IAMDC :: Volume #26

#2514: in the heart has a grave

Vault Galaxy, Jiang He/River eyes closed falls, the front Chest leaves to have Restriction to untie little. 穹顶星河,江河闭目落下,胸前心口出有禁制正在一点点解开。 Below stone pillar, five colors Divine Stone as if receives the induction. 下方石柱,五色神石仿佛受到感应般。 Soars, converges with Jiang He/River little. If no accident, how long this five colors Divine Stone could not want, then can fuse with Jiang He/River. 腾空而起,一点点与江河汇合。若无意外,这五色神石要不了多久,便会与江河融合。 After the fusion, will have anything to be unknown. 融合之后,会发生什么就不得而知。 Perhaps, will untie the seal in five colors Divine Stone \; Perhaps, five colors Divine Stone such fuses in Jiang He/River together, Wings Of Time And Space its was attained. 也许,会解开五色神石中的封印\;也许,五色神石就这么与江河融合在一起,时空之翼被其所获。 Perhaps Jiang He/River will die, after dying, Five Elements Spiritual Consciousness blasting open, Wings Of Time And Space appeared. 也许江河会死,死后五行神识炸裂,时空之翼出现 All have the possibility, all might also not occur. 一切皆有可能,一切又有可能都不会发生。 The sunlight corners of the mouth are having a happy expression, static looks at both, little close, remains unmoved. 曦嘴角带着一丝笑意,静静的看着两者,一点点接近,不为所动。 In its side, Yan Cangming and Zhen Yuan, they are the look are dignified. 在其身边,颜苍冥真远,两人却是神色凝重。 Damn, any idea that this sunlight has. To the present also aloof, if Wings Of Time And Space, such had gone well by Jiang He/River, all ended.” “该死,这曦到底打的什么主意。到现在都还无动于衷,万一时空之翼,就这么被江河得手了,岂不是一切都完了。” Yan Cangming gives Zhen Yuan to send greetings in secret, demonstrated that intertwining of its innermost feelings and worries. 颜苍冥暗中给真远传音,显示出其内心的纠结和着急。 The Zhen Yuan complexion is similarly unattractive, responds: This fellow definitely knows our unknown matter, cannot, whatever this Jiang He/River and Five Elements Divine Stone fuses, otherwise we were too passive.” 真远脸色同样不好看,回应道:“这家伙一定知道我们不知道的事情,不能任由这江河五行神石融合,否则我们太被动了。” Yan Cangming looking pensive, turns head saying: Lord Xi, this situation some strange, don't tell me helplessly looks that Five Elements Divine Stone and Jiang He/River do fuse?” 颜苍冥若有所思,扭头说道:“曦大人,这情况有些诡异,难道就眼睁睁看着五行神石江河融合吗?” The sunlight said with a smile slightly: Yan Cangming, do you think take action? I do not have the opinion, indeed some strange, your take action probes one also well.” 曦微微笑道:“颜苍冥,你想出手吗?我没意见,的确有些诡异,你出手试探一番也好。” Looks at the smiling face on sunlight face, the Yan Cangming heart of hearts, thought that this person is immeasurably deep. 看着曦脸上的笑容,颜苍冥内心深处,更觉得此人深不可测。 Secretly, cursed innumerable this sunlight. 暗地里,将这曦咒骂了无数遍。 But he does not have the means that he cannot like the sunlight calm calm, looks helplessly Five Elements Divine Stone and Jiang He/River fuse. 可他没办法,他不能像曦这样淡定从容,眼睁睁看着五行神石江河融合。 If had been controlled Wings Of Time And Space by Jiang He/River, lets him who a body Flood Dragon clan hopes, is unable to accept this result. 万一真的被江河掌控了时空之翼,让身位蛟龙一族希望的他,无法接受这个结果。 Hateful.” “可恶。” Clenches teeth, Yan Cangming roars, soars, directly to Jiang He/River take action. 咬咬牙,颜苍冥怒吼一声,腾空而起,直接对江河出手 Moreover one side, being correct form, almost also rises with a spring with Yan Cangming similarly. 