IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2343: Imagines with me is the same

Now, finished to the third symposium, but was just over the past 15 minutes the similar time. 现在,离第三次讨论会结束,不过是刚过去15分钟差不多的时间而已。 This time the point, Hirata Yousuke certainly is rushing about tired for each group the condition of student, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is definitely will also be finding the way to open up the perspective, Kouenji Rokusuke not to mention, absolutely not after the test ended on honest return room. 这个时间点,平田洋介一定在为了各个小组的同学的状况而奔波劳累,绫小路清隆亦是肯定会在想办法打开局面,高圆寺六助就更不用说,绝对不会在考试结束以后就老老实实的回到房间。 Therefore, does not know that is the good fortune or unfortunate, Fang Li's room now is spatial, no one. 所以,不知道是幸还是不幸,方里的房间现在是空的,没有一个人。 Bang...” “砰...” When that slight actually the clear closing sound transmits from the back, the Karuizawa Kei's tender body also trembles suddenly. 当那轻微却又清晰的关门声从背后传来时,轻井泽惠的娇躯亦是猛然一颤。 shortly afterwards, as if makes the attack same light sound to transmit from Karuizawa Kei's in view of the weakness. 紧接着,仿佛针对弱点发出攻击一样的平淡声音从轻井泽惠的背后传来。 Escaped clothes.” “把衣服脱了。” The worst aspect in the Karuizawa Kei heart imagining, seems to be changing into the reality. 轻井泽惠心中所想象的最糟糕的局面,似乎正在化为现实。 ...” “唔...” Karuizawa Kei goes all out is enduring patiently shivering of body, actually cannot think that revolts. 轻井泽惠拼命的忍耐着身体的颤抖,却又想不到去反抗。 ( Is all right, was like before...) (没事,就跟以前一样而已...) Since the resistance, that can only accept. 既然反抗不了,那就只能接受。 In the past, Karuizawa Kei has endured patiently. 过去,轻井泽惠就是这么一直忍耐过来的。 Was the same as before...” “跟以前一样而已...” If exerts the incantation to be the same to oneself, Karuizawa Kei shivers, unties the body clothes button, clothes taking off. 如对自己施加咒语一般,轻井泽惠颤抖着手,解开身上衣服的纽扣,将衣服一件一件的脱了下来。 In a while, a fair and wonderful incomparable tender body appeared in this room. 没过多久,一具白皙又美妙无比的娇躯出现在了这个房间。 Karuizawa Kei can only cover up above and below, closes one's eyes, is waiting for the forthcoming humiliation. 轻井泽惠只能遮掩着上面和下面,闭着眼睛,等待着即将到来的欺凌。 But, the condition in Karuizawa Kei imagination has not appeared. 可是,轻井泽惠想象中的状况并没有出现。 Imagines with me is the same.” “跟我想象中的一样呢。” Fang Li that has no sound of fluctuation to spread to the Karuizawa Kei's ear completely. 方里那完全没有任何波动的声音传入轻井泽惠的耳中。 At this moment, Karuizawa Kei felt. 这一刻里,轻井泽惠感觉到了。 Fang Li's line of sight, has not stayed in the own body sensitive spot, has not carried the feeling of tiny bit filthy, only is gazing at a place calmly and lightly. 方里的视线,并没有停留在自己身上的敏感部位,更没有携带一丝一毫污秽的感觉,只是冷静、平淡的注视着一个地方。 That is the Karuizawa Kei's side abdomen. 那就是轻井泽惠的侧腹。 „...!?” “啊...!?” Karuizawa Kei then remembered cannot absolutely by the thing that others gave to see, the fierce opening eye, ignored body the exposition of sensitive spot, both hands uses, flustered covering up the position of side abdomen. 轻井泽惠这才想起了绝对不能被别人给看到的东西,猛的睁开眼睛,不顾身上的敏感部位的暴露,双手并用,慌慌张张的遮掩住了侧腹的位置。 But is too late. 但已经太迟了。 Fang Li had seen Karuizawa Kei most does not want by the secret that others peep. 方里已经看到了轻井泽惠最不想被别人窥视到的秘密。 Because of this, you will start in uninhabited island, becomes wants to contact me?” “就是因为这个,你才会在无人岛开始,变得想接触我吧?” Fang Li disregards Karuizawa Kei that to make the person blood spray out tender body and flustered movement, took out one bottle of herbal medicines from the bag of bedhead. 