IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2295: Hitting wishful thinking

The time, quick arrived 18 : 00 pm. 时间,很快就是来到了下午18点。 When Fang Li in the distance 18 points are only left over for five minutes then from the roof, arrived at the second floor floor. 方里在距离18点仅剩下五分钟时便从楼顶上下来,来到了二楼的楼层。 This floor does not have the entertainment facility, is not the lodging range of students, therefore usually basically does not have Student Council to arrive at this floor. 这个楼层即没有娱乐设施,亦不属于学生们的住宿范围,因此平常基本都没有学生会来到这个楼层。 But today, when Fang Li arrived here, here has several students to shake. 但今天,在方里来到这里的时候,这里却是有着几名学生在晃悠。 These students, were noticing that the Fang Li's time also has a scare. 这些学生,在看到方里的时候同样吓了一跳。 shortly afterwards, these people look like being afraid anything to be the same, hurried to enter nearby room. 紧接着,这些人就像是在害怕什么一样,慌忙进入了附近的房间。 Other class students?” “其他班级的学生吗?” Fang Li curls the lip. 方里撇了撇嘴。 It seems like that oneself limelight on uninhabited island's special exam were too abundant, just now caused the students of these other classes is so anxious. 看来,自己在无人岛的特别考试风头太盛了,方才导致了这些别班的学生如此紧张。 After all, now is special exam. 毕竟,现在又是一次特别考试 Three days ago takes down special exam victory Character time, the students of these other classes were anxiously are naturally incomparable. 面对三天前取下一次特别考试的胜利的人物,这些别班的学生自然是紧张无比了。 Especially in A-Class and C-Class that in Fang Li's hand suffers a loss, saw that Fang Li and appear here together, plans to participate in special exam, that is not flustered has the issue. 特别是在方里的手中吃了大亏的A班C班,看到方里和自己一起出现在这里,准备参加特别考试,那不慌张才有问题。 As for the B-Class person, it is estimated that also arrived here compared with Fang Li ahead of time, has entered the room? 至于B班的人,估计是比方里还提前到这里,早就已经进入房间了吧? Fang Li arrived at designated room similarly, namely Room 204. 方里同样来到了指定的房间,即204号房 However, Fang Li has not entered immediately. 不过,方里没有立即进入其中。 Because, in a while, an acquaintance arrived at this floor similarly, close to Room 204, talked to Fang Li. 因为,没过多久,一个熟人同样来到了这个楼层,接近了204号房,向方里搭话了。 „Did you also come?” “你也过来了吗?” Light the sound that but has not fluctuated spreads from Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's mouth. 平淡而没有起伏的声音从绫小路清隆的口中传出。 Looks at such Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the Fang Li whole face tranquil opens the mouth. 看着这样的绫小路清隆,方里满脸平静的开口。 Do not think that pretended an appearance of being all right even, betrayed my cell phone number to the Horikita tent/account, I have not asked you to calculate.” “别以为装作一副没事的样子就算了,将我的手机号码出卖给堀北的帐,我还没找你算呢。” hearing this, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's line of sight moved aside immediately. 闻言,绫小路清隆的视线立即躲闪了起来。 Obviously, this fellow is also very afraid. 显然,这个家伙也挺心虚的。 Perhaps, trades to make the words of other male student, can be known cell phone number at least look first-class beautiful girl, and initiative relation, did absolutely will thank Ayanokouji Kiyotaka in turn? 也许,换做别的男生的话,能够被至少相貌一流的美少女得知手机号码,并主动联系,一定会反过来感谢绫小路清隆吧? If trades to make Sudou Ken, that can be related by Horikita Suzune, let alone was looks for Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's to trouble, even if knelt down to kowtow to him is not impossible. 若是换做须藤健,那能够被堀北铃音联系,别说是找绫小路清隆的麻烦了,即使给他跪下磕头都不是没有可能 But Fang Li actually knows. 方里却知道。 You are hitting what wishful thinking, but I am clear.” “你在打什么如意算盘,我可是一清二楚。” Fang Li then careless as said such a line. 