IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2344: Slightly as you wish

By understanding human body and to assassination knowledge of Fang Li, how also unable to look, that said scar, once was how serious wound? 方里对人体的了解和对暗杀的知识,又怎么会看不出来,那道伤疤,曾经是多么严重的伤口呢? That cannot explain the clear wound under the pretext of 『Bullying』. 那不是以「霸凌」为借口就能解释清楚的伤口。 This deep scar, by very sharp cutting tool cutting open the words, are unable to form absolutely. 这深深的伤痕,要不是被十分锐利的刀具给剖开过的话,绝对无法形成。 Fang Li is certain. 方里可以肯定。 This is endangers to the injury of life sufficiently. 这是足以危及到性命的伤势。 Only then achieves this degree of injury, that will make the Karuizawa Kei's innermost feelings collapse, turns into the psychological trauma of being able hardly be removed. 只有达到这种程度的伤势,那才会让轻井泽惠的内心崩溃,变成挥之不去的心理创伤。 As the matter stands is not difficult to understand why Karuizawa Kei did not hesitate to pay to want to obtain the position. 这样一来就不难理解,轻井泽惠为什么不惜付出一切都想得到地位了。 In order to survive, wins over the surroundings forcefully, even if will refuse to balk hateful, only to no longer be injured the second time, this formed in people mind that domineering and arrogant Karuizawa Kei. 为了生存,强行拉拢周围,就算会被人讨厌都在所不惜,只为了不再被伤害第二次,这就形成了人们心目中那个强势又盛气凌人的轻井泽惠 Hence, Karuizawa Kei to Fang Li on does not have any secret. 至此,轻井泽惠方里而言就没有任何秘密了。 All that this young girl wants to hide, completely by Fang Li looking. 这个少女想要隐藏的一切,全部都已经被方里给找了出来。 wú... wú... 唔...唔... Karuizawa Kei opened the mouth, wants to say anything, is anything cannot say, can only make the meaningless depressed sound. 轻井泽惠张了张嘴巴,想说什么,却是什么都说不出来,只能发出毫无意义的苦闷声音。 Until Fang Li's voice resounds again. 直到方里的声音再次响起。 Comes, lies down the bed to come up.” “过来,躺到床上去。” These words, towed from the painful recollection Karuizawa Kei, facing the present reality. 这句话,将轻井泽惠又是从痛苦的回忆中拖了出来,面对眼前的现实。 Looks appearance that Fang Li that has not vacillated slightly, being at a loss of Karuizawa Kei whole face. 看着方里那丝毫没有动摇的模样,轻井泽惠满脸的迷惘。 What do you... you actually want to make to me?” “你...你到底想对我做什么?” In the mouth is saying, Karuizawa Kei like unable to revolt to be the same, is obeying Fang Li's words, lay down on the bed. 口中这么说着,轻井泽惠还是如同无法反抗一样,遵照着方里的话语,躺到了床上。 Lying down of whole body stark naked beautiful young girl such obediently on own bed, what regardless of makes unable to have the resistance the thought that that absolutely will lets any man who has the passion for it excited and stimulated? 浑身一丝不挂的美丽少女就这么乖乖的躺在自己的床上,并且无论做什么都无法产生反抗的念头,那一定会让任何一个有情欲的男人为之激动和亢奋吧? Fang Li is actually not one of them. 方里却不在此列。 Did not say that Fang Li does not have the passion. 不是说方里没有情欲。 In this regard, Fang Li is very normal. 在这方面,方里还是很正常的。 only, the Fang Li's passion absolutely not from the sperm that can go to the head. 只是,方里的情欲绝对不是来自于能够上脑的精虫。 Even Karuizawa Kei like stark naked lying down on the bed, the Fang Li's look also has not had a desire, only bottle mouth pull open of herbal medicine bottle, will wipe the system good herbal medicine moistening in the hand, wiping bit by bit to scar of Karuizawa Kei side abdomen on. 即使轻井泽惠像这样一丝不挂的躺在床上,方里的眼神亦没有产生一丝的欲望,只是将草药瓶的瓶口拔开,将其中抹制好的草药给沾在手上,一点一点的抹到轻井泽惠侧腹的伤疤上。 „...” “啊...” Karuizawa Kei only feels the side abdomen one cool, subconscious making noise, and production resistance of conditioned reflex. 