另外一边,同样有道身影,几乎与颜苍冥同时一跃而起。 Is Qin Ming, Dragon God Crown Prince Qin Ming! 秦明,龙神太子秦明 He and Yan Cangming are the same, is unable to accept a Heavenly Dragon descendant to grasp Wings Of Time And Space, if so, he must be more uncomfortable than Yan Cangming. 他与颜苍冥一样,无法接受一个天龙的后代掌握时空之翼,若真如此,他比颜苍冥还要更难受。 No matter the present matter has multi- strange, or some people in secret layouts. 不管眼前之事有多诡异,或者是有人暗中布局。 But they do not have choose, even if knew perfectly well that is falls, involuntary jumps. 可他俩没得选择,就算明知是陷进,也得身不由己的跳进去。 ! 咻! Golden Divine Dragon, is degenerated Flood Dragon that by Mixed Dragon becomes, their line of sight in airborne to bumping. 一个黄金神龙,一个由杂龙堕落而成的蛟人,两人视线在空中对碰。 Each other can from the opposite party look, see hostility and loathing from bone deep place, but their goal is consistent, simultaneously to Jiang He/River take action. 彼此都能从对方眼神中,看到来自骨子深处的仇视和厌恶,可两人却目标一致,同时对江河出手 Touching of death!” 死亡之触!” Dragon imperial Nine Heavens!” “龙御九天!” They leave killing strike respectively, the Yan Cangming body burn the black fireworks, that fireworks has Life general such as the water to flow likely. Under the stimulation of movement of Yan Cangming death Dao Domain, just liked Death God wields to harvest the Life sickle, fell toward Jiang He/River heartlessly. 两人各出杀招,颜苍冥身上燃烧起黑色的焰火,那焰火像是有生命一般如水在流动。在颜苍冥死亡道域的催动下,犹如死神挥出了收割生命的镰刀,朝着江河无情落下。 Qin Ming displays peak Dragon Emperor Fist, the five fingers grips tightly the fist, the body and Emperor Golden the dragon combines. 秦明帝龙拳发挥到极致,五指紧握成拳,身与黄金帝龙合二为一。 Bang! 轰! Their killing strike, evolve terror the situation, decisive fast. Almost has not made the person respond that simultaneously fell on Jiang He/River, erupted the black yellow mix the complementary waves. 两人的杀招,衍化出恐怖的大势,果断迅捷。几乎没让人反应过来,就同时落在了江河身上,爆发出黑黄混合的余波。 The emits of complementary waves from Jiang He/River exit, the strange matter occurred, Jiang He/River sends unexpectedly has not injured. 余波从江河身上散发出去,诡异的事情发生了,江河居然毫发未伤。 Restriction that moreover, its front Chest place dissolves, seemed quicker. 不仅如此,其胸前心口处溶解的禁制,似乎更快了一些。 Damn, how can like this!” “该死,怎么会这样!” Yan Cangming and on the Qin Ming face, shows a face astonished look, he two killing strike big accomplishment Emperor Monarch both cannot withstand. 颜苍冥秦明脸上,都露出一脸惊愕的神色,他两的杀招大成帝君都承受不了。 But Jiang He/River, the looks like is actually all right general, merely trend that prevented some him to fall. 江河,却像没事一般,仅仅阻止了一些他下落的趋势。 „To kill Jiang He/River, first asks I two do comply.” “想杀江河,先问问我两答应不答应。” Xiao Suo and Hao Kai, after responding, thinks without enough time. 萧索昊铠,反应过来后,来不及多想。 Soars, one on the left and other on the right, defends on Jiang He/River, vision stubbornly is staring at Qin Ming and Jiang He/River. 腾空而起,一左一右,守在江河身上,目光死死的盯着秦明江河 Courts death!” “找死!” Qin Ming and Yan Cangming, all the anger may not uncover, on the face killing intent not minces matter. 秦明颜苍冥,皆怒不可揭,脸上杀意毫不掩饰。 Four people in airborne, immediately launches a chaotic war, under shining of radiant rays of light, intense incomparable. 四人在空中,顿时展开一场乱战,在璀璨光芒的照耀下,激烈无比。 Whiz! 