IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2246: Guest who cannot be welcome

At this time, Fang Li and Horikita Suzune do not know, cause between they and C-Class had not finished. 此时,方里堀北铃音并不知道,他们与C班之间的因缘没有就此结束。 Regardless of Fang Li, in Horikita Suzune's heart, oneself later should not pay attention to C-Class again. 姑且不论方里,在堀北铃音的心中,自己之后应该不会再去注意C班了。 But, conducts the opportunity of again contacting with the C-Class person is actually comes quickly. 可是,与C班的人进行再接触的机会却是来得很快。 In Fang Li and Horikita Suzune returned to D-Class's camp, two people then saw. 就在方里堀北铃音回到了D班的营地里时,两人便是看到了。 This really?” “这样真的可以吗?” I also feel very strange.” “我也觉得很不妥啊。” But cannot throw down her, no matter?” “但也不能就这么丢下她不管吧?” Said is also...” “说的也是…” What to do should?” “到底该怎么办呢?” In the camps, an numerous D-Class student then fell into worriedly, regarding a young girl, is holding the vigorous discussion. 营地里,一众D班的学生便陷入到了苦恼中似的,围绕着一个少女,正在进行着激烈的讨论。 When Fang Li and Horikita Suzune see that young girl, two people were startled. 方里堀北铃音看到那个少女时,两人都怔住了。 That is...” “那是…” Horikita Suzune frowns. 堀北铃音皱起了眉头。 Fang Li swept opposite party one eyes instantaneously, saw clearly the complete picture of opposite party. 方里则是瞬间扫了对方一眼,看清了对方的全貌。 That is one has very simple short hair, the four limbs are slender, are slender, have not being able to say domineering and great strength, has young girl who very much has the feeling. 那是一个留着很干脆的短发,四肢纤细,身材苗条,却有种说不出来的强势和强大,很有存在感的少女。 this young girl then brings a bag, is at D-Class discussion center of a students, among the looks does not have the vacillation of half a point, only then seemed weary of the present condition same impatient and self-ridicules helpless. 这个少女便带着一个行李包,正置身于D班的一众学生们的讨论中心,神色间没有半分的动摇,只有仿佛厌倦了眼前的状况一样的不耐烦和一丝自嘲般的无奈 That appearance, looked like saying simply... 那个样子,简直就像是在说… Knows that will turn into this.” “就知道会变成这样。” The young girls then have this mood, is gazing at D-Class the vigorous discussion of between people silently. 少女便带着这种心情,默默的注视着D班的众人之间的激烈讨论。 From the present situation, classmates seemed like in view of this young girl the appearance of opinion. 从现状来看,班上的同学好像是针对着这名少女起了意见的样子。 Is headed by Sudou Ken, many male students and female students opposed that probably existence of young girl is the same, has been advocating anything. 须藤健为首,不少男生和女生都像是反对少女的存在一样,一直在主张着什么。 But is headed by Hirata Yusuke and Kushida Kikyou, the ones who keeps on good terms with everybody on class are maintaining young girl, good words strongly persuaded. 而以平田洋介和栉田桔梗为首,班上的滥好人们则是在维护着少女似的,竭力的好言相劝。 Naturally, the person of staying out also has. 当然,置身事外的人也是有的。 For example Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, has been discussing the surrounding of circle silently looks at all these occurrences, anything had not said. 比如绫小路清隆,一直都在讨论圈的外围默默的看着这一切的发生,什么都没有说。 For example Sakura Airi, is unable to withstand this type of intense atmosphere to be the same again probably, is shrinking the body, in corner. 再比如佐仓爱里,像是无法承受这种激烈的气氛一样,缩着身体,待在角落中。 For this reason, Sakura Airi is first discovered person who Fang Li comes back. 正因如此,佐仓爱里是第一个发现方里回来的人。 At that moment, Sakura Airi like being saved was the same, unconsciously spoke. 当下,佐仓爱里如同得救了一样,不自觉的出声 „Did you come back? Nanaya-kun.” “你回来了啊?七夜君。” Sakura Airi's call, shifted the attention of all high and low all students all of a sudden, strongly to entering Fang Li body of camp. 