倒是越来越肥了。” In the sunlight eye killing intent stores up, look cloudy clear uncertain, as deep as a well. 曦眼中杀意蓄积,神色阴晴不定,让人难以捉摸。 You, although is strong, I may never truly fear you, those present nobody understands you compared with me.” “你虽强,我可从未真正惧怕过你,在场的人没有谁比我更了解你。” Chu Chaoyun is calm, facing the threat of opposite party, slightly not timid. 楚朝云淡定从容,面对对方的威胁,丝毫没有胆怯。 whiz whiz! 嗖嗖 In this time, two forms flew exactly, is actually Xiao Suo and Hao Kai. 恰在此时,两道身影飞了过来,却是萧索昊铠 „Do Brother Chu, need to help?” “楚兄弟,需要帮忙吗?” Xiao Suo is grasping Scarlet Blood war flag, falls to Chu Chaoyun side, asked in a soft voice. 萧索握着赤血战旗,落到楚朝云身边,轻声问道。 We walk.” “我们走。” Saw that Xiao Suo and Hao Kai arrive, sunlight whole body imposing manner fierce receives, departs decisively. 见到萧索昊铠到来,曦浑身气势猛的一收,果断离去。 The back that looks at three people of departures, several people on the scene relaxed, the sunlight strength is too immeasurably deep. 看着三人离去的背影,在场几人都松了口气,曦的实力太深不可测。 Anybody faces him, is impossible to treat it lightly. 任何人面对他,都不可能掉以轻心。 Chu Chaoyun looked at the eye, dense and numerous, immortal corpse that has encircled coming. Knits the brows: On first Immortal Palace, these immortal corpses, as if do not dare to enter inside.” 楚朝云看了眼,密密麻麻,围了过来的仙尸。皱眉道:“先上仙宫,这些仙尸,似乎不敢进入里面。” Cannot go, inside antiquity crane and Great Desolate beast of prey, are more terrorist.” “不能进去,里面的上古仙禽和洪荒猛兽,更恐怖。” Lin Feng hears must enter Immortal Palace, immediately remembers the beforehand terror experience, spoke the reminder to say. 林风听到又要进入仙宫,立刻想起之前的恐怖经历,出言提醒道。 Will not have this place terror in the terror, goes advanced.” “在恐怖也不会有此地恐怖,先进去吧。” Hao Kai looked at the immortal corpse, saying that has a lingering fear. 昊铠看了眼仙尸,心有余悸的说道。 whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖 Several people mount the Immortal Palace entrance, really these immortal corpses pursue, has not gone a step further. 几人登上仙宫入口,果然那些仙尸追过来,就没有更进一步。 I must go , can you with come together?” Chu Chaoyun looked that said to Xiao Suo and Hao Kai, he wants certainly to fight over Wings Of Time And Space, is impossible to keep this. “我要进去了,你们要跟着一起来吗?”楚朝云看向萧索昊铠说道,他肯定是要争时空之翼的,不可能一直留在这。 „.” “不了。” Xiao Suo shakes the head, firm [say / way]: We must in this grade of Brother Xiao Chen.” 萧索摇摇头,坚定的道:“我们要在这等萧晨兄弟。” Good, you keep this. However this person, I must carry off.” “好吧,那你们就留在这。不过这个人,我要带走。” The Chu Chaoyun vision falls on Jiang He/River, the look has not changed, but the words make people be startled. 楚朝云目光落在江河身上,神色未变,可话让人大吃一惊。 He must carry off Jiang He/River! 他要带走江河 You are really not the good thing!” “你果然不是什么好东西!” The Xiao Suo personal appearance dodges, keeps off before Jiang He/River and Lin Feng body, vision ice-cold saying. 萧索身形一闪,挡在江河林风身前,目光冰冷的说道。 The Chu Chaoyun vision is profound, hesitates saying: He is the Wings Of Time And Space key, I must take away him, but I ensure will not harm and his life.” 楚朝云目光深邃,沉吟道:“他是时空之翼的关键,我必须带走他,不过我保证,绝不会伤及他的性命。” You thought that I will make you carry off?” “你觉得我会让你带走吗?” The Xiao Suo corners of the mouth pull to wipe to sneer, in the eye fills killing intent looks to Chu Chaoyun. 