轻井泽惠只觉得侧腹一凉,不禁下意识的出声,并条件反射的产生抗拒。 What a pity, all resistances, vanish under Fang Li that faint sound. 可惜,所有的抗拒,都在方里那淡漠的声音下消失。 Do not move.” “别动。” The brief incomparable words, were actually incomparably disintegrated the Karuizawa Kei's movement smoothly. 简短无比的话语,却是无比顺利的瓦解了轻井泽惠的动作。 Karuizawa Kei can only enduring silently, look at Fang Li by doubtful, the at a loss look. 轻井泽惠只能默默的忍受,以充满疑惑、茫然的眼神看着方里 this young girl is unable to understand, actually Fang Li can make what? 这个少女根本无法理解,方里究竟要做什么吧? Until Fang Li's voice made a sound in the room again. 直到方里的声音再次在房间中响了起来。 Unlike the response time quite quick western medicine, the response time of traditional Chinese medicine is quite generally slow.” “跟作用时间比较快的西药不同,中药的作用时间一般都比较慢。” Fang Li's vision has not fallen on Karuizawa Kei that wonderful fair tender body, but very natural illustrated. 方里的目光没有落在轻井泽惠那美妙的白皙娇躯上,而是很自然的解说了起来。 also has no problem that cold has a fever and so on, is mainly aimed at recuperation of within the body, taken words, the drug efficacy is quite easy to absorb, the herbal medicine that may be used to externally apply, probably this scar removing herbal medicine, wants to let the drug efficacy display function, few months is unlikely, let alone completely eliminated scar.” “感冒发烧之类的也就算了,主要针对的是身体内部的调理,服用的话,药效比较容易吸收,可用来外敷的草药,像是这除疤的草药,想让药效发挥作用,没几个月的时间都不太可能,更别说是完全消除伤疤了。” This is Fang Li the reason that Karuizawa Kei called here to come. 这就是方里轻井泽惠叫到这里来的原因。 If coordinates the massage to human body acupuncture point , to promote the blood and metabolism mobile, rapidness that quite that drug efficacy can absorb.” “如果配合对人体穴位的按摩,促进血液和代谢的流动的话,那药效就能吸收的比较快。” Fang Li illustrated, while still while wiping herbal medicine, is massaging the Karuizawa Kei's side abdomen by the fingertip. 方里一边解说,一边还在抹草药的同时,以指尖按摩着轻井泽惠的侧腹。 This scar, so long as cleans the herbal medicine that I mix every day continually, after the massage was again sorbefacient, for probably one month to be able fully to restore?” “这道伤疤,只要每天持续擦拭我调配的草药,再经过按摩促进吸收,大概一个月就能完全恢复了吧?” Was not such words, Fang Li throws one bottle of herbal medicines directly to Karuizawa Kei then it will be alright, was not worthwhile to ask here to come, personally cleaning. 不是这样的话,方里就直接扔一瓶草药给轻井泽惠就行了,犯不着将人叫到这里来,亲自擦拭。 This makes Karuizawa Kei stare quite the same as, making noise. 这让轻井泽惠浑然一愣,怔怔的出声。 You... you not for...” “你...你不是为了...” Heard Karuizawa Kei's words, Fang Li shot a look at her one eyes. 听到轻井泽惠的话语,方里瞥了她一眼。 Not for what?” Fang Li said with a faint smile: could it be that you really think that I am interested in your body?” “不是为了什么?”方里似笑非笑的说道:“难道你真以为我对你的身体感兴趣吗?” Indeed, Karuizawa Kei looks very exquisite, by the semblance, that absolutely is not only inferior in Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyou, Sakura Airi and Ichinose Honami and the others. 诚然,轻井泽惠长得非常精致,只论外表,那绝对是不逊色于堀北铃音栉田桔梗佐仓爱里一之濑帆波等人 Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki has not been saying, although Karuizawa Kei's personality is loathful, but isn't the only appearance really able to nitpick? 池宽治与山内春树不也一直都在说,虽然轻井泽惠的个性非常讨人厌,可唯独长相实在无法挑剔吗? If Karuizawa Kei can like Kushida Kikyou or Ichinose Honami, shows sufficiently the convincing conduct, that a fraction of a minute can obtain huge popularity. 