佐仓爱里的呼唤,一下子将全班上下所有学生的注意力都转移了开来,集中到进入营地的方里身上 Nanaya-san!” 七夜同学!” You came back finally!” “你终于回来了!” Hirata Yusuke and Kushida Kikyou relaxes showed the smile. 平田洋介和栉田桔梗松了一口气似的露出了笑容。 Nanaya!” 七夜!” You may calculate!” “你可算回来了!” Comes a bit faster!” “快点过来!” Had the important matter!” “发生大事了啦!” The students on class are also rushing to be first makes noise toward Fang Li. 班上的学生亦是争先恐后的向着方里出声。 Then like finally found the pillar same feeling, making Horikita Suzune silent. 那有如终于找到了主心骨一样的感觉,让堀北铃音都为之默然了。 It seems like, your influence on this class has struck root in the hearts of the people, Nanaya-san.” “看来,你对这个班级的影响力已经深入人心了啊,七夜同学。” Then, Horikita Suzune left Fang Li's side, then went to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's direction, seemed like the preparation to ascertain the the entire matter process to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. 说完,堀北铃音离开了方里的身边,转而前往了绫小路清隆的方向,似乎是准备向绫小路清隆问清楚整件事情的经过了。 Fang Li has not cared about Horikita Suzune's departure, lifts the step, moved toward the center of discussion circle. 方里也没有在意堀北铃音的离开,抬起步伐,走向了讨论圈的中心。 Originally encircles numerous D-Class a student side that young girl immediately like greeting the pillar is the same, made way on own initiative the path, making Fang Li walk. 本来围在那名少女身边的一众D班的学生顿时如同迎接主心骨一样,主动让开了道路,让方里走了进来。 This, fell on in the eyes of that young girl, making eyes of young girl flash slightly. 这一幕,落在了那名少女的眼中,让少女的眼眸微微闪动。 Fang Li has not seen these is the same, looks to the opposite party. 方里似没有看到这些一样,看向了对方。 „Are you?” “你是?” Although had guessed to the status of opposite party, but Fang Li conducted the inquiry on own initiative. 虽然对对方的身份已经有所猜测,但方里还是主动进行了询问。 Young girl silent for a while, opens the mouth slightly at once. 少女稍微沉默了一会,旋即开口了。 I am C-Class's Ibuki.” “我是C班的伊吹。” This person, then had the conflict with Ryuuen Kakeru impressively, by expel of Ryuuen Kakeru from camp coming out one of the two C-Class students ———— Ibuki Mio. 这个人,赫然便是与龙园翔发生了冲突,被龙园翔从营地里驱逐了出来的两个C班的学生之一————伊吹澪 Now, this by C-Class abandoning the young girl, then appeared in D-Class's camp. 如今,这个被C班给抛弃的少女,便是出现在了D班的营地中。 The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 Is Kushida-san , in the orchard comes back discovered Ibuki-san that under tree sits in the forest, gave to lead her.” “是栉田同学在果园里回来的时候发现了坐在森林的一棵树下的伊吹同学,将她给带了回来。” Hirata Yousuke gave the explanation. 平田洋介做出了解释。 Regarding this, Kushida Kikyou showed the puzzle expression, helpless said one very much. 对此,栉田桔梗露出了困扰的表情,很是无奈的说了一句。 Because, can't place that place a Ibuki-san person not?” “因为,不能把伊吹同学一个人放在那种地方不是吗?” It looks like the words that Kushida Kikyou can speak very much. 很像栉田桔梗会说的话呢。 Moreover, morning time, Kushida Kikyou was worried that was given the expel two people very much by C-Class. 而且,早上的时候,栉田桔梗就很担心被C班驱逐的两个人。 Now, saw that the opposite party presents the appearance in forest alone, Kushida Kikyou will definitely not give to bleed off the opposite party, should pass through quite warm convincing, finally bringing to come back Ibuki Mio? 现在,看到对方孤零零的出现在森林里的模样,栉田桔梗肯定不会将对方给放走,应该经过了一番颇为热情的说服,最终才将伊吹澪给带了回来的吧? only, regarding the arrival of Ibuki Mio, the students on class is not extending welcome completely. 只是,对于伊吹澪的到来,班上的学生并不是全部都在表示欢迎。 