萧索嘴角扯出一抹冷笑,眼中充满杀意的看向楚朝云 That may be beyond control you.” “那可就由不得你了。” The voice falls, the Chu Chaoyun form becomes fuzzy, his Primal Chaos Space piece, letting the person is unable to catch. 话音落下,楚朝云的身影变得模糊起来,他所处的空间混沌一片,让人无法捕捉。 Person?” “人呢?” Hao Kai and Xiao Suo, went forward to kill the past, finally absolutely did not have the Chu Chaoyun form, was all surprised. 昊铠萧索,上前扑杀过去,结果完全没有楚朝云的身影,皆是大吃一惊。 Whiz! 嗖! Wipes the flowing light to flash through, Chu Chaoyun is holding fainting Jiang He/River, fled from their side. 一抹流光闪过,楚朝云抱着昏死的江河,从两人身边窜了过去。 Damn, pursues!” “该死,追!” Three people obloquy one, dashes about wildly to go, the front such as the cloud in the day, Chu Chaoyun that Suifeng moves reviews the glance. 三人大骂一声,狂奔而去,前方如云在天,随风而动的楚朝云回眸一瞥。 Sees in his both eyes golden light twinkling, golden Flame billowing, formed piece of Fire Sea to block three people. 就见其双目中金光闪烁,金色火焰滚滚而出,形成一片火海拦住了三人。 Is Primordial True Fire!” “是混元真火!” Hao Kai holds breath a cold air/Qi, extends both hands, has blocked Xiao Suo and Lin Feng. 昊铠倒吸一口冷气,伸出双手,将萧索林风都拦了下来。 Why to stop, the boy has walked away.” “干嘛停下,那小子已经走远了。” The Xiao Suo anger cannot uncover, he walks with the sea above, seems like uncouthly rash, but the natural disposition upholds justice straightforwardly. In his in the heart, when regardless of being the righteousness character overheads, the kindness, all living things did not forget. 萧索怒不可揭,他行走与大海之上,看似粗鲁莽撞,可生性豪爽仗义。在他心中,无论何时都是义字当头,受人恩惠,众生不忘。 His all, are Xiao Chen give him. 他的一切,都是萧晨给他的。 Without Xiao Chen, he will not obtain Scarlet Blood King Inheritance, will not reach the present altitude. 没有萧晨,他就不会得到赤血王传承,不会达到现在的高度。 That Xiao Chen is his benefactor, therefore he is duty-bound not to turn back, is willing to be Xiao Chen does any matter. 萧晨便是他的恩人,所以他义无返顾,愿意为萧晨做任何事。 Such person, always most hated the betrayal, the stain of sesame seed size not to endure. 这样的人,平生最恨背叛,芝麻大小的污点都忍受不了。 If able, now will cut Chu Chaoyun, he also came to help him resist the sunlight in vain a moment ago. 若有能力,现在就会斩了楚朝云,枉他刚才还过来帮他对抗曦。 In the end, originally this fellow is also a swindler, is different from sunlight anything. 到头来,原来这家伙也是个骗子,和曦没什么不一样。 The Lin Feng vision is dignified, looks at flaming combustion golden Flame, in the eye flashes through wipes to dread: This has surmounted Rank 9 Primordial True Fire, has touched Primordial True Fire Source, if overran rashly, can die was very miserable.” 林风目光凝重,看着熊熊燃烧的金色火焰,眼中闪过一抹忌惮:“这是超越了九品混元真火,已经触摸到混元真火本源,若是贸然冲过去,会死的很惨。” Hao Kai hesitates saying: Cannot think of me side and others, unexpectedly is hiding the so strong person, this strength not compared with on that sunlight weak many. However this Flame, I have means to cope.” 昊铠沉吟道:“想不到我等身边,居然隐藏着如此强的人,他这实力不比那曦弱上多少。不过这火焰,我有办法对付。” Copes?” “怎么对付?” By fire attack fire!” “以火攻火!” Bang! 轰! The Hao Kai whole body burns radiant Flame, Solar True Fire, flaming combustion. 昊铠周身燃烧起璀璨火焰,太阳真火,熊熊燃烧。 He must by own Solar True Fire, Chu Chaoyun Primordial True Fire, burning out completely. 他要以自身太阳真火,将楚朝云混元真火,全部烧尽。 