要是轻井泽惠能够像栉田桔梗或者一之濑帆波一样,展现出足以令人信服的品行的话,那分分钟都能得到巨大的人气 But Karuizawa Kei for popular will not arrive at this school, but to be no longer bullied. 轻井泽惠可不是为了受欢迎才会来到这所学校,而是为了不再被欺负。 Can by hateful, that not in the Karuizawa Kei's consideration range. 会不会被讨厌,那根本就不在轻井泽惠的考虑范围。 So long as Karuizawa Kei can become Character that in people mind is unable to humiliate casually by oneself, that enough. 轻井泽惠只要能够让自己成为人们心目中无法随便欺凌的人物,那就够了。 But has to acknowledge, Karuizawa Kei or looks very attractive. 可不得不承认,轻井泽惠还是长得很好看 However, only attractive wants to make Fang Li move, but also is far from enough. 不过,单凭好看就想让方里动心,还远远不够。 If trades to make Sakura Airi or is Ichinose Honami, perhaps, Fang Li is unable such tranquil with be calm. 若是换做佐仓爱里或者是一之濑帆波,也许,方里就无法这么平静跟淡定了。 The Karuizawa Kei's words, Fang Li is also insufficient this. 轻井泽惠的话,方里还不至于这样。 That... that does what are you doing let my undress?” “那...那你干嘛让我脱衣服啊?” Karuizawa Kei responded, cannot help but stunnedly spoke. 轻井泽惠反应了过来,不由得愕然出声 Trades merely is the response of Fang Li that a matter of no concern to oneself. 换来的仅仅是方里事不关己似的回应。 In your heart is not thinking I will handle such matter? My as you wish, gives you slightly a pleasant surprise.” “你心中不就在想着我会做这样的事情吗?那我就稍微如你所愿一下,给你个惊喜呗。” Pleasantly surprised? 惊喜? Is this pleasantly surprised? 这是惊喜? This is frightens radically!? 这根本就是惊吓吧!? You... your fellow...” “你...你这个家伙...” Understands oneself were played, Karuizawa Kei's complexion is no longer pale, appears very ashamed. 明白自己被耍,轻井泽惠的脸色不再苍白,显得非常的羞耻。 If the not because of usual domineering with arrogant is installs, Karuizawa Kei did fear already rampage? 不是因为平时的强势跟盛气凌人都是装出来的,轻井泽惠怕是已经暴走了吧? Basically, Karuizawa Kei's real personality is not conspicuous, just like the common young girl, is far from gently, actually sympathizes with very much delicately. 基本上,轻井泽惠的真实个性并没有太显眼,跟一般的少女一样,谈不上温柔,却还是很体贴和柔弱的。 only, this side, Hirata Yousuke has not even seen is right. 只是,这一面,连平田洋介都没有见过就对了。 Fang Li has not known, oneself has become this in the school only one to see the Karuizawa Kei's real personality person. 方里还不知道,自己已经成为了这所学校里唯一一个见到轻井泽惠的真实个性的人。 Fang Li only continues to clean the herbal medicine, making the surroundings silent. 方里只是继续擦拭草药,让周围变得寂静下来。 But understands after Fang Li not that meaning, Karuizawa Kei actually becomes some unable to be calm. 而明白方里没有那个意思以后,轻井泽惠却变得有些无法淡定。 Is stark naked in the opposite sex front, Karuizawa Kei impossible feels indifferent. 在异性的面前一丝不挂,轻井泽惠不可能觉得无所谓。 At that moment, Karuizawa Kei has drawn nearby quilt, covers in own body, only makes the position of side abdomen expose. 当下,轻井泽惠拉过一旁的被子,盖在自己的身上,只让侧腹的位置暴露出来。 Then, looks is disregarding own behavior, continuation of being without turning a hair cleans the herbal medicine for oneself silent Fang Li, Karuizawa Kei half sound, asked makes noise. 然后,看着正无视自己的行为,面不改色的继续为自己擦拭草药的方里,轻井泽惠沉默了半响,问出了声。 Why can help me?” “为什么要帮我?” Yes. 是的。 If Fang Li to not bully the Karuizawa Kei's words, that now, his actions, can only describe with 『Help』. 如果方里不是为了欺负轻井泽惠的话,那现在,他的所作所为,就只能用「帮」来形容了。 Karuizawa Kei feels puzzled. 轻井泽惠就对此感到不解。 And, is out of control asked. 并且,禁不住的问了出来。
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