方里便漫不经心似的说了这么一句 Doesn't want to make Horikita drive me?” “不就是想让堀北来带动我吗?” On uninhabited island's special exam, Fang Li initiative make a move, will take the victory for D-Class, the reason lies in Chabashira Sae's employment. 无人岛的特别考试上,方里之所以会主动出手,替D班拿下胜利,原因在于茶柱佐枝的雇佣 Now, this employment relations had ended. 现在,这种雇佣关系已经结束了。 in other words, Fang Li have no reason time again make a move on this special exam. 也就是说,方里已经没有理由再在这一次的特别考试出手了。 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka should consider this point, therefore, just now in Horikita Suzune inquired when own Fang Li's phone number, without the slightest hesitation Fang Li betraying? 绫小路清隆应该就是考虑到了这一点,所以,方才在堀北铃音询问自己方里的手机号码时,毫不犹豫的就将方里给出卖了吧? This man hits is letting to rising A-Class has exceptionally rigid Horikita Suzune to affect Fang Li, hoping Fang Li can many strive on this special exam. 这个男人是打着让对升上A班有着异常执着的堀北铃音来影响方里,希望方里能够在这次特别考试上多少出点力。 „Should you not have to thinking this plan naively can hide the truth from me?” “你应该没有天真到以为这种打算能瞒过我吧?” Fang Li extremely simple is saying to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. 方里极为干脆的对着绫小路清隆这么说了。 Regarding this, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is also gives up the sigh. 对此,绫小路清隆亦是放弃般的叹息。 You also know that I now am involuntary?” “你也知道我现在是身不由己吧?” refers to was given the threat by Chabashira Sae the matter. 指的就是被茶柱佐枝给威胁的事情了。 Now, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was unable to watch critically special exam that the school authorities organize again. 如今,绫小路清隆已经无法再冷眼旁观校方组织的特别考试 In order to let D-Class rises A-Class, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka must make the assistance to be good in secret. 为了让D班升上A班,绫小路清隆必须在暗中做出协助才行。 At least, before finding to get rid of the Chabashira Sae's threat the hand sign, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka cannot stay out. 至少,在找到摆脱茶柱佐枝的威胁的手牌之前,绫小路清隆不能置身事外。 Therefore, this world-shunning ideology imagination uninhabited island's special exam such, is making in secret interferes. 为此,这个避世主义者想像无人岛的特别考试那样,在暗中做出一些干涉。 But object who Ayanokouji Kiyotaka first wants to interfere with, naturally was Fang Li. 绫小路清隆首先想干涉的对象,自然就是方里了。 If can let my make a move, you were more convenient, is thinking this negative combat?” “如果能够让我出手,你就省事多了,又在想着这种消极的作战了吧?” Fang Li looked that somewhat despised to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's look. 方里看向绫小路清隆的眼神有些鄙夷了起来。 Your this world-shunning ideology also was really incurable.” “你这避世主义还真是无药可救了啊。” „...... I did not deny, although somewhat injured.” “……我不否认,虽然有些受伤。” Facing Fang Li that despises the line of sight and words, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka withstood silently. 面对方里那鄙夷般的视线和话语,绫小路清隆默默的承受了下来。 That do you also plan to continue your wishful thinking now?” “那现在你还打算继续你的如意算盘吗?” Fang Li pondered is speaking such words. 方里就玩味似的说着这样的话。 „Didn't you really plan again make a move?” “你真的不打算再出手了吗?” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka seemingly also wants to make a final effort. 绫小路清隆则貌似还想做出最后的一点努力。 Fang Li has not said definitely the words actually. 方里倒是也没有把话说死。 Now said these also too early.” Fang Li spread out his hands, said: Waits to listen to this special exam content , after said.” “现在说这些还太早了。”方里摊了摊手,道:“还是等听过这次特别考试的内容以后再说吧。” Then, Fang Li did not give the opportunity of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka answering, has turned around directly, to the Room 204 gate, extend the hand, was knocking gently. 说完,方里不给绫小路清隆回话的机会了,直接转过身,对着204号房的门,伸出手,轻轻的敲了起来。 In the gate, a somewhat familiar sound made the reply immediately. 