Although opposite party Flame strong in him, but the person has walked away, he continues to control Solar True Fire by Soul Power, can always burning out Fire Sea at present. 对方火焰虽然强于他,可人已经走远,他持续以魂力控制太阳真火,总能将眼前火海烧尽。 Time-consuming wants in the long time some. 只是耗时要久上一些。 Has thrown off Xiao Suo three people of Chu Chaoyun, nonstop , to continue running. 甩掉了萧索三人的楚朝云,一路不停,继续奔行 Along the way, performing has been the corpse of antiquity crane and Great Desolate beast of prey, opening Yuan Zhen and Silver Dragon King and the others, wants to come is also the card in a hand completely leaves. 沿途所过,尽是上古仙禽和洪荒猛兽的尸体,开路的圆真银龙王等人,想来也是底牌尽出。 Filthy Fresh Blood, will be peerless the beautiful jade wall and ground, bright red that dyes. 污浊的鲜血,将绝世美玉般的宫墙和地面,染的一片鲜红。 However what strange is, seeps in the jade along with that Fresh Blood little, unexpectedly the gloss of wall and floor, appears brighter. 不过诡异的是,随着那鲜血一点点渗透进玉中,居然将宫墙和地板的光泽,显得更加明亮。 Chu Chaoyun has not walked far, the brow micro wrinkle, the footsteps stopped. 楚朝云没走多远,眉头微皱,脚步停了下来。 Sees the front corner, goes out of one person, the corners of the mouth has the happy expression to look to Chu Chaoyun. 就见前方拐角处,走出一人,嘴角带着笑意看向楚朝云 Blood Martial Dynasty sunlight! 正是血武皇朝曦! In the Chu Chaoyun eye the surprise, flashes past, hesitates saying: It seems like you also guessed correctly that so-called Inheritance Secret Key, was Jiang He/River itself.” 楚朝云眼中诧异,一闪而过,沉吟道:“看来你也猜到,所谓传承密匙,就是江河本身了。” Sunlight light saying with a smile: Only can say that the former generation Heavenly Dragon method is truly wise, usually in Jiang He/River is Jiang He/River, but once lets his appeared in the place of Immortal Palace prediction. When Heavenly Dragon Profound Truth displays, will then activate hides in Inheritance Secret Key of its within the body, achieving lets the goal that Immortal Palace is born.” 曦淡淡的笑道:“只能说上代天龙手段确实高明,平日里江河就是江河,可一旦让他出现仙宫预言之地。当天龙奥义施展出来之时,便会激活藏在其体内的传承密匙,达到让仙宫出世的目的。” „Do you want to do?” “你想干嘛?” Chu Chaoyun has not continued, opens the mouth to ask. 楚朝云没有继续多说,开口问道。 Naturally takes out Inheritance Secret Key from its within the body, don't tell me you do not think? You know great about me, I never cannot guess correctly your details. Hey, actually I should come at party, when you kill him to go to Inheritance Secret Key again appeared.” “自然是从其体内取出传承密匙,难道你不想吗?你对我了解不浅,我何尝又猜不到你的底细。嘿嘿,其实我应该在晚会现身,等你杀他去传承密匙的再出现。” Sunlight both eyes narrows the eyes, somewhat ponders saying with a smile: Did not need to install, your I was the same person. Just your my two people collaborate, eradicate former generation Heavenly Dragon Restriction to be also simpler, Inheritance Secret Key came out, depends on the strength to struggle again.” 双眼微眯,有些玩味似的笑道:“不用装了,你我都是同一种人。刚好你我二人联手,破除上代天龙禁制也简单一些,传承密匙出来了,再凭实力去争。” The Chu Chaoyun corners of the mouth pull to wipe smiling face, in the eye bring to reveal the taunt the look: I have not thought kills him, it seems like you do not understand me, makes way to me!” 楚朝云嘴角扯出一抹笑容,眼中带着露出嘲讽的神色:“我可从来没想过杀他,看来你并不了解我,给我让开!”
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