方里无视轻井泽惠那令人血脉喷张的娇躯以及慌慌张张的动作,从床头的行李包上取出了一瓶草药。 That is remaining the things in uninhabited island's special exam. 那是在无人岛的特别考试中剩下的东西。 scar removing herbal medicine.” 除疤的草药。” Fang Li lifted the herbal medicine bottle in front of Karuizawa Kei's, under the Karuizawa Kei flood white expression, so opened the mouth. 方里将草药瓶举在了轻井泽惠的面前,在轻井泽惠泛白的表情下,如此开口。 „Should your goal, be this thing?” “你的目的,应该是这个东西吧?” hearing this, that bottle of herbal medicine bottles of Karuizawa Kei's vision throwing cannot help but to Fang Li hand. 闻言,轻井泽惠的目光不由自主的投至方里手中的那瓶草药瓶。 Words, is almost extrusion of conditioned reflex. 话语,则是几乎条件反射的挤出。 How do you... you know?” “你...你怎么会知道?” These words, let Fang Li complexion tranquil returned a line. 这句话,让方里面色平静的回以一句 Because, only then this can explain clear.” “因为,只有这样才能解释得清。” After the understood Karuizawa Kei's true colors, Fang Li once thinks, Karuizawa Kei wants to contact itself, but is the imagination uses Hirata Yousuke to be the same, borrows own reputation. 知道了轻井泽惠的真面目以后,方里一度以为,轻井泽惠想接触自己,只不过是想像利用平田洋介一样,借用自己的名声而已。 After all, oneself attained the comprehensive victory in uninhabited island's special exam, gave to step on A-Class and C-Class, but also formed the cooperation with B-Class, in addition in the prestige in D-Class accumulating, that only by the words of influence and right to speak, had surpassed Hirata Yousuke by far. 毕竟,自己在无人岛的特别考试中拿到了全面的胜利,将A班与C班都给踩了下去,还与B班形成了合作,再加上于D班中累积起来的威信,那只论影响力和话语权的话,早就远远的超过了平田洋介了。 Perhaps, Fang Li does not have popularity like Hirata Yousuke, but his each few words have the greatest energy sufficiently. 也许,方里不像平田洋介那么有人气,但他的每一句话都足以产生莫大的能量。 This point, can look from the Rabbit Group condition, no matter A-Class Machida Kouji entire group or C-Class Manabe Shiho entire group, which is not to its dreaded that was extremely stood on guard? 这一点,从兔组的状况中就可以看得出来,不管是A班町田浩二一行人还是C班真锅志保一行人,哪一个不是对其忌惮万分又被警戒不已呢? Therefore, Fang Li time from the beginning also thinks, Karuizawa Kei wants to transfer itself the goal of parasitic, further elevates own position. 所以,方里一开始的时候还以为,轻井泽惠是想将寄生的目标转为自己,进一步的提升自己的地位。 But is careful thinks, this is unlikely. 但仔细一想,这又不太可能。 How to say again, Ichinose now is I outwardly on girlfriend, you want with disguising as lover set, already impossible.” “再怎么说,一之濑现在都是我明面上的女友,你想用假扮情侣这一套,已经不可能了。” In addition Karuizawa Kei does not seem to discard the Hirata Yousuke's tendency, even in information meeting is Yousuke, as if besides Hirata Yousuke, other male students indecently to be the same, if Karuizawa Kei really wants then parasitic Fang Li, this absolutely to be not a very wise approach. 再加上轻井泽惠似乎没有舍弃平田洋介的倾向,即使是在说明会的时候都是一口一个洋介,仿佛除了平田洋介以外,其余所有的男生都不堪入目一样,如果轻井泽惠真的想转而寄生方里,这绝对是很不明智的一个做法。 Therefore, Fang Li then starts to understand. 因此,方里便开始明白。 Does not need to think too complex, so long as thinks that I have shown anything on uninhabited island's special exam except for the function that beyond the position can make you obtain benefits, that can understand.” “不需要想得太复杂,只要想想我在无人岛的特别考试上到底展现过什么除了地位以外能够让你获益的作用,那就能懂了。” Fang Li the medicine bottle in hand lifting. 方里将手中的药瓶给举了起来。 