门内,一个有些熟悉的声音立即做出了应答。 Comes.” “进来。” hearing this voice, Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka looked at each other one mutually. 听到这个声音,方里绫小路清隆互相对视了一眼。 It is no doubt that who two people recognized Master of sound are. 不用说,两人都认出了声音的主人是谁。 At that moment, Fang Li opened the door, with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka together, stepped into the room. 当下,方里推开了门,与绫小路清隆一起,踏入了房间。 Those who enter the Fang Li view is one is similar to the information meeting field same small room. 进入方里眼帘的是一个类似于说明会场一样的小房间。 In this small room, behind of desk, powerfully-built, wore the teacher of suit to sit there. 在这个小房间里,一张办公桌的后面,一个体格强壮,身穿西装的教师坐在了那儿。 precisely A-Class's homeroom teacher, Mashima Tomoya. 正是A班的班主任,真嶋智也 Desk that before Mashima Tomoya sits, is placing four chairs in good order. 而在真嶋智也所坐着的办公桌前,正井然有序的摆放着四张椅子。 And on a chair, the person has sat down. 其中一把椅子上,已经有一个人坐下了。 Is you?” “是你们?” The sound of being astonished spreads from its. 讶异的声音从其口中传出。 Then, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was also startled slightly, calls the name of opposite party. 然后,绫小路清隆亦是微微一怔,唤出了对方的名字。 Yukimura.” 幸村。” The above-mentioned person, impressively is in D-Class the scholarship and Horikita Suzune and Kouenji Rokusuke about the same, has to be next to Horikita Suzune's to be promoted rigid, to oneself in the D-Class condition is extremely dissatisfied, strongly has wanted to earn class points, rises A-Class Yukimura Teruhiko. 该人,赫然就是D班中学力与堀北铃音高圆寺六助在伯仲之间,有着仅次于堀北铃音的升班执着,一直对自己在D班的状况感到极为不满,竭力的想赚取班级点数,升上A班幸村辉彦 Ayanokouji, also Nanaya?” 绫小路,还有七夜吗?” Yukimura Teruhiko looked at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, will then focus on Fang Li's body. 幸村辉彦看了一眼绫小路清隆,然后就将注意力放到了方里的身上 As can be seen, Yukimura Teruhiko that past has chocked up earnest and serious face relaxed in this moment slightly. 可以看得出,幸村辉彦那以往一直都摆满了认真和严肃的脸庞在这一刻里微微松弛了下来了。 When other class people see Fang Li, will only treat as the archenemy to regard Fang Li. 其余班级的人看到方里时,只会将方里当做大敌来看待。 May with be the D-Class person, sees Fang Li to appear, that will only make people think that feels relieved and even joyful? 可同为D班的人,看到方里出现,那只会让人觉得放心乃至欣喜吧? Let alone, Yukimura Teruhiko has to be next to the person who Horikita Suzune's is promoted looks at wildly in D-Class. 更别说,幸村辉彦还是在D班中有着仅次于堀北铃音的升班野望的人。 Since you came, my many somewhat felt relieved.” “既然你过来了,那我就多少有些放心了。” Yukimura Teruhiko made this to the speech that Fang Li's ability approves. 幸村辉彦就做出了这番对方里的能力予以认同的发言。 conversely Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, another by magnificent disregarding. 反倒是绫小路清隆,又一次的被华丽的无视了。 This hides the deep shortcoming. 这就是藏得太深的缺点了。 Nanaya...” 七夜…” At that moment, Yukimura Teruhiko then wants to say anything to Fang Li probably. 当下,幸村辉彦便好像想跟方里说些什么。 only, the name just shouted, Mashima Tomoya broke him. 只是,名字才刚刚喊出,真嶋智也就打断了他。 Since came, that sits down respectively.” “既然来了,那就各自坐下吧。” Mashima Tomoya brings consistent calmly, said one unemotionally. 真嶋智也带着一贯的冷静,面无表情的说了一句。 Although without the stipulation can not talk to each other during this period, but information meeting is also about to start, now is good on the static waiting.” “虽然没有规定在此期间不得互相交谈,但说明会也快开始了,现在就静静的等待就好。” hearing this, Yukimura Teruhiko closed the mouth immediately. 听到这话,幸村辉彦顿时闭上了嘴巴。 Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka sized up this room, immediately sat in Yukimura Teruhiko's side. 方里绫小路清隆则是打量了一眼这个房间,随即在幸村辉彦的身旁坐了下来。
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