嗖! Lin Feng sees that wants while randomly direct picking up of Jiang He/River, had actually been blocked by Zhen Yuan one blade. 林风见状,想要趁乱将江河的直接抱走,却被真远一刀拦了下来。 Hateful.” “可恶。” They immediately the dogfight in the same place, the aerial operation that causes, is more chaotic. 两人顿时缠斗在一起,使的空中战斗,更加混乱起来。 Whiz! 嗖! Does not have the indication, under five colors Divine Stone, rays of light dodges, on Yuan Zhen toward Lotus Throne escaped. 毫无征兆,下方五色神石,光芒一闪,朝着莲台上的圆真遁了过去。 Yuan Zhen wants to take advantage unexpectedly chaotically, takes away five colors Spiritual Consciousness directly. 圆真居然想趁乱,直接将五色神识收走。 Dead Buddhist Monk/Bald Donkey, stays behind to me!” “死秃驴,给我留下!” This may result, Wenren Yu and Dao Xuan they have encircled Yuan Zhen. 这可得了,闻人羽道玄两人将圆真围了起来。 The sunlight complexion changes, hesitates saying: take action, cannot let Yuan Zhen absolutely, carries over this place five colors Divine Stone.” 曦脸色微变,沉吟道:“出手,绝对不能让圆真,将五色神石带出此地。” Ming Xuan and Yang Qing, personal appearance twinkling, encircles Yuan Zhen with Wenren Yu and Dao Xuan together. 明轩杨青,身形闪烁,与闻人羽道玄一道围剿起圆真来。 Ethereal Immortal Palace, Core region, time thorough chaotic, all potential fights vigorously one group of messes. 飘渺仙宫,核心区域,顿时间彻底乱了起来,各方势力战成一团乱麻。 Fights randomly, everything strokes in Jiang He/River offensive, makes its Chest Restriction dissolve accelerates slowly. 乱战中,凡是击打在江河身上的攻势,都让其心口禁制溶解缓缓加速。 Looked at the sunlight of this detail gradually, the corners of the mouth happy expression makes, looked at vault Galaxy, was meaningful. 瞧得此细节的曦,嘴角笑意渐弄,看了眼穹顶星河,意味深长。 Is staring at sunlight Silver Dragon King and Sikong Shu stubbornly, all realized that somewhat improper, where may actually unknown not suit. 死死盯着曦的银龙王司空曙,皆察觉到有些不妥,可却不知道哪里不对劲。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The Immortal Burial Lake bottom, Xiao Chen was pulled into the instance of lake, then felt that oneself is unable to move. 葬仙湖底,萧晨被扯入湖泊的瞬间,便感觉自身无法动弹。 Divine Yuan Soul Power is not all able to stimulate to movement, can only look at own vitality helplessly, passes in this lake bottom slowly. 神元魂力皆无法催动,只能眼睁睁看着自身生机,在这湖底缓缓流逝。 Life and Death, under lake looking unfamiliar lake dies. 生死一线,湖面生湖下死。 The chill in the air attacks the whole body, making Xiao Chen feel death, little approaches oneself. 寒意侵袭全身,让萧晨感觉死亡,一点点的接近自身。 But the heart of hearts, is actually a tranquility, not fears to the death least bit. 可内心深处,却是一片宁静,并无对死亡的半点恐惧。 The lake water ray in gradually vanishes completely, lake bottom remaining dim, quiet are only cold and silent. 渐渐的湖水中的光线全部消失,湖底只剩下一片昏暗,幽冷而寂静。 Lonely and desolate of Endless, come, rush like the tide, moves restlessly in the hearts. 无尽的孤独和落寞,汹涌而至,澎湃如潮,在心间躁动。 Xiao Chen slightly obviously has doubts, does not know continuously this eternal, still lonely and loneliness of Unending, from where. 萧晨略显疑惑,不知这连绵万古,仍无止尽的孤独和寂寞,从何而来。 How long unknown passed, in the heart of Xiao Chen, was crowded by this completely alone. 不知道过去了多久,在萧晨的心,完全被这孤寂塞满之时。 At present appeared luminous, he saw a beautiful figure suddenly, with the Qingcheng beautiful appearance, the peerless appearance, attended to Qingcheng, adores, toward his fast You to come. 