However on uninhabited island, besides the position, I have shown only the method, was this mixes the herbal medicine Ability?” “而在无人岛上,除了地位以外,我唯一展现过的手段,就是这调配草药的能力了吧?” Then, Karuizawa Kei for the Fang Li's herbal medicine, just now wants to start visits and discussions with Fang Li. 那么,轻井泽惠就是为了方里的草药,方才想和方里进行接触。 Is such simple. 就是这么简单而已。 The a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity phenomenon, in Fang Li's body may, no matter uses. 聪明反被聪明误的现象,在方里的身上可不管用呢。 Why as for can guess correctly that Karuizawa Kei wants the scar removing herbal medicine, that was simpler. 至于为什么能够猜到轻井泽惠是想要除疤的草药,那就更简单了。 Because, this is the only possibility. 因为,这是唯一的可能性。 In Fang Li's herbal medicine, except for this outside that function that has scar removing, other can find the substitute in the school entirely. 方里的草药中,除了这个有着除疤的作用的以外,其余通通都是能够在学校中找到替代品的。 The cold, has a fever and sleeps soundly, keeping in good health, has these functions medicines, can buy in the school completely. 感冒、发烧、安眠、养生,拥有这些作用的药,全部都能够在学校中买到。 This scar removing medicine, cannot buy in the school only. 唯独这个除疤的药,在学校中是买不到的。 Therefore, after exclusion method, that was only left over this possibility. 于是,经过排除法,那就只剩下这个可能性了。 I think, you should suffer what extremely serious wound, otherwise not when facing Manabe these people responded that is so intense.” “我想,你应该是遭受到了什么极为严重的创伤过,要不然也不会在面对真锅那些人的时候反应那么强烈。” Can undergo nearly ten years of bullying, finally can also crawl, again cheer up person, how because how many female students approach the domineering that is out of control to break forms with great difficulty to oneself aggressively, reveals different often come? 能够经受住近十年的霸凌,最后还能爬起来,重新振作的人,怎么会因为几个女生对自己咄咄逼人的逼近过来就禁不住打破好不容易形成的强势,露出异常来呢? In Rabbit Group, the Karuizawa Kei meeting is out of control to display to be timid and fear to Manabe Shiho entire group, for two reasons. 兔组里的时候,轻井泽惠之所以会禁不住对真锅志保一行人表现出胆怯和恐惧,原因有两个。 One is the side cannot regard as companion's the relations of Character. 一个是身边没有能够视作同伴的人物的关系。 By it depending on parasitic Hirata Yousuke not. 被其赖以寄生的平田洋介不在。 Usually supports her female student group not. 平时拥护她的女生团体也不在。 In Rabbit Group, with Karuizawa Kei same class only has Fang Li, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Yukimura Teruhiko these three people. 兔组里,与轻井泽惠同一个班级的只有方里绫小路清隆幸村辉彦这三个人。 But obviously, these three people are not the Karuizawa Kei's companions. 而显然,这三个人都不是轻井泽惠的同伴。 Finally, under the condition of being isolated and cutting off from help, Karuizawa Kei can associate to own past, thus is afraid. 结果,在孤立无援的状况下,轻井泽惠才会联想到自己的过去,从而心生恐惧。 May be being isolated and cutting off from help words, Karuizawa Kei is also insufficient to display merely cannot withstand. 可仅仅是孤立无援的话,轻井泽惠还不至于表现得那么不堪。 What is more important is the second reason. 更重要的还是第二个原因。 That is the wound in mind. 那就是心灵上的创伤。 Karuizawa Kei suffers certainly has become the mental illness pain sufficiently. 轻井泽惠一定遭受过足以成为心理疾病的痛苦。 Taking this into consideration, under such condition, the wound of Karuizawa Kei innermost feelings will be dug up, making it be out of control to be afraid and timid. 有鉴于此,在那样的状况下,轻井泽惠内心的创伤才会被挖开,令其禁不住心生恐惧和胆怯。 Facts showed, Fang Li's guess is right. 事实证明,方里的猜测是对的。 „Is that all sources?” “那就是一切的源头吧?” Fang Li decided the vision on that say/way fierce scar of Karuizawa Kei side abdomen. 方里将目光定在了轻井泽惠侧腹的那道狰狞的伤疤上。
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