I think that this is very correct judgment.” Hirata Yousuke takes the lead to express: Cannot put a girl to drift in the forest, let alone Ibuki-san by C-Class to expel, that was unable to put is not managing.” “我认为这是很正确的判断。”平田洋介率先表示道:“不能放着一个女孩子在森林里漂泊,更别说伊吹同学还被C班驱逐,那就更不能放着不管了。” Obviously, regarding Ibuki Mio's current condition, Kushida Kikyou has explained with classmates. 显然,对于伊吹澪目前的状况,栉田桔梗已经跟班上的同学说明过了。 Good-hearted person like Hirata Yousuke, isn't able to sit by and do nothing to the Ibuki Mio present situation absolutely? 平田洋介这样心地善良的人,绝对无法对伊吹澪的现状坐视不管吧? Only pitifully... 只可惜… If she is a spy?” Yukimura Teruhiko raised hand in the crowd, expressed the opposing opinion, so said: Makes other class treat in own camp, to be honest, I have no way to feel relieved.” “要是她是间谍呢?”幸村辉彦在人群中举起手来,发表了反对意见,这般说道:“让别的班级待在自己的营地里,说实话,我没法放心。” Is this also the idea of many on the scene? 这亦是在场不少人的想法吧? So long as treats in the camp, that can know how other class planned to pass the test, and even discovered other class taking an examination direction with the countermeasure. 只要待在营地里,那就能知道别的班级打算如何度过考试,乃至发现别的班级的应考方向跟对策。 In addition, if in foothold accounts for the authorization time to pass, the leader goes to use the key card, when seizes the foothold, other class person presents, the status of leader completely exposed. 除此之外,要是在据点的占有权时间过去,领导者前往使用钥匙卡,重新占领据点时,别的班级的人就在场,那领导者的身份就完全暴露了。 These essential factors, make people unable to accept other class person to present safely. 这些要素,都让人无法安心接受别的班级的人在场。 I also know that this forces someone to do something against his will very much.” Kushida Kikyou felt probably was sorry very much the dangling view, has not actually compromised, saying that worries about very much: But, if we do not manage Ibuki-san, that Ibuki-san really slept outside in the forest.” “我也知道这很强人所难。”栉田桔梗像是感到很抱歉似的垂下眼帘,却没有妥协,很担忧的说道:“可是,如果我们都不管伊吹同学的话,那伊吹同学就真的得在森林里露宿了。” Let one sleep outside to expel girl all alone in the forest by class, but does not extend the aid to it, sits by and does nothing. 让一个被班级驱逐的女孩子孤身一人在森林里露宿,而不对其伸出援手,坐视不管。 This matter, lets the expression that the oppositions on class also showed hesitant and struggle. 这种事情,让班上的反对派也都露出了犹豫和挣扎的表情。 Although D-Class these students are not every one is very intelligent, even majority is very ordinary, and what is more also many problem children, are the one by one out-and-out defective items. D班的这些同学们虽然不是个个都很聪明,甚至大部分还很平凡,更甚者还有许多问题儿童,乃是一个个不折不扣的缺陷品。 However, these student actually absolutely are not villain. 然而,这些同学却绝对不是坏人 Even Sudou Ken does not have the means to say looks on Ibuki Mio, no matter, expels it. 须藤健都没有办法说出坐视伊吹澪不管,将其重新赶走的话来。 It can be imagined, the hearts of these people actually do not go bad. 可想而知,这些人的心地其实都不坏。 Therefore, facing this difficult choice, everyone puzzles very much. 因此,面对这个两难的选择,所有人都很困扰。 At this time, Ibuki Mio opened the mouth finally. 就在这个时候,伊吹澪总算开口了。 I know that I am an eyesore very much, did not need you saying that I leave immediately.” “我知道我很碍眼,不用你们说,我都会立刻离开的。” Ibuki Mio self-ridiculed probably said such a line, makes noise at once. 伊吹澪像是自嘲般的说了这么一句话,旋即还出声。 I come only to make you give I a point eat, I a day have not eaten the thing, naturally, if you feel awkward, when that I had not said.” “我过来只是想让你们给我一点吃的而已,我已经一天没吃东西了,当然,如果你们觉得为难,那就当我没说。” Ibuki Mio is in front of all everyone, makes such explanation. 伊吹澪当着全班所有人的面,做出这样的说明。
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