眼前陡然出现一丝光亮,他看到了一具倩影,用倾城美貌,绝世容颜,一顾倾城,一眼倾心,朝着他快速游来。 Quite quick! 好快! But the first response of Xiao Chen, is not quite beautiful, but also quick. 萧晨的第一反应,不是好美,而是还快。 The beautiful figure like the light, then arrived at him suddenly at present, holds his cheeks. A kiss, this kiss, penetrated in his hearts gently, the beautiful figure entered in his Soul Pool suddenly. 倩影如光,眨眼间便来到了他的眼前,捧起他的脸颊。轻轻一吻,这一吻,穿透了他的心间,倩影眨眼间进入了他的灵魂池中。 Obviously is own Soul Pool, but Xiao Chen actually feels itself, completely has become an observer. 明明是自己的灵魂池,可萧晨却感觉自己,完全成了一个旁观者。 That beautiful figure fluttered completely his Soul Pool, the red lip opened lightly, mutters, Heavens, Heavens, Heavens...... 那道倩影飘尽了他的灵魂池,红唇轻启,喃喃自语,苍穹,苍穹,苍穹…… The sound of Heavens, reverberates in Soul Pool unceasingly, caused that Xiao Chen Soul Power surges, such as the great waves continue. 苍穹之音,在灵魂池中不断回荡,引得萧晨魂力激荡,如浪涛不止。 Her look is anxious, the look is flustered, resembles in seeking for anything, runs with length and breadth boundless Soul Pool in unceasingly. 她神色焦急,眼神慌张,似在寻找着什么,与广袤无边的灵魂池中不断奔跑。 Xiao Chen in the heart is surprised, is a little accidental, own Soul Pool unexpectedly so length and breadth. 萧晨心中惊讶,有点意外,自己的灵魂池居然如此广袤。 The remote place, his mind, never has arrived. 许多偏僻之处,他自己的心神,都从未到达过。 With running of beautiful figure, saw, has never looked at the scenery, making his vision open greatly. 伴随着倩影的奔跑,看到了许多,从未看过的风景,让他眼界大开。 What is she seeking for? 她在寻找什么? In my Soul Pool, don't tell me is also hiding, including my doesn't know at all secret? 我的灵魂池中,难道还藏着,连我都不知道的秘密? Xiao Chen is curious, he in Three Lives Mirror, has seen his previous life. 萧晨感到好奇,他在三生镜中,看到过自己的前世 Knows one are Heavens Immortal Monarch Reincarnation, regarding Heavens Immortal Monarch, the understanding are not many. 知道自己是苍穹仙君转世,对于苍穹仙君,却了解不多。 Only knows the opposite party, although is Immortal Monarch, is a strength, actually stronger compared with the ancestors on many, Immortal Dao Era first Immortal Monarch. 只知道对方虽是仙君,是一身实力,却比先祖都要强上不少,仙道纪元第一仙君 That is!” “那是!” Xiao Chen in the heart flood dreadful monstrous waves, in his Soul Pool boundless deep place, has a grave suddenly unexpectedly. 萧晨心中陡然泛起滔天巨浪,在他灵魂池的无边深处,居然有一座坟墓。 After the beautiful figure sees the grave, the mood is unable to constrain, falls down, is stroking the non- character stele, the tears class continues. 倩影看到坟墓后,情绪无法压抑,瘫倒在地,抚摸着无字石碑,泪流不止。 Without a doubt, the beautiful figure status definitely is Immortal Dao Era Xi Wangmu, but why she yowled to continue before this grave. 毫无疑问,倩影的身份肯定是仙道纪元西王母,可她为何在此坟前恸哭不止。 Xiao Chen in the heart gushes out the doubts of Giant, Ten Million is puzzled, lingers in the hearts. 萧晨心中涌出巨大的疑惑,万千不解,萦绕在心间。 On the same day the association has the picture that in Three Lives Mirror sees, before Heavens Immortal Monarch at the point of death, with Blue Emperor meets...... Let him during doubts numerous, deeply feels the fear. 联想起当日三生镜中看到的画面,苍穹仙君临死前与青帝的见面……让他在疑惑重重的同时,深感恐惧。 Who is this grave burying? 这座坟埋藏着何人?
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